Boiler plate for developing a go lang based REST API with commonly used open source libraries
Boilerplate Run instructions:
Note: Make sure your go environment is correctly setup for development.
Run the below commands in order on commandline
# Install the glide package manager
curl https://glide.sh/get | sh
# Clone the boilerplate project
git clone https://github.com/sjoshi6/go-rest-api-boilerplate.git
cd go-rest-api-boilerplate
# (Optional) Update the dependencies
glide update
# Installs all dependencies in project vendor folder.
glide install
# builds the application and creates a binary go-rest-api-boilerplate
go build
# Run the API server
GO_ENV_PORT=8000 ./go-rest-api-boilerplate
Run the following docker commands
cd go-rest-api-boilerplate
# Build the docker image
docker build -t go-boilerplate .
# Run the API in a container. Replace <free_port_on_host> with 8000
docker run -p <free_port_on_host>:8000 go-boilerplate
Check the API output
curl http://localhost:8000/v1/users/1
Expected Output:
curl http://localhost:8000/v1/users
Expected Output: