
Use Case: Using an Init Container
This example demonstrates how to use Aegis Init Container to wait for
secrets to be allocated to a workload before bootstrapping the workload.
Video Tutorials Anyone?
Watch Aegis Showcase to learn how to use Aegis hands-on.
If any of the instructions provided here are unclear, the video tutorials will
help explain them in much greater detail. Each video is designed around a
particular topic to keep it concise and to-the-point.
The container image is also used as the inspector workload to debug secret
registration during showcasing various scenarios in the workshop.
Deployment Options
To follow this use case, you can either locally build and deploy the container
images; or you can pull and use pre-deployed images from Docker Hub. The
next two sections describe both approaches respectively.
Local Deployment
# Switch to the project folder:
cd $WORKSPACE/aegis
# Build everything locally:
make build-local
# Deploy the use case:
make example-init-container-deploy-local
# Switch to this use case’s folder:
cd $WORKSPACE/aegis/examples/using-init-container
# Check and make sure that the workload pod is still initializing:
kubectl get po -n default
# Register a secret:
# Verify that the workload pod has initialized:
kubectl get po -n default
# Tail the workload’s logs and verify that the secret is there:
Using Pre-Deployed Images
If you don’t want to build the container images locally, you can use
pre-deployed container images.
# Switch to the project folder:
cd $WORKSPACE/aegis
# Deploy the use case from the pre-built image.
make example-sidecar-deploy
# Switch to this use case’s folder:
cd $WORKSPACE/aegis/examples/using-sidecar
# Check and make sure that the workload pod is still initializing:
kubectl get po -n default
# Register a secret:
# Verify that the workload pod has initialized:
kubectl get po -n default
# Tail the workload’s logs and verify that the secret is there: