Simplecontainer client
The project is not stable yet. Releases and major changes are introduced often.
Simplecontainer is based on the server-client architecture. You can interact with the remote/local client via mTLS.
Using smrmgr
The smrmgr is bash script for management of the simplecontainer. It is used for:
- Downloading and installing client
- Starting the node in single or cluster mode
- Starting the node and joining to the existing cluster
- Various options and configuration simplified
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/simplecontainer/smr/refs/heads/main/scripts/production/smrmgr.sh -o smrmgr
chmod +x smrmgr
sudo mv smrmgr /usr/local/bin
sudo smrmgr install
Using smr
The smr is client used to communicate to the local/external simplecontainer agents running on nodes.
The smrmgr automatically downloads the client and places it under /usr/local/bin/smr
To manually install, start and manage simplecontainer nodes download the client from the releases:
LATEST_VERSION=$(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/simplecontainer/client/main/version)
curl -o client https://github.com/simplecontainer/client/releases/download/$VERSION/client-$PLATFORM
sudo mv client /usr/local/bin/smr
Explore /scripts/production/smrmgr.sh
to see how you can utilize smr client to configure and start simplecontainer nodes.
Install smr in the pipeline agents
LATEST_VERSION=$(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/simplecontainer/client/main/version)
curl -o client https://github.com/simplecontainer/client/releases/download/$VERSION/client-$PLATFORM
sudo mv client smr
echo "$PWD" >> $PATH
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See more in LICENSE file.