In order to run this app you will require an Ethereum test node and a file server.
Currently for development and testing purposes we are using truffle which is running the deeID application. deeID truffle app can be found here:
File server: The architecture assumes that everyone has their own file server. In the future you should be able to connect together direclty - p2p.
Use this simple file server:
Each node has their own particular file-server (though in the future we can make it a p2p as well)
Arguments passed to the app to carry out various functions.
./gft new [file] [to: deeID address]
Subscribe to the blockchain in order to record files that are being sent to me.
./gft sub
**TO DO: Have the user's messaging server handle this.
./gft view contacts
./gft view files
./gft get-deeID
To do:
Password protect or encrypt the file that has the private keys and deeID. Can use the mobile deeID app to do this for us.
Bugs and errors
There seems to be a bug with ganache-cli that won't allow us to subscribe to new blocks
Similar error on the truffle dev environment - this time we get an error if the transaction hex values begin with a zero - e.g. if the 's' value in the tx sig begins with zero (e.g. 0x0e2221d639e2db5c65b61e67f49ae2c5f5bac88ec52334a3c0369019f39b3618) then we get an error of: 'json: cannot unmarshal hex number with leading zero digits into Go struct field rpcBlock.transactions of type *hexutil.Big'