
package module
v1.1.4-alpha.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 30, 2016 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 0 Imported by: 0


Kubernetes Machine (kmachine)

kmachine lets you create Docker hosts on your computer, on cloud providers, and inside your own data center. It creates servers, installs Docker on them, then configures the Docker client to talk to them just like docker-machine.

kmachine differs from Docker machine by also setting up a Kubernetes standalone system. Each component of Kubernetes are started as Docker containers. kmachine returns the configuration information necessary for kubectl to communicate to this remote k8s endpoint.

The functionalities of docker-machine are preserved.


Get it from the release page

It works like this:

Digital Ocean

You will need an account on Digital Ocean and a TOKEN configured:

$ export DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your token>
$ kmachine create -d digitalocean skippbox
Running pre-create checks...
Creating machine...
Waiting for machine to be running, this may take a few minutes...
Machine is running, waiting for SSH to be available...
Detecting operating system of created instance...
Provisioning created instance...
Copying certs to the local machine directory...
Copying certs to the remote machine...
Setting Docker configuration on the remote daemon...
Configuring kubernetes...
Copying certs to the remote system...
To see how to connect Docker to this machine, run: kmachine env skippbox

Once the machine is created, just like with docker-machine you can get some environment variables that will allow you to use it easily. Note that with kmachine, we return some instructions that kubectl can use to define a new k8s context.

$ kmachine env skippbox
kubectl config set-cluster skippbox --server= --insecure-skip-tls-verify=false
kubectl config set-cluster skippbox --server= --certificate-authority=/Users/sebgoa/.docker/machine/machines/skippbox/ca.pem
kubectl config set-credentials kuser --token=IHqC9JMhWOHnFFlr2cO3tBpGGAXzDqYx
kubectl config set-context skippbox --user=skippbox --cluster=skippbox
kubectl config use-context skippbox
export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://"
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH="/Users/sebgoa/.kube/machine/machines/skippbox"
export DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME="skippbox"
# Run this command to configure your shell: 
# eval "$(kmachine env skippbox)"

The authentication token is auto-generated, and the certificates are put in place for proper TLS communication with the k8s API server. Once this new context is set you see it with kubectl config view

$ eval "$(kmachine env skippbox)"
$ kubectl config view
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
    certificate-authority: /Users/sebgoa/.kube/machine/machines/skippbox/ca.pem
  name: skippbox
- context:
    cluster: skippbox
    user: kuser
  name: skippbox
current-context: skippbox
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: skippbox
    token: IHqC9JMhWOHnFFlr2cO3tBpGGAXzDqYx

Note that since the functionalities of docker-machine are preserved you will have an easy path into your kmachine via SSH:

$ kmachine ssh skippbox
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-57-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:

  System information as of Sat Nov  7 11:08:54 EST 2015

  System load:  0.86              Processes:              72
  Usage of /:   9.2% of 19.56GB   Users logged in:        0
  Memory usage: 18%               IP address for eth0:
  Swap usage:   0%                IP address for docker0:

  Graph this data and manage this system at:

root@skippbox:~# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                       COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
3ed51c981f54   "/hyperkube scheduler"   22 minutes ago      Up 22 minutes                           k8s_scheduler.6346e99c_kubernetes123-
305cb84717c8   "/hyperkube proxy --m"   22 minutes ago      Up 22 minutes                           k8s_proxy.7d0a1297_kubernetes123-
6b23bfaee4b8   "/hyperkube apiserver"   22 minutes ago      Up 22 minutes                           k8s_apiserver.f4a937b5_kubernetes123-
f45185c25100   "/hyperkube controlle"   22 minutes ago      Up 22 minutes                           k8s_controller-manager.7a35f0b6_kubernetes123-
94c9bff59658                    "/etcd --data-dir=/va"   22 minutes ago      Up 22 minutes                           k8s_etcd.92bf0224_kubernetes123-
c626b5467b14        "/pause"                 22 minutes ago      Up 22 minutes                           k8s_POD.e4cc795_kubernetes123-
8b7eee9ead53   "/hyperkube kubelet -"   22 minutes ago      Up 22 minutes                           master


For Amazon EC2, you need to setup a few environmental variables (just like docker-machine), then you are ready to get your kmachine going

$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your access key>
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your secret key>
$ export AWS_VPC_ID=<a vpc id>
$ kmachine create -d amazonec2 aws

Configure your Docker client and kubernetes client.

$ kmachine env aws
kubectl config set-cluster aws --server= --insecure-skip-tls-verify=false
kubectl config set-cluster aws --server= --certificate-authority=/Users/sebgoa/.kube/machine/machines/aws/ca.pem
kubectl config set-credentials aws --token=3PZlrebYeL5voqaMdbQnro27aFhGV6ZN
kubectl config set-context aws --user=aws --cluster=aws
kubectl config use-context aws
export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://"
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH="/Users/sebgoa/.kube/machine/machines/aws"
# Run this command to configure your shell: 
# eval "$(kmachine env aws)"
$ eval "$(kmachine env aws)"
$ kmachine ls
NAME   ACTIVE   DRIVER       STATE     URL                         SWARM
aws    *        amazonec2    Running   tcp://    

And you are up and running with Kubernetes

$ kubectl get pods
aws-   5/5       Running   0          31s

Note that if you have multiple kmachines, kubectl can easily let you switch between them:

$ kubectl config use-context skippbox
$ kubectl config use-context aws


For VirtualBox, we use a boot2docker variant called boot2k8s being developed on GitHub as well.

$ kmachine create -d virtualbox foobar

Update your local configuration and you are ready to use Kubernetes.

$ kmachine env foobar
$ eval "$(kmachine env foobar)"

Since it is fully compatible with docker-machine, things like getting to your machine via SSH work:

$ kmachine ssh foobar
                        ##         .
                  ## ## ##        ==
               ## ## ## ## ##    ===
           /"""""""""""""""""\___/ ===
      ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ /  ===- ~~~
           \______ o           __/
             \    \         __/
 _                 _   ____     _            _
| |__   ___   ___ | |_|___ \ __| | ___   ___| | _____ _ __
| '_ \ / _ \ / _ \| __| __) / _` |/ _ \ / __| |/ / _ \ '__|
| |_) | (_) | (_) | |_ / __/ (_| | (_) | (__|   <  __/ |
|_.__/ \___/ \___/ \__|_____\__,_|\___/ \___|_|\_\___|_|
Boot2Docker version 1.9.0, build master : d81f2f4 - Thu Nov  5 20:40:42 UTC 2015
Docker version 1.9.0, build 76d6bc9
docker@foobar:~$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                       COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
6c9b9b42f336   "/hyperkube apiserver"   15 minutes ago      Up 15 minutes                           k8s_apiserver.18e5aff9_foobar-foobar_default_89de857e00cf225431816ef4afd91195_8328b012
abe5dcbc3dd1                    "/etcd --data-dir=/va"   15 minutes ago      Up 15 minutes                           k8s_etcd.92bf0224_foobar-foobar_default_89de857e00cf225431816ef4afd91195_21051d04
7b01bf31f701   "/hyperkube scheduler"   15 minutes ago      Up 15 minutes                           k8s_scheduler.6346e99c_foobar-foobar_default_89de857e00cf225431816ef4afd91195_4a793b67
26f6f00f79d4   "/hyperkube proxy --m"   15 minutes ago      Up 15 minutes                           k8s_proxy.7d0a1297_foobar-foobar_default_89de857e00cf225431816ef4afd91195_2165ac73
a7ceff86eaae   "/hyperkube controlle"   15 minutes ago      Up 15 minutes                           k8s_controller-manager.7a35f0b6_foobar-foobar_default_89de857e00cf225431816ef4afd91195_daa5ca02
c00bfdf7fcfa        "/pause"                 18 minutes ago      Up 18 minutes                           k8s_POD.e4cc795_foobar-foobar_default_89de857e00cf225431816ef4afd91195_a4f67919


kmachine is currently rebased on docker-machine 0.5.0 (latest) and all drivers are used the same way. The binaries are called kmachine. The configuration files are kept in ~/.kube/machine so that it does not interfere with an existing installation of docker-machine.


The build mechanism is identical to docker-machine, you need a Docker host and then:

$ export USE_CONTAINER=true
$ make cross

or specify your OS and ARCH

$ TARGET_OS=darwin TARGET_ARCH="amd64" make

The binaries will be in the build directory and you will be able to test them with:

$ PATH=$PWD:$PATH ./kmachine create -d digitalocean foobar


If you experience problems with kmachine or want to suggest improvements please file an issue.



Machine defines interfaces to manage a variety of docker instances deployed on different backends (VMs, baremetal). The goal is to allow users get from zero to docker as fast as possible.


Path Synopsis
Package oauth supports making OAuth2-authenticated HTTP requests.
Package oauth supports making OAuth2-authenticated HTTP requests.
This program makes a call to the specified API, authenticated with OAuth2.
This program makes a call to the specified API, authenticated with OAuth2.
The jwt package provides support for creating credentials for OAuth2 service account requests.
The jwt package provides support for creating credentials for OAuth2 service account requests.
This program makes a read only call to the Google Cloud Storage API, authenticated with OAuth2.
This program makes a read only call to the Google Cloud Storage API, authenticated with OAuth2.
Package http provides HTTP client and server implementations.
Package http provides HTTP client and server implementations.
Package cgi implements CGI (Common Gateway Interface) as specified in RFC 3875.
Package cgi implements CGI (Common Gateway Interface) as specified in RFC 3875.
Package cookiejar implements an in-memory RFC 6265-compliant http.CookieJar.
Package cookiejar implements an in-memory RFC 6265-compliant http.CookieJar.
Package fcgi implements the FastCGI protocol.
Package fcgi implements the FastCGI protocol.
Package httptest provides utilities for HTTP testing.
Package httptest provides utilities for HTTP testing.
Package httputil provides HTTP utility functions, complementing the more common ones in the net/http package.
Package httputil provides HTTP utility functions, complementing the more common ones in the net/http package.
Package pprof serves via its HTTP server runtime profiling data in the format expected by the pprof visualization tool.
Package pprof serves via its HTTP server runtime profiling data in the format expected by the pprof visualization tool.
Package tls partially implements TLS 1.2, as specified in RFC 5246.
Package tls partially implements TLS 1.2, as specified in RFC 5246.
Package backoff implements backoff algorithms for retrying operations.
Package backoff implements backoff algorithms for retrying operations.
Package cli provides a minimal framework for creating and organizing command line Go applications.
Package cli provides a minimal framework for creating and organizing command line Go applications.
Package godo is the DigtalOcean API v2 client for Go
Package godo is the DigtalOcean API v2 client for Go
Package flag implements command-line flag parsing.
Package flag implements command-line flag parsing.
Package pools provides a collection of pools which provide various data types with buffers.
Package pools provides a collection of pools which provide various data types with buffers.
Package libtrust provides an interface for managing authentication and authorization using public key cryptography.
Package libtrust provides an interface for managing authentication and authorization using public key cryptography.
Package query implements encoding of structs into URL query parameters.
Package query implements encoding of structs into URL query parameters.
The mapstructure package exposes functionality to convert an abitrary map[string]interface{} into a native Go structure.
The mapstructure package exposes functionality to convert an abitrary map[string]interface{} into a native Go structure.
Package gophercloud provides a multi-vendor interface to OpenStack-compatible clouds.
Package gophercloud provides a multi-vendor interface to OpenStack-compatible clouds.
Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the OpenStack Block Storage service, code-named Cinder.
Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the OpenStack Block Storage service, code-named Cinder.
Package snapshots provides information and interaction with snapshots in the OpenStack Block Storage service.
Package snapshots provides information and interaction with snapshots in the OpenStack Block Storage service.
Package volumes provides information and interaction with volumes in the OpenStack Block Storage service.
Package volumes provides information and interaction with volumes in the OpenStack Block Storage service.
Package volumetypes provides information and interaction with volume types in the OpenStack Block Storage service.
Package volumetypes provides information and interaction with volume types in the OpenStack Block Storage service.
Package base provides information and interaction with the base API resource in the OpenStack CDN service.
Package base provides information and interaction with the base API resource in the OpenStack CDN service.
Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavors API resource in the OpenStack CDN service.
Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavors API resource in the OpenStack CDN service.
Package serviceassets provides information and interaction with the serviceassets API resource in the OpenStack CDN service.
Package serviceassets provides information and interaction with the serviceassets API resource in the OpenStack CDN service.
Package services provides information and interaction with the services API resource in the OpenStack CDN service.
Package services provides information and interaction with the services API resource in the OpenStack CDN service.
Package extensions provides information and interaction with the different extensions available for an OpenStack service.
Package extensions provides information and interaction with the different extensions available for an OpenStack service.
Package extensions provides information and interaction with the different extensions available for the OpenStack Compute service.
Package extensions provides information and interaction with the different extensions available for the OpenStack Compute service.
Package diskconfig provides information and interaction with the Disk Config extension that works with the OpenStack Compute service.
Package diskconfig provides information and interaction with the Disk Config extension that works with the OpenStack Compute service.
Package floatingip provides the ability to manage floating ips through nova-network
Package floatingip provides the ability to manage floating ips through nova-network
Package keypairs provides information and interaction with the Keypairs extension for the OpenStack Compute service.
Package keypairs provides information and interaction with the Keypairs extension for the OpenStack Compute service.
Package startstop provides functionality to start and stop servers that have been provisioned by the OpenStack Compute service.
Package startstop provides functionality to start and stop servers that have been provisioned by the OpenStack Compute service.
Package tenantnetworks provides the ability for tenants to see information about the networks they have access to
Package tenantnetworks provides the ability for tenants to see information about the networks they have access to
Package volumeattach provides the ability to attach and detach volumes to instances
Package volumeattach provides the ability to attach and detach volumes to instances
Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavor API resource in the OpenStack Compute service.
Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavor API resource in the OpenStack Compute service.
Package images provides information and interaction with the image API resource in the OpenStack Compute service.
Package images provides information and interaction with the image API resource in the OpenStack Compute service.
Package servers provides information and interaction with the server API resource in the OpenStack Compute service.
Package servers provides information and interaction with the server API resource in the OpenStack Compute service.
Package extensions provides information and interaction with the different extensions available for the OpenStack Identity service.
Package extensions provides information and interaction with the different extensions available for the OpenStack Identity service.
Package roles provides functionality to interact with and control roles on the API.
Package roles provides functionality to interact with and control roles on the API.
Package tenants provides information and interaction with the tenants API resource for the OpenStack Identity service.
Package tenants provides information and interaction with the tenants API resource for the OpenStack Identity service.
Package tokens provides information and interaction with the token API resource for the OpenStack Identity service.
Package tokens provides information and interaction with the token API resource for the OpenStack Identity service.
Package endpoints provides information and interaction with the service endpoints API resource in the OpenStack Identity service.
Package endpoints provides information and interaction with the service endpoints API resource in the OpenStack Identity service.
Package services provides information and interaction with the services API resource for the OpenStack Identity service.
Package services provides information and interaction with the services API resource for the OpenStack Identity service.
Package tokens provides information and interaction with the token API resource for the OpenStack Identity service.
Package tokens provides information and interaction with the token API resource for the OpenStack Identity service.
Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the OpenStack Neutron service.
Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the OpenStack Neutron service.
Package external provides information and interaction with the external extension for the OpenStack Networking service.
Package external provides information and interaction with the external extension for the OpenStack Networking service.
Package fwaas provides information and interaction with the Firewall as a Service extension for the OpenStack Networking service.
Package fwaas provides information and interaction with the Firewall as a Service extension for the OpenStack Networking service.
Package layer3 provides access to the Layer-3 networking extension for the OpenStack Neutron service.
Package layer3 provides access to the Layer-3 networking extension for the OpenStack Neutron service.
Package lbaas provides information and interaction with the Load Balancer as a Service extension for the OpenStack Networking service.
Package lbaas provides information and interaction with the Load Balancer as a Service extension for the OpenStack Networking service.
Package provider gives access to the provider Neutron plugin, allowing network extended attributes.
Package provider gives access to the provider Neutron plugin, allowing network extended attributes.
Package security contains functionality to work with security group and security group rules Neutron resources.
Package security contains functionality to work with security group and security group rules Neutron resources.
Package networks contains functionality for working with Neutron network resources.
Package networks contains functionality for working with Neutron network resources.
Package ports contains functionality for working with Neutron port resources.
Package ports contains functionality for working with Neutron port resources.
Package subnets contains functionality for working with Neutron subnet resources.
Package subnets contains functionality for working with Neutron subnet resources.
Package accounts contains functionality for working with Object Storage account resources.
Package accounts contains functionality for working with Object Storage account resources.
Package containers contains functionality for working with Object Storage container resources.
Package containers contains functionality for working with Object Storage container resources.
Package objects contains functionality for working with Object Storage object resources.
Package objects contains functionality for working with Object Storage object resources.
Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the OpenStack Heat service.
Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the OpenStack Heat service.
Package buildinfo provides build information about heat deployments.
Package buildinfo provides build information about heat deployments.
Package stackevents provides operations for finding, listing, and retrieving stack events.
Package stackevents provides operations for finding, listing, and retrieving stack events.
Package stackresources provides operations for working with stack resources.
Package stackresources provides operations for working with stack resources.
Package stacks provides operation for working with Heat stacks.
Package stacks provides operation for working with Heat stacks.
Package stacktemplates provides operations for working with Heat templates.
Package stacktemplates provides operations for working with Heat templates.
Package pagination contains utilities and convenience structs that implement common pagination idioms within OpenStack APIs.
Package pagination contains utilities and convenience structs that implement common pagination idioms within OpenStack APIs.
Package snapshots provides information and interaction with the snapshot API resource for the Rackspace Block Storage service.
Package snapshots provides information and interaction with the snapshot API resource for the Rackspace Block Storage service.
Package volumes provides information and interaction with the volume API resource for the Rackspace Block Storage service.
Package volumes provides information and interaction with the volume API resource for the Rackspace Block Storage service.
Package volumetypes provides information and interaction with the volume type API resource for the Rackspace Block Storage service.
Package volumetypes provides information and interaction with the volume type API resource for the Rackspace Block Storage service.
Package base provides information and interaction with the base API resource in the Rackspace CDN service.
Package base provides information and interaction with the base API resource in the Rackspace CDN service.
Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavors API resource in the Rackspace CDN service.
Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavors API resource in the Rackspace CDN service.
Package serviceassets provides information and interaction with the serviceassets API resource in the Rackspace CDN service.
Package serviceassets provides information and interaction with the serviceassets API resource in the Rackspace CDN service.
Package services provides information and interaction with the services API resource in the Rackspace CDN service.
Package services provides information and interaction with the services API resource in the Rackspace CDN service.
Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavor API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Servers service.
Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavor API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Servers service.
Package images provides information and interaction with the image API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Servers service.
Package images provides information and interaction with the image API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Servers service.
Package keypairs provides information and interaction with the keypair API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Servers service.
Package keypairs provides information and interaction with the keypair API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Servers service.
Package networks provides information and interaction with the network API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Servers service.
Package networks provides information and interaction with the network API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Servers service.
Package servers provides information and interaction with the server API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Servers service.
Package servers provides information and interaction with the server API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Servers service.
Package volumeattach provides the ability to attach and detach volume to instances to Rackspace servers
Package volumeattach provides the ability to attach and detach volume to instances to Rackspace servers
Package extensions provides information and interaction with the all the extensions available for the Rackspace Identity service.
Package extensions provides information and interaction with the all the extensions available for the Rackspace Identity service.
Package tenants provides information and interaction with the tenant API resource for the Rackspace Identity service.
Package tenants provides information and interaction with the tenant API resource for the Rackspace Identity service.
Package tokens provides information and interaction with the token API resource for the Rackspace Identity service.
Package tokens provides information and interaction with the token API resource for the Rackspace Identity service.
Package acl provides information and interaction with the access lists feature of the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service.
Package acl provides information and interaction with the access lists feature of the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service.
Package lbs provides information and interaction with the Load Balancer API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service.
Package lbs provides information and interaction with the Load Balancer API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service.
Package monitors provides information and interaction with the Health Monitor API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service.
Package monitors provides information and interaction with the Health Monitor API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service.
Package nodes provides information and interaction with the Node API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service.
Package nodes provides information and interaction with the Node API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service.
Package sessions provides information and interaction with the Session Persistence feature of the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service.
Package sessions provides information and interaction with the Session Persistence feature of the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service.
Package ssl provides information and interaction with the SSL Termination feature of the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service.
Package ssl provides information and interaction with the SSL Termination feature of the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service.
Package throttle provides information and interaction with the Connection Throttling feature of the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service.
Package throttle provides information and interaction with the Connection Throttling feature of the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service.
Package vips provides information and interaction with the Virtual IP API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service.
Package vips provides information and interaction with the Virtual IP API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service.
Package security contains functionality to work with security group and security group rules Neutron resources.
Package security contains functionality to work with security group and security group rules Neutron resources.
Package accounts provides information and interaction with the account API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Files service.
Package accounts provides information and interaction with the account API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Files service.
Package bulk provides functionality for working with bulk operations in the Rackspace Cloud Files service.
Package bulk provides functionality for working with bulk operations in the Rackspace Cloud Files service.
Package cdncontainers provides information and interaction with the CDN Container API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Files service.
Package cdncontainers provides information and interaction with the CDN Container API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Files service.
Package cdnobjects provides information and interaction with the CDN Object API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Files service.
Package cdnobjects provides information and interaction with the CDN Object API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Files service.
Package containers provides information and interaction with the Container API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Files service.
Package containers provides information and interaction with the Container API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Files service.
Package objects provides information and interaction with the Object API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Files service.
Package objects provides information and interaction with the Object API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Files service.
Package buildinfo provides build information about heat deployments.
Package buildinfo provides build information about heat deployments.
Package stackevents provides operations for finding, listing, and retrieving stack events.
Package stackevents provides operations for finding, listing, and retrieving stack events.
Package stackresources provides operations for working with stack resources.
Package stackresources provides operations for working with stack resources.
Package stacks provides operation for working with Heat stacks.
Package stacks provides operation for working with Heat stacks.
Package stacktemplates provides operations for working with Heat templates.
Package stacktemplates provides operations for working with Heat templates.
Package rackconnect allows Rackspace cloud accounts to leverage version 3 of RackConnect, Rackspace's hybrid connectivity solution connecting dedicated and cloud servers.
Package rackconnect allows Rackspace cloud accounts to leverage version 3 of RackConnect, Rackspace's hybrid connectivity solution connecting dedicated and cloud servers.
Package lbpools provides access to load balancer pools associated with a RackConnect configuration.
Package lbpools provides access to load balancer pools associated with a RackConnect configuration.
Package testhelper container methods that are useful for writing unit tests.
Package testhelper container methods that are useful for writing unit tests.
Package awsauth implements AWS request signing using Signed Signature Version 2, Signed Signature Version 3, and Signed Signature Version 4.
Package awsauth implements AWS request signing using Signed Signature Version 2, Signed Signature Version 3, and Signed Signature Version 4.
A set of comprehensive testing tools for use with the normal Go testing system.
A set of comprehensive testing tools for use with the normal Go testing system.
Package link implements parsing and serialization of Link header values as defined in RFC 5988.
Package link implements parsing and serialization of Link header values as defined in RFC 5988.
Package govcloudair provides a simple binding for vCloud Air REST APIs.
Package govcloudair provides a simple binding for vCloud Air REST APIs.
Package ssh implements an SSH client and server.
Package ssh implements an SSH client and server.
Package agent implements a client to an ssh-agent daemon.
Package agent implements a client to an ssh-agent daemon.
Package terminal provides support functions for dealing with terminals, as commonly found on UNIX systems.
Package terminal provides support functions for dealing with terminals, as commonly found on UNIX systems.
This package contains integration tests for the package.
This package contains integration tests for the package.
Package context defines the Context type, which carries deadlines, cancelation signals, and other request-scoped values across API boundaries and between processes.
Package context defines the Context type, which carries deadlines, cancelation signals, and other request-scoped values across API boundaries and between processes.
Package oauth2 provides support for making OAuth2 authorized and authenticated HTTP requests.
Package oauth2 provides support for making OAuth2 authorized and authenticated HTTP requests.
Package bitbucket provides constants for using OAuth2 to access Bitbucket.
Package bitbucket provides constants for using OAuth2 to access Bitbucket.
Package clientcredentials implements the OAuth2.0 "client credentials" token flow, also known as the "two-legged OAuth 2.0".
Package clientcredentials implements the OAuth2.0 "client credentials" token flow, also known as the "two-legged OAuth 2.0".
Package facebook provides constants for using OAuth2 to access Facebook.
Package facebook provides constants for using OAuth2 to access Facebook.
Package github provides constants for using OAuth2 to access Github.
Package github provides constants for using OAuth2 to access Github.
Package google provides support for making OAuth2 authorized and authenticated HTTP requests to Google APIs.
Package google provides support for making OAuth2 authorized and authenticated HTTP requests to Google APIs.
Package internal contains support packages for oauth2 package.
Package internal contains support packages for oauth2 package.
Package jws provides encoding and decoding utilities for signed JWS messages.
Package jws provides encoding and decoding utilities for signed JWS messages.
Package jwt implements the OAuth 2.0 JSON Web Token flow, commonly known as "two-legged OAuth 2.0".
Package jwt implements the OAuth 2.0 JSON Web Token flow, commonly known as "two-legged OAuth 2.0".
Package linkedin provides constants for using OAuth2 to access LinkedIn.
Package linkedin provides constants for using OAuth2 to access LinkedIn.
Package odnoklassniki provides constants for using OAuth2 to access Odnoklassniki.
Package odnoklassniki provides constants for using OAuth2 to access Odnoklassniki.
Package paypal provides constants for using OAuth2 to access PayPal.
Package paypal provides constants for using OAuth2 to access PayPal.
Package vk provides constants for using OAuth2 to access
Package vk provides constants for using OAuth2 to access
Package compute provides access to the Compute Engine API.
Package compute provides access to the Compute Engine API.
Package googleapi contains the common code shared by all Google API libraries.
Package googleapi contains the common code shared by all Google API libraries.
Package uritemplates is a level 4 implementation of RFC 6570 (URI Template,
Package uritemplates is a level 4 implementation of RFC 6570 (URI Template,
Package transport contains HTTP transports used to make authenticated API requests.
Package transport contains HTTP transports used to make authenticated API requests.
Package cloud contains Google Cloud Platform APIs related types and common functions.
Package cloud contains Google Cloud Platform APIs related types and common functions.
Package bigquery provides a client for the BigQuery service.
Package bigquery provides a client for the BigQuery service.
Package bigtable is an API to Google Cloud Bigtable.
Package bigtable is an API to Google Cloud Bigtable.
Package bttest contains test helpers for working with the bigtable package.
Package bttest contains test helpers for working with the bigtable package.
Cbt is a tool for doing basic interactions with Cloud Bigtable.
Cbt is a tool for doing basic interactions with Cloud Bigtable.
Loadtest does some load testing through the Go client library for Cloud Bigtable.
Loadtest does some load testing through the Go client library for Cloud Bigtable.
Package cbtrc encapsulates common code for reading .cbtrc files.
Package cbtrc encapsulates common code for reading .cbtrc files.
Package google_bigtable_admin_cluster_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package google_bigtable_admin_cluster_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package google_bigtable_admin_cluster_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package google_bigtable_admin_cluster_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package google_bigtable_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package google_bigtable_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package google_protobuf is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package google_protobuf is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package google_protobuf is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package google_protobuf is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package google_bigtable_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package google_bigtable_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package google_bigtable_admin_table_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package google_bigtable_admin_table_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package google_bigtable_admin_table_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package google_bigtable_admin_table_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package metadata provides access to Google Compute Engine (GCE) metadata and API service accounts.
Package metadata provides access to Google Compute Engine (GCE) metadata and API service accounts.
Package container contains a Google Container Engine client.
Package container contains a Google Container Engine client.
Package datastore contains a Google Cloud Datastore client.
Package datastore contains a Google Cloud Datastore client.
concat_table is an example client of the bigquery client library.
concat_table is an example client of the bigquery client library.
load is an example client of the bigquery client library.
load is an example client of the bigquery client library.
query is an example client of the bigquery client library.
query is an example client of the bigquery client library.
read is an example client of the bigquery client library.
read is an example client of the bigquery client library.
helloworld tracks how often a user has visited the index page.
helloworld tracks how often a user has visited the index page.
This is a sample web server that uses Cloud Bigtable as the storage layer for a simple document-storage and full-text-search service.
This is a sample web server that uses Cloud Bigtable as the storage layer for a simple document-storage and full-text-search service.
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Cloud Pub/Sub Cloud Pub/Sub docs:
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Cloud Pub/Sub Cloud Pub/Sub docs:
Package gcsdemo is an example App Engine app using the Google Cloud Storage API.
Package gcsdemo is an example App Engine app using the Google Cloud Storage API.
Package main is an example Mananged VM app using the Google Cloud Storage API.
Package main is an example Mananged VM app using the Google Cloud Storage API.
Package internal provides support for the cloud packages.
Package internal provides support for the cloud packages.
Package datastore is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package datastore is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package opts holds the DialOpts struct, configurable by cloud.ClientOptions to set up transports for cloud packages.
Package opts holds the DialOpts struct, configurable by cloud.ClientOptions to set up transports for cloud packages.
Package testutil contains helper functions for writing tests.
Package testutil contains helper functions for writing tests.
Package logging contains a Google Cloud Logging client.
Package logging contains a Google Cloud Logging client.
Package pubsub contains a Google Cloud Pub/Sub client.
Package pubsub contains a Google Cloud Pub/Sub client.
Package storage contains a Google Cloud Storage client.
Package storage contains a Google Cloud Storage client.
Package cli provides a minimal framework for creating and organizing command line Go applications.
Package cli provides a minimal framework for creating and organizing command line Go applications.

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