Manage your todos with a daemon todod and a client todo-cli.
The folder todo-grpc
contains the schema of the microservice. The schema describes a simple CRUD of todos.
The folder todod
contains the default implementation of todo management based on mongo.
The folder todo-cli
contains the client which calls the daemon todod.
The folder pkg
contains the source code.
The file Dockerfile
use the multi-staging to generate an image docker with the binaries (todod and todo-cli).
The folder helm
contains the deployment.
- make helps to manage common command lines.
- go the go module must be activated GO111MODULE=on.
- docker-compose for local tests.
- docker for the containerization.
- protoc to generate code from protobuff.
make help
clean clean the target folder
cover-html show the coverage in an HTML page
docker-compose-build builds the application image with docker-compose.
docker-compose-up spawns the containers.
fmt go fmt
generate generate the go from protobuf
gocyclo check cyclomatic
help prints help.
it-test integration test
lint go lint on packages
misspell misspellpackages
test test
tools download tools
vet go vet on packages
Run the unit tests and integration tests
The tests are written in a Behavior Driven Development way and most of the time in TDD.
make tools #install the requirements for the test
make dependencies #download the go dependencies
make test
make it-test
The integration tests are not considered as short test.
➜ todo-cli git:(develop) ✗ todo-cli create --title=ori --description='12factor apps' --state=NOT_STARTED --tags="job" --reminder=$(date +%s)
INFO[0000] ID:"5dc58ee5d954d9bc69be5523"
➜ todo-cli git:(develop) ✗ todo-cli create --title=ori --description='12factor eventstore' --state=NOT_STARTED --tags="job" --reminder=$(date +%s)
INFO[0000] ID:"5dc58f08d954d9bc69be5524"
➜ todo-cli git:(develop) ✗ todo-cli read --id 5dc58f08d954d9bc69be5524
INFO[0000] Todo:&{5dc58f08d954d9bc69be5524 ori 12factor eventstore NOT_STARTED [job golang] 1573228462}
➜ todo-cli git:(develop) ✗ todo-cli update --id 5dc58f08d954d9bc69be5524 --title=ori --description='12factor eventstore' --state=NOT_STARTED --tags="job,golang" --reminder=$(date +%s)
INFO[0000] Updated:true
➜ todo-cli git:(develop) ✗ todo-cli delete --id 5dc587ecd954d9bc69be5522 INFO[0000] Deleted:true
➜ todo-cli git:(develop) ✗ todo-cli search
INFO[0000] Todo:{5dc586b0a766c6e6404f01b5 Read - Challenge - todo Read - Should create a micro service with 12factor DONE [golang 12factor k8s] 1573046180}
INFO[0000] Todo:{5dc58ee5d954d9bc69be5523 ori 12factor apps NOT_STARTED [job] 1573228261}
INFO[0000] Todo:{5dc58f08d954d9bc69be5524 ori 12factor eventstore NOT_STARTED [job] 1573228296}
➜ todo-cli git:(develop) ✗ todo-cli search --pattern '.event.*'
INFO[0000] Todo:{5dc58f08d954d9bc69be5524 ori 12factor eventstore NOT_STARTED [job] 1573228296}
The stack for the CI/CD:
- circle ci
- coveralls
- docker registry
The circle ci uses:
Prove how it aligns to 12factor app best practices
Factor |
Why does it fit |
Codebase |
The SCM follows the gitflow pattern. The master is for the production, develop for the staging. |
Dependencies |
It uses go mod which manages dependencies. Same happens with helm where we can spevify the dependencies the requirements.yaml file |
Config |
The todod application can be configured with environment variables |
Backing services |
The todod service has a resource which is the mongo database and configuration with MONGO_URL |
Build, release, run |
Build: docker image, Release: kubernetes |
Processes |
The todod application is stateless |
Port binding |
The todod application use the port 8080 |
Concurrency |
The todod application is easy to scale |
Disposability |
If the database is up and ready, the todod application will start fast |
Dev/Prod parity |
The gitflow pattern allows to have the parity between dev and prod |
Logs |
The logs are redirected in stdout for the container and in a json file. |
Admin processes |
The adminstrotator can use the metrics from /metrics and the logs |
Prove how it fits and uses the best cloud native understanding
- Containerized: The application
is deployed in a container.
- Dynamically orchestrated: A load-balancer (traefik, nginx, ...) can be used above the services of todod.
- Microservices-oriented: The
application manages only todos
- Statelessness: The
can die. Nothing is lost.
How would you expand on this service to allow for the use of an eventstore?
It should:
- use a event source such as Kafka, Pulser or Rabbit MQ.
- create the events Create, Update and Remove.
- create a projection which manages the events to be able to query them.
How would this service be accessed and used from an external client from the cluster?
Multiple solutions exist:
- Nodeport.
- Ingress used here.
- Load-balancer.
- better documentation in go.
- better coverage (ex: cli).
- deployment in CI/CD, give the version (image) in parameter.
- to keep it simple see KO to run go project in kubernetes.
- Kubernates operator instead of helm chart for mongodb.
- create release for the client.
Useful command lines
# Install the release
cd helm
helm dep update
export NAME=todo
helm install stable/nginx-ingress --name nginx --namespace dev
helm install --name ${NAME} --namespace dev .
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /tmp/tls.key -out /tmp/tls.crt -subj "/CN=${NAME}"
kubectl create secret tls ${NAME}-todod-secret --key /tmp/tls.key --cert /tmp/tls.crt -n dev