terraform-provider-installer is a Terraform provider for installing softwares via various package management tools. Currently, terraform-provider-installer supports
The following shows how to install git and starship through Homebrew using terraform-provider-installer provider. See https://registry.terraform.io/providers/shihanng/installer/latest/docs for complete documentation.
terraform {
required_version = "~> 1.1.4"
required_providers {
installer = {
source = "shihanng/installer"
locals {
apps = ["git", "starship"]
resource "installer_brew" "this" {
for_each = toset(local.apps)
name = each.key
Code quality
We use pre-commit to maintain the code quality of this project. Refer to .pre-commit-config.yaml for the list of linters that we are using. Refer to this page to install pre-commit and the git hook script.
pre-commit install
Running automated tests
Run unit tests (no resources will be created/destroyed) with
make test
Run acceptance tests with
make TESTARGS="-tags=apt" testacc
We must provide the value for -tags
because some tests only run on a specific platform. Currently, the valid values for -tags
for the environment that uses APT.
for the environment that uses Homebrew.
We can also use go test
in a specific directory. For example, the following runs acceptance tests inside the brew
cd ./internal/brew/
TF_ACC=1 go test -tags=brew
Testing with development version
You added a new feature or fixed a bug in terraform-provider-installer. You want to test it directly with your Terraform configurations on your local machine. Here is what you can do.
Run make install
. This command installs the provider in /tmp/tfproviders
. We've set up Terraform in .terraformrc
to use provider from /tmp/tfproviders
. Specify the OS and architecture using OS_ARCH
, e.g., on Apple Silicon macOS, use
OS_ARCH=darwin_arm64 make install
Use the .terraformrc
file in this repository to override the published provider.
export TF_CLI_CONFIG_FILE=$(pwd)/.terraformrc
terraform init
terraform plan
- Use
for debugging. See https://www.terraform.io/internals/debugging.
- Use Doc Preview Tool to preview generated documentations.