This Go script checks if the latest release of a given GitHub repository is within a specified number of days from today. It fetches the latest release information from the GitHub API and compares the release date with the current date.
go run main.go <repository_name> <days>
go run main.go 'owner/repo' 30
Command Line Arguments
<repository_name>: The GitHub repository in the format owner/repo.
<days>: The number of days to check if the latest release is within.
The script prints the tag name of the latest release if it was published within the specified number of days.
If the release is older than the specified number of days, it prints none.
Error Handling
The script will panic and display error messages in the following scenarios:
Insufficient command line arguments.
Invalid repository name format (must be owner/repo).
Non-integer value for the days argument.
Errors in fetching or parsing the latest release information from the GitHub API.
Unexpected status codes from the GitHub API response.
Detailed Steps
Argument Parsing and Validation:
The script checks that at least 3 command line arguments are provided.
Validates the format of the repository name.
Ensures the days argument is an integer.
Fetch Latest Release:
Constructs the API URL for the latest release of the specified repository.
Makes an HTTP GET request to the GitHub API.
Parses the JSON response to extract the latest release information.
Check Release Date:
Compares the release date with the current date to determine if it is within the specified number of days.
Output Result:
Prints the tag name of the latest release if it is recent.
Prints none if the release is older than the specified number of days.
Ensure the repository name is in the format owner/repo.
The GitHub API has rate limits; be mindful of making too many requests in a short period.