K8s Restarter
K8s Restarter is a small controller to restart Pods associated with Deployments, StateFulSets and DaemonSets.
It is meant to work the same way like kubectl rollout restart
and adds an k8s-restarter.kubernetes.io/restartedAt
annotation to spec.template.metadata.annotations
to trigger the recreation of the Pods.
This controller comes with a Helm chart and can be installed as easy as running:
$ helm repo add k8s-restarter https://k8s-restarter-chart.haardiek.org
$ helm install my-release k8s-restarter/k8s-restarter
For detailed information about the configuration, take a look at the Helm Chart Readme.
The configuration can be done via a configuration file in the YAML format.
You can exclude Namespace and specific Apps from being restarted as well as using whitelist Annotations.
The configuration is also explained in the Helm Chart Readme and the format can also be seen in the values.yaml.
Building and Testing
You can build this controller by running
$ make k8s-restarter
and you can also test this out of cluster by providing a kubeconfig
and a proper configuration
and run something like this on the command line:
$ cat << EOF > config.yaml
reconcilationInterval: 60s
restartInterval: 10m
enabled: true
- namespace: kube-system
- matchLabels:
k8s-restarter.haardiek.org/ignore: "true"
$ ./k8s-restarter -kubeconfig ~/.kube/config -config config.yaml -lease-lock-namespace default -lease-lock-name test