Nokia Defence
A Tower Defence game for Web and Desktop written as if for the Nokia 3310:
- 84x48 screen resolution
- only 2 colours light/dark green
- monophonic music only
- max 12 buttons allowed
This is a submission for Nokia 3310 Jam 4 made using the Ebiten library.
You can download the published game or play in your browser at:
For game testers
For alpha testing use this link to download the latest development build including Windows EXE, Mac app, Linux binary, as well as other resources for testing and editing.
Game controls:
- WASD: move cursor
- X: (action) place/upgrade a tower (action)
- Q: sell a tower
- Z: pause the game
- F: toggle full-screen
For programmers
Make sure you have Go 1.17 or later to contribute to the game
To build the game yourself, run: go build .
it will produce an nokia-defence file and on Windows nokia-defence.exe.
To run the tests, run: go test ./...
but there are no tests yet.
The project has a very simple, flat structure, the first place to start looking is the main.go file.