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Published: Mar 8, 2017 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 17 Imported by: 0


Ciao Testutil

A given ciao component will have unit tests which cover its internals in a component specific way. But this is limited in scope and cannot cover all of the component's functionality, because that functionality is ultimately about creating and servicing SSNTP command/event/error/status flows.

To enable testing of those SSNTP flows, the testutil package provides a set of common test tools for ciao. Included are:

  • shared payload constants
  • shared test certificates
  • test agent implementation for ssntp.AGENT and ssntp.NETAGENT roles
  • test controller implementation for ssntp.Controller role
  • test server implementation for ssntp.SERVER role
  • example client-server test spanning the above SSNTP actors
  • channels for tracking command/event/error/status flows across the SSNTP test actors

This allows a ciao component to be tested more meaninfully, but in partial isolation. The ciao component under test would be a real implementation, but its SSNTP peers are the shared synthetic implementations from the testutil package.

For an example of how to enable basic SSNTP test flows and track the results through the channel helpers review the internals of the example client-server test.

Additional test options


The next level of test breadth comes from actually running a test cluster with real implementations of each ciao component. This is provided in a controlled fashion via the singlevm CI script, which has detailed documentation on the wiki at Single VM Development Environment.


Testing is of course also possible on a real hardware cluster which has been set up according to the cluster setup guide. A minimal Build Acceptance Test (BAT) framework outputting TAP (Test Anything Protocol) results is published in our release tools. The python script drives ciao-cli to query and manipulate the state of a cluster.




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const AgentIP = ""

AgentIP is a test agent IP address

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const AgentUUID = "4cb19522-1e18-439a-883a-f9b2a3a95f5e"

AgentUUID is a node UUID for coordinated stop/restart/delete tests

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const AssignIPYaml = `assign_public_ip:
  concentrator_uuid: ` + CNCIUUID + `
  tenant_uuid: ` + TenantUUID + `
  instance_uuid: ` + InstanceUUID + `
  public_ip: ` + InstancePublicIP + `
  private_ip: ` + InstancePrivateIP + `
  vnic_mac: ` + VNICMAC + `

AssignIPYaml is a sample AssignPublicIP ssntp.Command payload for test cases

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const AssignedIPYaml = `public_ip_assigned:
  concentrator_uuid: ` + CNCIUUID + `
  instance_uuid: ` + InstanceUUID + `
  public_ip: ` + InstancePublicIP + `
  private_ip: ` + InstancePrivateIP + `

AssignedIPYaml is a sample PublicIPAssigned ssntp.Event payload for test cases

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const AttachVolumeFailureYaml = `instance_uuid: ` + InstanceUUID + `
volume_uuid: ` + VolumeUUID + `
reason: attach_failure

AttachVolumeFailureYaml is a sample AttachVolumeFailure ssntp.Error payload for test cases

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const AttachVolumeYaml = `attach_volume:
  instance_uuid: ` + InstanceUUID + `
  volume_uuid: ` + VolumeUUID + `
  workload_agent_uuid: ` + AgentUUID + `

AttachVolumeYaml is a sample yaml payload for the ssntp Attach Volume command.

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const BadAttachVolumeYaml = `attach_volume:
  volume_uuid: ` + VolumeUUID + `

BadAttachVolumeYaml is a corrupt yaml payload for the ssntp Attach Volume command.

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const BadDetachVolumeYaml = `detach_volume:
  instance_uuid: ` + InstanceUUID + `

BadDetachVolumeYaml is a corrupt yaml payload for the ssntp Detach Volume command.

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const CNCIAddedYaml = `concentrator_instance_added:
  instance_uuid: ` + CNCIUUID + `
  tenant_uuid: ` + TenantUUID + `
  concentrator_ip: ` + CNCIIP + `
  concentrator_mac: ` + CNCIMAC + `

CNCIAddedYaml is a sample ConcentratorInstanceAdded ssntp.Event payload for test cases

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const CNCIIP = ""

CNCIIP is a test CNCI instance IP address

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const CNCIInstanceData = `scheduler_addr:

CNCIInstanceData is a sample CNCIInstanceConfig payload for test cases

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const CNCIInstanceUUID = "c6beb8b5-0bfc-43fd-9638-7dd788179fd8"

CNCIInstanceUUID is a CNCI instance UUID for use in start/stop/restart/delete tests

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const CNCIMAC = "CA:FE:C0:00:01:02"

CNCIMAC is a test CNCI instance MAC address

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const CNCIStartYaml = `start:
  instance_uuid: ` + CNCIInstanceUUID + `
  image_uuid: ` + ImageUUID + `
  fw_type: efi
  persistence: host
  vm_type: qemu
    - type: vcpus
      value: 4
      mandatory: true
    - type: mem_mb
      value: 4096
      mandatory: true
    - type: network_node
      value: 1
      mandatory: true
    - type: physical_network
      value_string: ` + ComputeNet + `
    vnic_mac: ` + VNICMAC + `
    vnic_uuid: ` + VNICUUID + `
    concentrator_uuid: ` + CNCIUUID + `
    concentrator_ip: ` + CNCIIP + `
    subnet: ` + TenantSubnet + `
    subnet_key: ` + SubnetKey + `
    subnet_uuid: ""
    private_ip: ""
    public_ip: false

CNCIStartYaml is a sample CNCI workload START ssntp.Command payload for test cases

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const CNCIUUID = "7e84c2d6-5a84-4f9b-98e3-38980f722d1b"

CNCIUUID is a test CNCI instance UUID

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const CiaoPort = "447"

CiaoPort is a test port for ciao's api service

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const ComputeAPIPort = "8774"

ComputeAPIPort is the compute service port the testutil identity service will use by default

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const ComputeNet = ""

ComputeNet is a test compute network

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const ComputePort = "443"

ComputePort is a test port for the compute service

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const ConfigureYaml = `configure:
    storage_uri: ` + StorageURI + `
    ceph_id: ` + ManagementID + `
    volume_port: ` + VolumePort + `
    compute_port: ` + ComputePort + `
    ciao_port: ` + CiaoPort + `
    compute_fqdn: ""
    compute_ca: ` + HTTPSCACert + `
    compute_cert: ` + HTTPSKey + `
    identity_user: ` + IdentityUser + `
    identity_password: ` + IdentityPassword + `
    cnci_vcpus: 0
    cnci_mem: 0
    cnci_disk: 0
    admin_ssh_key: ""
    admin_password: ""
    - ` + ComputeNet + `
    - ` + MgmtNet + `
    disk_limit: false
    mem_limit: false
    type: glance
    url: ` + GlanceURL + `
    type: keystone
    url: ` + KeystoneURL + `

ConfigureYaml is a sample CONFIGURE ssntp.Command payload for test cases

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const DeleteFailureYaml = `instance_uuid: ` + InstanceUUID + `
reason: no_instance

DeleteFailureYaml is a sample workload DeleteFailure ssntp.Error payload for test cases

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const DeleteYaml = `delete:
  instance_uuid: ` + InstanceUUID + `
  workload_agent_uuid: ` + AgentUUID + `

DeleteYaml is a sample workload DELETE ssntp.Command payload for test cases

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const DetachVolumeFailureYaml = `instance_uuid: ` + InstanceUUID + `
volume_uuid: ` + VolumeUUID + `
reason: detach_failure

DetachVolumeFailureYaml is a sample DetachVolumeFailure ssntp.Error payload for test cases

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const DetachVolumeYaml = `detach_volume:
  instance_uuid: ` + InstanceUUID + `
  volume_uuid: ` + VolumeUUID + `
  workload_agent_uuid: ` + AgentUUID + `

DetachVolumeYaml is a sample yaml payload for the ssntp Detach Volume command.

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const DockerImage = "docker/latest"

DockerImage is a docker image name for use in start/restart tests

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const EvacuateYaml = `evacuate:
  workload_agent_uuid: ` + AgentUUID + `

EvacuateYaml is a sample node EVACUATE ssntp.Command payload for test cases

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const GlanceURL = "http://glance.example.com"

GlanceURL is a test Glance image server url

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const HTTPSCACert = "/etc/pki/ciao/compute_ca.pem"

HTTPSCACert is a path to the CA cert used to sign the HTTPSKey

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const HTTPSKey = "/etc/pki/ciao/compute_key.pem"

HTTPSKey is a path to a key for the compute service

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const IdentityPassword = "ciao"

IdentityPassword is a test password for the test identity server

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const IdentityUser = "controller"

IdentityUser is a test user for the test identity server

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const ImageAPIPort = "9292"

ImageAPIPort is the image service port the testutil identity service will use by default

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const ImageUUID = "59460b8a-5f53-4e3e-b5ce-b71fed8c7e64"

ImageUUID is a disk image UUID for use in start/restart tests

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const InsDelYaml = `instance_deleted:
  instance_uuid: ` + InstanceUUID + `

InsDelYaml is a sample workload InstanceDeleted ssntp.Event payload for test cases

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const InstancePrivateIP = ""

InstancePrivateIP is a test instance private IP

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const InstancePublicIP = ""

InstancePublicIP is a test instance public IP

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const InstanceUUID = "3390740c-dce9-48d6-b83a-a717417072ce"

InstanceUUID is an instance UUID for use in start/stop/restart/delete tests

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const KeystoneURL = "http://keystone.example.com"

KeystoneURL is a test Keystone identity server url

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const ManagementID = "ciao"

ManagementID is a test identifier for a Ceph ID

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const MgmtNet = ""

MgmtNet is a test management network

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const NetAgentUUID = "6be56328-92e2-4ecd-b426-8fe529c04e0c"

NetAgentUUID is a network node UUID for coordinated tests

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const NodeConnectedYaml = `node_connected:
  node_uuid: ` + AgentUUID + `
  node_type: ` + payloads.NetworkNode + `

NodeConnectedYaml is a sample node NodeConnected ssntp.Event payload for test cases

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const NodeOnlyStatsYaml = `node_uuid: ` + AgentUUID + `
mem_total_mb: 3896
mem_available_mb: 3896
disk_total_mb: 500000
disk_available_mb: 256000
load: 0
cpus_online: 4
hostname: test
- ip:
  mac: 02:00:15:03:6f:49

NodeOnlyStatsYaml is a sample minimal node STATS ssntp.Command payload for test cases with no per-instance statistics

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const PartialReadyYaml = `node_uuid: ` + AgentUUID + `
load: 1

PartialReadyYaml is a sample minimal node READY ssntp.Status payload for test cases

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const PartialRestartYaml = `restart:
  instance_uuid: ` + InstanceUUID + `
  workload_agent_uuid: ` + AgentUUID + `
  fw_type: efi
  persistence: host
    - type: vcpus
      value: 2
      mandatory: true

PartialRestartYaml is a sample minimal workload RESTART ssntp.Command payload for test cases

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const PartialStartYaml = `start:
  instance_uuid: ` + InstanceUUID + `
  image_uuid: ` + ImageUUID + `
  docker_image: ` + DockerImage + `
  fw_type: efi
  persistence: host
  vm_type: qemu
    - type: vcpus
      value: 2
      mandatory: true

PartialStartYaml is a sample minimal workload START ssntp.Command payload for test cases

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const PartialStatsYaml = `node_uuid: ` + AgentUUID + `
load: 1

PartialStatsYaml is a sample minimal node STATS ssntp.Command payload for test cases with limited node statistics and no per-instance statistics

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const ReadyYaml = `node_uuid: ` + AgentUUID + `
mem_total_mb: 3896
mem_available_mb: 3896
disk_total_mb: 500000
disk_available_mb: 256000
load: 0
cpus_online: 4
- ip:
  mac: 02:00:15:03:6f:49
- ip:
  mac: 02:00:8c:ba:f9:45

ReadyYaml is a sample node READY ssntp.Status payload for test cases

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const ReleaseIPYaml = `release_public_ip:
  concentrator_uuid: ` + CNCIUUID + `
  tenant_uuid: ` + TenantUUID + `
  instance_uuid: ` + InstanceUUID + `
  public_ip: ` + InstancePublicIP + `
  private_ip: ` + InstancePrivateIP + `
  vnic_mac: ` + VNICMAC + `

ReleaseIPYaml is a sample ReleasePublicIP ssntp.Command payload for test cases

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const RestartFailureYaml = `instance_uuid: ` + InstanceUUID + `
reason: already_running

RestartFailureYaml is a sample workload RestartFailure ssntp.Error payload for test cases

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const RestartYaml = `restart:
  tenant_uuid: ` + TenantUUID + `
  instance_uuid: ` + InstanceUUID + `
  image_uuid: ` + ImageUUID + `
  workload_agent_uuid: ` + AgentUUID + `
  fw_type: efi
  persistence: host
  - type: vcpus
    value: 2
    mandatory: true
  - type: mem_mb
    value: 4096
    mandatory: true
  - type: vcpus
    value: 1
  - type: mem_mb
    value: 128
    vnic_mac: ""
    vnic_uuid: ""
    concentrator_uuid: ""
    concentrator_ip: ""
    subnet: ""
    subnet_key: ""
    subnet_uuid: ""
    private_ip: ""
    public_ip: false

RestartYaml is a sample workload RESTART ssntp.Command payload for test cases

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const SchedulerAddr = ""

SchedulerAddr is a test scheduler address

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const StartFailureYaml = `instance_uuid: ` + InstanceUUID + `
reason: full_cloud

StartFailureYaml is a sample workload StartFailure ssntp.Error payload for test cases

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const StartYaml = `start:
  tenant_uuid: ` + TenantUUID + `
  instance_uuid: ` + InstanceUUID + `
  image_uuid: ` + ImageUUID + `
  docker_image: ` + DockerImage + `
  fw_type: efi
  persistence: host
  vm_type: qemu
  - type: vcpus
    value: 2
    mandatory: true
  - type: mem_mb
    value: 4096
    mandatory: true
  - type: vcpus
    value: 1
  - type: mem_mb
    value: 128
    vnic_mac: ""
    vnic_uuid: ""
    concentrator_uuid: ""
    concentrator_ip: ""
    subnet: ""
    subnet_key: ""
    subnet_uuid: ""
    private_ip: ""
    public_ip: false

StartYaml is a sample workload START ssntp.Command payload for test usage

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const StatsYaml = `node_uuid: ` + AgentUUID + `
status: READY
mem_total_mb: 3896
mem_available_mb: 3896
disk_total_mb: 500000
disk_available_mb: 256000
load: 0
cpus_online: 4
hostname: test
- ip:
  mac: 02:00:15:03:6f:49
- ip:
  mac: 02:00:8c:ba:f9:45
- instance_uuid: fe2970fa-7b36-460b-8b79-9eb4745e62f2
  state: active
  ssh_ip: ""
  ssh_port: 0
  memory_usage_mb: 40
  disk_usage_mb: 2
  cpu_usage: 90
  volumes: []
- instance_uuid: cbda5bd8-33bd-4d39-9f52-ace8c9f0b99c
  state: active
  ssh_port: 8768
  memory_usage_mb: 50
  disk_usage_mb: 10
  cpu_usage: 0
  volumes: []
- instance_uuid: 1f5b2fe6-4493-4561-904a-8f4e956218d9
  state: exited
  ssh_ip: ""
  ssh_port: 0
  memory_usage_mb: -1
  disk_usage_mb: 2
  cpu_usage: -1
  - 67d86208-b46c-4465-9018-e14187d4010

StatsYaml is a sample node STATS ssntp.Command payload for test cases

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const StopFailureYaml = `instance_uuid: ` + InstanceUUID + `
reason: already_stopped

StopFailureYaml is a sample workload StopFailure ssntp.Error payload for test cases

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const StopYaml = `stop:
  instance_uuid: ` + InstanceUUID + `
  workload_agent_uuid: ` + AgentUUID + `

StopYaml is a sample workload STOP ssntp.Command payload for test cases

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const StorageURI = "/etc/ciao/ciao.json"

StorageURI is a test storage URI

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const SubnetKey = "8"

SubnetKey is a test tenant subnet key

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const TenantAddedYaml = `tenant_added:
  agent_uuid: ` + AgentUUID + `
  agent_ip: ` + AgentIP + `
  tenant_uuid: ` + TenantUUID + `
  tenant_subnet: ` + TenantSubnet + `
  concentrator_uuid: ` + CNCIUUID + `
  concentrator_ip: ` + CNCIIP + `
  subnet_key: ` + SubnetKey + `

TenantAddedYaml is a sample TenantAdded ssntp.Event payload for test cases

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const TenantRemovedYaml = `tenant_removed:
  agent_uuid: ` + AgentUUID + `
  agent_ip: ` + AgentIP + `
  tenant_uuid: ` + TenantUUID + `
  tenant_subnet: ` + TenantSubnet + `
  concentrator_uuid: ` + CNCIUUID + `
  concentrator_ip: ` + CNCIIP + `
  subnet_key: ` + SubnetKey + `

TenantRemovedYaml is a sample TenantRemove ssntp.Event payload for test cases

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const TenantSubnet = ""

TenantSubnet is a test tenant subnet

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const TenantUUID = "2491851d-dce9-48d6-b83a-a717417072ce"

TenantUUID is a test tenant UUID

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const TestCACert = `` /* 1131-byte string literal not displayed */

TestCACert is a snake oil Certificate Authority for test automation.

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const TestCACertSchedulerMultiHomed = `` /* 1164-byte string literal not displayed */

TestCACertSchedulerMultiHomed is a snake oil SSNTP multihomed scheduler role Certificate Authority for test automation.

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const TestCertAgent = `` /* 2802-byte string literal not displayed */

TestCertAgent is a snake oil SSNTP Agent role certificate for test automation.

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const TestCertAgentNetAgent = `` /* 2818-byte string literal not displayed */

TestCertAgentNetAgent is a snake oil SSNTP AGENT|NETAGENT role certificate for test automation.

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const TestCertCNCIAgent = `` /* 2806-byte string literal not displayed */

TestCertCNCIAgent is a snake oil SSNTP CNCIAgent role certificate for test automation.

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const TestCertController = `` /* 2806-byte string literal not displayed */

TestCertController is a snake oil SSNTP Controller role certificate for test automation.

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const TestCertNetAgent = `` /* 2806-byte string literal not displayed */

TestCertNetAgent is a snake oil SSNTP NetAgent role certificate for test automation.

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const TestCertScheduler = `` /* 2810-byte string literal not displayed */

TestCertScheduler is a snake oil SSNTP Scheduler role certificate for test automation.

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const TestCertServer = `` /* 2802-byte string literal not displayed */

TestCertServer is a snake oil SSNTP Server role certificate for test automation.

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const TestCertUnknown = `` /* 2790-byte string literal not displayed */

TestCertUnknown is a snake oil SSNTP Unknown role certificate for test automation.

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const UnassignedIPYaml = `public_ip_unassigned:
  concentrator_uuid: ` + CNCIUUID + `
  instance_uuid: ` + InstanceUUID + `
  public_ip: ` + InstancePublicIP + `
  private_ip: ` + InstancePrivateIP + `

UnassignedIPYaml is a sample PublicIPUnassigned ssntp.Event payload for test cases

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const VNICMAC = "aa:bb:cc:01:02:03"

VNICMAC is a test instance VNIC MAC address

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const VNICUUID = "7f49d00d-1995-4156-8c79-5f5ab24ce138"

VNICUUID is a test instance VNIC UUID

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const VolumeAPIPort = "8776"

VolumeAPIPort is the volume service port the testutil identity service will use by default

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const VolumePort = "446"

VolumePort is a test port for the compute service

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const VolumeUUID = "67d86208-b46c-4465-9018-e14187d4010"

VolumeUUID is a node UUID for storage tests


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var ComputeURL = "https://localhost:" + ComputeAPIPort

ComputeURL is the compute service URL the testutil identity service will use by default

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var ComputeUser = "f452bbc7-5076-44d5-922c-3b9d2ce1503f"

ComputeUser is the test user/tenant name the testutil identity service will use by default

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var IdentityURL string

IdentityURL is the URL for the testutil identity service

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var ImageURL = "https://localhost:" + ImageAPIPort

ImageURL is the image service URL the testutil identity service will use by default

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var InstanceStat001 = payloads.InstanceStat{
	InstanceUUID:  "fe2970fa-7b36-460b-8b79-9eb4745e62f2",
	State:         payloads.Running,
	MemoryUsageMB: 40,
	DiskUsageMB:   2,
	CPUUsage:      90,
	SSHIP:         "",
	SSHPort:       0,

InstanceStat001 is a sample payloads.InstanceStat

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var InstanceStat002 = payloads.InstanceStat{
	InstanceUUID:  "cbda5bd8-33bd-4d39-9f52-ace8c9f0b99c",
	State:         payloads.Running,
	MemoryUsageMB: 50,
	DiskUsageMB:   10,
	CPUUsage:      0,
	SSHIP:         "",
	SSHPort:       8768,

InstanceStat002 is a sample payloads.InstanceStat

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var InstanceStat003 = payloads.InstanceStat{
	InstanceUUID:  "1f5b2fe6-4493-4561-904a-8f4e956218d9",
	State:         payloads.Exited,
	MemoryUsageMB: -1,
	DiskUsageMB:   2,
	CPUUsage:      -1,
	Volumes:       []string{VolumeUUID},

InstanceStat003 is a sample payloads.InstanceStat

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var MultipleComputeNetworks = []payloads.NetworkStat{

MultipleComputeNetworks is meant to represent a node with full access to all compute networks in the testutil cluster

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var NetworkStat001 = payloads.NetworkStat{
	NodeIP:  "",
	NodeMAC: "02:00:15:03:6f:49",

NetworkStat001 is a sample payloads.NetworkStat

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var NetworkStat002 = payloads.NetworkStat{
	NodeIP:  "",
	NodeMAC: "02:00:8c:ba:f9:45",

NetworkStat002 is a sample payloads.NetworkStat

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var PartialComputeNetworks = []payloads.NetworkStat{

PartialComputeNetworks is meant to represent a node with partial access to compute networks in the testutil cluster

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var VolumeURL = "https://localhost:" + VolumeAPIPort

VolumeURL is the volume service URL the testutil identity service will use by default


func IdentityHandlers

func IdentityHandlers() *mux.Router

IdentityHandlers creates a mux.Router for identity POST and GET handlers

func MakeTestCerts

func MakeTestCerts() error

MakeTestCerts will create test certificate files for all roles that return valid paths from RoleToTestCertPath

func ReadyPayload

func ReadyPayload(uuid string, memTotal int, memAvail int, networks []payloads.NetworkStat) payloads.Ready

ReadyPayload is a helper to craft a mostly fixed ssntp.READY status payload, with parameters to specify the source node uuid and available resources

func RemoveTestCerts

func RemoveTestCerts()

RemoveTestCerts will remove test cert files created by MakeTestCerts

func RoleToTestCert

func RoleToTestCert(role ssntp.Role) string

RoleToTestCert returns a string containing the testutil certificate matching the specified ssntp.Role

func RoleToTestCertPath

func RoleToTestCertPath(role ssntp.Role) (string, string, error)

RoleToTestCertPath returns a string containing the path to a test ca cert file, a string containing the path to the cert file for the given role

func StartIdentityServer

func StartIdentityServer(config IdentityConfig) *httptest.Server

StartIdentityServer starts a fake keystone service for unit testing ciao. Caller must call Close() on the returned *httptest.Server.

func StatsPayload

func StatsPayload(uuid string, name string, instances []payloads.InstanceStat, networks []payloads.NetworkStat) payloads.Stat

StatsPayload is a factory function for a node STATS ssntp.Command payload for test cases The StatsPayload() factory function returns a payloads.Stat object. If passed uuid==AgentUUID, instances==[InstanceStat001,InstanceStat002,InstanceStat003] and networks==[NetworkStat001,NetworkStat002], then StatsPayload() will return a payloads.Stat matching the StatsYaml string.


type IdentityConfig

type IdentityConfig struct {
	VolumeURL  string
	ImageURL   string
	ComputeURL string
	ProjectID  string

IdentityConfig contains the URL of the ciao compute and volume services, and the TenantID of the tenant you want tokens to be sent for. The test Identity service only supports authentication of a single tenant, and gives the token an admin role.

type Result

type Result struct {
	InstanceUUID string
	Err          error
	NodeUUID     string
	TenantUUID   string
	CNCI         bool
	VolumeUUID   string

Result is a common result structure for tests spanning between controller client, scheduler server, and the various (eg: Agent, NetAgent, CNCIAgent) agent roles.

type SsntpTestClient

type SsntpTestClient struct {
	Ssntp ssntp.Client
	Name  string

	UUID                   string
	Role                   ssntp.Role
	StartFail              bool
	StartFailReason        payloads.StartFailureReason
	StopFail               bool
	StopFailReason         payloads.StopFailureReason
	RestartFail            bool
	RestartFailReason      payloads.RestartFailureReason
	DeleteFail             bool
	DeleteFailReason       payloads.DeleteFailureReason
	AttachFail             bool
	AttachVolumeFailReason payloads.AttachVolumeFailureReason
	DetachFail             bool
	DetachVolumeFailReason payloads.DetachVolumeFailureReason

	CmdChans        map[ssntp.Command]chan Result
	CmdChansLock    *sync.Mutex
	EventChans      map[ssntp.Event]chan Result
	EventChansLock  *sync.Mutex
	ErrorChans      map[ssntp.Error]chan Result
	ErrorChansLock  *sync.Mutex
	StatusChans     map[ssntp.Status]chan Result
	StatusChansLock *sync.Mutex
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SsntpTestClient is global state for the testutil SSNTP client worker

func NewSsntpTestClientConnection

func NewSsntpTestClientConnection(name string, role ssntp.Role, uuid string) (*SsntpTestClient, error)

NewSsntpTestClientConnection creates an SsntpTestClient and dials the server. Calling with a unique name parameter string for inclusion in the SsntpTestClient.Name field aides in debugging. The role parameter is mandatory. The uuid string parameter allows tests to specify a known uuid for simpler tests.

func (*SsntpTestClient) AddCmdChan

func (client *SsntpTestClient) AddCmdChan(cmd ssntp.Command) chan Result

AddCmdChan adds an ssntp.Command to the SsntpTestClient command channel

func (*SsntpTestClient) AddErrorChan

func (client *SsntpTestClient) AddErrorChan(error ssntp.Error) chan Result

AddErrorChan adds a ssntp.Error to the SsntpTestClient error channel

func (*SsntpTestClient) AddEventChan

func (client *SsntpTestClient) AddEventChan(evt ssntp.Event) chan Result

AddEventChan adds a ssntp.Event to the SsntpTestClient event channel

func (*SsntpTestClient) AddStatusChan

func (client *SsntpTestClient) AddStatusChan(status ssntp.Status) chan Result

AddStatusChan adds an ssntp.Status to the SsntpTestClient status channel

func (*SsntpTestClient) CommandNotify

func (client *SsntpTestClient) CommandNotify(command ssntp.Command, frame *ssntp.Frame)

CommandNotify implements the SSNTP client CommandNotify callback for SsntpTestClient

func (*SsntpTestClient) ConnectNotify

func (client *SsntpTestClient) ConnectNotify()

ConnectNotify implements the SSNTP client ConnectNotify callback for SsntpTestClient

func (*SsntpTestClient) DisconnectNotify

func (client *SsntpTestClient) DisconnectNotify()

DisconnectNotify implements the SSNTP client ConnectNotify callback for SsntpTestClient

func (*SsntpTestClient) ErrorNotify

func (client *SsntpTestClient) ErrorNotify(error ssntp.Error, frame *ssntp.Frame)

ErrorNotify is an SSNTP callback stub for SsntpTestClient

func (*SsntpTestClient) EventNotify

func (client *SsntpTestClient) EventNotify(event ssntp.Event, frame *ssntp.Frame)

EventNotify is an SSNTP callback stub for SsntpTestClient

func (*SsntpTestClient) GetCmdChanResult

func (client *SsntpTestClient) GetCmdChanResult(c chan Result, cmd ssntp.Command) (result Result, err error)

GetCmdChanResult gets a Result from the SsntpTestClient command channel

func (*SsntpTestClient) GetErrorChanResult

func (client *SsntpTestClient) GetErrorChanResult(c chan Result, error ssntp.Error) (result Result, err error)

GetErrorChanResult gets a Result from the SsntpTestClient error channel

func (*SsntpTestClient) GetEventChanResult

func (client *SsntpTestClient) GetEventChanResult(c chan Result, evt ssntp.Event) (result Result, err error)

GetEventChanResult gets a Result from the SsntpTestClient event channel

func (*SsntpTestClient) GetStatusChanResult

func (client *SsntpTestClient) GetStatusChanResult(c chan Result, status ssntp.Status) (result Result, err error)

GetStatusChanResult gets a Result from the SsntpTestClient status channel

func (*SsntpTestClient) SendConcentratorAddedEvent

func (client *SsntpTestClient) SendConcentratorAddedEvent(instanceUUID string, tenantUUID string, ip string, vnicMAC string)

SendConcentratorAddedEvent allows an SsntpTestClient to push an ssntp.ConcentratorInstanceAdded event frame

func (*SsntpTestClient) SendDeleteEvent

func (client *SsntpTestClient) SendDeleteEvent(uuid string)

SendDeleteEvent allows an SsntpTestClient to push an ssntp.InstanceDeleted event frame

func (*SsntpTestClient) SendPublicIPAssignedEvent

func (client *SsntpTestClient) SendPublicIPAssignedEvent()

SendPublicIPAssignedEvent allows an SsntpTestClient to push an ssntp.PublicIPAssigned event frame

func (*SsntpTestClient) SendPublicIPUnassignedEvent

func (client *SsntpTestClient) SendPublicIPUnassignedEvent()

SendPublicIPUnassignedEvent allows an SsntpTestClient to push an ssntp.PublicIPUnassigned event frame

func (*SsntpTestClient) SendResultAndDelCmdChan

func (client *SsntpTestClient) SendResultAndDelCmdChan(cmd ssntp.Command, result Result)

SendResultAndDelCmdChan deletes an ssntp.Command from the SsntpTestClient command channel

func (*SsntpTestClient) SendResultAndDelErrorChan

func (client *SsntpTestClient) SendResultAndDelErrorChan(error ssntp.Error, result Result)

SendResultAndDelErrorChan deletes an ssntp.Error from the SsntpTestClient error channel

func (*SsntpTestClient) SendResultAndDelEventChan

func (client *SsntpTestClient) SendResultAndDelEventChan(evt ssntp.Event, result Result)

SendResultAndDelEventChan deletes an ssntp.Event from the SsntpTestClient event channel

func (*SsntpTestClient) SendResultAndDelStatusChan

func (client *SsntpTestClient) SendResultAndDelStatusChan(status ssntp.Status, result Result)

SendResultAndDelStatusChan deletes an ssntp.Status from the SsntpTestClient status channel

func (*SsntpTestClient) SendStatsCmd

func (client *SsntpTestClient) SendStatsCmd()

SendStatsCmd pushes an ssntp.STATS command frame from the SsntpTestClient

func (*SsntpTestClient) SendStatus

func (client *SsntpTestClient) SendStatus(memTotal int, memAvail int, networks []payloads.NetworkStat)

SendStatus pushes an ssntp status frame from the SsntpTestClient with the indicated total and available memory statistics

func (*SsntpTestClient) SendTenantAddedEvent

func (client *SsntpTestClient) SendTenantAddedEvent()

SendTenantAddedEvent allows an SsntpTestClient to push an ssntp.TenantAdded event frame

func (*SsntpTestClient) SendTenantRemovedEvent

func (client *SsntpTestClient) SendTenantRemovedEvent()

SendTenantRemovedEvent allows an SsntpTestClient to push an ssntp.TenantRemoved event frame

func (*SsntpTestClient) SendTrace

func (client *SsntpTestClient) SendTrace()

SendTrace allows an SsntpTestClient to push an ssntp.TraceReport event frame

func (*SsntpTestClient) Shutdown

func (client *SsntpTestClient) Shutdown()

Shutdown shuts down the testutil.SsntpTestClient and cleans up state

func (*SsntpTestClient) StatusNotify

func (client *SsntpTestClient) StatusNotify(status ssntp.Status, frame *ssntp.Frame)

StatusNotify implements the SSNTP client StatusNotify callback for SsntpTestClient

type SsntpTestController

type SsntpTestController struct {
	Ssntp          ssntp.Client
	Name           string
	UUID           string
	CmdChans       map[ssntp.Command]chan Result
	CmdChansLock   *sync.Mutex
	EventChans     map[ssntp.Event]chan Result
	EventChansLock *sync.Mutex
	ErrorChans     map[ssntp.Error]chan Result
	ErrorChansLock *sync.Mutex

SsntpTestController is global state for the testutil SSNTP controller

func NewSsntpTestControllerConnection

func NewSsntpTestControllerConnection(name string, uuid string) (*SsntpTestController, error)

NewSsntpTestControllerConnection creates an SsntpTestController and dials the server. Calling with a unique name parameter string for inclusion in the SsntpTestClient.Name field aides in debugging. The uuid string parameter allows tests to specify a known uuid for simpler tests.

func (*SsntpTestController) AddCmdChan

func (ctl *SsntpTestController) AddCmdChan(cmd ssntp.Command) chan Result

AddCmdChan adds an ssntp.Command to the SsntpTestController command channel

func (*SsntpTestController) AddErrorChan

func (ctl *SsntpTestController) AddErrorChan(error ssntp.Error) chan Result

AddErrorChan adds an ssntp.Error to the SsntpTestController error channel

func (*SsntpTestController) AddEventChan

func (ctl *SsntpTestController) AddEventChan(evt ssntp.Event) chan Result

AddEventChan adds an ssntp.Event to the SsntpTestController event channel

func (*SsntpTestController) CommandNotify

func (ctl *SsntpTestController) CommandNotify(command ssntp.Command, frame *ssntp.Frame)

CommandNotify implements the SSNTP client CommandNotify callback for SsntpTestController

func (*SsntpTestController) ConnectNotify

func (ctl *SsntpTestController) ConnectNotify()

ConnectNotify implements the SSNTP client ConnectNotify callback for SsntpTestController

func (*SsntpTestController) DisconnectNotify

func (ctl *SsntpTestController) DisconnectNotify()

DisconnectNotify implements the SSNTP client DisconnectNotify callback for SsntpTestController

func (*SsntpTestController) ErrorNotify

func (ctl *SsntpTestController) ErrorNotify(error ssntp.Error, frame *ssntp.Frame)

ErrorNotify implements the SSNTP client ErrorNotify callback for SsntpTestController

func (*SsntpTestController) EventNotify

func (ctl *SsntpTestController) EventNotify(event ssntp.Event, frame *ssntp.Frame)

EventNotify implements the SSNTP client EventNotify callback for SsntpTestController

func (*SsntpTestController) GetCmdChanResult

func (ctl *SsntpTestController) GetCmdChanResult(c chan Result, cmd ssntp.Command) (result Result, err error)

GetCmdChanResult gets a Result from the SsntpTestController command channel

func (*SsntpTestController) GetErrorChanResult

func (ctl *SsntpTestController) GetErrorChanResult(c chan Result, error ssntp.Error) (result Result, err error)

GetErrorChanResult gets a Result from the SsntpTestController error channel

func (*SsntpTestController) GetEventChanResult

func (ctl *SsntpTestController) GetEventChanResult(c chan Result, evt ssntp.Event) (result Result, err error)

GetEventChanResult gets a Result from the SsntpTestController event channel

func (*SsntpTestController) SendResultAndDelCmdChan

func (ctl *SsntpTestController) SendResultAndDelCmdChan(cmd ssntp.Command, result Result)

SendResultAndDelCmdChan deletes an ssntp.Command from the SsntpTestController command channel

func (*SsntpTestController) SendResultAndDelErrorChan

func (ctl *SsntpTestController) SendResultAndDelErrorChan(error ssntp.Error, result Result)

SendResultAndDelErrorChan deletes an ssntp.Error from the SsntpTestController error channel

func (*SsntpTestController) SendResultAndDelEventChan

func (ctl *SsntpTestController) SendResultAndDelEventChan(evt ssntp.Event, result Result)

SendResultAndDelEventChan deletes an ssntpEvent from the SsntpTestController event channel

func (*SsntpTestController) Shutdown

func (ctl *SsntpTestController) Shutdown()

Shutdown shuts down the testutil.SsntpTestClient and cleans up state

func (*SsntpTestController) StatusNotify

func (ctl *SsntpTestController) StatusNotify(status ssntp.Status, frame *ssntp.Frame)

StatusNotify implements the SSNTP client StatusNotify callback for SsntpTestController

type SsntpTestServer

type SsntpTestServer struct {
	Ssntp ssntp.Server

	CmdChans        map[ssntp.Command]chan Result
	CmdChansLock    *sync.Mutex
	EventChans      map[ssntp.Event]chan Result
	EventChansLock  *sync.Mutex
	ErrorChans      map[ssntp.Error]chan Result
	ErrorChansLock  *sync.Mutex
	StatusChans     map[ssntp.Status]chan Result
	StatusChansLock *sync.Mutex
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SsntpTestServer is global state for the testutil SSNTP server

func StartTestServer

func StartTestServer() *SsntpTestServer

StartTestServer starts a go routine for based on a testutil.SsntpTestServer configuration with standard ssntp.FrameRorwardRules

func (*SsntpTestServer) AddCmdChan

func (server *SsntpTestServer) AddCmdChan(cmd ssntp.Command) chan Result

AddCmdChan adds an ssntp.Command to the SsntpTestServer command channel

func (*SsntpTestServer) AddErrorChan

func (server *SsntpTestServer) AddErrorChan(error ssntp.Error) chan Result

AddErrorChan adds an ssntp.Error to the SsntpTestServer error channel

func (*SsntpTestServer) AddEventChan

func (server *SsntpTestServer) AddEventChan(evt ssntp.Event) chan Result

AddEventChan adds an ssntp.Event to the SsntpTestServer event channel

func (*SsntpTestServer) AddStatusChan

func (server *SsntpTestServer) AddStatusChan(status ssntp.Status) chan Result

AddStatusChan adds an ssntp.Status to the SsntpTestServer status channel

func (*SsntpTestServer) CommandForward

func (server *SsntpTestServer) CommandForward(uuid string, command ssntp.Command, frame *ssntp.Frame) (dest ssntp.ForwardDestination)

CommandForward implements an SSNTP CommandForward callback for SsntpTestServer

func (*SsntpTestServer) CommandNotify

func (server *SsntpTestServer) CommandNotify(uuid string, command ssntp.Command, frame *ssntp.Frame)

CommandNotify implements an SSNTP CommandNotify callback for SsntpTestServer

func (*SsntpTestServer) ConnectNotify

func (server *SsntpTestServer) ConnectNotify(uuid string, role ssntp.Role)

ConnectNotify implements an SSNTP ConnectNotify callback for SsntpTestServer

func (*SsntpTestServer) DisconnectNotify

func (server *SsntpTestServer) DisconnectNotify(uuid string, role ssntp.Role)

DisconnectNotify implements an SSNTP DisconnectNotify callback for SsntpTestServer

func (*SsntpTestServer) ErrorNotify

func (server *SsntpTestServer) ErrorNotify(uuid string, error ssntp.Error, frame *ssntp.Frame)

ErrorNotify is an SSNTP callback stub for SsntpTestServer

func (*SsntpTestServer) EventForward

func (server *SsntpTestServer) EventForward(uuid string, event ssntp.Event, frame *ssntp.Frame) ssntp.ForwardDestination

EventForward implements and SSNTP EventForward callback for SsntpTestServer

func (*SsntpTestServer) EventNotify

func (server *SsntpTestServer) EventNotify(uuid string, event ssntp.Event, frame *ssntp.Frame)

EventNotify implements an SSNTP EventNotify callback for SsntpTestServer

func (*SsntpTestServer) GetCmdChanResult

func (server *SsntpTestServer) GetCmdChanResult(c chan Result, cmd ssntp.Command) (result Result, err error)

GetCmdChanResult gets a Result from the SsntpTestServer command channel

func (*SsntpTestServer) GetErrorChanResult

func (server *SsntpTestServer) GetErrorChanResult(c chan Result, error ssntp.Error) (result Result, err error)

GetErrorChanResult gets a CmdResult from the SsntpTestServer error channel

func (*SsntpTestServer) GetEventChanResult

func (server *SsntpTestServer) GetEventChanResult(c chan Result, evt ssntp.Event) (result Result, err error)

GetEventChanResult gets a Result from the SsntpTestServer event channel

func (*SsntpTestServer) GetStatusChanResult

func (server *SsntpTestServer) GetStatusChanResult(c chan Result, status ssntp.Status) (result Result, err error)

GetStatusChanResult gets a Result from the SsntpTestServer status channel

func (*SsntpTestServer) SendResultAndDelCmdChan

func (server *SsntpTestServer) SendResultAndDelCmdChan(cmd ssntp.Command, result Result)

SendResultAndDelCmdChan deletes an ssntp.Command from the SsntpTestServer command channel

func (*SsntpTestServer) SendResultAndDelErrorChan

func (server *SsntpTestServer) SendResultAndDelErrorChan(error ssntp.Error, result Result)

SendResultAndDelErrorChan deletes an ssntp.Error from the SsntpTestServer error channel

func (*SsntpTestServer) SendResultAndDelEventChan

func (server *SsntpTestServer) SendResultAndDelEventChan(evt ssntp.Event, result Result)

SendResultAndDelEventChan deletes an ssntp.Event from the SsntpTestServer event channel

func (*SsntpTestServer) SendResultAndDelStatusChan

func (server *SsntpTestServer) SendResultAndDelStatusChan(status ssntp.Status, result Result)

SendResultAndDelStatusChan deletes an ssntp.Status from the SsntpTestServer status channel

func (*SsntpTestServer) Shutdown

func (server *SsntpTestServer) Shutdown()

Shutdown shuts down the testutil.SsntpTestServer and cleans up state

func (*SsntpTestServer) StatusNotify

func (server *SsntpTestServer) StatusNotify(uuid string, status ssntp.Status, frame *ssntp.Frame)

StatusNotify is an SSNTP callback stub for SsntpTestServer


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