Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
The `scality` plugin for SHIELD is intended to be a back-end storage plugin, wrapping the S3 API that Scality exposes, slightly altered to work within the confines of the ways that Scality differs from S3. It uses the version 2 signature version, and places a lower limit on the part size of a multipart object `put` operation.
This plugin implements functionality suitable for use with the following SHIELD Job components:
Target: no Store: yes
The endpoint configuration passed to this plugin is used to determine how to connect to Scality, and where to place/retrieve the data once connected. your endpoint JSON should look something like this:
{ "scality_host": "your-scality-host", "access_key_id": "your-access-key-id", "secret_access_key": "your-secret-access-key", "skip_ssl_validation": false, "bucket": "bucket-name", "prefix": "/path/inside/bucket/to/place/backup/data", "socks5_proxy": "" #optionally defined SOCKS5 proxy to use for the scality communications }
`prefix` will default to the empty string, and backups will be placed in the root of the bucket.
When storing data, this plugin connects to the Scality service, and uploads the data into the specified bucket, using a path/filename with the following format:
Upon successful storage, the plugin then returns this filename to SHIELD to use as the `store_key` when the data needs to be retrieved, or purged.
When retrieving data, this plugin connects to the Scality service, and retrieves the data located in the specified bucket, identified by the `store_key` provided by SHIELD.
When purging data, this plugin connects to the Scality service, and deletes the data located in the specified bucket, identified by the `store_key` provided by SHIELD.