
BlazeDB is a simple key value storage system.
It uses a tcp server to communicate with clients with the following available commands:
set key value
get key
update key value
delete key
There is a client embedded within the blazedb binary but you can also use telnet to communicate with the server:
$ telnet localhost 9876
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
set x 1
get x
Starting the server
To start the blazedb server simply do
blazedb server -c <path_to_the_config_file>
The sample configuration can be found in server/config.template.toml and contains the following:
# Default blazedb configuration
# Port on which to listen for the blazedb server
# port = 9876
# Max queue size for the blazedb server commands
# max_queue_size = 100
# The logfile
# log_file = "/tmp/blazedb.log"
# Where to save data on disk
# save_file = "/tmp/blaze.dump"
# How often we need to save data on disk
# save_period = "1m"
# Debug mode (0 or 1)
# debug = 0
- Save database to disk
- Log file
- Configuration file
- Add a go client
- Tests
- Thread safety
- Documentation
- Code example
- Add a parameter to dump the state every N write commands
- Add SSL support