staticcheck analyzers
This package is provided as an opt-in part of rules_go.
Projects who have the need to use staticcheck analyzers as part of rules_go's nogo framework may use this package to enable the checks over existing code base.
How to use
Please refer to the nogo documentation in to learn the basic setup.
Load staticcheck dependencies in your WORKSPACE.
load("@com_github_sluongng_nogo_analyzer//staticcheck:deps.bzl", "staticcheck_deps")
NOTE: Make sure you load staticcheck_deps()
before gazelle_dependencies()
, as well as any other rules that use go_repository
, because this can lead to dependency conflicts.
NOTE: Loading staticcheck_deps()
is optional, advanced users may want to manage their own staticcheck dependencies separately in their WORKSPACE file. As long as all the dependencies inside //staticcheck:deps.bzl
is loaded in your workspace with a compatible version to the dependencies in this repo, then things should continue to work.
How do I verify which version of staticcheck I have in my workspace?
You can run this query and validate which version bazel is using.
> bazel query '//external:co_honnef_go_tools' --output=build
name = "co_honnef_go_tools",
generator_name = "co_honnef_go_tools",
generator_function = "nogo_analyzer_deps",
importpath = "",
version = "vX.Y.Z",
sum = "h1:abcdxyzw",
- Configure
target in a BUILD
load("@com_github_sluongng_nogo_analyzer//staticcheck:def.bzl", "staticcheck_analyzers")
name = "nogo",
deps = staticcheck_analyzers(STATICHECK_ANALYZERS),
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
Note here that staticcheck_analyzers
return a list which can be combined with other analyzers such as the default TOOLS_NOGO analyzers.
name = "nogo",
deps = TOOLS_NOGO + staticcheck_analyzers(STATICHECK_ANALYZERS),
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
- Setup json config file.
Please refer to nogo's documentation for more information on how to setup json config file.
In def.bzl we provide a helper function that would help you generate the json config file programmatically
using starlark. The external/
regex is excluded by default as that included all the external dependencies.
- (Optional) If needed, use staticcheck linter directives
If there is code that should fail certain checks, we respect the staticcheck's linter directives to
ignore specific problems. Please refer to staticcheck's documentation for more details on how to add them. Note that due to the way that
staticcheck runs on the nogo framework, we do not report on unused linter directives.