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tcping is like tcping.exe, but written with Golang.
The default count of ping is 4.
If the port is emit, the default port is 80.
The default interval of ping is 1s.
The default timeout of ping is 1s.
ping tcp
> tcping google.com 443
Ping tcp://google.com:443 - Connected - time=15.425732ms
Ping tcp://google.com:443 - Connected - time=2.628025ms
Ping tcp://google.com:443 - Connected - time=2.400356ms
Ping tcp://google.com:443 - Connected - time=1.967587ms
Ping statistics tcp://google.com:443
4 probes sent.
4 successful, 0 failed.
Approximate trip times:
Minimum = 1.967587ms, Maximum = 15.425732ms, Average = 5.605425ms
ping http
> tcping -H hui.lu
Ping http://hui.lu:80 - http is open - time=232.880173ms method=GET status=200 bytes=10317
Ping http://hui.lu:80 - http is open - time=60.096446ms method=GET status=200 bytes=10317
Ping http://hui.lu:80 - http is open - time=56.750403ms method=GET status=200 bytes=10317
Ping http://hui.lu:80 - http is open - time=57.886907ms method=GET status=200 bytes=10317
Ping statistics http://hui.lu:80
4 probes sent.
4 successful, 0 failed.
Approximate trip times:
Minimum = 56.750403ms, Maximum = 232.880173ms, Average = 101.903482ms