CalendarPi will sync calendar appointments between an Exchange Server and Google Calendar. It is made to run on the RaspberryPi but can be run on any machine that supports Go.

CalendarPi is a small website that allows users to sync their exchange calenders with google calendar. Multiple users can all use the software and it will maintain each calenadr separately.

CalendarPi supports one directional sync from Exchange to Google Calendar. It does support new, changed and deleted events.
CalendarPi secures all credentials by storing them in an encrypted file locally. The master password for encrypting and decrypting is never stored on the system. It must be entered each time the software starts up and is just kept in memory. This prohibts anyone who has physical access to the machine from recovering any sensitive data.
Setup Instructions
Download and install Go from
Set your GOPATH variable to whatever you want
export GOPATH=~/GoPath
Install calendarpi by running
go get
Install all dependencies by running
go get -t ./...
Finally switch to the code directory
cd $GOPATH/src/
To build:
go build
To test:
go test
To run:
First run:
The first time the software runs it will error out and create a conf.json file in the root directory. You will need to edit this file and put in proper values.
Once the software is running point your browser to https://yourmachinename:10443/ (Or whatever port you put into the config file)
Installing Go from source
If you are so inclined you can install go from source
git clone
cd go
git checkout go1.4
cd src
Download and install Mecurial by running:
sudo apt-get install mercurial
Run the following commands in terminal
go get
go get
go get
go get