A basic key/val memory store of how to use gossip.
go get github.com/shimingyah/gossip
go build gossip.go delegate.go
start first node
./gossip -gossipPort=60001 -httpPort=8081
start second node join the first node
./gossip -gossipPort=60002 -httpPort=8082 -join=
start third node
./gossip -gossipPort=60003 -httpPort=8083 -join=,
the three nodes will communicate with each other.
Http API
- /has - check key if is exist
- /get - get value
- /set - set key value
- /del - del key
use example:
# set
curl ""
# get
curl ""
# has
curl ""
# del
curl ""
Consistency check
fisrt set key on http server 8081, set k-v successful.
curl ""
second get key on http server 8082, you can get it.
curl ""
third del key on http server 8083, del k-v successful.
curl ""
fourthly has key on http server 8082, it will return not found.
curl ""
the end get key on http server 8081, it will return not found.
curl ""