GRPC Go daemon
Before compile daemon, read Protobuf Readme to install all needed tools for protobuf code generation.
Run the following to initialize the project
brew install go
git clone
cd <PATH to BulletJournal>/daemon
go mod init
make gen_proto
go mod vendor
If needed, please pull dependencies that are updated in your go code
go mod vendor
Build grpc server written in go code for macOS
make clean build
Run grpc server in foreground
Run rpc call against daemon server for resting its rpc endpoint
Right click and run daemon/clients/grpc/main.go
Run http call against daemon server for resting its rest endpoint
Right click and run daemon/clients/rest/
Kill grpc server
Build grpc server in bin directory for linux platform
make clean build GOOS=linux TARGET=bin
Docker usage
Run the following commands to build Docker image after code changes are committed:
make docker
Bring up the image by running:
docker run -it bulletjournal-daemon
Then push Docker image to Docker hub:
docker tag bulletjournal-daemon:latest zywangzy/bulletjournal-daemon:latest
docker push zywangzy/bulletjournal-daemon
Generate Protobuf Go code
Run the following command to generate protobuf go code.
make gen_proto
This command will create ./proto_gen/
folder, and copy ../protobuf/
into it, and build.
go mod vendor
This command will copy compiled protobuf go package from ./proto_gen/
to ./vendor/