Websocket providers utilize websocket APIs / clients to retrieve data from external sources. The data is then transformed into a common format and aggregated across multiple providers. To implement a new provider, please read over the base provider documentation in providers/base/README.md.
Websockets are preferred over REST APIs for real-time data as they only require a single connection to the server, whereas HTTP APIs require a new connection for each request. This makes websockets more efficient for real-time data. Additionally, web sockets typically have lower latency than HTTP APIs, which is important for real-time data.
Supported Providers
The current set of supported providers are:
Note: The URLs provided are endpoints that can be used to determine the set of available currency pairs and their respective symbols. The jq command is used to format the JSON response for readability. Note that some of these may require a VPN to access.
Binance - Binance is a cryptocurrency exchange that provides a free API for fetching cryptocurrency data. Binance is a primary data source for the oracle.
BitFinex - BitFinex is a cryptocurrency exchange that provides a free API for fetching cryptocurrency data. BitFinex is a primary data source for the oracle.
Bitstamp - Bitstamp is a cryptocurrency exchange that provides a free API for fetching cryptocurrency data. Bitstamp is a primary data source for the oracle.
Coinbase - Coinbase is a cryptocurrency exchange that provides a free API for fetching cryptocurrency data. Coinbase is a primary data source for the oracle.
Crypto.com - Crypto.com is a cryptocurrency exchange that provides a free API for fetching cryptocurrency data. Crypto.com is a primary data source for the oracle.
Gate - Gate.io is a cryptocurrency exchange that provides a free API for fetching cryptocurrency data. Gate.io is a primary data source for the oracle.
Kraken - Kraken is a cryptocurrency exchange that provides a free API for fetching cryptocurrency data. Kraken is a primary data source for the oracle.
KuCoin - KuCoin is a cryptocurrency exchange that provides a free API for fetching cryptocurrency data. KuCoin is a primary data source for the oracle.