Overview ¶
Package test provides a modern generic testing assertions library.
Index ¶
- func Ascending[O constraints.Ordered](t T, slice []O, settings ...Setting)
- func AscendingCmp[A any](t T, slice []A, compare func(A, A) int, settings ...Setting)
- func AscendingFunc[A any](t T, slice []A, less func(A, A) bool, settings ...Setting)
- func AscendingLess[L interfaces.LessFunc[L]](t T, slice []L, settings ...Setting)
- func Between[O constraints.Ordered](t T, lower, val, upper O, settings ...Setting)
- func BetweenExclusive[O constraints.Ordered](t T, lower, val, upper O, settings ...Setting)
- func Close(t T, c io.Closer)
- func Contains[C any](t T, element C, container interfaces.ContainsFunc[C], settings ...Setting)
- func ContainsSubset[C any](t T, elements []C, container interfaces.ContainsFunc[C], settings ...Setting)
- func Descending[O constraints.Ordered](t T, slice []O, settings ...Setting)
- func DescendingCmp[A any](t T, slice []A, compare func(A, A) int, settings ...Setting)
- func DescendingFunc[A any](t T, slice []A, less func(A, A) bool, settings ...Setting)
- func DescendingLess[L interfaces.LessFunc[L]](t T, slice []L, settings ...Setting)
- func DirExists(t T, directory string, settings ...Setting)
- func DirExistsFS(t T, system fs.FS, directory string, settings ...Setting)
- func DirMode(t T, path string, permissions fs.FileMode, settings ...Setting)
- func DirModeFS(t T, system fs.FS, path string, permissions fs.FileMode, settings ...Setting)
- func DirNotExists(t T, directory string, settings ...Setting)
- func DirNotExistsFS(t T, system fs.FS, directory string, settings ...Setting)
- func Empty(t T, e interfaces.EmptyFunc, settings ...Setting)
- func Eq[A any](t T, exp, val A, settings ...Setting)
- func EqError(t T, err error, msg string, settings ...Setting)
- func EqFunc[A any](t T, exp, val A, eq func(a, b A) bool, settings ...Setting)
- func EqJSON(t T, exp, val string, settings ...Setting)
- func EqOp[C comparable](t T, exp, val C, settings ...Setting)
- func Equal[E interfaces.EqualFunc[E]](t T, exp, val E, settings ...Setting)
- func Error(t T, err error, settings ...Setting)
- func ErrorAs[E error, Target *E](t T, err error, target Target, settings ...Setting)
- func ErrorContains(t T, err error, sub string, settings ...Setting)
- func ErrorIs(t T, err error, target error, settings ...Setting)
- func False(t T, condition bool, settings ...Setting)
- func FileContains(t T, file, content string, settings ...Setting)
- func FileContainsFS(t T, system fs.FS, file, content string, settings ...Setting)
- func FileExists(t T, file string, settings ...Setting)
- func FileExistsFS(t T, system fs.FS, file string, settings ...Setting)
- func FileMode(t T, path string, permissions fs.FileMode, settings ...Setting)
- func FileModeFS(t T, system fs.FS, path string, permissions fs.FileMode, settings ...Setting)
- func FileNotExists(t T, file string, settings ...Setting)
- func FileNotExistsFS(t T, system fs.FS, file string, settings ...Setting)
- func FilePathValid(t T, path string, settings ...Setting)
- func Greater[O constraints.Ordered](t T, exp, val O, settings ...Setting)
- func GreaterEq[O constraints.Ordered](t T, exp, val O, settings ...Setting)
- func InDelta[N interfaces.Number](t T, a, b, delta N, settings ...Setting)
- func InDeltaSlice[N interfaces.Number](t T, a, b []N, delta N, settings ...Setting)
- func Len[A any](t T, n int, slice []A, settings ...Setting)
- func Length(t T, exp int, l interfaces.LengthFunc, settings ...Setting)
- func Less[O constraints.Ordered](t T, exp, val O, settings ...Setting)
- func LessEq[O constraints.Ordered](t T, exp, val O, settings ...Setting)
- func Lesser[L interfaces.LessFunc[L]](t T, exp, val L, settings ...Setting)
- func MapContainsKey[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, key K, settings ...Setting)
- func MapContainsKeys[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, keys []K, settings ...Setting)
- func MapContainsValue[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, val V, settings ...Setting)
- func MapContainsValueEqual[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V interfaces.EqualFunc[V]](t T, m M, val V, settings ...Setting)
- func MapContainsValueFunc[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, val V, eq func(V, V) bool, settings ...Setting)
- func MapContainsValues[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, vals []V, settings ...Setting)
- func MapContainsValuesEqual[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V interfaces.EqualFunc[V]](t T, m M, vals []V, settings ...Setting)
- func MapContainsValuesFunc[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, vals []V, eq func(V, V) bool, settings ...Setting)
- func MapEmpty[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, settings ...Setting)
- func MapEq[M1, M2 interfaces.Map[K, V], K comparable, V any](t T, exp M1, val M2, settings ...Setting)
- func MapEqFunc[M1, M2 interfaces.Map[K, V], K comparable, V any](t T, exp M1, val M2, eq func(V, V) bool, settings ...Setting)
- func MapEqOp[M interfaces.Map[K, V], K, V comparable](t T, exp M, val M, settings ...Setting)
- func MapEqual[M interfaces.MapEqualFunc[K, V], K comparable, V interfaces.EqualFunc[V]](t T, exp, val M, settings ...Setting)
- func MapLen[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, n int, m M, settings ...Setting)
- func MapNotContainsKey[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, key K, settings ...Setting)
- func MapNotContainsKeys[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, keys []K, settings ...Setting)
- func MapNotContainsValue[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, val V, settings ...Setting)
- func MapNotContainsValueEqual[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V interfaces.EqualFunc[V]](t T, m M, val V, settings ...Setting)
- func MapNotContainsValueFunc[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, val V, eq func(V, V) bool, settings ...Setting)
- func MapNotContainsValues[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, vals []V, settings ...Setting)
- func MapNotContainsValuesEqual[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V interfaces.EqualFunc[V]](t T, m M, vals []V, settings ...Setting)
- func MapNotContainsValuesFunc[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, vals []V, eq func(V, V) bool, settings ...Setting)
- func MapNotEmpty[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, settings ...Setting)
- func Max[A any, C interfaces.MaxFunc[A]](t T, expect A, collection C, settings ...Setting)
- func Min[A any, C interfaces.MinFunc[A]](t T, expect A, collection C, settings ...Setting)
- func Negative[N interfaces.Number](t T, n N, settings ...Setting)
- func Nil(t T, a any, settings ...Setting)
- func NoError(t T, err error, settings ...Setting)
- func NonNegative[N interfaces.Number](t T, n N, settings ...Setting)
- func NonPositive[N interfaces.Number](t T, n N, settings ...Setting)
- func NonZero[N interfaces.Number](t T, n N, settings ...Setting)
- func NotContains[C any](t T, element C, container interfaces.ContainsFunc[C], settings ...Setting)
- func NotEmpty(t T, e interfaces.EmptyFunc, settings ...Setting)
- func NotEq[A any](t T, exp, val A, settings ...Setting)
- func NotEqFunc[A any](t T, exp, val A, eq func(a, b A) bool, settings ...Setting)
- func NotEqOp[C comparable](t T, exp, val C, settings ...Setting)
- func NotEqual[E interfaces.EqualFunc[E]](t T, exp, val E, settings ...Setting)
- func NotNil(t T, a any, settings ...Setting)
- func One[N interfaces.Number](t T, n N, settings ...Setting)
- func Positive[N interfaces.Number](t T, n N, settings ...Setting)
- func RegexCompiles(t T, expr string, settings ...Setting)
- func RegexCompilesPOSIX(t T, expr string, settings ...Setting)
- func RegexMatch(t T, re *regexp.Regexp, s string, settings ...Setting)
- func Size(t T, exp int, s interfaces.SizeFunc, settings ...Setting)
- func SliceContains[A any](t T, slice []A, item A, settings ...Setting)
- func SliceContainsAll[A any](t T, slice, items []A, settings ...Setting)
- func SliceContainsAllEqual[E interfaces.EqualFunc[E]](t T, slice, items []E, settings ...Setting)
- func SliceContainsAllFunc[A, B any](t T, slice []A, items []B, eq func(a A, b B) bool, settings ...Setting)
- func SliceContainsAllOp[C comparable](t T, slice, items []C, settings ...Setting)
- func SliceContainsEqual[E interfaces.EqualFunc[E]](t T, slice []E, item E, settings ...Setting)
- func SliceContainsFunc[A, B any](t T, slice []A, item B, eq func(a A, b B) bool, settings ...Setting)
- func SliceContainsOp[C comparable](t T, slice []C, item C, settings ...Setting)
- func SliceContainsSubset[A any](t T, slice, items []A, settings ...Setting)
- func SliceContainsSubsetEqual[E interfaces.EqualFunc[E]](t T, slice, items []E, settings ...Setting)
- func SliceContainsSubsetFunc[A, B any](t T, slice []A, items []B, eq func(a A, b B) bool, settings ...Setting)
- func SliceContainsSubsetOp[C comparable](t T, slice, items []C, settings ...Setting)
- func SliceEmpty[A any](t T, slice []A, settings ...Setting)
- func SliceEqFunc[A, B any](t T, exp []B, val []A, eq func(expectation A, value B) bool, ...)
- func SliceEqOp[A comparable, S ~[]A](t T, exp, val S, settings ...Setting)
- func SliceEqual[E interfaces.EqualFunc[E]](t T, exp, val []E, settings ...Setting)
- func SliceLen[A any](t T, n int, slice []A, settings ...Setting)
- func SliceNotContains[A any](t T, slice []A, item A, settings ...Setting)
- func SliceNotContainsFunc[A, B any](t T, slice []A, item B, eq func(a A, b B) bool, settings ...Setting)
- func SliceNotEmpty[A any](t T, slice []A, settings ...Setting)
- func StrContains(t T, s, sub string, settings ...Setting)
- func StrContainsAny(t T, s, chars string, settings ...Setting)
- func StrContainsFields(t T, s string, fields []string, settings ...Setting)
- func StrContainsFold(t T, s, sub string, settings ...Setting)
- func StrCount(t T, s, sub string, count int, settings ...Setting)
- func StrEqFold(t T, exp, val string, settings ...Setting)
- func StrHasPrefix(t T, prefix, s string, settings ...Setting)
- func StrHasSuffix(t T, suffix, s string, settings ...Setting)
- func StrNotContains(t T, s, sub string, settings ...Setting)
- func StrNotContainsAny(t T, s, chars string, settings ...Setting)
- func StrNotContainsFold(t T, s, sub string, settings ...Setting)
- func StrNotEqFold(t T, exp, val string, settings ...Setting)
- func StrNotHasPrefix(t T, prefix, s string, settings ...Setting)
- func StrNotHasSuffix(t T, suffix, s string, settings ...Setting)
- func StructEqual[E interfaces.CopyEqual[E]](t T, original E, tweaks Tweaks[E], settings ...Setting)
- func True(t T, condition bool, settings ...Setting)
- func UUIDv4(t T, id string, settings ...Setting)
- func Unreachable(t T, settings ...Setting)
- func ValidJSON(t T, js string, settings ...Setting)
- func ValidJSONBytes(t T, js []byte, settings ...Setting)
- func Wait(t T, wc *wait.Constraint, settings ...Setting)
- func Zero[N interfaces.Number](t T, n N, settings ...Setting)
- type ErrorAssertionFunc
- type PostScript
- type Setting
- type Settings
- type T
- type Tweak
- type Tweaks
Examples ¶
- Ascending
- AscendingCmp
- AscendingFunc
- AscendingLess
- Between
- BetweenExclusive
- Contains
- ContainsSubset
- Descending
- DescendingCmp
- DescendingFunc
- DescendingLess
- DirExists
- DirExistsFS
- DirNotExists
- DirNotExistsFS
- Empty
- Eq
- EqError
- EqFunc
- EqOp
- Equal
- Error
- ErrorAs
- ErrorContains
- ErrorIs
- False
- FileContains
- FileContainsFS
- FileExists
- FileExistsFS
- FileMode
- FileModeFS
- FileNotExists
- FileNotExistsFS
- FilePathValid
- Greater
- GreaterEq
- InDelta
- InDeltaSlice
- Len
- Length
- Less
- LessEq
- Lesser
- MapContainsKey
- MapContainsKeys
- MapContainsValues
- MapContainsValuesEqual
- MapContainsValuesFunc
- MapEmpty
- MapEq
- MapEqFunc
- MapEqOp
- MapEqual
- MapLen
- MapNotContainsKey
- MapNotContainsKeys
- MapNotContainsValues
- MapNotContainsValuesEqual
- MapNotContainsValuesFunc
- MapNotEmpty
- Max
- Min
- Negative
- Nil
- NoError
- NonNegative
- NonPositive
- NonZero
- NotContains
- NotEmpty
- NotEq
- NotEqFunc
- NotEqOp
- NotEqual
- NotNil
- One
- Positive
- RegexCompiles
- RegexCompilesPOSIX
- RegexMatch
- Size
- SliceContains
- SliceContainsAll
- SliceContainsAllEqual
- SliceContainsAllFunc
- SliceContainsAllOp
- SliceContainsEqual
- SliceContainsFunc
- SliceContainsOp
- SliceContainsSubset
- SliceContainsSubsetEqual
- SliceContainsSubsetFunc
- SliceContainsSubsetOp
- SliceEmpty
- SliceEqFunc
- SliceEqOp
- SliceEqual
- SliceLen
- SliceNotContains
- SliceNotContainsFunc
- SliceNotEmpty
- StrContains
- StrContainsAny
- StrContainsFields
- StrContainsFold
- StrCount
- StrEqFold
- StrHasPrefix
- StrHasSuffix
- StrNotContains
- StrNotContainsAny
- StrNotContainsFold
- StrNotEqFold
- StrNotHasPrefix
- StructEqual
- True
- UUIDv4
- Unreachable
- ValidJSON
- ValidJSONBytes
- Wait (Continual_success)
- Wait (Initial_success)
- Zero
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func Ascending ¶ added in v0.2.5
func Ascending[O constraints.Ordered](t T, slice []O, settings ...Setting)
Ascending asserts slice[n] ≤ slice[n+1] for each element.
Example ¶
func AscendingCmp ¶ added in v0.6.3
AscendingCmp asserts slice[n] is less than slice[n+1] for each element using the cmp comparator.
Example ¶
func AscendingFunc ¶ added in v0.2.5
AscendingFunc asserts slice[n] is less than slice[n+1] for each element using the less comparator.
Example ¶
func AscendingLess ¶ added in v0.2.5
func AscendingLess[L interfaces.LessFunc[L]](t T, slice []L, settings ...Setting)
AscendingLess asserts slice[n].Less(slice[n+1]) for each element.
Example ¶
func Between ¶ added in v0.4.0
func Between[O constraints.Ordered](t T, lower, val, upper O, settings ...Setting)
Between asserts lower ≤ val ≤ upper.
Example ¶
func BetweenExclusive ¶ added in v0.4.0
func BetweenExclusive[O constraints.Ordered](t T, lower, val, upper O, settings ...Setting)
BetweenExclusive asserts lower < val < upper.
Example ¶
func Contains ¶
func Contains[C any](t T, element C, container interfaces.ContainsFunc[C], settings ...Setting)
Contains asserts container.ContainsFunc(element) is true.
Example ¶
func ContainsSubset ¶ added in v0.6.1
func ContainsSubset[C any](t T, elements []C, container interfaces.ContainsFunc[C], settings ...Setting)
ContainsSubset asserts each element in elements exists in container, in no particular order. There may be elements in container beyond what is present in elements.
Example ¶
func Descending ¶ added in v0.2.5
func Descending[O constraints.Ordered](t T, slice []O, settings ...Setting)
Descending asserts slice[n] ≥ slice[n+1] for each element.
Example ¶
func DescendingCmp ¶ added in v0.6.3
DescendingCmp asserts slice[n+1] is ≤ slice[n] for each element.
Example ¶
func DescendingFunc ¶ added in v0.2.5
DescendingFunc asserts slice[n+1] is less than slice[n] for each element using the less comparator.
Example ¶
func DescendingLess ¶ added in v0.2.5
func DescendingLess[L interfaces.LessFunc[L]](t T, slice []L, settings ...Setting)
DescendingLess asserts slice[n+1].Less(slice[n]) for each element.
Example ¶
func DirExists ¶ added in v0.2.5
DirExists asserts directory exists on the OS filesystem.
Example ¶
func DirExistsFS ¶ added in v0.4.0
DirExistsFS asserts directory exists on the fs.FS filesystem.
Example, DirExistsFS(t, os.DirFS("/usr/local"), "bin")
Example ¶
func DirMode ¶ added in v1.8.0
DirMode asserts the directory at path on the OS filesystem has exactly the given permission bits.
func DirModeFS ¶ added in v1.8.0
DirModeFS asserts the directory at path on fs.FS has exactly the given permission bits.
Example, DirModeFS(t, os.DirFS("/"), "bin", 0655)
func DirNotExists ¶ added in v0.2.5
DirNotExists asserts directory does not exist on the OS filesystem.
Example ¶
func DirNotExistsFS ¶ added in v0.4.0
DirNotExistsFS asserts directory does not exist on the fs.FS filesystem.
Example, DirNotExistsFS(t, os.DirFS("/tmp"), "scratch")
Example ¶
func Empty ¶ added in v0.2.5
func Empty(t T, e interfaces.EmptyFunc, settings ...Setting)
Empty asserts e.Empty() is true.
Example ¶
func EqOp ¶ added in v0.2.4
func EqOp[C comparable](t T, exp, val C, settings ...Setting)
EqOp asserts exp == val.
Example ¶
func Equal ¶ added in v0.4.0
func Equal[E interfaces.EqualFunc[E]](t T, exp, val E, settings ...Setting)
Equal asserts val.Equal(exp).
Example ¶
func ErrorAs ¶ added in v1.11.0
ErrorAs asserts err's tree contains an error that matches target. If so, it sets target to the error value.
Example ¶
Output: e1
func FileContains ¶ added in v0.2.5
FileContains asserts the file on the OS filesystem contains content as a substring.
Example ¶
func FileContainsFS ¶ added in v0.4.0
FileContainsFS asserts the file on fs.FS contains content as a substring.
Often os.DirFS is used to interact with the host filesystem. Example, FileContainsFS(t, os.DirFS("/etc"), "hosts", "localhost")
Example ¶
func FileExists ¶ added in v0.2.5
FileExists asserts file exists on the OS filesystem.
Example ¶
func FileExistsFS ¶ added in v0.4.0
FileExistsFS asserts file exists on the fs.FS filesystem.
Example, FileExistsFS(t, os.DirFS("/etc"), "hosts")
Example ¶
func FileMode ¶ added in v0.2.5
FileMode asserts the file or directory at path on the OS filesystem has exactly the given permission bits.
Example ¶
func FileModeFS ¶ added in v0.4.0
FileModeFS asserts the file or directory at path on fs.FS has exactly the given permission bits.
Example, FileModeFS(t, os.DirFS("/bin"), "find", 0655)
Example ¶
func FileNotExists ¶ added in v0.2.5
FileNotExists asserts file does not exist on the OS filesystem.
Example ¶
func FileNotExistsFS ¶ added in v0.4.0
FileNotExistsFS asserts file does not exist on the fs.FS filesystem.
Example, FileNotExist(t, os.DirFS("/bin"), "exploit.exe")
Example ¶
func FilePathValid ¶ added in v0.2.5
FilePathValid asserts path is a valid file path.
Example ¶
func Greater ¶
func Greater[O constraints.Ordered](t T, exp, val O, settings ...Setting)
Greater asserts val > exp.
Example ¶
func GreaterEq ¶
func GreaterEq[O constraints.Ordered](t T, exp, val O, settings ...Setting)
GreaterEq asserts val ≥ exp.
Example ¶
func InDelta ¶
func InDelta[N interfaces.Number](t T, a, b, delta N, settings ...Setting)
InDelta asserts a and b are within delta of each other.
Example ¶
func InDeltaSlice ¶
func InDeltaSlice[N interfaces.Number](t T, a, b []N, delta N, settings ...Setting)
InDeltaSlice asserts each element a[n] is within delta of b[n].
Example ¶
func Len ¶ added in v0.2.5
Len asserts slice is of length n.
Shorthand function for SliceLen. For checking Len() of a struct, use the Length() assertion.
Example ¶
func Length ¶ added in v0.4.0
func Length(t T, exp int, l interfaces.LengthFunc, settings ...Setting)
Length asserts l.Len() is equal to exp.
Example ¶
func Less ¶
func Less[O constraints.Ordered](t T, exp, val O, settings ...Setting)
Less asserts val < exp.
Example ¶
func LessEq ¶
func LessEq[O constraints.Ordered](t T, exp, val O, settings ...Setting)
LessEq asserts val ≤ exp.
Example ¶
func Lesser ¶
func Lesser[L interfaces.LessFunc[L]](t T, exp, val L, settings ...Setting)
Lesser asserts val.Less(exp).
Example ¶
func MapContainsKey ¶ added in v0.6.0
func MapContainsKey[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, key K, settings ...Setting)
MapContainsKey asserts m contains key.
Example ¶
func MapContainsKeys ¶ added in v0.2.5
func MapContainsKeys[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, keys []K, settings ...Setting)
MapContainsKeys asserts m contains each key in keys.
Example ¶
func MapContainsValue ¶ added in v1.7.2
func MapContainsValue[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, val V, settings ...Setting)
MapContainsValue asserts m contains val.
func MapContainsValueEqual ¶ added in v1.7.2
func MapContainsValueEqual[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V interfaces.EqualFunc[V]](t T, m M, val V, settings ...Setting)
MapContainsValueEqual asserts m contains val using the V.Equal method.
func MapContainsValueFunc ¶ added in v1.7.2
func MapContainsValueFunc[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, val V, eq func(V, V) bool, settings ...Setting)
MapContainsValueFunc asserts m contains val using the eq function.
func MapContainsValues ¶ added in v0.2.5
func MapContainsValues[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, vals []V, settings ...Setting)
MapContainsValues asserts m contains each val in vals.
Example ¶
func MapContainsValuesEqual ¶ added in v0.4.0
func MapContainsValuesEqual[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V interfaces.EqualFunc[V]](t T, m M, vals []V, settings ...Setting)
MapContainsValuesEqual asserts m contains each val in vals using the V.Equal method.
Example ¶
func MapContainsValuesFunc ¶ added in v0.2.5
func MapContainsValuesFunc[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, vals []V, eq func(V, V) bool, settings ...Setting)
MapContainsValuesFunc asserts m contains each val in vals using the eq function.
Example ¶
func MapEmpty ¶
func MapEmpty[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, settings ...Setting)
MapEmpty asserts map is empty.
Example ¶
func MapEq ¶
func MapEq[M1, M2 interfaces.Map[K, V], K comparable, V any](t T, exp M1, val M2, settings ...Setting)
MapEq asserts maps exp and val contain the same key/val pairs, using cmp.Equal function to compare vals.
Example ¶
func MapEqFunc ¶
func MapEqFunc[M1, M2 interfaces.Map[K, V], K comparable, V any](t T, exp M1, val M2, eq func(V, V) bool, settings ...Setting)
MapEqFunc asserts maps exp and val contain the same key/val pairs, using eq to compare vals.
Example ¶
func MapEqOp ¶ added in v1.10.0
func MapEqOp[M interfaces.Map[K, V], K, V comparable](t T, exp M, val M, settings ...Setting)
MapEqOp asserts maps exp and val contain the same key/val pairs, using == to compare vals.
Example ¶
func MapEqual ¶ added in v0.4.0
func MapEqual[M interfaces.MapEqualFunc[K, V], K comparable, V interfaces.EqualFunc[V]](t T, exp, val M, settings ...Setting)
MapEqual asserts maps exp and val contain the same key/val pairs, using Equal method to compare val
Example ¶
func MapLen ¶
func MapLen[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, n int, m M, settings ...Setting)
MapLen asserts map is of size n.
Example ¶
func MapNotContainsKey ¶ added in v0.6.0
func MapNotContainsKey[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, key K, settings ...Setting)
MapNotContainsKey asserts m does not contain key.
Example ¶
func MapNotContainsKeys ¶ added in v0.4.6
func MapNotContainsKeys[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, keys []K, settings ...Setting)
MapNotContainsKeys asserts m does not contain any key in keys.
Example ¶
func MapNotContainsValue ¶ added in v1.7.2
func MapNotContainsValue[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, val V, settings ...Setting)
MapNotContainsValue asserts m does not contain val.
func MapNotContainsValueEqual ¶ added in v1.7.2
func MapNotContainsValueEqual[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V interfaces.EqualFunc[V]](t T, m M, val V, settings ...Setting)
MapNotContainsValueEqual asserts m does not contain val using the V.Equal method.
func MapNotContainsValueFunc ¶ added in v1.7.2
func MapNotContainsValueFunc[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, val V, eq func(V, V) bool, settings ...Setting)
MapNotContainsValueFunc asserts m does not contain val using the eq function.
func MapNotContainsValues ¶ added in v0.4.6
func MapNotContainsValues[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, vals []V, settings ...Setting)
MapNotContainsValues asserts m does not contain any value in vals.
Example ¶
func MapNotContainsValuesEqual ¶ added in v0.4.6
func MapNotContainsValuesEqual[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V interfaces.EqualFunc[V]](t T, m M, vals []V, settings ...Setting)
MapNotContainsValuesEqual asserts m does not contain any value in vals using the V.Equal method.
Example ¶
func MapNotContainsValuesFunc ¶ added in v0.4.6
func MapNotContainsValuesFunc[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, vals []V, eq func(V, V) bool, settings ...Setting)
MapNotContainsValuesFunc asserts m does not contain any value in vals using the eq function.
Example ¶
func MapNotEmpty ¶ added in v0.4.0
func MapNotEmpty[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t T, m M, settings ...Setting)
MapNotEmpty asserts map is not empty.
Example ¶
func Max ¶ added in v0.6.3
func Max[A any, C interfaces.MaxFunc[A]](t T, expect A, collection C, settings ...Setting)
Max asserts collection.Max() is equal to expect.
The equality method may be configured with Cmp options.
Example ¶
func Min ¶ added in v0.6.3
func Min[A any, C interfaces.MinFunc[A]](t T, expect A, collection C, settings ...Setting)
Min asserts collection.Min() is equal to expect.
The equality method may be configured with Cmp options.
Example ¶
func Negative ¶ added in v0.2.5
func Negative[N interfaces.Number](t T, n N, settings ...Setting)
Negative asserts n < 0.
Example ¶
func NonNegative ¶ added in v0.4.0
func NonNegative[N interfaces.Number](t T, n N, settings ...Setting)
NonNegative asserts n >= 0.
Example ¶
func NonPositive ¶ added in v0.4.0
func NonPositive[N interfaces.Number](t T, n N, settings ...Setting)
NonPositive asserts n ≤ 0.
Example ¶
func NonZero ¶ added in v0.2.5
func NonZero[N interfaces.Number](t T, n N, settings ...Setting)
NonZero asserts n != 0.
Example ¶
func NotContains ¶ added in v0.4.0
func NotContains[C any](t T, element C, container interfaces.ContainsFunc[C], settings ...Setting)
NotContains asserts container.ContainsFunc(element) is false.
Example ¶
func NotEmpty ¶ added in v0.4.0
func NotEmpty(t T, e interfaces.EmptyFunc, settings ...Setting)
NotEmpty asserts e.Empty() is false.
Example ¶
func NotEqOp ¶ added in v0.2.5
func NotEqOp[C comparable](t T, exp, val C, settings ...Setting)
NotEqOp asserts exp != val.
Example ¶
func NotEqual ¶ added in v0.4.0
func NotEqual[E interfaces.EqualFunc[E]](t T, exp, val E, settings ...Setting)
NotEqual asserts !val.Equal(exp).
Example ¶
func One ¶ added in v0.3.1
func One[N interfaces.Number](t T, n N, settings ...Setting)
One asserts n == 1.
Example ¶
func Positive ¶ added in v0.2.5
func Positive[N interfaces.Number](t T, n N, settings ...Setting)
Positive asserts n > 0.
Example ¶
func RegexCompiles ¶ added in v0.3.0
RegexCompiles asserts expr compiles as a valid regular expression.
Example ¶
func RegexCompilesPOSIX ¶ added in v0.3.0
RegexCompilesPOSIX asserts expr compiles as a valid POSIX regular expression.
Example ¶
func RegexMatch ¶ added in v0.2.5
RegexMatch asserts regular expression re matches string s.
Example ¶
func Size ¶ added in v0.4.0
func Size(t T, exp int, s interfaces.SizeFunc, settings ...Setting)
Size asserts s.Size() is equal to exp.
Example ¶
func SliceContains ¶ added in v0.4.0
SliceContains asserts item exists in slice, using cmp.Equal to compare elements.
Example ¶
func SliceContainsAll ¶ added in v0.4.0
SliceContainsAll asserts slice and items contain the same elements, but in no particular order, using cmp.Equal to compare elements. The number of elements in slice and items must be the same.
Example ¶
func SliceContainsAllEqual ¶ added in v1.12.0
func SliceContainsAllEqual[E interfaces.EqualFunc[E]](t T, slice, items []E, settings ...Setting)
SliceContainsAllEqual asserts slice and items contain the same elements, but in no particular order, using Equal to compare elements. The number of elements in slice and items must be the same.
Example ¶
func SliceContainsAllFunc ¶ added in v1.12.0
func SliceContainsAllFunc[A, B any](t T, slice []A, items []B, eq func(a A, b B) bool, settings ...Setting)
SliceContainsAllFunc asserts slice and items contain the same elements, but in no particular order, using eq to compare elements. The number of elements in slice and items must be the same.
Example ¶
func SliceContainsAllOp ¶ added in v1.12.0
func SliceContainsAllOp[C comparable](t T, slice, items []C, settings ...Setting)
SliceContainsAllOp asserts slice and items contain the same elements, but in no particular order, using the == operator. The number of elements in slice and items must be the same.
Example ¶
func SliceContainsEqual ¶ added in v0.4.0
func SliceContainsEqual[E interfaces.EqualFunc[E]](t T, slice []E, item E, settings ...Setting)
SliceContainsEqual asserts item exists in slice, using Equal to compare elements.
Example ¶
func SliceContainsFunc ¶ added in v0.4.0
func SliceContainsFunc[A, B any](t T, slice []A, item B, eq func(a A, b B) bool, settings ...Setting)
SliceContainsFunc asserts item exists in slice, using eq to compare elements.
Example ¶
func SliceContainsOp ¶ added in v0.4.0
func SliceContainsOp[C comparable](t T, slice []C, item C, settings ...Setting)
SliceContainsOp asserts item exists in slice using == operator.
Example ¶
func SliceContainsSubset ¶ added in v0.4.1
SliceContainsSubset asserts slice contains each item in items, in no particular order, using cmp.Equal to compare elements. There could be additional elements in slice not in items.
Example ¶
func SliceContainsSubsetEqual ¶ added in v1.12.0
func SliceContainsSubsetEqual[E interfaces.EqualFunc[E]](t T, slice, items []E, settings ...Setting)
SliceContainsSubsetEqual asserts slice contains each item in items, in no particular order, using Equal to compare elements. There could be additional elements in slice not in items.
Example ¶
func SliceContainsSubsetFunc ¶ added in v1.12.0
func SliceContainsSubsetFunc[A, B any](t T, slice []A, items []B, eq func(a A, b B) bool, settings ...Setting)
SliceContainsSubsetFunc asserts slice contains each item in items, in no particular order, using eq to compare elements. There could be additional elements in slice not in items.
Example ¶
func SliceContainsSubsetOp ¶ added in v1.12.0
func SliceContainsSubsetOp[C comparable](t T, slice, items []C, settings ...Setting)
SliceContainsSubsetOp asserts slice contains each item in items, in no particular order, using the == operator. There could be additional elements in slice not in items.
Example ¶
func SliceEqFunc ¶ added in v0.4.0
func SliceEqFunc[A, B any](t T, exp []B, val []A, eq func(expectation A, value B) bool, settings ...Setting)
SliceEqFunc asserts elements of val satisfy eq for the corresponding element in exp.
Example ¶
func SliceEqOp ¶ added in v1.10.0
func SliceEqOp[A comparable, S ~[]A](t T, exp, val S, settings ...Setting)
SliceEqOp asserts exp[n] == val[n] for each element n.
Example ¶
func SliceEqual ¶ added in v0.4.0
func SliceEqual[E interfaces.EqualFunc[E]](t T, exp, val []E, settings ...Setting)
SliceEqual asserts val[n].Equal(exp[n]) for each element n.
Example ¶
func SliceNotContains ¶ added in v0.4.0
SliceNotContains asserts item does not exist in slice, using cmp.Equal to compare elements.
Example ¶
func SliceNotContainsFunc ¶ added in v0.6.3
func SliceNotContainsFunc[A, B any](t T, slice []A, item B, eq func(a A, b B) bool, settings ...Setting)
SliceNotContainsFunc asserts item does not exist in slice, using eq to compare elements.
Example ¶
func StrContainsAny ¶ added in v0.3.0
StrContainsAny asserts s contains at least one character in chars.
Example ¶
func StrContainsFields ¶ added in v0.3.0
StrContainsFields asserts that fields is a subset of the result of strings.Fields(s).
Example ¶
func StrContainsFold ¶ added in v0.3.0
StrContainsFold asserts s contains substring sub, ignoring case.
Example ¶
func StrCount ¶ added in v0.3.0
StrCount asserts s contains exactly count instances of substring sub.
Example ¶
func StrEqFold ¶ added in v0.3.0
StrEqFold asserts exp and val are equivalent, ignoring case.
Example ¶
func StrHasPrefix ¶ added in v0.3.0
StrHasPrefix asserts that s starts with prefix.
Example ¶
func StrNotContains ¶ added in v0.3.0
StrNotContains asserts s does not contain substring sub.
Example ¶
func StrNotContainsAny ¶ added in v0.3.0
StrNotContainsAny asserts s does not contain any character in chars.
Example ¶
func StrNotContainsFold ¶ added in v0.3.0
StrNotContainsFold asserts s does not contain substring sub, ignoring case.
Example ¶
func StrNotEqFold ¶ added in v0.3.0
StrNotEqFold asserts exp and val are not equivalent, ignoring case.
Example ¶
func StrNotHasPrefix ¶ added in v0.3.0
StrNotHasPrefix asserts that s does not start with prefix.
Example ¶
func StrNotHasSuffix ¶ added in v0.3.0
StrNotHasSuffix asserts that s does not end with suffix.
func StructEqual ¶ added in v0.6.2
func StructEqual[E interfaces.CopyEqual[E]](t T, original E, tweaks Tweaks[E], settings ...Setting)
StructEqual will apply each Tweak and assert E.Equal captures the modification.
Example ¶
func Unreachable ¶ added in v0.2.8
Unreachable asserts a code path is not executed.
Example ¶
Types ¶
type ErrorAssertionFunc ¶ added in v1.8.1
ErrorAssertionFunc allows passing Error and NoError in table driven tests
type PostScript ¶ added in v0.3.0
type PostScript interface { // Label should categorize what is in Content. Label() string // Content contains extra contextual information for debugging a test failure. Content() string }
A PostScript is used to annotate a test failure with additional information.
Can be useful in large e2e style test cases, where adding additional context beyond an assertion helps in debugging.
type Setting ¶ added in v0.6.0
type Setting func(s *Settings)
A Setting changes the behavior of a test case assertion.
func Cmp ¶ added in v0.6.0
Cmp enables configuring cmp.Option values for modifying the behavior of the cmp.Equal function. Custom cmp.Option values control how the cmp.Equal function determines equality between the two objects.
func Func ¶ added in v0.3.0
Func adds the string produced by f as an annotation to the output of a test case failure.
func Sprint ¶ added in v0.3.0
Sprint appends a Sprint-string as an annotation to the output of a test case failure.
type Settings ¶ added in v0.6.0
type Settings struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Settings are used to manage a collection of Setting values used to modify the behavior of a test case assertion. Currently supports specifying custom error output content, and custom cmp.Option comparators / transforms.
Use Cmp for specifying custom cmp.Option values.
Use Sprint, Sprintf, Values, Func for specifying custom failure output messages.
type T ¶
T is the minimal set of functions to be implemented by any testing framework compatible with the must package.
type Tweak ¶ added in v0.6.2
type Tweak[E interfaces.CopyEqual[E]] struct { Field string Apply interfaces.TweakFunc[E] }
Tweak is used to modify a struct and assert its Equal method captures the modification.
Field is the name of the struct field and is used only for error printing. Apply is a function that modifies E.
type Tweaks ¶ added in v0.6.3
type Tweaks[E interfaces.CopyEqual[E]] []Tweak[E]
Tweaks is a slice of Tweak.