Skema-Go is a Golang framework to simplify gRPC development by integrating various opensource components for best practice.
SkemaBuild is the official boilerplate toolkit to generate Skema-Go gRPC service code from protocol buffers. We would recommend skema-go users using the toolkit to generate initial code to make your life easier :).
Highlight Features
- grpcmux:
grpc + http in an easy way, you can build one in less than 10 lines as below!
- data:
No need to struggle with database! Everything is done in a simple yaml config. And it comes with
- Config Driven (including table automigration via config)
- Build in DAO with CRUD capability
- Build in CQRS support with Elasticsearch (No code change!!!)
plese refer skema-go/data for more details
- Elasticsearch support
Again, it's fully config driven.
- Redis support
- Event PubSub
grpcmux: gRPC + http service in 10 lines
Talk is cheap. First, let's see how we can create a grpc server with http enabled in just 10 lines.
func main() {
grpcSrv := grpcmux.NewServer() # create our grpc server with some addional properties
pb.RegisterTestServer(grpcSrv, NewServer()) # register service on grpc server
ctx, mux, conn := grpcSrv.GetGatewayInfo() # we need some information for http binding
pb.RegisterTestHandlerClient(ctx, mux, pb.NewTestClient(conn)) # register for http gateway
if err := grpcSrv.Serve(); err != nil { # start server
logging.Fatalf("Serve error %v", err.Error())
- NewServer() is the grpc service to be implenented. You can check /test for details.
It's much simplified and prettier than the standard grpc + gateway solution
So, where is the port defined? Just some encapsulation? Let's check the following features:
IaC and Configuration
Everything is defined in /test/grpc.yaml, or you can also load from your remote endpoint like etcd or consul. Let's use the local grpc.yaml for example:
port: 9991 # for grpc service
port: 9992 # for http service
# path: "/test1/"
path: "/" # this is the routing prefix if you need. You can force to append an extra path before all standard URLs
level: debug # info | debug
encoding: console # console | json
output: "./log/default.log"
Pretty Clear. We can define the grpc listening port and http port in the config, as well as some other features. If you've used Django, this is pretty much theh same idea.
CQRS with Elasticsearch
Just use the following config, and the code is the same for our powerful DAO struct. CQRS has never been so easy!
type: sqlite
filepath: default.db
dbname: test
automigrate: true
type: elastic
name: elastic-search
version: v7
- http://localhost:9200
To Run The Code in Test
just download the repo and execute the commands below:
cd test
go mod tidy
go run .
You'll see some startup information showing up. Then open another terminal and execute:
# curl -X GET http://localhost:9992/api/healthcheck?msg=testuser
{"result":"health check ok"}
It's WORKING!!! Feel free to modify server.go
to add anything you like, or use it as a start point for serious project.
Use in your own project
We do recommend using Buf tool or Skemaloop gRPC Online Toolchain to create Protobuf file and the stubs. For testing purpose, you can use Skemaloop to generate Protobuf stubs in seconds and jump into coding.
After the protobuf stubs are generated, you can copy the code in /test folder, and change the imported pb location to your online grpc stub location.
For example, if you are using Skemaloop to generate your stub, it's showing the final stub url in the Usage
section, something like:
go get
Then go to the code you copied from /test, modify the main.go
and server.go
// pb "" <===== remove or comment out this
pb "" // <===== use this one from skemaloop
Then, run the following commands:
go mod tidy
go run .
In another terminal, use curl to verify:
# curl -X GET http://localhost:9992/api/healthcheck?msg=testuser
{"result":"health check ok"}
If you have grpcurl installed, you can also verify the grpc endpoints:
# grpcurl --plaintext localhost:9991 describe
BB.Ttt2.Test is a service:
service Test {
rpc Heathcheck ( .BB.Ttt2.HealthcheckRequest ) returns ( .BB.Ttt2.HealthcheckResponse ) {
option (.google.api.http) = { get:"/api/healthcheck" };
rpc Helloworld ( .BB.Ttt2.HelloRequest ) returns ( .BB.Ttt2.HelloReply ) {
option (.google.api.http) = { post:"/api/helloworld" body:"*" };
grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflection is a service:
service ServerReflection {
rpc ServerReflectionInfo ( stream .grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflectionRequest ) returns ( stream .grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflectionResponse );