Common libraries for Go.

Getting Started
package main
import (
func main() {
// --------------------------------------
// cliutil Examples
// retrieve value of the given flag from args.
cliutil.RetrieveFlag(os.Args, "--name", "-n")
// execute the given command.
output, _ := cliutil.ExecContext(context.TODO(), "/bin/sh", "-c", "ls -l")
// execute the given command with a pipe.
pipecmd := "echo 1;echo 2;echo 3;echo 4"
var lines []string
_ = cliutil.ExecPipe(context.TODO(), func(line []byte) {
lines = append(lines, string(line))
}, "/bin/sh", "-c", pipecmd)
// output like the following:
// [1, 2, 3, 4]
// --------------------------------------
// convutil Examples
// convert []byte to string.
output = convutil.B2S([]byte("abc")) // output: "abc"
// convert string to []byte.
_ = convutil.S2B("abc")
// --------------------------------------
// crtutil Examples
// read certificate file
x509Crt, _ := crtutil.ReadAsX509FromFile("server.crt")
// converts a slice of x509.Certificate into PEM block, in the order they are passed.
pemData, _ := crtutil.EncodeX509ChainToPEM(x509Crt, nil)
// read private key file
pkey, _ := crtutil.ReadAsSignerFromFile("server.key")
// output certificate content using the default template
outputb, _ := tmpl.BuildDefaultCertTemplate(x509Crt[0], true)
// output like the following:
// Serial: 5577006791947779410
// Valid: 2022-09-23 06:09 UTC to 2032-09-30 06:09 UTC
// Signature: SHA256-RSA (self-signed)
// BitLength: 4096
// Subject Key ID: 6D:E9:2B:2B:1D:59:AB:B5:46:8C:7B:93:C3:49:7E:95:B0:20:E5:4C
// Basic Constraints: CA:true, pathlen:-1
// --------------------------------------
// cryptoutil Examples
// encrypts string with SHA256 algorithms.
output = xsha256.Encrypt("Hello, World!")
fmt.Println(output) // dffd6021bb2bd5b0af676290809ec3a53191dd81c7f70a4b28688a362182986f
// --------------------------------------
// fsutil Examples
// copies a file or directory from src to dst.
_ = fsutil.Copy("testdata/src", "testdata/dst")
// create a new archive.
_ = fsutil.Tar("testdata/src", "testdata/dst.tar")
// extract all files from an archive.
_ = fsutil.UnTar("testdata/dst.tar", "testdata/src")
// like Tar but will use gzip to compress.
_ = fsutil.Compress("testdata/src", "testdata/dst.tgz")
// like UnTar but will use gzip to decompress.
_ = fsutil.DeCompress("testdata/dst.tgz", "testdata/src")
// --------------------------------------
// netutil Examples
num := netutil.IPString2Uint("")
fmt.Println(num) // 280739706
// --------------------------------------
// retry Examples
var count int
_ = retry.Times(5).WithInterval(time.Second).Do(func() error {
return nil
fmt.Println(count) // 1
count = 0
_ = retry.Times(5).WithInterval(time.Second).Do(func() error {
return errors.New("test err")
fmt.Println(count) // 5
// --------------------------------------
// strutil Examples
// check if str1 contains str2 ignoring case sensitivity
contains := strutil.ContainsIgnoreCase("STR", "str")
fmt.Println(contains) // true
// like strings.ContainsAny but does an "only" instead of "any".
// If all characters in s are found in chars, the function returns true.
contains = strutil.ContainsOnly("234234", "0123456789")
fmt.Println(contains) // true
// --------------------------------------
// sysutil Examples
// returns home directory of current user.
homedir := sysutil.HomeDir()
// retrieves the value of the environment variable named
// by the key
v := sysutil.EnvOr("TEST_ENV_KEY", "default-value")
// returns the FQDN of current node.
fqdn, _ := sysutil.FQDN()
You can find the docs at go docs.
🔋 JetBrains OS licenses
had been being developed with IntelliJ IDEA under the free JetBrains Open Source license(s) granted by JetBrains s.r.o., hence I would like to express my thanks here.