✨ A subscription manager aiming to offer a better visibility of your personal subscriptions ✨

- Keep a list your subscriptions
- ... more to come
- Set the period on which the subscription is paid
- Set subscription category
- Set subscription tags
- Filter by payment period, category or tags
- Filter by keyword
How To Use
Run It Locally
If you are interested in using Subalogue on your machine instead of the hosted version, there is a straighforward, although not polished way.
Subalogue uses auth0 for authentication, so at this point that is still a requirement to run the app locally. In the future this will be omitted to make things easy.
Bring your own .env.development file to the project root folder with the following environment variables set:
Run the server
Build and run the docker containers, the most friendly way is through:
docker-compose up
The web container runs Reflex on startup, so the binary will be rebuilt and started again on every file change.
Apply the migrations
A better way for this is still in TODO.
docker-compose exec api bash -c "migrate -database ${DATABASE_URL} -path db/migrations up
Check out the client
The frontend is built with Vue. Check out the app.
How To Contribute
If you are interested, thank you.
It's important to note that I'm not a Go expert and this is a pet project on which I still learn.
With that said - if for some reason you've found this repo, this is still very much in active development, which I prefer to do alone until all intended features are done and polished.