Simple wrapper around the Go Cloud runtimevar package

package main
import (
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
for _, uri := range flag.Args() {
str_var, _ := runtimevar.StringVar(ctx, uri)
$> make cli
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/runtimevar cmd/runtimevar/main.go
$> ./bin/runtimevar -h
Usage of ./bin/runtimevar:
-timeout int
The maximum number of second in which a variable can be resolved. If 0 no timeout is applied.
$> go run cmd/runtimevar/main.go 'constant://?val=hello+world'
hello world
The following Go Cloud runtimevar
services are supported by the runtimevar tool by default:
AWS Parameter Store
It is possible to load runtime variables from AWS Parameter Store using aaronland/go-aws-session credential strings. For example:
$> go run cmd/runtimevar/main.go 'awsparamstore://hello-world?region=us-west-2&credentials=session'
hello world
Valid aaronland/go-aws-session
credential strings are:
Credentials for AWS sessions are defined as string labels. They are:
Label |
Description |
env: |
Read credentials from AWS defined environment variables. |
iam: |
Assume AWS IAM credentials are in effect. |
Use the profile from the default AWS credentials location. |
Use the profile from a user-defined AWS credentials location. |
See also