whproxy - Web Hooks Proxy
Proxy incoming web hooks to established web sockets.
This proxy can be used when an application needs to receive json web hooks from some platform and a firewall blocks incoming connections. When client applications establish a web socket connection to this proxy, a listener is created for incoming web hooks. When a web hook arrives on a given listener, the event is signaled to the corresponding client application via the web socket.
whproxy --host my.publichost.com --port 12345
At the moment the same port is used for webhooks and websockets.
Then establish a websocket connection to my.publichost.com:12345 and you will receive a json payload with the URL of your private webhook endpoint.
Incoming webhooks events are passed on to the websocket, encapsulated inside the 'data' field of the json object.
Encryption is enabled by providing a certificate and key file
whproxy --host my.publichost.com --port 80 --sslport 443 --cert cert.pem --key key.unencrypted.pem
If you use self-signed certificates, be sure to enable cert pinning on the client.
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 360
openssl rsa -in key.pem -out key.unencrypted.pem -passin pass:TYPE_YOUR_PASS
docker run -it -p 12345:12345 quay.io/sgrimee/whproxy -host my.docker.host
If you use certificates, mount them with
docker run -it -p 12345:12345 -p 12346:12346 \
-v $(pwd)/cert.pem:/cert.pem \
-v $(pwd)/key.unencrypted.pem:/key.pem \
quay.io/sgrimee/whproxy -host my.docker.host -cert /cert.pem -key /key.pem