Simple Enumish Generator For Go
Add string or int enums to your project:
package mystuff
type MyString string
const (
Foo MyString = "foo"
Bar MyString = "bar"
type MyInt int
const (
Inty MyInt = 1
Squinty MyInt = 2
Add tools.go
to your project as per #25922,
unless that guidance has changed recently, which is entirely possible. This has nothing
to do with enums or this project, it's just how you tell go modules about this tool:
//+build tools
package tools
import _ ""
Add you some go generate into the same package as your enums (not in
, which is just a bit of "go modules administrativa"):
//go:generate enumgen MyString MyInt
Run you some go generate inside the package with your enums:
$ go generate
And now you can do fun stuff:
var x = Foo
fmt.Println(x.Name()) // "Foo"
var nup MyString = MyString("INVALID")
fmt.Println(nup.IsValid()) // "false"
var fs = flag.NewFlagSet()
var v Foo
fs.Var(&v, "mystring", "Set one of these generated things from a flag")