Index ¶
- type Codec
- func (_m *Codec) Decode(ctx context.Context, raw []byte, into interface{}, itemType string) error
- func (_m *Codec) EXPECT() *Codec_Expecter
- func (_m *Codec) Encode(ctx context.Context, item interface{}, itemType string) ([]byte, error)
- func (_m *Codec) GetMaxDecodingSize(ctx context.Context, n int, itemType string) (int, error)
- func (_m *Codec) GetMaxEncodingSize(ctx context.Context, n int, itemType string) (int, error)
- type Codec_Decode_Call
- func (_c *Codec_Decode_Call) Return(_a0 error) *Codec_Decode_Call
- func (_c *Codec_Decode_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, raw []byte, into interface{}, itemType string)) *Codec_Decode_Call
- func (_c *Codec_Decode_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, []byte, interface{}, string) error) *Codec_Decode_Call
- type Codec_Encode_Call
- func (_c *Codec_Encode_Call) Return(_a0 []byte, _a1 error) *Codec_Encode_Call
- func (_c *Codec_Encode_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, item interface{}, itemType string)) *Codec_Encode_Call
- func (_c *Codec_Encode_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, interface{}, string) ([]byte, error)) *Codec_Encode_Call
- type Codec_Expecter
- func (_e *Codec_Expecter) Decode(ctx interface{}, raw interface{}, into interface{}, itemType interface{}) *Codec_Decode_Call
- func (_e *Codec_Expecter) Encode(ctx interface{}, item interface{}, itemType interface{}) *Codec_Encode_Call
- func (_e *Codec_Expecter) GetMaxDecodingSize(ctx interface{}, n interface{}, itemType interface{}) *Codec_GetMaxDecodingSize_Call
- func (_e *Codec_Expecter) GetMaxEncodingSize(ctx interface{}, n interface{}, itemType interface{}) *Codec_GetMaxEncodingSize_Call
- type Codec_GetMaxDecodingSize_Call
- func (_c *Codec_GetMaxDecodingSize_Call) Return(_a0 int, _a1 error) *Codec_GetMaxDecodingSize_Call
- func (_c *Codec_GetMaxDecodingSize_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, n int, itemType string)) *Codec_GetMaxDecodingSize_Call
- func (_c *Codec_GetMaxDecodingSize_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, int, string) (int, error)) *Codec_GetMaxDecodingSize_Call
- type Codec_GetMaxEncodingSize_Call
- func (_c *Codec_GetMaxEncodingSize_Call) Return(_a0 int, _a1 error) *Codec_GetMaxEncodingSize_Call
- func (_c *Codec_GetMaxEncodingSize_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, n int, itemType string)) *Codec_GetMaxEncodingSize_Call
- func (_c *Codec_GetMaxEncodingSize_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, int, string) (int, error)) *Codec_GetMaxEncodingSize_Call
- type LoopRelayAdapter
- func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) Chain() legacyevm.Chain
- func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) Close() error
- func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) EXPECT() *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter
- func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) GetChainStatus(ctx context.Context) (types.ChainStatus, error)
- func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) HealthReport() map[string]error
- func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) ListNodeStatuses(ctx context.Context, pageSize int32, pageToken string) ([]types.NodeStatus, string, int, error)
- func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) Name() string
- func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) NewChainWriter(ctx context.Context, chainWriterConfig []byte) (types.ChainWriter, error)
- func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) NewConfigProvider(_a0 context.Context, _a1 types.RelayArgs) (types.ConfigProvider, error)
- func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) NewContractReader(ctx context.Context, contractReaderConfig []byte) (types.ChainReader, error)
- func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) NewLLOProvider(_a0 context.Context, _a1 types.RelayArgs, _a2 types.PluginArgs) (types.LLOProvider, error)
- func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) NewPluginProvider(_a0 context.Context, _a1 types.RelayArgs, _a2 types.PluginArgs) (types.PluginProvider, error)
- func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) Ready() error
- func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) Start(_a0 context.Context) error
- func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) Transact(ctx context.Context, from string, to string, amount *big.Int, ...) error
- type LoopRelayAdapter_Chain_Call
- type LoopRelayAdapter_Close_Call
- type LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter
- func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) Chain() *LoopRelayAdapter_Chain_Call
- func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) Close() *LoopRelayAdapter_Close_Call
- func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) GetChainStatus(ctx interface{}) *LoopRelayAdapter_GetChainStatus_Call
- func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) HealthReport() *LoopRelayAdapter_HealthReport_Call
- func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) ListNodeStatuses(ctx interface{}, pageSize interface{}, pageToken interface{}) *LoopRelayAdapter_ListNodeStatuses_Call
- func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) Name() *LoopRelayAdapter_Name_Call
- func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) NewChainWriter(ctx interface{}, chainWriterConfig interface{}) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewChainWriter_Call
- func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) NewConfigProvider(_a0 interface{}, _a1 interface{}) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewConfigProvider_Call
- func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) NewContractReader(ctx interface{}, contractReaderConfig interface{}) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewContractReader_Call
- func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) NewLLOProvider(_a0 interface{}, _a1 interface{}, _a2 interface{}) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewLLOProvider_Call
- func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) NewPluginProvider(_a0 interface{}, _a1 interface{}, _a2 interface{}) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewPluginProvider_Call
- func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) Ready() *LoopRelayAdapter_Ready_Call
- func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) Start(_a0 interface{}) *LoopRelayAdapter_Start_Call
- func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) Transact(ctx interface{}, from interface{}, to interface{}, amount interface{}, ...) *LoopRelayAdapter_Transact_Call
- type LoopRelayAdapter_GetChainStatus_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_GetChainStatus_Call) Return(_a0 types.ChainStatus, _a1 error) *LoopRelayAdapter_GetChainStatus_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_GetChainStatus_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context)) *LoopRelayAdapter_GetChainStatus_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_GetChainStatus_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context) (types.ChainStatus, error)) *LoopRelayAdapter_GetChainStatus_Call
- type LoopRelayAdapter_HealthReport_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_HealthReport_Call) Return(_a0 map[string]error) *LoopRelayAdapter_HealthReport_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_HealthReport_Call) Run(run func()) *LoopRelayAdapter_HealthReport_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_HealthReport_Call) RunAndReturn(run func() map[string]error) *LoopRelayAdapter_HealthReport_Call
- type LoopRelayAdapter_ListNodeStatuses_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_ListNodeStatuses_Call) Return(stats []types.NodeStatus, nextPageToken string, total int, err error) *LoopRelayAdapter_ListNodeStatuses_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_ListNodeStatuses_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, pageSize int32, pageToken string)) *LoopRelayAdapter_ListNodeStatuses_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_ListNodeStatuses_Call) RunAndReturn(...) *LoopRelayAdapter_ListNodeStatuses_Call
- type LoopRelayAdapter_Name_Call
- type LoopRelayAdapter_NewChainWriter_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewChainWriter_Call) Return(_a0 types.ChainWriter, _a1 error) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewChainWriter_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewChainWriter_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, chainWriterConfig []byte)) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewChainWriter_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewChainWriter_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, []byte) (types.ChainWriter, error)) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewChainWriter_Call
- type LoopRelayAdapter_NewConfigProvider_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewConfigProvider_Call) Return(_a0 types.ConfigProvider, _a1 error) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewConfigProvider_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewConfigProvider_Call) Run(run func(_a0 context.Context, _a1 types.RelayArgs)) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewConfigProvider_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewConfigProvider_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, types.RelayArgs) (types.ConfigProvider, error)) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewConfigProvider_Call
- type LoopRelayAdapter_NewContractReader_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewContractReader_Call) Return(_a0 types.ChainReader, _a1 error) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewContractReader_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewContractReader_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, contractReaderConfig []byte)) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewContractReader_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewContractReader_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, []byte) (types.ChainReader, error)) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewContractReader_Call
- type LoopRelayAdapter_NewLLOProvider_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewLLOProvider_Call) Return(_a0 types.LLOProvider, _a1 error) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewLLOProvider_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewLLOProvider_Call) Run(run func(_a0 context.Context, _a1 types.RelayArgs, _a2 types.PluginArgs)) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewLLOProvider_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewLLOProvider_Call) RunAndReturn(...) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewLLOProvider_Call
- type LoopRelayAdapter_NewPluginProvider_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewPluginProvider_Call) Return(_a0 types.PluginProvider, _a1 error) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewPluginProvider_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewPluginProvider_Call) Run(run func(_a0 context.Context, _a1 types.RelayArgs, _a2 types.PluginArgs)) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewPluginProvider_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewPluginProvider_Call) RunAndReturn(...) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewPluginProvider_Call
- type LoopRelayAdapter_Ready_Call
- type LoopRelayAdapter_Start_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Start_Call) Return(_a0 error) *LoopRelayAdapter_Start_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Start_Call) Run(run func(_a0 context.Context)) *LoopRelayAdapter_Start_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Start_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context) error) *LoopRelayAdapter_Start_Call
- type LoopRelayAdapter_Transact_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Transact_Call) Return(_a0 error) *LoopRelayAdapter_Transact_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Transact_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, from string, to string, amount *big.Int, ...)) *LoopRelayAdapter_Transact_Call
- func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Transact_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, string, string, *big.Int, bool) error) *LoopRelayAdapter_Transact_Call
- type RequestRoundDB
- func (_m *RequestRoundDB) EXPECT() *RequestRoundDB_Expecter
- func (_m *RequestRoundDB) LoadLatestRoundRequested(_a0 context.Context) (ocr2aggregator.OCR2AggregatorRoundRequested, error)
- func (_m *RequestRoundDB) SaveLatestRoundRequested(ctx context.Context, rr ocr2aggregator.OCR2AggregatorRoundRequested) error
- func (_m *RequestRoundDB) WithDataSource(_a0 sqlutil.DataSource) evm.RequestRoundDB
- type RequestRoundDB_Expecter
- func (_e *RequestRoundDB_Expecter) LoadLatestRoundRequested(_a0 interface{}) *RequestRoundDB_LoadLatestRoundRequested_Call
- func (_e *RequestRoundDB_Expecter) SaveLatestRoundRequested(ctx interface{}, rr interface{}) *RequestRoundDB_SaveLatestRoundRequested_Call
- func (_e *RequestRoundDB_Expecter) WithDataSource(_a0 interface{}) *RequestRoundDB_WithDataSource_Call
- type RequestRoundDB_LoadLatestRoundRequested_Call
- func (_c *RequestRoundDB_LoadLatestRoundRequested_Call) Return(rr ocr2aggregator.OCR2AggregatorRoundRequested, err error) *RequestRoundDB_LoadLatestRoundRequested_Call
- func (_c *RequestRoundDB_LoadLatestRoundRequested_Call) Run(run func(_a0 context.Context)) *RequestRoundDB_LoadLatestRoundRequested_Call
- func (_c *RequestRoundDB_LoadLatestRoundRequested_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context) (ocr2aggregator.OCR2AggregatorRoundRequested, error)) *RequestRoundDB_LoadLatestRoundRequested_Call
- type RequestRoundDB_SaveLatestRoundRequested_Call
- func (_c *RequestRoundDB_SaveLatestRoundRequested_Call) Return(_a0 error) *RequestRoundDB_SaveLatestRoundRequested_Call
- func (_c *RequestRoundDB_SaveLatestRoundRequested_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, rr ocr2aggregator.OCR2AggregatorRoundRequested)) *RequestRoundDB_SaveLatestRoundRequested_Call
- func (_c *RequestRoundDB_SaveLatestRoundRequested_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, ocr2aggregator.OCR2AggregatorRoundRequested) error) *RequestRoundDB_SaveLatestRoundRequested_Call
- type RequestRoundDB_WithDataSource_Call
- func (_c *RequestRoundDB_WithDataSource_Call) Return(_a0 evm.RequestRoundDB) *RequestRoundDB_WithDataSource_Call
- func (_c *RequestRoundDB_WithDataSource_Call) Run(run func(_a0 sqlutil.DataSource)) *RequestRoundDB_WithDataSource_Call
- func (_c *RequestRoundDB_WithDataSource_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(sqlutil.DataSource) evm.RequestRoundDB) *RequestRoundDB_WithDataSource_Call
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Codec ¶ added in v2.15.0
Codec is an autogenerated mock type for the Codec type
func NewCodec ¶ added in v2.15.0
NewCodec creates a new instance of Codec. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*Codec) Decode ¶ added in v2.15.0
Decode provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, raw, into, itemType
func (*Codec) EXPECT ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_m *Codec) EXPECT() *Codec_Expecter
func (*Codec) Encode ¶ added in v2.15.0
Encode provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, item, itemType
func (*Codec) GetMaxDecodingSize ¶ added in v2.15.0
GetMaxDecodingSize provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, n, itemType
type Codec_Decode_Call ¶ added in v2.15.0
Codec_Decode_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'Decode'
func (*Codec_Decode_Call) Return ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *Codec_Decode_Call) Return(_a0 error) *Codec_Decode_Call
func (*Codec_Decode_Call) Run ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *Codec_Decode_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, raw []byte, into interface{}, itemType string)) *Codec_Decode_Call
func (*Codec_Decode_Call) RunAndReturn ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *Codec_Decode_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, []byte, interface{}, string) error) *Codec_Decode_Call
type Codec_Encode_Call ¶ added in v2.15.0
Codec_Encode_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'Encode'
func (*Codec_Encode_Call) Return ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *Codec_Encode_Call) Return(_a0 []byte, _a1 error) *Codec_Encode_Call
func (*Codec_Encode_Call) Run ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *Codec_Encode_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, item interface{}, itemType string)) *Codec_Encode_Call
func (*Codec_Encode_Call) RunAndReturn ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *Codec_Encode_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, interface{}, string) ([]byte, error)) *Codec_Encode_Call
type Codec_Expecter ¶ added in v2.15.0
type Codec_Expecter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Codec_Expecter) Decode ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_e *Codec_Expecter) Decode(ctx interface{}, raw interface{}, into interface{}, itemType interface{}) *Codec_Decode_Call
Decode is a helper method to define mock.On call
- ctx context.Context
- raw []byte
- into interface{}
- itemType string
func (*Codec_Expecter) Encode ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_e *Codec_Expecter) Encode(ctx interface{}, item interface{}, itemType interface{}) *Codec_Encode_Call
Encode is a helper method to define mock.On call
- ctx context.Context
- item interface{}
- itemType string
func (*Codec_Expecter) GetMaxDecodingSize ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_e *Codec_Expecter) GetMaxDecodingSize(ctx interface{}, n interface{}, itemType interface{}) *Codec_GetMaxDecodingSize_Call
GetMaxDecodingSize is a helper method to define mock.On call
- ctx context.Context
- n int
- itemType string
func (*Codec_Expecter) GetMaxEncodingSize ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_e *Codec_Expecter) GetMaxEncodingSize(ctx interface{}, n interface{}, itemType interface{}) *Codec_GetMaxEncodingSize_Call
GetMaxEncodingSize is a helper method to define mock.On call
- ctx context.Context
- n int
- itemType string
type Codec_GetMaxDecodingSize_Call ¶ added in v2.15.0
Codec_GetMaxDecodingSize_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'GetMaxDecodingSize'
func (*Codec_GetMaxDecodingSize_Call) Return ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *Codec_GetMaxDecodingSize_Call) Return(_a0 int, _a1 error) *Codec_GetMaxDecodingSize_Call
func (*Codec_GetMaxDecodingSize_Call) Run ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *Codec_GetMaxDecodingSize_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, n int, itemType string)) *Codec_GetMaxDecodingSize_Call
func (*Codec_GetMaxDecodingSize_Call) RunAndReturn ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *Codec_GetMaxDecodingSize_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, int, string) (int, error)) *Codec_GetMaxDecodingSize_Call
type Codec_GetMaxEncodingSize_Call ¶ added in v2.15.0
Codec_GetMaxEncodingSize_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'GetMaxEncodingSize'
func (*Codec_GetMaxEncodingSize_Call) Return ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *Codec_GetMaxEncodingSize_Call) Return(_a0 int, _a1 error) *Codec_GetMaxEncodingSize_Call
func (*Codec_GetMaxEncodingSize_Call) Run ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *Codec_GetMaxEncodingSize_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, n int, itemType string)) *Codec_GetMaxEncodingSize_Call
func (*Codec_GetMaxEncodingSize_Call) RunAndReturn ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *Codec_GetMaxEncodingSize_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, int, string) (int, error)) *Codec_GetMaxEncodingSize_Call
type LoopRelayAdapter ¶ added in v2.5.0
LoopRelayAdapter is an autogenerated mock type for the LoopRelayAdapter type
func NewLoopRelayAdapter ¶ added in v2.5.0
func NewLoopRelayAdapter(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *LoopRelayAdapter
NewLoopRelayAdapter creates a new instance of LoopRelayAdapter. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*LoopRelayAdapter) Chain ¶ added in v2.5.0
func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) Chain() legacyevm.Chain
Chain provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LoopRelayAdapter) Close ¶ added in v2.5.0
func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) Close() error
Close provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LoopRelayAdapter) EXPECT ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) EXPECT() *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter
func (*LoopRelayAdapter) GetChainStatus ¶ added in v2.6.0
func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) GetChainStatus(ctx context.Context) (types.ChainStatus, error)
GetChainStatus provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*LoopRelayAdapter) HealthReport ¶ added in v2.5.0
func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) HealthReport() map[string]error
HealthReport provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LoopRelayAdapter) ListNodeStatuses ¶ added in v2.6.0
func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) ListNodeStatuses(ctx context.Context, pageSize int32, pageToken string) ([]types.NodeStatus, string, int, error)
ListNodeStatuses provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, pageSize, pageToken
func (*LoopRelayAdapter) Name ¶ added in v2.5.0
func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) Name() string
Name provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LoopRelayAdapter) NewChainWriter ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) NewChainWriter(ctx context.Context, chainWriterConfig []byte) (types.ChainWriter, error)
NewChainWriter provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, chainWriterConfig
func (*LoopRelayAdapter) NewConfigProvider ¶ added in v2.5.0
func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) NewConfigProvider(_a0 context.Context, _a1 types.RelayArgs) (types.ConfigProvider, error)
NewConfigProvider provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*LoopRelayAdapter) NewContractReader ¶ added in v2.13.0
func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) NewContractReader(ctx context.Context, contractReaderConfig []byte) (types.ChainReader, error)
NewContractReader provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, contractReaderConfig
func (*LoopRelayAdapter) NewLLOProvider ¶ added in v2.10.0
func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) NewLLOProvider(_a0 context.Context, _a1 types.RelayArgs, _a2 types.PluginArgs) (types.LLOProvider, error)
NewLLOProvider provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1, _a2
func (*LoopRelayAdapter) NewPluginProvider ¶ added in v2.6.0
func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) NewPluginProvider(_a0 context.Context, _a1 types.RelayArgs, _a2 types.PluginArgs) (types.PluginProvider, error)
NewPluginProvider provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1, _a2
func (*LoopRelayAdapter) Ready ¶ added in v2.5.0
func (_m *LoopRelayAdapter) Ready() error
Ready provides a mock function with given fields:
type LoopRelayAdapter_Chain_Call ¶ added in v2.15.0
LoopRelayAdapter_Chain_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'Chain'
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Chain_Call) Return ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Chain_Call) Return(_a0 legacyevm.Chain) *LoopRelayAdapter_Chain_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Chain_Call) Run ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Chain_Call) Run(run func()) *LoopRelayAdapter_Chain_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Chain_Call) RunAndReturn ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Chain_Call) RunAndReturn(run func() legacyevm.Chain) *LoopRelayAdapter_Chain_Call
type LoopRelayAdapter_Close_Call ¶ added in v2.15.0
LoopRelayAdapter_Close_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'Close'
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Close_Call) Return ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Close_Call) Return(_a0 error) *LoopRelayAdapter_Close_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Close_Call) Run ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Close_Call) Run(run func()) *LoopRelayAdapter_Close_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Close_Call) RunAndReturn ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Close_Call) RunAndReturn(run func() error) *LoopRelayAdapter_Close_Call
type LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter ¶ added in v2.15.0
type LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) Chain ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) Chain() *LoopRelayAdapter_Chain_Call
Chain is a helper method to define mock.On call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) Close ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) Close() *LoopRelayAdapter_Close_Call
Close is a helper method to define mock.On call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) GetChainStatus ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) GetChainStatus(ctx interface{}) *LoopRelayAdapter_GetChainStatus_Call
GetChainStatus is a helper method to define mock.On call
- ctx context.Context
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) HealthReport ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) HealthReport() *LoopRelayAdapter_HealthReport_Call
HealthReport is a helper method to define mock.On call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) ListNodeStatuses ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) ListNodeStatuses(ctx interface{}, pageSize interface{}, pageToken interface{}) *LoopRelayAdapter_ListNodeStatuses_Call
ListNodeStatuses is a helper method to define mock.On call
- ctx context.Context
- pageSize int32
- pageToken string
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) Name ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) Name() *LoopRelayAdapter_Name_Call
Name is a helper method to define mock.On call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) NewChainWriter ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) NewChainWriter(ctx interface{}, chainWriterConfig interface{}) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewChainWriter_Call
NewChainWriter is a helper method to define mock.On call
- ctx context.Context
- chainWriterConfig []byte
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) NewConfigProvider ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) NewConfigProvider(_a0 interface{}, _a1 interface{}) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewConfigProvider_Call
NewConfigProvider is a helper method to define mock.On call
- _a0 context.Context
- _a1 types.RelayArgs
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) NewContractReader ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) NewContractReader(ctx interface{}, contractReaderConfig interface{}) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewContractReader_Call
NewContractReader is a helper method to define mock.On call
- ctx context.Context
- contractReaderConfig []byte
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) NewLLOProvider ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) NewLLOProvider(_a0 interface{}, _a1 interface{}, _a2 interface{}) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewLLOProvider_Call
NewLLOProvider is a helper method to define mock.On call
- _a0 context.Context
- _a1 types.RelayArgs
- _a2 types.PluginArgs
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) NewPluginProvider ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) NewPluginProvider(_a0 interface{}, _a1 interface{}, _a2 interface{}) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewPluginProvider_Call
NewPluginProvider is a helper method to define mock.On call
- _a0 context.Context
- _a1 types.RelayArgs
- _a2 types.PluginArgs
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) Ready ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) Ready() *LoopRelayAdapter_Ready_Call
Ready is a helper method to define mock.On call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) Start ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) Start(_a0 interface{}) *LoopRelayAdapter_Start_Call
Start is a helper method to define mock.On call
- _a0 context.Context
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) Transact ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_e *LoopRelayAdapter_Expecter) Transact(ctx interface{}, from interface{}, to interface{}, amount interface{}, balanceCheck interface{}) *LoopRelayAdapter_Transact_Call
Transact is a helper method to define mock.On call
- ctx context.Context
- from string
- to string
- amount *big.Int
- balanceCheck bool
type LoopRelayAdapter_GetChainStatus_Call ¶ added in v2.15.0
LoopRelayAdapter_GetChainStatus_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'GetChainStatus'
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_GetChainStatus_Call) Return ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_GetChainStatus_Call) Return(_a0 types.ChainStatus, _a1 error) *LoopRelayAdapter_GetChainStatus_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_GetChainStatus_Call) Run ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_GetChainStatus_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context)) *LoopRelayAdapter_GetChainStatus_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_GetChainStatus_Call) RunAndReturn ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_GetChainStatus_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context) (types.ChainStatus, error)) *LoopRelayAdapter_GetChainStatus_Call
type LoopRelayAdapter_HealthReport_Call ¶ added in v2.15.0
LoopRelayAdapter_HealthReport_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'HealthReport'
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_HealthReport_Call) Return ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_HealthReport_Call) Return(_a0 map[string]error) *LoopRelayAdapter_HealthReport_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_HealthReport_Call) Run ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_HealthReport_Call) Run(run func()) *LoopRelayAdapter_HealthReport_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_HealthReport_Call) RunAndReturn ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_HealthReport_Call) RunAndReturn(run func() map[string]error) *LoopRelayAdapter_HealthReport_Call
type LoopRelayAdapter_ListNodeStatuses_Call ¶ added in v2.15.0
LoopRelayAdapter_ListNodeStatuses_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'ListNodeStatuses'
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_ListNodeStatuses_Call) Return ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_ListNodeStatuses_Call) Return(stats []types.NodeStatus, nextPageToken string, total int, err error) *LoopRelayAdapter_ListNodeStatuses_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_ListNodeStatuses_Call) Run ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_ListNodeStatuses_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, pageSize int32, pageToken string)) *LoopRelayAdapter_ListNodeStatuses_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_ListNodeStatuses_Call) RunAndReturn ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_ListNodeStatuses_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, int32, string) ([]types.NodeStatus, string, int, error)) *LoopRelayAdapter_ListNodeStatuses_Call
type LoopRelayAdapter_Name_Call ¶ added in v2.15.0
LoopRelayAdapter_Name_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'Name'
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Name_Call) Return ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Name_Call) Return(_a0 string) *LoopRelayAdapter_Name_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Name_Call) Run ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Name_Call) Run(run func()) *LoopRelayAdapter_Name_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Name_Call) RunAndReturn ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Name_Call) RunAndReturn(run func() string) *LoopRelayAdapter_Name_Call
type LoopRelayAdapter_NewChainWriter_Call ¶ added in v2.15.0
LoopRelayAdapter_NewChainWriter_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'NewChainWriter'
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_NewChainWriter_Call) Return ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewChainWriter_Call) Return(_a0 types.ChainWriter, _a1 error) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewChainWriter_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_NewChainWriter_Call) Run ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewChainWriter_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, chainWriterConfig []byte)) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewChainWriter_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_NewChainWriter_Call) RunAndReturn ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewChainWriter_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, []byte) (types.ChainWriter, error)) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewChainWriter_Call
type LoopRelayAdapter_NewConfigProvider_Call ¶ added in v2.15.0
LoopRelayAdapter_NewConfigProvider_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'NewConfigProvider'
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_NewConfigProvider_Call) Return ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewConfigProvider_Call) Return(_a0 types.ConfigProvider, _a1 error) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewConfigProvider_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_NewConfigProvider_Call) Run ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewConfigProvider_Call) Run(run func(_a0 context.Context, _a1 types.RelayArgs)) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewConfigProvider_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_NewConfigProvider_Call) RunAndReturn ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewConfigProvider_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, types.RelayArgs) (types.ConfigProvider, error)) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewConfigProvider_Call
type LoopRelayAdapter_NewContractReader_Call ¶ added in v2.15.0
LoopRelayAdapter_NewContractReader_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'NewContractReader'
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_NewContractReader_Call) Return ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewContractReader_Call) Return(_a0 types.ChainReader, _a1 error) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewContractReader_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_NewContractReader_Call) Run ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewContractReader_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, contractReaderConfig []byte)) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewContractReader_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_NewContractReader_Call) RunAndReturn ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewContractReader_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, []byte) (types.ChainReader, error)) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewContractReader_Call
type LoopRelayAdapter_NewLLOProvider_Call ¶ added in v2.15.0
LoopRelayAdapter_NewLLOProvider_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'NewLLOProvider'
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_NewLLOProvider_Call) Return ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewLLOProvider_Call) Return(_a0 types.LLOProvider, _a1 error) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewLLOProvider_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_NewLLOProvider_Call) Run ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewLLOProvider_Call) Run(run func(_a0 context.Context, _a1 types.RelayArgs, _a2 types.PluginArgs)) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewLLOProvider_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_NewLLOProvider_Call) RunAndReturn ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewLLOProvider_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, types.RelayArgs, types.PluginArgs) (types.LLOProvider, error)) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewLLOProvider_Call
type LoopRelayAdapter_NewPluginProvider_Call ¶ added in v2.15.0
LoopRelayAdapter_NewPluginProvider_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'NewPluginProvider'
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_NewPluginProvider_Call) Return ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewPluginProvider_Call) Return(_a0 types.PluginProvider, _a1 error) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewPluginProvider_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_NewPluginProvider_Call) Run ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewPluginProvider_Call) Run(run func(_a0 context.Context, _a1 types.RelayArgs, _a2 types.PluginArgs)) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewPluginProvider_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_NewPluginProvider_Call) RunAndReturn ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_NewPluginProvider_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, types.RelayArgs, types.PluginArgs) (types.PluginProvider, error)) *LoopRelayAdapter_NewPluginProvider_Call
type LoopRelayAdapter_Ready_Call ¶ added in v2.15.0
LoopRelayAdapter_Ready_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'Ready'
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Ready_Call) Return ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Ready_Call) Return(_a0 error) *LoopRelayAdapter_Ready_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Ready_Call) Run ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Ready_Call) Run(run func()) *LoopRelayAdapter_Ready_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Ready_Call) RunAndReturn ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Ready_Call) RunAndReturn(run func() error) *LoopRelayAdapter_Ready_Call
type LoopRelayAdapter_Start_Call ¶ added in v2.15.0
LoopRelayAdapter_Start_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'Start'
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Start_Call) Return ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Start_Call) Return(_a0 error) *LoopRelayAdapter_Start_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Start_Call) Run ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Start_Call) Run(run func(_a0 context.Context)) *LoopRelayAdapter_Start_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Start_Call) RunAndReturn ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Start_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context) error) *LoopRelayAdapter_Start_Call
type LoopRelayAdapter_Transact_Call ¶ added in v2.15.0
LoopRelayAdapter_Transact_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'Transact'
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Transact_Call) Return ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Transact_Call) Return(_a0 error) *LoopRelayAdapter_Transact_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Transact_Call) Run ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Transact_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, from string, to string, amount *big.Int, balanceCheck bool)) *LoopRelayAdapter_Transact_Call
func (*LoopRelayAdapter_Transact_Call) RunAndReturn ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *LoopRelayAdapter_Transact_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, string, string, *big.Int, bool) error) *LoopRelayAdapter_Transact_Call
type RequestRoundDB ¶
RequestRoundDB is an autogenerated mock type for the RequestRoundDB type
func NewRequestRoundDB ¶
func NewRequestRoundDB(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *RequestRoundDB
NewRequestRoundDB creates a new instance of RequestRoundDB. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*RequestRoundDB) EXPECT ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_m *RequestRoundDB) EXPECT() *RequestRoundDB_Expecter
func (*RequestRoundDB) LoadLatestRoundRequested ¶
func (_m *RequestRoundDB) LoadLatestRoundRequested(_a0 context.Context) (ocr2aggregator.OCR2AggregatorRoundRequested, error)
LoadLatestRoundRequested provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*RequestRoundDB) SaveLatestRoundRequested ¶
func (_m *RequestRoundDB) SaveLatestRoundRequested(ctx context.Context, rr ocr2aggregator.OCR2AggregatorRoundRequested) error
SaveLatestRoundRequested provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, rr
func (*RequestRoundDB) WithDataSource ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (_m *RequestRoundDB) WithDataSource(_a0 sqlutil.DataSource) evm.RequestRoundDB
WithDataSource provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
type RequestRoundDB_Expecter ¶ added in v2.15.0
type RequestRoundDB_Expecter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RequestRoundDB_Expecter) LoadLatestRoundRequested ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_e *RequestRoundDB_Expecter) LoadLatestRoundRequested(_a0 interface{}) *RequestRoundDB_LoadLatestRoundRequested_Call
LoadLatestRoundRequested is a helper method to define mock.On call
- _a0 context.Context
func (*RequestRoundDB_Expecter) SaveLatestRoundRequested ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_e *RequestRoundDB_Expecter) SaveLatestRoundRequested(ctx interface{}, rr interface{}) *RequestRoundDB_SaveLatestRoundRequested_Call
SaveLatestRoundRequested is a helper method to define mock.On call
- ctx context.Context
- rr ocr2aggregator.OCR2AggregatorRoundRequested
func (*RequestRoundDB_Expecter) WithDataSource ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_e *RequestRoundDB_Expecter) WithDataSource(_a0 interface{}) *RequestRoundDB_WithDataSource_Call
WithDataSource is a helper method to define mock.On call
- _a0 sqlutil.DataSource
type RequestRoundDB_LoadLatestRoundRequested_Call ¶ added in v2.15.0
RequestRoundDB_LoadLatestRoundRequested_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'LoadLatestRoundRequested'
func (*RequestRoundDB_LoadLatestRoundRequested_Call) Run ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *RequestRoundDB_LoadLatestRoundRequested_Call) Run(run func(_a0 context.Context)) *RequestRoundDB_LoadLatestRoundRequested_Call
func (*RequestRoundDB_LoadLatestRoundRequested_Call) RunAndReturn ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *RequestRoundDB_LoadLatestRoundRequested_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context) (ocr2aggregator.OCR2AggregatorRoundRequested, error)) *RequestRoundDB_LoadLatestRoundRequested_Call
type RequestRoundDB_SaveLatestRoundRequested_Call ¶ added in v2.15.0
RequestRoundDB_SaveLatestRoundRequested_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'SaveLatestRoundRequested'
func (*RequestRoundDB_SaveLatestRoundRequested_Call) Return ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *RequestRoundDB_SaveLatestRoundRequested_Call) Return(_a0 error) *RequestRoundDB_SaveLatestRoundRequested_Call
func (*RequestRoundDB_SaveLatestRoundRequested_Call) Run ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *RequestRoundDB_SaveLatestRoundRequested_Call) Run(run func(ctx context.Context, rr ocr2aggregator.OCR2AggregatorRoundRequested)) *RequestRoundDB_SaveLatestRoundRequested_Call
func (*RequestRoundDB_SaveLatestRoundRequested_Call) RunAndReturn ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *RequestRoundDB_SaveLatestRoundRequested_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context, ocr2aggregator.OCR2AggregatorRoundRequested) error) *RequestRoundDB_SaveLatestRoundRequested_Call
type RequestRoundDB_WithDataSource_Call ¶ added in v2.15.0
RequestRoundDB_WithDataSource_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'WithDataSource'
func (*RequestRoundDB_WithDataSource_Call) Return ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *RequestRoundDB_WithDataSource_Call) Return(_a0 evm.RequestRoundDB) *RequestRoundDB_WithDataSource_Call
func (*RequestRoundDB_WithDataSource_Call) Run ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *RequestRoundDB_WithDataSource_Call) Run(run func(_a0 sqlutil.DataSource)) *RequestRoundDB_WithDataSource_Call
func (*RequestRoundDB_WithDataSource_Call) RunAndReturn ¶ added in v2.15.0
func (_c *RequestRoundDB_WithDataSource_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(sqlutil.DataSource) evm.RequestRoundDB) *RequestRoundDB_WithDataSource_Call