
v1.69.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 15, 2025 License: MIT Imports: 2 Imported by: 0



Package api provides types used by the OneDrive API.



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const (

	// PackageTypeOneNote is the package type value for OneNote files
	PackageTypeOneNote = "oneNote"


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AddPermissionsRequest

type AddPermissionsRequest struct {
	Recipients                 []DriveRecipient `json:"recipients,omitempty"`                 // A collection of recipients who will receive access and the sharing invitation.
	Message                    string           `json:"message,omitempty"`                    // A plain text formatted message that is included in the sharing invitation. Maximum length 2000 characters.
	RequireSignIn              bool             `json:"requireSignIn,omitempty"`              // Specifies whether the recipient of the invitation is required to sign-in to view the shared item.
	SendInvitation             bool             `json:"sendInvitation,omitempty"`             // If true, a sharing link is sent to the recipient. Otherwise, a permission is granted directly without sending a notification.
	Roles                      []Role           `json:"roles,omitempty"`                      // Specify the roles that are to be granted to the recipients of the sharing invitation.
	RetainInheritedPermissions bool             `json:"retainInheritedPermissions,omitempty"` // Optional. If true (default), any existing inherited permissions are retained on the shared item when sharing this item for the first time. If false, all existing permissions are removed when sharing for the first time. OneDrive Business Only.

AddPermissionsRequest is the request for the add permissions method

type AsyncOperationStatus

type AsyncOperationStatus struct {
	PercentageComplete float64 `json:"percentageComplete"` // A float value between 0 and 100 that indicates the percentage complete.
	Status             string  `json:"status"`             // A string value that maps to an enumeration of possible values about the status of the job. "notStarted | inProgress | completed | updating | failed | deletePending | deleteFailed | waiting"
	ErrorCode          string  `json:"errorCode"`          // Not officially documented :(

AsyncOperationStatus provides information on the status of an asynchronous job progress.

The following API calls return AsyncOperationStatus resources:

Copy Item Upload From URL

type CopyItemRequest

type CopyItemRequest struct {
	ParentReference ItemReference `json:"parentReference"` // Reference to the parent item the copy will be created in.
	Name            *string       `json:"name"`            // Optional The new name for the copy. If this isn't provided, the same name will be used as the original.

CopyItemRequest is the request to copy an item object

Note: The parentReference should include either an id or path but not both. If both are included, they need to reference the same item or an error will occur.

type CreateItemRequest

type CreateItemRequest struct {
	Name             string      `json:"name"`                   // Name of the folder to be created.
	Folder           FolderFacet `json:"folder"`                 // Empty Folder facet to indicate that folder is the type of resource to be created.
	ConflictBehavior string      `json:"@name.conflictBehavior"` // Determines what to do if an item with a matching name already exists in this folder. Accepted values are: rename, replace, and fail (the default).

CreateItemRequest is the request to create an item object

type CreateItemWithMetadataRequest

type CreateItemWithMetadataRequest struct {

CreateItemWithMetadataRequest is like CreateItemRequest but also allows setting Metadata

type CreateShareLinkRequest

type CreateShareLinkRequest struct {
	Type     string     `json:"type"`                         // Link type in View, Edit or Embed
	Scope    string     `json:"scope,omitempty"`              // Scope in anonymous, organization
	Password string     `json:"password,omitempty"`           // The password of the sharing link that is set by the creator. Optional and OneDrive Personal only.
	Expiry   *time.Time `json:"expirationDateTime,omitempty"` // A String with format of yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ of DateTime indicates the expiration time of the permission.

CreateShareLinkRequest is the request to create a sharing link Always Type:view and Scope:anonymous for public sharing

type CreateShareLinkResponse

type CreateShareLinkResponse struct {
	ID    string   `json:"id"`
	Roles []string `json:"roles"`
	Link  struct {
		Type        string `json:"type"`
		Scope       string `json:"scope"`
		WebURL      string `json:"webUrl"`
		Application struct {
			ID          string `json:"id"`
			DisplayName string `json:"displayName"`
		} `json:"application"`
	} `json:"link"`

CreateShareLinkResponse is the response from CreateShareLinkRequest

type CreateUploadRequest

type CreateUploadRequest struct {
	Item Metadata `json:"item"`

CreateUploadRequest is used by CreateUploadSession to set the dates correctly

type CreateUploadResponse

type CreateUploadResponse struct {
	UploadURL          string    `json:"uploadUrl"`          // "https://sn3302.up.1drv.com/up/fe6987415ace7X4e1eF866337",
	ExpirationDateTime Timestamp `json:"expirationDateTime"` // "2015-01-29T09:21:55.523Z",
	NextExpectedRanges []string  `json:"nextExpectedRanges"` // ["0-"]

CreateUploadResponse is the response from creating an upload session

type DeletedFacet

type DeletedFacet struct{}

DeletedFacet indicates that the item on OneDrive has been deleted. In this version of the API, the presence (non-null) of the facet value indicates that the file was deleted. A null (or missing) value indicates that the file is not deleted.

type DeltaResponse

type DeltaResponse struct {
	Value      []Item `json:"value"`            // An array of Item objects which have been created, modified, or deleted.
	NextLink   string `json:"@odata.nextLink"`  // A URL to retrieve the next available page of changes.
	DeltaLink  string `json:"@odata.deltaLink"` // A URL returned instead of @odata.nextLink after all current changes have been returned. Used to read the next set of changes in the future.
	DeltaToken string `json:"@delta.token"`     // A token value that can be used in the query string on manually-crafted calls to view.delta. Not needed if you're using nextLink and deltaLink.

DeltaResponse is the response to the view delta method

type Drive

type Drive struct {
	ID        string      `json:"id"`
	DriveType string      `json:"driveType"`
	Owner     IdentitySet `json:"owner"`
	Quota     Quota       `json:"quota"`

Drive is a representation of a drive resource

type DriveRecipient

type DriveRecipient struct {
	Email    string `json:"email,omitempty"`    // The email address for the recipient, if the recipient has an associated email address.
	Alias    string `json:"alias,omitempty"`    // The alias of the domain object, for cases where an email address is unavailable (e.g. security groups).
	ObjectID string `json:"objectId,omitempty"` // The unique identifier for the recipient in the directory.

DriveRecipient represents a person, group, or other recipient to share with using the invite action.

type DriveResource

type DriveResource struct {
	DriveID   string `json:"id"`
	DriveName string `json:"name"`
	DriveType string `json:"driveType"`

DriveResource is returned from /me/drive

type DrivesResponse

type DrivesResponse struct {
	Drives []DriveResource `json:"value"`

DrivesResponse is returned from /sites/{siteID}/drives",

type Error

type Error struct {
	ErrorInfo struct {
		Code       string `json:"code"`
		Message    string `json:"message"`
		InnerError struct {
			Code string `json:"code"`
		} `json:"innererror"`
	} `json:"error"`

Error is returned from OneDrive when things go wrong

func (*Error) Error

func (e *Error) Error() string

Error returns a string for the error and satisfies the error interface

type FileFacet

type FileFacet struct {
	MimeType string     `json:"mimeType"` // The MIME type for the file. This is determined by logic on the server and might not be the value provided when the file was uploaded.
	Hashes   HashesType `json:"hashes"`   // Hashes of the file's binary content, if available.

FileFacet groups file-related data on OneDrive into a single structure.

type FileSystemInfoFacet

type FileSystemInfoFacet struct {
	CreatedDateTime      Timestamp `json:"createdDateTime,omitempty"`      // The UTC date and time the file was created on a client.
	LastModifiedDateTime Timestamp `json:"lastModifiedDateTime,omitempty"` // The UTC date and time the file was last modified on a client.

FileSystemInfoFacet contains properties that are reported by the device's local file system for the local version of an item. This facet can be used to specify the last modified date or created date of the item as it was on the local device.

type FolderFacet

type FolderFacet struct {
	ChildCount int64 `json:"childCount"` // Number of children contained immediately within this container.

FolderFacet groups folder-related data on OneDrive into a single structure

type HashesType

type HashesType struct {
	Sha1Hash     string `json:"sha1Hash"`     // hex encoded SHA1 hash for the contents of the file (if available)
	Crc32Hash    string `json:"crc32Hash"`    // hex encoded CRC32 value of the file (if available)
	QuickXorHash string `json:"quickXorHash"` // base64 encoded QuickXorHash value of the file (if available)
	Sha256Hash   string `json:"sha256Hash"`   // hex encoded SHA256 value of the file (if available)

HashesType groups different types of hashes into a single structure, for an item on OneDrive.

type Identity

type Identity struct {
	DisplayName string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	ID          string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Email       string `json:"email,omitempty"`     // not officially documented, but seems to sometimes exist
	LoginName   string `json:"loginName,omitempty"` // SharePoint only

Identity represents an identity of an actor. For example, and actor can be a user, device, or application.

type IdentitySet

type IdentitySet struct {
	User        Identity `json:"user,omitempty"`
	Application Identity `json:"application,omitempty"`
	Device      Identity `json:"device,omitempty"`
	Group       Identity `json:"group,omitempty"`
	SiteGroup   Identity `json:"siteGroup,omitempty"` // The SharePoint group associated with this action. Optional.
	SiteUser    Identity `json:"siteUser,omitempty"`  // The SharePoint user associated with this action. Optional.

IdentitySet is a keyed collection of Identity objects. It is used to represent a set of identities associated with various events for an item, such as created by or last modified by.

type Item

type Item struct {
	ID                   string               `json:"id"`                    // The unique identifier of the item within the Drive. Read-only.
	Name                 string               `json:"name"`                  // The name of the item (filename and extension). Read-write.
	ETag                 string               `json:"eTag"`                  // eTag for the entire item (metadata + content). Read-only.
	CTag                 string               `json:"cTag"`                  // An eTag for the content of the item. This eTag is not changed if only the metadata is changed. Read-only.
	CreatedBy            IdentitySet          `json:"createdBy"`             // Identity of the user, device, and application which created the item. Read-only.
	LastModifiedBy       IdentitySet          `json:"lastModifiedBy"`        // Identity of the user, device, and application which last modified the item. Read-only.
	CreatedDateTime      Timestamp            `json:"createdDateTime"`       // Date and time of item creation. Read-only.
	LastModifiedDateTime Timestamp            `json:"lastModifiedDateTime"`  // Date and time the item was last modified. Read-only.
	Size                 int64                `json:"size"`                  // Size of the item in bytes. Read-only.
	ParentReference      *ItemReference       `json:"parentReference"`       // Parent information, if the item has a parent. Read-write.
	WebURL               string               `json:"webUrl"`                // URL that displays the resource in the browser. Read-only.
	Description          string               `json:"description,omitempty"` // Provides a user-visible description of the item. Read-write. Only on OneDrive Personal. Undocumented limit of 1024 characters.
	Folder               *FolderFacet         `json:"folder"`                // Folder metadata, if the item is a folder. Read-only.
	File                 *FileFacet           `json:"file"`                  // File metadata, if the item is a file. Read-only.
	RemoteItem           *RemoteItemFacet     `json:"remoteItem"`            // Remote Item metadata, if the item is a remote shared item. Read-only.
	FileSystemInfo       *FileSystemInfoFacet `json:"fileSystemInfo"`        // File system information on client. Read-write.
	//	Image                *ImageFacet          `json:"image"`                // Image metadata, if the item is an image. Read-only.
	//	Photo                *PhotoFacet          `json:"photo"`                // Photo metadata, if the item is a photo. Read-only.
	//	Audio                *AudioFacet          `json:"audio"`                // Audio metadata, if the item is an audio file. Read-only.
	//	Video                *VideoFacet          `json:"video"`                // Video metadata, if the item is a video. Read-only.
	//	Location             *LocationFacet       `json:"location"`             // Location metadata, if the item has location data. Read-only.
	Package *PackageFacet `json:"package"`           // If present, indicates that this item is a package instead of a folder or file. Packages are treated like files in some contexts and folders in others. Read-only.
	Deleted *DeletedFacet `json:"deleted"`           // Information about the deleted state of the item. Read-only.
	Malware *struct{}     `json:"malware,omitempty"` // Malware metadata, if the item was detected to contain malware. Read-only. (Currently has no properties.)
	Shared  *SharedType   `json:"shared,omitempty"`  // Indicates that the item has been shared with others and provides information about the shared state of the item. Read-only.

Item represents metadata for an item in OneDrive

func (*Item) GetCreatedBy

func (i *Item) GetCreatedBy() IdentitySet

GetCreatedBy returns a normalized CreatedBy of the item

func (*Item) GetCreatedDateTime

func (i *Item) GetCreatedDateTime() Timestamp

GetCreatedDateTime returns a normalized CreatedDateTime of the item

func (*Item) GetDriveID

func (i *Item) GetDriveID() string

GetDriveID returns a normalized ParentReference of the item

func (*Item) GetFile

func (i *Item) GetFile() *FileFacet

GetFile returns a normalized File of the item

func (*Item) GetFileSystemInfo

func (i *Item) GetFileSystemInfo() *FileSystemInfoFacet

GetFileSystemInfo returns a normalized FileSystemInfo of the item

func (*Item) GetFolder

func (i *Item) GetFolder() *FolderFacet

GetFolder returns a normalized Folder of the item

func (*Item) GetID

func (i *Item) GetID() string

GetID returns a normalized ID of the item If DriveID is known it will be prefixed to the ID with # separator Can be parsed using onedrive.parseNormalizedID(normalizedID)

func (*Item) GetLastModifiedBy

func (i *Item) GetLastModifiedBy() IdentitySet

GetLastModifiedBy returns a normalized LastModifiedBy of the item

func (*Item) GetLastModifiedDateTime

func (i *Item) GetLastModifiedDateTime() Timestamp

GetLastModifiedDateTime returns a normalized LastModifiedDateTime of the item

func (*Item) GetName

func (i *Item) GetName() string

GetName returns a normalized Name of the item

func (*Item) GetPackage

func (i *Item) GetPackage() *PackageFacet

GetPackage returns a normalized Package of the item

func (*Item) GetPackageType

func (i *Item) GetPackageType() string

GetPackageType returns the package type of the item if available, otherwise ""

func (*Item) GetParentReference

func (i *Item) GetParentReference() *ItemReference

GetParentReference returns a normalized ParentReference of the item

func (*Item) GetSize

func (i *Item) GetSize() int64

GetSize returns a normalized Size of the item

func (*Item) GetWebURL

func (i *Item) GetWebURL() string

GetWebURL returns a normalized WebURL of the item

func (*Item) IsRemote

func (i *Item) IsRemote() bool

IsRemote checks if item is a remote item

func (*Item) MalwareDetected

func (i *Item) MalwareDetected() bool

MalwareDetected returns true if OneDrive has detected that this item contains malware.

type ItemReference

type ItemReference struct {
	DriveID   string `json:"driveId"`   // Unique identifier for the Drive that contains the item.	Read-only.
	ID        string `json:"id"`        // Unique identifier for the item.	Read/Write.
	Path      string `json:"path"`      // Path that used to navigate to the item.	Read/Write.
	DriveType string `json:"driveType"` // Type of the drive,	Read-Only

ItemReference groups data needed to reference a OneDrive item across the service into a single structure.

func (*ItemReference) GetID

func (i *ItemReference) GetID() string

GetID returns a normalized ID of the item If DriveID is known it will be prefixed to the ID with # separator Can be parsed using onedrive.parseNormalizedID(normalizedID)

type LastModifiedBy

type LastModifiedBy struct {
	User User `json:"user"`

LastModifiedBy for each version

type LinkScope

type LinkScope string

LinkScope represents the scope of the link represented by this permission. Value anonymous indicates the link is usable by anyone, organization indicates the link is only usable for users signed into the same tenant.

const (
	// AnonymousScope = Anyone with the link has access, without needing to sign in.
	// This may include people outside of your organization.
	AnonymousScope LinkScope = "anonymous"
	// OrganizationScope = Anyone signed into your organization (tenant) can use the
	// link to get access. Only available in OneDrive for Business and SharePoint.
	OrganizationScope LinkScope = "organization"

type LinkType

type LinkType string

LinkType represents the type of SharingLinkType created.

const (
	// ViewLinkType (role: read) A view-only sharing link, allowing read-only access.
	ViewLinkType LinkType = "view"
	// EditLinkType (role: write) An edit sharing link, allowing read-write access.
	EditLinkType LinkType = "edit"
	// EmbedLinkType (role: read) A view-only sharing link that can be used to embed
	// content into a host webpage. Embed links are not available for OneDrive for
	// Business or SharePoint.
	EmbedLinkType LinkType = "embed"

type ListChildrenResponse

type ListChildrenResponse struct {
	Value    []Item `json:"value"`           // An array of Item objects
	NextLink string `json:"@odata.nextLink"` // A URL to retrieve the next available page of items.

ListChildrenResponse is the response to the list children method

type Metadata

type Metadata struct {
	Description    string               `json:"description,omitempty"`    // Provides a user-visible description of the item. Read-write. Only on OneDrive Personal. Undocumented limit of 1024 characters.
	FileSystemInfo *FileSystemInfoFacet `json:"fileSystemInfo,omitempty"` // File system information on client. Read-write.

Metadata represents a request to update Metadata. It includes only the writeable properties. omitempty is intentionally included for all, per https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_update?view=odsp-graph-online#request-body

func (Metadata) IsEmpty

func (m Metadata) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if the metadata is empty (there is nothing to set)

type MoveItemRequest

type MoveItemRequest struct {
	ParentReference *ItemReference       `json:"parentReference,omitempty"` // Reference to the destination parent directory
	Name            string               `json:"name,omitempty"`            // Optional The new name for the file. If this isn't provided, the same name will be used as the original.
	FileSystemInfo  *FileSystemInfoFacet `json:"fileSystemInfo,omitempty"`  // File system information on client. Read-write.

MoveItemRequest is the request to copy an item object

Note: The parentReference should include either an id or path but not both. If both are included, they need to reference the same item or an error will occur.

type PackageFacet

type PackageFacet struct {
	Type string `json:"type"`

PackageFacet indicates that a DriveItem is the top level item in a "package" or a collection of items that should be treated as a collection instead of individual items. `oneNote` is the only currently defined value.

type PermissionsResponse

type PermissionsResponse struct {
	Value []*PermissionsType `json:"value"` // An array of Item objects

PermissionsResponse is the response to the list permissions method

type PermissionsType

type PermissionsType struct {
	ID                    string                 `json:"id"`                              // The unique identifier of the permission among all permissions on the item. Read-only.
	GrantedTo             *IdentitySet           `json:"grantedTo,omitempty"`             // For user type permissions, the details of the users & applications for this permission. Read-only. Deprecated on OneDrive Business only.
	GrantedToIdentities   []*IdentitySet         `json:"grantedToIdentities,omitempty"`   // For link type permissions, the details of the users to whom permission was granted. Read-only. Deprecated on OneDrive Business only.
	GrantedToV2           *IdentitySet           `json:"grantedToV2,omitempty"`           // For user type permissions, the details of the users & applications for this permission. Read-only. Not available for OneDrive Personal.
	GrantedToIdentitiesV2 []*IdentitySet         `json:"grantedToIdentitiesV2,omitempty"` // For link type permissions, the details of the users to whom permission was granted. Read-only. Not available for OneDrive Personal.
	Invitation            *SharingInvitationType `json:"invitation,omitempty"`            // Details of any associated sharing invitation for this permission. Read-only.
	InheritedFrom         *ItemReference         `json:"inheritedFrom,omitempty"`         // Provides a reference to the ancestor of the current permission, if it is inherited from an ancestor. Read-only.
	Link                  *SharingLinkType       `json:"link,omitempty"`                  // Provides the link details of the current permission, if it is a link type permissions. Read-only.
	Roles                 []Role                 `json:"roles,omitempty"`                 // The type of permission (read, write, owner, member). Read-only.
	ShareID               string                 `json:"shareId,omitempty"`               // A unique token that can be used to access this shared item via the shares API. Read-only.

PermissionsType provides information about a sharing permission granted for a DriveItem resource. Sharing permissions have a number of different forms. The Permission resource represents these different forms through facets on the resource.

func (*PermissionsType) GetGrantedTo

func (p *PermissionsType) GetGrantedTo(driveType string) *IdentitySet

GetGrantedTo returns the GrantedTo property. This is to get around the odd problem of GrantedTo being deprecated on OneDrive Business, while GrantedToV2 is unavailable on OneDrive Personal.

func (*PermissionsType) GetGrantedToIdentities

func (p *PermissionsType) GetGrantedToIdentities(driveType string) []*IdentitySet

GetGrantedToIdentities returns the GrantedToIdentities property. This is to get around the odd problem of GrantedToIdentities being deprecated on OneDrive Business, while GrantedToIdentitiesV2 is unavailable on OneDrive Personal.

type Quota

type Quota struct {
	Total     int64  `json:"total"`
	Used      int64  `json:"used"`
	Remaining int64  `json:"remaining"`
	Deleted   int64  `json:"deleted"`
	State     string `json:"state"` // normal | nearing | critical | exceeded

Quota groups storage space quota-related information on OneDrive into a single structure.

type RemoteItemFacet

type RemoteItemFacet struct {
	ID                   string               `json:"id"`                   // The unique identifier of the item within the remote Drive. Read-only.
	Name                 string               `json:"name"`                 // The name of the item (filename and extension). Read-write.
	CreatedBy            IdentitySet          `json:"createdBy"`            // Identity of the user, device, and application which created the item. Read-only.
	LastModifiedBy       IdentitySet          `json:"lastModifiedBy"`       // Identity of the user, device, and application which last modified the item. Read-only.
	CreatedDateTime      Timestamp            `json:"createdDateTime"`      // Date and time of item creation. Read-only.
	LastModifiedDateTime Timestamp            `json:"lastModifiedDateTime"` // Date and time the item was last modified. Read-only.
	Folder               *FolderFacet         `json:"folder"`               // Folder metadata, if the item is a folder. Read-only.
	File                 *FileFacet           `json:"file"`                 // File metadata, if the item is a file. Read-only.
	Package              *PackageFacet        `json:"package"`              // If present, indicates that this item is a package instead of a folder or file. Packages are treated like files in some contexts and folders in others. Read-only.
	FileSystemInfo       *FileSystemInfoFacet `json:"fileSystemInfo"`       // File system information on client. Read-write.
	ParentReference      *ItemReference       `json:"parentReference"`      // Parent information, if the item has a parent. Read-write.
	Size                 int64                `json:"size"`                 // Size of the item in bytes. Read-only.
	WebURL               string               `json:"webUrl"`               // URL that displays the resource in the browser. Read-only.

RemoteItemFacet groups data needed to reference a OneDrive remote item

type Role

type Role string

Role represents the type of permission (read, write, owner, member)

const (
	// ReadRole provides the ability to read the metadata and contents of the item.
	ReadRole Role = "read"
	// WriteRole provides the ability to read and modify the metadata and contents of the item.
	WriteRole Role = "write"
	// OwnerRole represents the owner role for SharePoint and OneDrive for Business.
	OwnerRole Role = "owner"
	// MemberRole represents the member role for SharePoint and OneDrive for Business.
	MemberRole Role = "member"

type SetFileSystemInfo

type SetFileSystemInfo struct {
	FileSystemInfo FileSystemInfoFacet `json:"fileSystemInfo"` // File system information on client. Read-write.

SetFileSystemInfo is used to Update an object's FileSystemInfo.

type SharedType

type SharedType struct {
	Owner          IdentitySet `json:"owner,omitempty"`          // The identity of the owner of the shared item. Read-only.
	Scope          string      `json:"scope,omitempty"`          // Indicates the scope of how the item is shared: anonymous, organization, or users. Read-only.
	SharedBy       IdentitySet `json:"sharedBy,omitempty"`       // The identity of the user who shared the item. Read-only.
	SharedDateTime Timestamp   `json:"sharedDateTime,omitempty"` // The UTC date and time when the item was shared. Read-only.

SharedType indicates a DriveItem has been shared with others. The resource includes information about how the item is shared. If a Driveitem has a non-null shared facet, the item has been shared.

type SharingInvitationType

type SharingInvitationType struct {
	Email          string       `json:"email,omitempty"`          // The email address provided for the recipient of the sharing invitation. Read-only.
	InvitedBy      *IdentitySet `json:"invitedBy,omitempty"`      // Provides information about who sent the invitation that created this permission, if that information is available. Read-only.
	SignInRequired bool         `json:"signInRequired,omitempty"` // If true the recipient of the invitation needs to sign in in order to access the shared item. Read-only.

SharingInvitationType groups invitation-related data items into a single structure.

type SharingLinkType

type SharingLinkType struct {
	Application *Identity `json:"application,omitempty"` // The app the link is associated with.
	Type        LinkType  `json:"type,omitempty"`        // The type of the link created.
	Scope       LinkScope `json:"scope,omitempty"`       // The scope of the link represented by this permission. Value anonymous indicates the link is usable by anyone, organization indicates the link is only usable for users signed into the same tenant.
	WebHTML     string    `json:"webHtml,omitempty"`     // For embed links, this property contains the HTML code for an <iframe> element that will embed the item in a webpage.
	WebURL      string    `json:"webUrl,omitempty"`      // A URL that opens the item in the browser on the OneDrive website.

SharingLinkType groups link-related data items into a single structure. If a Permission resource has a non-null sharingLink facet, the permission represents a sharing link (as opposed to permissions granted to a person or group).

type SiteResource

type SiteResource struct {
	SiteID   string `json:"id"`
	SiteName string `json:"displayName"`
	SiteURL  string `json:"webUrl"`

SiteResource is part of the response from "/sites/root:"

type SiteResponse

type SiteResponse struct {
	Sites []SiteResource `json:"value"`

SiteResponse is returned from "/sites/root:"

type Timestamp

type Timestamp time.Time

Timestamp represents date and time information for the OneDrive API, by using ISO 8601 and is always in UTC time.

func (*Timestamp) MarshalJSON

func (t *Timestamp) MarshalJSON() (out []byte, err error)

MarshalJSON turns a Timestamp into JSON (in UTC)

func (*Timestamp) UnmarshalJSON

func (t *Timestamp) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON turns JSON into a Timestamp

type UpdatePermissionsRequest

type UpdatePermissionsRequest struct {
	Roles []Role `json:"roles,omitempty"` // Specify the roles that are to be granted to the recipients of the sharing invitation.

UpdatePermissionsRequest is the request for the update permissions method

type UploadFragmentResponse

type UploadFragmentResponse struct {
	ExpirationDateTime Timestamp `json:"expirationDateTime"` // "2015-01-29T09:21:55.523Z",
	NextExpectedRanges []string  `json:"nextExpectedRanges"` // ["0-"]

UploadFragmentResponse is the response from uploading a fragment

type User

type User struct {
	Email       string `json:"email"`
	ID          string `json:"id"`
	DisplayName string `json:"displayName"`

User details for each version

type Version

type Version struct {
	ID                   string         `json:"id"`
	LastModifiedDateTime time.Time      `json:"lastModifiedDateTime"`
	Size                 int            `json:"size"`
	LastModifiedBy       LastModifiedBy `json:"lastModifiedBy"`

Version info

type VersionsResponse

type VersionsResponse struct {
	Versions []Version `json:"value"`

VersionsResponse is returned from /versions

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL