Index ¶
- Variables
- func Put(ctx Context)
- type Context
- func Get(parent context.Context) Context
- func New(parent context.Context) Context
- func StartSpan(parent Context, operationName string, opts ...opentracing.StartSpanOption) (opentracing.Span, Context)
- func WithActor(parent context.Context, value models.User) Context
- func WithCancel(grandParent context.Context) (Context, context.CancelFunc)
- func WithDeadline(grandParent context.Context, deadline time.Time) (Context, context.CancelFunc)
- func WithRequestID(parent context.Context, value string) Context
- func WithSpan(parent context.Context, value opentracing.Span) Context
- func WithTimeout(grandParent context.Context, timeout time.Duration) (Context, context.CancelFunc)
- func WithValue(parent context.Context, key, value interface{}) Context
- type ContextActorInvocation
- type ContextDeadlineInvocation
- type ContextDoneInvocation
- type ContextErrInvocation
- type ContextRequestIDInvocation
- type ContextSpanInvocation
- type ContextStartSpanInvocation
- type ContextTestingT
- type ContextValueInvocation
- type ContextWithActorInvocation
- type ContextWithCancelInvocation
- type ContextWithDeadlineInvocation
- type ContextWithParentInvocation
- type ContextWithRequestIDInvocation
- type ContextWithSpanInvocation
- type ContextWithTimeoutInvocation
- type ContextWithValueInvocation
- type FakeContext
- func (_f19 *FakeContext) Actor() (ident1 models.User)
- func (f *FakeContext) ActorCalled() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) ActorCalledN(n int) bool
- func (f *FakeContext) ActorCalledOnce() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) ActorNotCalled() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertActorCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertActorCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertActorCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertActorNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertDeadlineCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertDeadlineCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertDeadlineCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertDeadlineNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertDoneCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertDoneCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertDoneCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertDoneNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertErrCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertErrCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertErrCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertErrNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertRequestIDCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertRequestIDCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertRequestIDCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertRequestIDNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertSpanCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertSpanCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertSpanCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertSpanNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertStartSpanCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertStartSpanCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertStartSpanCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
- func (_f31 *FakeContext) AssertStartSpanCalledOnceWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 string, ident2 ...opentracing.StartSpanOption)
- func (_f29 *FakeContext) AssertStartSpanCalledWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 string, ident2 ...opentracing.StartSpanOption)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertStartSpanNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertValueCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertValueCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertValueCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
- func (_f15 *FakeContext) AssertValueCalledOnceWith(t ContextTestingT, key interface{})
- func (_f13 *FakeContext) AssertValueCalledWith(t ContextTestingT, key interface{})
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertValueNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithActorCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithActorCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithActorCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
- func (_f51 *FakeContext) AssertWithActorCalledOnceWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 models.User)
- func (_f49 *FakeContext) AssertWithActorCalledWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 models.User)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithActorNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithCancelCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithCancelCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithCancelCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithCancelNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithDeadlineCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithDeadlineCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithDeadlineCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
- func (_f93 *FakeContext) AssertWithDeadlineCalledOnceWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 time.Time)
- func (_f91 *FakeContext) AssertWithDeadlineCalledWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 time.Time)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithDeadlineNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithParentCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithParentCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithParentCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
- func (_f41 *FakeContext) AssertWithParentCalledOnceWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 context.Context)
- func (_f39 *FakeContext) AssertWithParentCalledWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 context.Context)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithParentNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithRequestIDCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithRequestIDCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithRequestIDCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
- func (_f61 *FakeContext) AssertWithRequestIDCalledOnceWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 string)
- func (_f59 *FakeContext) AssertWithRequestIDCalledWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 string)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithRequestIDNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithSpanCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithSpanCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithSpanCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
- func (_f71 *FakeContext) AssertWithSpanCalledOnceWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 opentracing.Span)
- func (_f69 *FakeContext) AssertWithSpanCalledWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 opentracing.Span)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithSpanNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithTimeoutCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithTimeoutCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithTimeoutCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
- func (_f103 *FakeContext) AssertWithTimeoutCalledOnceWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 time.Duration)
- func (_f101 *FakeContext) AssertWithTimeoutCalledWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 time.Duration)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithTimeoutNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithValueCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithValueCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithValueCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
- func (_f81 *FakeContext) AssertWithValueCalledOnceWith(t ContextTestingT, key interface{}, value interface{})
- func (_f79 *FakeContext) AssertWithValueCalledWith(t ContextTestingT, key interface{}, value interface{})
- func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithValueNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
- func (_f1 *FakeContext) Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool)
- func (f *FakeContext) DeadlineCalled() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) DeadlineCalledN(n int) bool
- func (f *FakeContext) DeadlineCalledOnce() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) DeadlineNotCalled() bool
- func (_f3 *FakeContext) Done() (ident1 <-chan struct{})
- func (f *FakeContext) DoneCalled() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) DoneCalledN(n int) bool
- func (f *FakeContext) DoneCalledOnce() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) DoneNotCalled() bool
- func (_f5 *FakeContext) Err() (ident2 error)
- func (f *FakeContext) ErrCalled() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) ErrCalledN(n int) bool
- func (f *FakeContext) ErrCalledOnce() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) ErrNotCalled() bool
- func (_f17 *FakeContext) RequestID() (ident1 string)
- func (f *FakeContext) RequestIDCalled() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) RequestIDCalledN(n int) bool
- func (f *FakeContext) RequestIDCalledOnce() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) RequestIDNotCalled() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) Reset()
- func (_f20 *FakeContext) SetActorStub(ident1 models.User)
- func (_f2 *FakeContext) SetDeadlineStub(deadline time.Time, ok bool)
- func (_f4 *FakeContext) SetDoneStub(ident1 <-chan struct{})
- func (_f6 *FakeContext) SetErrStub(ident2 error)
- func (_f18 *FakeContext) SetRequestIDStub(ident1 string)
- func (_f22 *FakeContext) SetSpanStub(ident1 opentracing.Span)
- func (_f25 *FakeContext) SetStartSpanInvocation(calls_f26 []*ContextStartSpanInvocation, fallback_f27 func() opentracing.Span)
- func (_f24 *FakeContext) SetStartSpanStub(ident3 opentracing.Span)
- func (_f9 *FakeContext) SetValueInvocation(calls_f10 []*ContextValueInvocation, fallback_f11 func() interface{})
- func (_f8 *FakeContext) SetValueStub(ident3 interface{})
- func (_f45 *FakeContext) SetWithActorInvocation(calls_f46 []*ContextWithActorInvocation, fallback_f47 func() Context)
- func (_f44 *FakeContext) SetWithActorStub(ident2 Context)
- func (_f84 *FakeContext) SetWithCancelStub(ident1 Context, ident2 context.CancelFunc)
- func (_f87 *FakeContext) SetWithDeadlineInvocation(calls_f88 []*ContextWithDeadlineInvocation, ...)
- func (_f86 *FakeContext) SetWithDeadlineStub(ident2 Context, ident3 context.CancelFunc)
- func (_f35 *FakeContext) SetWithParentInvocation(calls_f36 []*ContextWithParentInvocation, fallback_f37 func() Context)
- func (_f34 *FakeContext) SetWithParentStub(ident2 Context)
- func (_f55 *FakeContext) SetWithRequestIDInvocation(calls_f56 []*ContextWithRequestIDInvocation, fallback_f57 func() Context)
- func (_f54 *FakeContext) SetWithRequestIDStub(ident2 Context)
- func (_f65 *FakeContext) SetWithSpanInvocation(calls_f66 []*ContextWithSpanInvocation, fallback_f67 func() Context)
- func (_f64 *FakeContext) SetWithSpanStub(ident2 Context)
- func (_f97 *FakeContext) SetWithTimeoutInvocation(calls_f98 []*ContextWithTimeoutInvocation, ...)
- func (_f96 *FakeContext) SetWithTimeoutStub(ident2 Context, ident3 context.CancelFunc)
- func (_f75 *FakeContext) SetWithValueInvocation(calls_f76 []*ContextWithValueInvocation, fallback_f77 func() Context)
- func (_f74 *FakeContext) SetWithValueStub(ident1 Context)
- func (_f21 *FakeContext) Span() (ident1 opentracing.Span)
- func (f *FakeContext) SpanCalled() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) SpanCalledN(n int) bool
- func (f *FakeContext) SpanCalledOnce() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) SpanNotCalled() bool
- func (_f23 *FakeContext) StartSpan(ident1 string, ident2 ...opentracing.StartSpanOption) (ident3 opentracing.Span)
- func (f *FakeContext) StartSpanCalled() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) StartSpanCalledN(n int) bool
- func (f *FakeContext) StartSpanCalledOnce() bool
- func (_f30 *FakeContext) StartSpanCalledOnceWith(ident1 string, ident2 ...opentracing.StartSpanOption) bool
- func (_f28 *FakeContext) StartSpanCalledWith(ident1 string, ident2 ...opentracing.StartSpanOption) (found bool)
- func (f *FakeContext) StartSpanNotCalled() bool
- func (_f32 *FakeContext) StartSpanResultsForCall(ident1 string, ident2 ...opentracing.StartSpanOption) (ident3 opentracing.Span, found bool)
- func (_f7 *FakeContext) Value(key interface{}) (ident3 interface{})
- func (f *FakeContext) ValueCalled() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) ValueCalledN(n int) bool
- func (f *FakeContext) ValueCalledOnce() bool
- func (_f14 *FakeContext) ValueCalledOnceWith(key interface{}) bool
- func (_f12 *FakeContext) ValueCalledWith(key interface{}) (found bool)
- func (f *FakeContext) ValueNotCalled() bool
- func (_f16 *FakeContext) ValueResultsForCall(key interface{}) (ident3 interface{}, found bool)
- func (_f43 *FakeContext) WithActor(ident1 models.User) (ident2 Context)
- func (f *FakeContext) WithActorCalled() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) WithActorCalledN(n int) bool
- func (f *FakeContext) WithActorCalledOnce() bool
- func (_f50 *FakeContext) WithActorCalledOnceWith(ident1 models.User) bool
- func (_f48 *FakeContext) WithActorCalledWith(ident1 models.User) (found bool)
- func (f *FakeContext) WithActorNotCalled() bool
- func (_f52 *FakeContext) WithActorResultsForCall(ident1 models.User) (ident2 Context, found bool)
- func (_f83 *FakeContext) WithCancel() (ident1 Context, ident2 context.CancelFunc)
- func (f *FakeContext) WithCancelCalled() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) WithCancelCalledN(n int) bool
- func (f *FakeContext) WithCancelCalledOnce() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) WithCancelNotCalled() bool
- func (_f85 *FakeContext) WithDeadline(ident1 time.Time) (ident2 Context, ident3 context.CancelFunc)
- func (f *FakeContext) WithDeadlineCalled() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) WithDeadlineCalledN(n int) bool
- func (f *FakeContext) WithDeadlineCalledOnce() bool
- func (_f92 *FakeContext) WithDeadlineCalledOnceWith(ident1 time.Time) bool
- func (_f90 *FakeContext) WithDeadlineCalledWith(ident1 time.Time) (found bool)
- func (f *FakeContext) WithDeadlineNotCalled() bool
- func (_f94 *FakeContext) WithDeadlineResultsForCall(ident1 time.Time) (ident2 Context, ident3 context.CancelFunc, found bool)
- func (_f33 *FakeContext) WithParent(ident1 context.Context) (ident2 Context)
- func (f *FakeContext) WithParentCalled() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) WithParentCalledN(n int) bool
- func (f *FakeContext) WithParentCalledOnce() bool
- func (_f40 *FakeContext) WithParentCalledOnceWith(ident1 context.Context) bool
- func (_f38 *FakeContext) WithParentCalledWith(ident1 context.Context) (found bool)
- func (f *FakeContext) WithParentNotCalled() bool
- func (_f42 *FakeContext) WithParentResultsForCall(ident1 context.Context) (ident2 Context, found bool)
- func (_f53 *FakeContext) WithRequestID(ident1 string) (ident2 Context)
- func (f *FakeContext) WithRequestIDCalled() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) WithRequestIDCalledN(n int) bool
- func (f *FakeContext) WithRequestIDCalledOnce() bool
- func (_f60 *FakeContext) WithRequestIDCalledOnceWith(ident1 string) bool
- func (_f58 *FakeContext) WithRequestIDCalledWith(ident1 string) (found bool)
- func (f *FakeContext) WithRequestIDNotCalled() bool
- func (_f62 *FakeContext) WithRequestIDResultsForCall(ident1 string) (ident2 Context, found bool)
- func (_f63 *FakeContext) WithSpan(ident1 opentracing.Span) (ident2 Context)
- func (f *FakeContext) WithSpanCalled() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) WithSpanCalledN(n int) bool
- func (f *FakeContext) WithSpanCalledOnce() bool
- func (_f70 *FakeContext) WithSpanCalledOnceWith(ident1 opentracing.Span) bool
- func (_f68 *FakeContext) WithSpanCalledWith(ident1 opentracing.Span) (found bool)
- func (f *FakeContext) WithSpanNotCalled() bool
- func (_f72 *FakeContext) WithSpanResultsForCall(ident1 opentracing.Span) (ident2 Context, found bool)
- func (_f95 *FakeContext) WithTimeout(ident1 time.Duration) (ident2 Context, ident3 context.CancelFunc)
- func (f *FakeContext) WithTimeoutCalled() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) WithTimeoutCalledN(n int) bool
- func (f *FakeContext) WithTimeoutCalledOnce() bool
- func (_f102 *FakeContext) WithTimeoutCalledOnceWith(ident1 time.Duration) bool
- func (_f100 *FakeContext) WithTimeoutCalledWith(ident1 time.Duration) (found bool)
- func (f *FakeContext) WithTimeoutNotCalled() bool
- func (_f104 *FakeContext) WithTimeoutResultsForCall(ident1 time.Duration) (ident2 Context, ident3 context.CancelFunc, found bool)
- func (_f73 *FakeContext) WithValue(key interface{}, value interface{}) (ident1 Context)
- func (f *FakeContext) WithValueCalled() bool
- func (f *FakeContext) WithValueCalledN(n int) bool
- func (f *FakeContext) WithValueCalledOnce() bool
- func (_f80 *FakeContext) WithValueCalledOnceWith(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool
- func (_f78 *FakeContext) WithValueCalledWith(key interface{}, value interface{}) (found bool)
- func (f *FakeContext) WithValueNotCalled() bool
- func (_f82 *FakeContext) WithValueResultsForCall(key interface{}, value interface{}) (ident1 Context, found bool)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ( IDKey = new(idKey) ActorKey = new(actorKey) SpanKey = new(spanKey) )
Functions ¶
Types ¶
type Context ¶
type Context interface { context.Context // RequestID returns the configured request id or an empty string RequestID() string // Actor returns the configured actor or nil Actor() models.User // Span returns the configured OpenTracing span or nil Span() opentracing.Span // StartSpan creates a new span with the given operation name and options. The new span is not added to the current instance. // If the context instance contains a span it will be the parent of the new span and it's tracer will be used to create the span. If no span is configured the global tracer will be used to create a new span. StartSpan(string, ...opentracing.StartSpanOption) opentracing.Span // WithSpan returns a copy of the current instance configured with the given parent WithParent(context.Context) Context // WithActor returns a copy of the current instance configured with the given actor WithActor(models.User) Context /// WithRequestID returns an copy of the current instance configured with the given request id WithRequestID(string) Context // WithSpan returns a copy of the current instance configured with the given span WithSpan(opentracing.Span) Context // WithValue returns a copy of the current instance configured with the given value WithValue(key, value interface{}) Context // WithCancel returns a copy of current instance with a new Done channel. WithCancel() (Context, context.CancelFunc) // WithDeadline returns a copy of the current instance with the deadline adjusted to be no later than the give time WithDeadline(time.Time) (Context, context.CancelFunc) // WithTimeout returns a copy of the current instance with the deadline adjusted to time.Now().Add(timeout) WithTimeout(time.Duration) (Context, context.CancelFunc) }
func StartSpan ¶ added in v0.3.1
func StartSpan(parent Context, operationName string, opts ...opentracing.StartSpanOption) (opentracing.Span, Context)
StartSpan returns a new instance with the given parent and a span created using the given operation name and options
func WithCancel ¶ added in v0.3.0
func WithCancel(grandParent context.Context) (Context, context.CancelFunc)
WithCancel returns a new instance and its cancel function with the given parent
func WithDeadline ¶ added in v0.3.0
WithDeadline returns a new instance with the given deadline
func WithRequestID ¶ added in v0.3.0
WithRequestID returns a new instance with the given parent and request id
func WithTimeout ¶ added in v0.3.0
WithTimeout returns a new instance with the given timeout
type ContextActorInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.0
ContextActorInvocation represents a single call of FakeContext.Actor
type ContextDeadlineInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.0
ContextDeadlineInvocation represents a single call of FakeContext.Deadline
type ContextDoneInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ContextDoneInvocation struct {
Results struct {
Ident1 <-chan struct{}
ContextDoneInvocation represents a single call of FakeContext.Done
type ContextErrInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ContextErrInvocation struct { Results struct { Ident2 error } }
ContextErrInvocation represents a single call of FakeContext.Err
type ContextRequestIDInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ContextRequestIDInvocation struct { Results struct { Ident1 string } }
ContextRequestIDInvocation represents a single call of FakeContext.RequestID
type ContextSpanInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.1
type ContextSpanInvocation struct {
Results struct {
Ident1 opentracing.Span
ContextSpanInvocation represents a single call of FakeContext.Span
type ContextStartSpanInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.1
type ContextStartSpanInvocation struct { Parameters struct { Ident1 string Ident2 []opentracing.StartSpanOption } Results struct { Ident3 opentracing.Span } }
ContextStartSpanInvocation represents a single call of FakeContext.StartSpan
func NewContextStartSpanInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.1
func NewContextStartSpanInvocation(ident1 string, ident2 []opentracing.StartSpanOption, ident3 opentracing.Span) *ContextStartSpanInvocation
NewContextStartSpanInvocation creates a new instance of ContextStartSpanInvocation
type ContextTestingT ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ContextTestingT interface { Error(...interface{}) Errorf(string, ...interface{}) Fatal(...interface{}) Helper() }
ContextTestingT represents the methods of "testing".T used by charlatan Fakes. It avoids importing the testing package.
type ContextValueInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ContextValueInvocation struct { Parameters struct { Key interface{} } Results struct { Ident3 interface{} } }
ContextValueInvocation represents a single call of FakeContext.Value
func NewContextValueInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.1
func NewContextValueInvocation(key interface{}, ident3 interface{}) *ContextValueInvocation
NewContextValueInvocation creates a new instance of ContextValueInvocation
type ContextWithActorInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ContextWithActorInvocation struct { Parameters struct { Ident1 models.User } Results struct { Ident2 Context } }
ContextWithActorInvocation represents a single call of FakeContext.WithActor
func NewContextWithActorInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.1
func NewContextWithActorInvocation(ident1 models.User, ident2 Context) *ContextWithActorInvocation
NewContextWithActorInvocation creates a new instance of ContextWithActorInvocation
type ContextWithCancelInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ContextWithCancelInvocation struct { Results struct { Ident1 Context Ident2 context.CancelFunc } }
ContextWithCancelInvocation represents a single call of FakeContext.WithCancel
type ContextWithDeadlineInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ContextWithDeadlineInvocation struct { Parameters struct { Ident1 time.Time } Results struct { Ident2 Context Ident3 context.CancelFunc } }
ContextWithDeadlineInvocation represents a single call of FakeContext.WithDeadline
func NewContextWithDeadlineInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.1
func NewContextWithDeadlineInvocation(ident1 time.Time, ident2 Context, ident3 context.CancelFunc) *ContextWithDeadlineInvocation
NewContextWithDeadlineInvocation creates a new instance of ContextWithDeadlineInvocation
type ContextWithParentInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ContextWithParentInvocation struct { Parameters struct { Ident1 context.Context } Results struct { Ident2 Context } }
ContextWithParentInvocation represents a single call of FakeContext.WithParent
func NewContextWithParentInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.1
func NewContextWithParentInvocation(ident1 context.Context, ident2 Context) *ContextWithParentInvocation
NewContextWithParentInvocation creates a new instance of ContextWithParentInvocation
type ContextWithRequestIDInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ContextWithRequestIDInvocation struct { Parameters struct { Ident1 string } Results struct { Ident2 Context } }
ContextWithRequestIDInvocation represents a single call of FakeContext.WithRequestID
func NewContextWithRequestIDInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.1
func NewContextWithRequestIDInvocation(ident1 string, ident2 Context) *ContextWithRequestIDInvocation
NewContextWithRequestIDInvocation creates a new instance of ContextWithRequestIDInvocation
type ContextWithSpanInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.1
type ContextWithSpanInvocation struct { Parameters struct { Ident1 opentracing.Span } Results struct { Ident2 Context } }
ContextWithSpanInvocation represents a single call of FakeContext.WithSpan
func NewContextWithSpanInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.1
func NewContextWithSpanInvocation(ident1 opentracing.Span, ident2 Context) *ContextWithSpanInvocation
NewContextWithSpanInvocation creates a new instance of ContextWithSpanInvocation
type ContextWithTimeoutInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ContextWithTimeoutInvocation struct { Parameters struct { Ident1 time.Duration } Results struct { Ident2 Context Ident3 context.CancelFunc } }
ContextWithTimeoutInvocation represents a single call of FakeContext.WithTimeout
func NewContextWithTimeoutInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.1
func NewContextWithTimeoutInvocation(ident1 time.Duration, ident2 Context, ident3 context.CancelFunc) *ContextWithTimeoutInvocation
NewContextWithTimeoutInvocation creates a new instance of ContextWithTimeoutInvocation
type ContextWithValueInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ContextWithValueInvocation struct { Parameters struct { Key interface{} Value interface{} } Results struct { Ident1 Context } }
ContextWithValueInvocation represents a single call of FakeContext.WithValue
func NewContextWithValueInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.1
func NewContextWithValueInvocation(key interface{}, value interface{}, ident1 Context) *ContextWithValueInvocation
NewContextWithValueInvocation creates a new instance of ContextWithValueInvocation
type FakeContext ¶
type FakeContext struct { DeadlineHook func() (time.Time, bool) DoneHook func() <-chan struct{} ErrHook func() error ValueHook func(interface{}) interface{} RequestIDHook func() string ActorHook func() models.User SpanHook func() opentracing.Span StartSpanHook func(string, ...opentracing.StartSpanOption) opentracing.Span WithParentHook func(context.Context) Context WithActorHook func(models.User) Context WithRequestIDHook func(string) Context WithSpanHook func(opentracing.Span) Context WithValueHook func(interface{}, interface{}) Context WithCancelHook func() (Context, context.CancelFunc) WithDeadlineHook func(time.Time) (Context, context.CancelFunc) WithTimeoutHook func(time.Duration) (Context, context.CancelFunc) DeadlineCalls []*ContextDeadlineInvocation DoneCalls []*ContextDoneInvocation ErrCalls []*ContextErrInvocation ValueCalls []*ContextValueInvocation RequestIDCalls []*ContextRequestIDInvocation ActorCalls []*ContextActorInvocation SpanCalls []*ContextSpanInvocation StartSpanCalls []*ContextStartSpanInvocation WithParentCalls []*ContextWithParentInvocation WithActorCalls []*ContextWithActorInvocation WithRequestIDCalls []*ContextWithRequestIDInvocation WithSpanCalls []*ContextWithSpanInvocation WithValueCalls []*ContextWithValueInvocation WithCancelCalls []*ContextWithCancelInvocation WithDeadlineCalls []*ContextWithDeadlineInvocation WithTimeoutCalls []*ContextWithTimeoutInvocation }
FakeContext is a mock implementation of Context for testing. Use it in your tests as in this example:
package example func TestWithContext(t *testing.T) { f := &context.FakeContext{ DeadlineHook: func() (deadline time.Time, ok bool) { // ensure parameters meet expections, signal errors using t, etc return }, } // test code goes here ... // assert state of FakeDeadline ... f.AssertDeadlineCalledOnce(t) }
Create anonymous function implementations for only those interface methods that should be called in the code under test. This will force a panic if any unexpected calls are made to FakeDeadline.
func NewFakeContextDefaultError ¶
func NewFakeContextDefaultError(t ContextTestingT) *FakeContext
NewFakeContextDefaultError returns an instance of FakeContext with all hooks configured to call t.Error
func NewFakeContextDefaultFatal ¶
func NewFakeContextDefaultFatal(t ContextTestingT) *FakeContext
NewFakeContextDefaultFatal returns an instance of FakeContext with all hooks configured to call t.Fatal
func NewFakeContextDefaultPanic ¶
func NewFakeContextDefaultPanic() *FakeContext
NewFakeContextDefaultPanic returns an instance of FakeContext with all hooks configured to panic
func (*FakeContext) Actor ¶
func (_f19 *FakeContext) Actor() (ident1 models.User)
func (*FakeContext) ActorCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) ActorCalled() bool
ActorCalled returns true if FakeContext.Actor was called
func (*FakeContext) ActorCalledN ¶
func (f *FakeContext) ActorCalledN(n int) bool
ActorCalledN returns true if FakeContext.Actor was called at least n times
func (*FakeContext) ActorCalledOnce ¶
func (f *FakeContext) ActorCalledOnce() bool
ActorCalledOnce returns true if FakeContext.Actor was called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) ActorNotCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) ActorNotCalled() bool
ActorNotCalled returns true if FakeContext.Actor was not called
func (*FakeContext) AssertActorCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertActorCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertActorCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.Actor was not called
func (*FakeContext) AssertActorCalledN ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertActorCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
AssertActorCalledN calls t.Error if FakeContext.Actor was called less than n times
func (*FakeContext) AssertActorCalledOnce ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertActorCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
AssertActorCalledOnce calls t.Error if FakeContext.Actor was not called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) AssertActorNotCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertActorNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertActorNotCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.Actor was called
func (*FakeContext) AssertDeadlineCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertDeadlineCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertDeadlineCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.Deadline was not called
func (*FakeContext) AssertDeadlineCalledN ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertDeadlineCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
AssertDeadlineCalledN calls t.Error if FakeContext.Deadline was called less than n times
func (*FakeContext) AssertDeadlineCalledOnce ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertDeadlineCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
AssertDeadlineCalledOnce calls t.Error if FakeContext.Deadline was not called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) AssertDeadlineNotCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertDeadlineNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertDeadlineNotCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.Deadline was called
func (*FakeContext) AssertDoneCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertDoneCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertDoneCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.Done was not called
func (*FakeContext) AssertDoneCalledN ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertDoneCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
AssertDoneCalledN calls t.Error if FakeContext.Done was called less than n times
func (*FakeContext) AssertDoneCalledOnce ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertDoneCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
AssertDoneCalledOnce calls t.Error if FakeContext.Done was not called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) AssertDoneNotCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertDoneNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertDoneNotCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.Done was called
func (*FakeContext) AssertErrCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertErrCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertErrCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.Err was not called
func (*FakeContext) AssertErrCalledN ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertErrCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
AssertErrCalledN calls t.Error if FakeContext.Err was called less than n times
func (*FakeContext) AssertErrCalledOnce ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertErrCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
AssertErrCalledOnce calls t.Error if FakeContext.Err was not called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) AssertErrNotCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertErrNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertErrNotCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.Err was called
func (*FakeContext) AssertRequestIDCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertRequestIDCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertRequestIDCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.RequestID was not called
func (*FakeContext) AssertRequestIDCalledN ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertRequestIDCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
AssertRequestIDCalledN calls t.Error if FakeContext.RequestID was called less than n times
func (*FakeContext) AssertRequestIDCalledOnce ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertRequestIDCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
AssertRequestIDCalledOnce calls t.Error if FakeContext.RequestID was not called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) AssertRequestIDNotCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertRequestIDNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertRequestIDNotCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.RequestID was called
func (*FakeContext) AssertSpanCalled ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) AssertSpanCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertSpanCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.Span was not called
func (*FakeContext) AssertSpanCalledN ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) AssertSpanCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
AssertSpanCalledN calls t.Error if FakeContext.Span was called less than n times
func (*FakeContext) AssertSpanCalledOnce ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) AssertSpanCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
AssertSpanCalledOnce calls t.Error if FakeContext.Span was not called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) AssertSpanNotCalled ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) AssertSpanNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertSpanNotCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.Span was called
func (*FakeContext) AssertStartSpanCalled ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) AssertStartSpanCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertStartSpanCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.StartSpan was not called
func (*FakeContext) AssertStartSpanCalledN ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) AssertStartSpanCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
AssertStartSpanCalledN calls t.Error if FakeContext.StartSpan was called less than n times
func (*FakeContext) AssertStartSpanCalledOnce ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) AssertStartSpanCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
AssertStartSpanCalledOnce calls t.Error if FakeContext.StartSpan was not called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) AssertStartSpanCalledOnceWith ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f31 *FakeContext) AssertStartSpanCalledOnceWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 string, ident2 ...opentracing.StartSpanOption)
AssertStartSpanCalledOnceWith calls t.Error if FakeContext.StartSpan was not called exactly once with the given values
func (*FakeContext) AssertStartSpanCalledWith ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f29 *FakeContext) AssertStartSpanCalledWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 string, ident2 ...opentracing.StartSpanOption)
AssertStartSpanCalledWith calls t.Error if FakeContext.StartSpan was not called with the given values
func (*FakeContext) AssertStartSpanNotCalled ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) AssertStartSpanNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertStartSpanNotCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.StartSpan was called
func (*FakeContext) AssertValueCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertValueCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertValueCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.Value was not called
func (*FakeContext) AssertValueCalledN ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertValueCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
AssertValueCalledN calls t.Error if FakeContext.Value was called less than n times
func (*FakeContext) AssertValueCalledOnce ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertValueCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
AssertValueCalledOnce calls t.Error if FakeContext.Value was not called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) AssertValueCalledOnceWith ¶
func (_f15 *FakeContext) AssertValueCalledOnceWith(t ContextTestingT, key interface{})
AssertValueCalledOnceWith calls t.Error if FakeContext.Value was not called exactly once with the given values
func (*FakeContext) AssertValueCalledWith ¶
func (_f13 *FakeContext) AssertValueCalledWith(t ContextTestingT, key interface{})
AssertValueCalledWith calls t.Error if FakeContext.Value was not called with the given values
func (*FakeContext) AssertValueNotCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) AssertValueNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertValueNotCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.Value was called
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithActorCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithActorCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithActorCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithActor was not called
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithActorCalledN ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithActorCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
AssertWithActorCalledN calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithActor was called less than n times
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithActorCalledOnce ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithActorCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithActorCalledOnce calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithActor was not called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithActorCalledOnceWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f51 *FakeContext) AssertWithActorCalledOnceWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 models.User)
AssertWithActorCalledOnceWith calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithActor was not called exactly once with the given values
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithActorCalledWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f49 *FakeContext) AssertWithActorCalledWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 models.User)
AssertWithActorCalledWith calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithActor was not called with the given values
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithActorNotCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithActorNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithActorNotCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithActor was called
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithCancelCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithCancelCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithCancelCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithCancel was not called
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithCancelCalledN ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithCancelCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
AssertWithCancelCalledN calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithCancel was called less than n times
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithCancelCalledOnce ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithCancelCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithCancelCalledOnce calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithCancel was not called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithCancelNotCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithCancelNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithCancelNotCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithCancel was called
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithDeadlineCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithDeadlineCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithDeadlineCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithDeadline was not called
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithDeadlineCalledN ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithDeadlineCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
AssertWithDeadlineCalledN calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithDeadline was called less than n times
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithDeadlineCalledOnce ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithDeadlineCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithDeadlineCalledOnce calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithDeadline was not called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithDeadlineCalledOnceWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f93 *FakeContext) AssertWithDeadlineCalledOnceWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 time.Time)
AssertWithDeadlineCalledOnceWith calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithDeadline was not called exactly once with the given values
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithDeadlineCalledWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f91 *FakeContext) AssertWithDeadlineCalledWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 time.Time)
AssertWithDeadlineCalledWith calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithDeadline was not called with the given values
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithDeadlineNotCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithDeadlineNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithDeadlineNotCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithDeadline was called
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithParentCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithParentCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithParentCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithParent was not called
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithParentCalledN ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithParentCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
AssertWithParentCalledN calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithParent was called less than n times
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithParentCalledOnce ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithParentCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithParentCalledOnce calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithParent was not called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithParentCalledOnceWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f41 *FakeContext) AssertWithParentCalledOnceWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 context.Context)
AssertWithParentCalledOnceWith calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithParent was not called exactly once with the given values
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithParentCalledWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f39 *FakeContext) AssertWithParentCalledWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 context.Context)
AssertWithParentCalledWith calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithParent was not called with the given values
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithParentNotCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithParentNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithParentNotCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithParent was called
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithRequestIDCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithRequestIDCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithRequestIDCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithRequestID was not called
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithRequestIDCalledN ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithRequestIDCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
AssertWithRequestIDCalledN calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithRequestID was called less than n times
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithRequestIDCalledOnce ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithRequestIDCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithRequestIDCalledOnce calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithRequestID was not called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithRequestIDCalledOnceWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f61 *FakeContext) AssertWithRequestIDCalledOnceWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 string)
AssertWithRequestIDCalledOnceWith calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithRequestID was not called exactly once with the given values
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithRequestIDCalledWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f59 *FakeContext) AssertWithRequestIDCalledWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 string)
AssertWithRequestIDCalledWith calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithRequestID was not called with the given values
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithRequestIDNotCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithRequestIDNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithRequestIDNotCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithRequestID was called
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithSpanCalled ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithSpanCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithSpanCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithSpan was not called
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithSpanCalledN ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithSpanCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
AssertWithSpanCalledN calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithSpan was called less than n times
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithSpanCalledOnce ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithSpanCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithSpanCalledOnce calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithSpan was not called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithSpanCalledOnceWith ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f71 *FakeContext) AssertWithSpanCalledOnceWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 opentracing.Span)
AssertWithSpanCalledOnceWith calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithSpan was not called exactly once with the given values
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithSpanCalledWith ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f69 *FakeContext) AssertWithSpanCalledWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 opentracing.Span)
AssertWithSpanCalledWith calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithSpan was not called with the given values
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithSpanNotCalled ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithSpanNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithSpanNotCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithSpan was called
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithTimeoutCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithTimeoutCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithTimeoutCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithTimeout was not called
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithTimeoutCalledN ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithTimeoutCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
AssertWithTimeoutCalledN calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithTimeout was called less than n times
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithTimeoutCalledOnce ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithTimeoutCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithTimeoutCalledOnce calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithTimeout was not called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithTimeoutCalledOnceWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f103 *FakeContext) AssertWithTimeoutCalledOnceWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 time.Duration)
AssertWithTimeoutCalledOnceWith calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithTimeout was not called exactly once with the given values
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithTimeoutCalledWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f101 *FakeContext) AssertWithTimeoutCalledWith(t ContextTestingT, ident1 time.Duration)
AssertWithTimeoutCalledWith calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithTimeout was not called with the given values
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithTimeoutNotCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithTimeoutNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithTimeoutNotCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithTimeout was called
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithValueCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithValueCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithValueCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithValue was not called
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithValueCalledN ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithValueCalledN(t ContextTestingT, n int)
AssertWithValueCalledN calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithValue was called less than n times
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithValueCalledOnce ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithValueCalledOnce(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithValueCalledOnce calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithValue was not called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithValueCalledOnceWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f81 *FakeContext) AssertWithValueCalledOnceWith(t ContextTestingT, key interface{}, value interface{})
AssertWithValueCalledOnceWith calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithValue was not called exactly once with the given values
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithValueCalledWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f79 *FakeContext) AssertWithValueCalledWith(t ContextTestingT, key interface{}, value interface{})
AssertWithValueCalledWith calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithValue was not called with the given values
func (*FakeContext) AssertWithValueNotCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) AssertWithValueNotCalled(t ContextTestingT)
AssertWithValueNotCalled calls t.Error if FakeContext.WithValue was called
func (*FakeContext) DeadlineCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) DeadlineCalled() bool
DeadlineCalled returns true if FakeContext.Deadline was called
func (*FakeContext) DeadlineCalledN ¶
func (f *FakeContext) DeadlineCalledN(n int) bool
DeadlineCalledN returns true if FakeContext.Deadline was called at least n times
func (*FakeContext) DeadlineCalledOnce ¶
func (f *FakeContext) DeadlineCalledOnce() bool
DeadlineCalledOnce returns true if FakeContext.Deadline was called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) DeadlineNotCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) DeadlineNotCalled() bool
DeadlineNotCalled returns true if FakeContext.Deadline was not called
func (*FakeContext) Done ¶
func (_f3 *FakeContext) Done() (ident1 <-chan struct{})
func (*FakeContext) DoneCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) DoneCalled() bool
DoneCalled returns true if FakeContext.Done was called
func (*FakeContext) DoneCalledN ¶
func (f *FakeContext) DoneCalledN(n int) bool
DoneCalledN returns true if FakeContext.Done was called at least n times
func (*FakeContext) DoneCalledOnce ¶
func (f *FakeContext) DoneCalledOnce() bool
DoneCalledOnce returns true if FakeContext.Done was called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) DoneNotCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) DoneNotCalled() bool
DoneNotCalled returns true if FakeContext.Done was not called
func (*FakeContext) Err ¶
func (_f5 *FakeContext) Err() (ident2 error)
func (*FakeContext) ErrCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) ErrCalled() bool
ErrCalled returns true if FakeContext.Err was called
func (*FakeContext) ErrCalledN ¶
func (f *FakeContext) ErrCalledN(n int) bool
ErrCalledN returns true if FakeContext.Err was called at least n times
func (*FakeContext) ErrCalledOnce ¶
func (f *FakeContext) ErrCalledOnce() bool
ErrCalledOnce returns true if FakeContext.Err was called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) ErrNotCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) ErrNotCalled() bool
ErrNotCalled returns true if FakeContext.Err was not called
func (*FakeContext) RequestID ¶
func (_f17 *FakeContext) RequestID() (ident1 string)
func (*FakeContext) RequestIDCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) RequestIDCalled() bool
RequestIDCalled returns true if FakeContext.RequestID was called
func (*FakeContext) RequestIDCalledN ¶
func (f *FakeContext) RequestIDCalledN(n int) bool
RequestIDCalledN returns true if FakeContext.RequestID was called at least n times
func (*FakeContext) RequestIDCalledOnce ¶
func (f *FakeContext) RequestIDCalledOnce() bool
RequestIDCalledOnce returns true if FakeContext.RequestID was called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) RequestIDNotCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) RequestIDNotCalled() bool
RequestIDNotCalled returns true if FakeContext.RequestID was not called
func (*FakeContext) Reset ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) Reset()
func (*FakeContext) SetActorStub ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f20 *FakeContext) SetActorStub(ident1 models.User)
SetActorStub configures Context.Actor to always return the given values
func (*FakeContext) SetDeadlineStub ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f2 *FakeContext) SetDeadlineStub(deadline time.Time, ok bool)
SetDeadlineStub configures Context.Deadline to always return the given values
func (*FakeContext) SetDoneStub ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f4 *FakeContext) SetDoneStub(ident1 <-chan struct{})
SetDoneStub configures Context.Done to always return the given values
func (*FakeContext) SetErrStub ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f6 *FakeContext) SetErrStub(ident2 error)
SetErrStub configures Context.Err to always return the given values
func (*FakeContext) SetRequestIDStub ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f18 *FakeContext) SetRequestIDStub(ident1 string)
SetRequestIDStub configures Context.RequestID to always return the given values
func (*FakeContext) SetSpanStub ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f22 *FakeContext) SetSpanStub(ident1 opentracing.Span)
SetSpanStub configures Context.Span to always return the given values
func (*FakeContext) SetStartSpanInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f25 *FakeContext) SetStartSpanInvocation(calls_f26 []*ContextStartSpanInvocation, fallback_f27 func() opentracing.Span)
SetStartSpanInvocation configures Context.StartSpan to return the given results when called with the given parameters If no match is found for an invocation the result(s) of the fallback function are returned
func (*FakeContext) SetStartSpanStub ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f24 *FakeContext) SetStartSpanStub(ident3 opentracing.Span)
SetStartSpanStub configures Context.StartSpan to always return the given values
func (*FakeContext) SetValueInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f9 *FakeContext) SetValueInvocation(calls_f10 []*ContextValueInvocation, fallback_f11 func() interface{})
SetValueInvocation configures Context.Value to return the given results when called with the given parameters If no match is found for an invocation the result(s) of the fallback function are returned
func (*FakeContext) SetValueStub ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f8 *FakeContext) SetValueStub(ident3 interface{})
SetValueStub configures Context.Value to always return the given values
func (*FakeContext) SetWithActorInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f45 *FakeContext) SetWithActorInvocation(calls_f46 []*ContextWithActorInvocation, fallback_f47 func() Context)
SetWithActorInvocation configures Context.WithActor to return the given results when called with the given parameters If no match is found for an invocation the result(s) of the fallback function are returned
func (*FakeContext) SetWithActorStub ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f44 *FakeContext) SetWithActorStub(ident2 Context)
SetWithActorStub configures Context.WithActor to always return the given values
func (*FakeContext) SetWithCancelStub ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f84 *FakeContext) SetWithCancelStub(ident1 Context, ident2 context.CancelFunc)
SetWithCancelStub configures Context.WithCancel to always return the given values
func (*FakeContext) SetWithDeadlineInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f87 *FakeContext) SetWithDeadlineInvocation(calls_f88 []*ContextWithDeadlineInvocation, fallback_f89 func() (Context, context.CancelFunc))
SetWithDeadlineInvocation configures Context.WithDeadline to return the given results when called with the given parameters If no match is found for an invocation the result(s) of the fallback function are returned
func (*FakeContext) SetWithDeadlineStub ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f86 *FakeContext) SetWithDeadlineStub(ident2 Context, ident3 context.CancelFunc)
SetWithDeadlineStub configures Context.WithDeadline to always return the given values
func (*FakeContext) SetWithParentInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f35 *FakeContext) SetWithParentInvocation(calls_f36 []*ContextWithParentInvocation, fallback_f37 func() Context)
SetWithParentInvocation configures Context.WithParent to return the given results when called with the given parameters If no match is found for an invocation the result(s) of the fallback function are returned
func (*FakeContext) SetWithParentStub ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f34 *FakeContext) SetWithParentStub(ident2 Context)
SetWithParentStub configures Context.WithParent to always return the given values
func (*FakeContext) SetWithRequestIDInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f55 *FakeContext) SetWithRequestIDInvocation(calls_f56 []*ContextWithRequestIDInvocation, fallback_f57 func() Context)
SetWithRequestIDInvocation configures Context.WithRequestID to return the given results when called with the given parameters If no match is found for an invocation the result(s) of the fallback function are returned
func (*FakeContext) SetWithRequestIDStub ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f54 *FakeContext) SetWithRequestIDStub(ident2 Context)
SetWithRequestIDStub configures Context.WithRequestID to always return the given values
func (*FakeContext) SetWithSpanInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f65 *FakeContext) SetWithSpanInvocation(calls_f66 []*ContextWithSpanInvocation, fallback_f67 func() Context)
SetWithSpanInvocation configures Context.WithSpan to return the given results when called with the given parameters If no match is found for an invocation the result(s) of the fallback function are returned
func (*FakeContext) SetWithSpanStub ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f64 *FakeContext) SetWithSpanStub(ident2 Context)
SetWithSpanStub configures Context.WithSpan to always return the given values
func (*FakeContext) SetWithTimeoutInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f97 *FakeContext) SetWithTimeoutInvocation(calls_f98 []*ContextWithTimeoutInvocation, fallback_f99 func() (Context, context.CancelFunc))
SetWithTimeoutInvocation configures Context.WithTimeout to return the given results when called with the given parameters If no match is found for an invocation the result(s) of the fallback function are returned
func (*FakeContext) SetWithTimeoutStub ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f96 *FakeContext) SetWithTimeoutStub(ident2 Context, ident3 context.CancelFunc)
SetWithTimeoutStub configures Context.WithTimeout to always return the given values
func (*FakeContext) SetWithValueInvocation ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f75 *FakeContext) SetWithValueInvocation(calls_f76 []*ContextWithValueInvocation, fallback_f77 func() Context)
SetWithValueInvocation configures Context.WithValue to return the given results when called with the given parameters If no match is found for an invocation the result(s) of the fallback function are returned
func (*FakeContext) SetWithValueStub ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f74 *FakeContext) SetWithValueStub(ident1 Context)
SetWithValueStub configures Context.WithValue to always return the given values
func (*FakeContext) Span ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f21 *FakeContext) Span() (ident1 opentracing.Span)
func (*FakeContext) SpanCalled ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) SpanCalled() bool
SpanCalled returns true if FakeContext.Span was called
func (*FakeContext) SpanCalledN ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) SpanCalledN(n int) bool
SpanCalledN returns true if FakeContext.Span was called at least n times
func (*FakeContext) SpanCalledOnce ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) SpanCalledOnce() bool
SpanCalledOnce returns true if FakeContext.Span was called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) SpanNotCalled ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) SpanNotCalled() bool
SpanNotCalled returns true if FakeContext.Span was not called
func (*FakeContext) StartSpan ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f23 *FakeContext) StartSpan(ident1 string, ident2 ...opentracing.StartSpanOption) (ident3 opentracing.Span)
func (*FakeContext) StartSpanCalled ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) StartSpanCalled() bool
StartSpanCalled returns true if FakeContext.StartSpan was called
func (*FakeContext) StartSpanCalledN ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) StartSpanCalledN(n int) bool
StartSpanCalledN returns true if FakeContext.StartSpan was called at least n times
func (*FakeContext) StartSpanCalledOnce ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) StartSpanCalledOnce() bool
StartSpanCalledOnce returns true if FakeContext.StartSpan was called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) StartSpanCalledOnceWith ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f30 *FakeContext) StartSpanCalledOnceWith(ident1 string, ident2 ...opentracing.StartSpanOption) bool
StartSpanCalledOnceWith returns true if FakeContext.StartSpan was called exactly once with the given values
func (*FakeContext) StartSpanCalledWith ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f28 *FakeContext) StartSpanCalledWith(ident1 string, ident2 ...opentracing.StartSpanOption) (found bool)
StartSpanCalledWith returns true if FakeContext.StartSpan was called with the given values
func (*FakeContext) StartSpanNotCalled ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) StartSpanNotCalled() bool
StartSpanNotCalled returns true if FakeContext.StartSpan was not called
func (*FakeContext) StartSpanResultsForCall ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f32 *FakeContext) StartSpanResultsForCall(ident1 string, ident2 ...opentracing.StartSpanOption) (ident3 opentracing.Span, found bool)
StartSpanResultsForCall returns the result values for the first call to FakeContext.StartSpan with the given values
func (*FakeContext) Value ¶
func (_f7 *FakeContext) Value(key interface{}) (ident3 interface{})
func (*FakeContext) ValueCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) ValueCalled() bool
ValueCalled returns true if FakeContext.Value was called
func (*FakeContext) ValueCalledN ¶
func (f *FakeContext) ValueCalledN(n int) bool
ValueCalledN returns true if FakeContext.Value was called at least n times
func (*FakeContext) ValueCalledOnce ¶
func (f *FakeContext) ValueCalledOnce() bool
ValueCalledOnce returns true if FakeContext.Value was called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) ValueCalledOnceWith ¶
func (_f14 *FakeContext) ValueCalledOnceWith(key interface{}) bool
ValueCalledOnceWith returns true if FakeContext.Value was called exactly once with the given values
func (*FakeContext) ValueCalledWith ¶
func (_f12 *FakeContext) ValueCalledWith(key interface{}) (found bool)
ValueCalledWith returns true if FakeContext.Value was called with the given values
func (*FakeContext) ValueNotCalled ¶
func (f *FakeContext) ValueNotCalled() bool
ValueNotCalled returns true if FakeContext.Value was not called
func (*FakeContext) ValueResultsForCall ¶
func (_f16 *FakeContext) ValueResultsForCall(key interface{}) (ident3 interface{}, found bool)
ValueResultsForCall returns the result values for the first call to FakeContext.Value with the given values
func (*FakeContext) WithActor ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f43 *FakeContext) WithActor(ident1 models.User) (ident2 Context)
func (*FakeContext) WithActorCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithActorCalled() bool
WithActorCalled returns true if FakeContext.WithActor was called
func (*FakeContext) WithActorCalledN ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithActorCalledN(n int) bool
WithActorCalledN returns true if FakeContext.WithActor was called at least n times
func (*FakeContext) WithActorCalledOnce ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithActorCalledOnce() bool
WithActorCalledOnce returns true if FakeContext.WithActor was called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) WithActorCalledOnceWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f50 *FakeContext) WithActorCalledOnceWith(ident1 models.User) bool
WithActorCalledOnceWith returns true if FakeContext.WithActor was called exactly once with the given values
func (*FakeContext) WithActorCalledWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f48 *FakeContext) WithActorCalledWith(ident1 models.User) (found bool)
WithActorCalledWith returns true if FakeContext.WithActor was called with the given values
func (*FakeContext) WithActorNotCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithActorNotCalled() bool
WithActorNotCalled returns true if FakeContext.WithActor was not called
func (*FakeContext) WithActorResultsForCall ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f52 *FakeContext) WithActorResultsForCall(ident1 models.User) (ident2 Context, found bool)
WithActorResultsForCall returns the result values for the first call to FakeContext.WithActor with the given values
func (*FakeContext) WithCancel ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f83 *FakeContext) WithCancel() (ident1 Context, ident2 context.CancelFunc)
func (*FakeContext) WithCancelCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithCancelCalled() bool
WithCancelCalled returns true if FakeContext.WithCancel was called
func (*FakeContext) WithCancelCalledN ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithCancelCalledN(n int) bool
WithCancelCalledN returns true if FakeContext.WithCancel was called at least n times
func (*FakeContext) WithCancelCalledOnce ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithCancelCalledOnce() bool
WithCancelCalledOnce returns true if FakeContext.WithCancel was called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) WithCancelNotCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithCancelNotCalled() bool
WithCancelNotCalled returns true if FakeContext.WithCancel was not called
func (*FakeContext) WithDeadline ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f85 *FakeContext) WithDeadline(ident1 time.Time) (ident2 Context, ident3 context.CancelFunc)
func (*FakeContext) WithDeadlineCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithDeadlineCalled() bool
WithDeadlineCalled returns true if FakeContext.WithDeadline was called
func (*FakeContext) WithDeadlineCalledN ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithDeadlineCalledN(n int) bool
WithDeadlineCalledN returns true if FakeContext.WithDeadline was called at least n times
func (*FakeContext) WithDeadlineCalledOnce ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithDeadlineCalledOnce() bool
WithDeadlineCalledOnce returns true if FakeContext.WithDeadline was called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) WithDeadlineCalledOnceWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f92 *FakeContext) WithDeadlineCalledOnceWith(ident1 time.Time) bool
WithDeadlineCalledOnceWith returns true if FakeContext.WithDeadline was called exactly once with the given values
func (*FakeContext) WithDeadlineCalledWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f90 *FakeContext) WithDeadlineCalledWith(ident1 time.Time) (found bool)
WithDeadlineCalledWith returns true if FakeContext.WithDeadline was called with the given values
func (*FakeContext) WithDeadlineNotCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithDeadlineNotCalled() bool
WithDeadlineNotCalled returns true if FakeContext.WithDeadline was not called
func (*FakeContext) WithDeadlineResultsForCall ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f94 *FakeContext) WithDeadlineResultsForCall(ident1 time.Time) (ident2 Context, ident3 context.CancelFunc, found bool)
WithDeadlineResultsForCall returns the result values for the first call to FakeContext.WithDeadline with the given values
func (*FakeContext) WithParent ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f33 *FakeContext) WithParent(ident1 context.Context) (ident2 Context)
func (*FakeContext) WithParentCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithParentCalled() bool
WithParentCalled returns true if FakeContext.WithParent was called
func (*FakeContext) WithParentCalledN ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithParentCalledN(n int) bool
WithParentCalledN returns true if FakeContext.WithParent was called at least n times
func (*FakeContext) WithParentCalledOnce ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithParentCalledOnce() bool
WithParentCalledOnce returns true if FakeContext.WithParent was called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) WithParentCalledOnceWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f40 *FakeContext) WithParentCalledOnceWith(ident1 context.Context) bool
WithParentCalledOnceWith returns true if FakeContext.WithParent was called exactly once with the given values
func (*FakeContext) WithParentCalledWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f38 *FakeContext) WithParentCalledWith(ident1 context.Context) (found bool)
WithParentCalledWith returns true if FakeContext.WithParent was called with the given values
func (*FakeContext) WithParentNotCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithParentNotCalled() bool
WithParentNotCalled returns true if FakeContext.WithParent was not called
func (*FakeContext) WithParentResultsForCall ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f42 *FakeContext) WithParentResultsForCall(ident1 context.Context) (ident2 Context, found bool)
WithParentResultsForCall returns the result values for the first call to FakeContext.WithParent with the given values
func (*FakeContext) WithRequestID ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f53 *FakeContext) WithRequestID(ident1 string) (ident2 Context)
func (*FakeContext) WithRequestIDCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithRequestIDCalled() bool
WithRequestIDCalled returns true if FakeContext.WithRequestID was called
func (*FakeContext) WithRequestIDCalledN ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithRequestIDCalledN(n int) bool
WithRequestIDCalledN returns true if FakeContext.WithRequestID was called at least n times
func (*FakeContext) WithRequestIDCalledOnce ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithRequestIDCalledOnce() bool
WithRequestIDCalledOnce returns true if FakeContext.WithRequestID was called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) WithRequestIDCalledOnceWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f60 *FakeContext) WithRequestIDCalledOnceWith(ident1 string) bool
WithRequestIDCalledOnceWith returns true if FakeContext.WithRequestID was called exactly once with the given values
func (*FakeContext) WithRequestIDCalledWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f58 *FakeContext) WithRequestIDCalledWith(ident1 string) (found bool)
WithRequestIDCalledWith returns true if FakeContext.WithRequestID was called with the given values
func (*FakeContext) WithRequestIDNotCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithRequestIDNotCalled() bool
WithRequestIDNotCalled returns true if FakeContext.WithRequestID was not called
func (*FakeContext) WithRequestIDResultsForCall ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f62 *FakeContext) WithRequestIDResultsForCall(ident1 string) (ident2 Context, found bool)
WithRequestIDResultsForCall returns the result values for the first call to FakeContext.WithRequestID with the given values
func (*FakeContext) WithSpan ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f63 *FakeContext) WithSpan(ident1 opentracing.Span) (ident2 Context)
func (*FakeContext) WithSpanCalled ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) WithSpanCalled() bool
WithSpanCalled returns true if FakeContext.WithSpan was called
func (*FakeContext) WithSpanCalledN ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) WithSpanCalledN(n int) bool
WithSpanCalledN returns true if FakeContext.WithSpan was called at least n times
func (*FakeContext) WithSpanCalledOnce ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) WithSpanCalledOnce() bool
WithSpanCalledOnce returns true if FakeContext.WithSpan was called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) WithSpanCalledOnceWith ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f70 *FakeContext) WithSpanCalledOnceWith(ident1 opentracing.Span) bool
WithSpanCalledOnceWith returns true if FakeContext.WithSpan was called exactly once with the given values
func (*FakeContext) WithSpanCalledWith ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f68 *FakeContext) WithSpanCalledWith(ident1 opentracing.Span) (found bool)
WithSpanCalledWith returns true if FakeContext.WithSpan was called with the given values
func (*FakeContext) WithSpanNotCalled ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (f *FakeContext) WithSpanNotCalled() bool
WithSpanNotCalled returns true if FakeContext.WithSpan was not called
func (*FakeContext) WithSpanResultsForCall ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (_f72 *FakeContext) WithSpanResultsForCall(ident1 opentracing.Span) (ident2 Context, found bool)
WithSpanResultsForCall returns the result values for the first call to FakeContext.WithSpan with the given values
func (*FakeContext) WithTimeout ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f95 *FakeContext) WithTimeout(ident1 time.Duration) (ident2 Context, ident3 context.CancelFunc)
func (*FakeContext) WithTimeoutCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithTimeoutCalled() bool
WithTimeoutCalled returns true if FakeContext.WithTimeout was called
func (*FakeContext) WithTimeoutCalledN ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithTimeoutCalledN(n int) bool
WithTimeoutCalledN returns true if FakeContext.WithTimeout was called at least n times
func (*FakeContext) WithTimeoutCalledOnce ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithTimeoutCalledOnce() bool
WithTimeoutCalledOnce returns true if FakeContext.WithTimeout was called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) WithTimeoutCalledOnceWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f102 *FakeContext) WithTimeoutCalledOnceWith(ident1 time.Duration) bool
WithTimeoutCalledOnceWith returns true if FakeContext.WithTimeout was called exactly once with the given values
func (*FakeContext) WithTimeoutCalledWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f100 *FakeContext) WithTimeoutCalledWith(ident1 time.Duration) (found bool)
WithTimeoutCalledWith returns true if FakeContext.WithTimeout was called with the given values
func (*FakeContext) WithTimeoutNotCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithTimeoutNotCalled() bool
WithTimeoutNotCalled returns true if FakeContext.WithTimeout was not called
func (*FakeContext) WithTimeoutResultsForCall ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f104 *FakeContext) WithTimeoutResultsForCall(ident1 time.Duration) (ident2 Context, ident3 context.CancelFunc, found bool)
WithTimeoutResultsForCall returns the result values for the first call to FakeContext.WithTimeout with the given values
func (*FakeContext) WithValue ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f73 *FakeContext) WithValue(key interface{}, value interface{}) (ident1 Context)
func (*FakeContext) WithValueCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithValueCalled() bool
WithValueCalled returns true if FakeContext.WithValue was called
func (*FakeContext) WithValueCalledN ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithValueCalledN(n int) bool
WithValueCalledN returns true if FakeContext.WithValue was called at least n times
func (*FakeContext) WithValueCalledOnce ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithValueCalledOnce() bool
WithValueCalledOnce returns true if FakeContext.WithValue was called exactly once
func (*FakeContext) WithValueCalledOnceWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f80 *FakeContext) WithValueCalledOnceWith(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool
WithValueCalledOnceWith returns true if FakeContext.WithValue was called exactly once with the given values
func (*FakeContext) WithValueCalledWith ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f78 *FakeContext) WithValueCalledWith(key interface{}, value interface{}) (found bool)
WithValueCalledWith returns true if FakeContext.WithValue was called with the given values
func (*FakeContext) WithValueNotCalled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (f *FakeContext) WithValueNotCalled() bool
WithValueNotCalled returns true if FakeContext.WithValue was not called
func (*FakeContext) WithValueResultsForCall ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (_f82 *FakeContext) WithValueResultsForCall(key interface{}, value interface{}) (ident1 Context, found bool)
WithValueResultsForCall returns the result values for the first call to FakeContext.WithValue with the given values