Landing humanitarian airdrops in hostile territory, control the parachute to avoid fire while you fall.
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This is my entry to this year's Nokia 3310 Jam.
For game testers
Game controls:
- F: toggle full-screen
- Q: quit the game
- Space / Numpad 5 / Tap screen: toggle parachute

For programmers
Make sure you have Go 1.19 or later to contribute to the game
To build the game yourself, run: go build .
it will produce an freefall file and on Windows freefall.exe.
To run the tests, run: go test ./...
assuming there even are any.
The project has a very simple, flat structure, the first place to start looking is the main.go file.
This game was written using the Ebitengine library. The graphics and animations were drawn in Aseprite. The music was written in LMMS using the nokia_3310_soundfont2.sf2 made by Krasno using samples imitating Nokia 3310 sounds made by Eamonn Watt.