REST API implementing Hexagonal Architecture (Ports & Adapters) making use of own scv-go-tools package.
It consists in a set of endpoints for user management that can indistinctly work with either a MongoDB or PostgreSQL instance, using the same handlers and business logic.
- MongoDB and PostgreSQL decoupled implementations of the repository adapter for persistent storage
- Database migrations with Goose for PostgreSQL implementation
- CRUD functionalities for user management
- JWT authentication and claim-based authorization
- Swagger UI documentation
- Unit tests with code coverage
- Integration tests for happy path
- Multi-environment JSON config files
- Dockerized app and Kubernetes Deployment
- CI/CD with Github Actions
- Async process for periodical health checking
Run it with docker
make up
It starts 4 containers. Two of them are databases (MongoDB and PostgreSQL) and the other two are instances of the API, each of them already set up to work with one of the databases.
Both Swagger URLs are printed when running the command.
Stop and remove the running containers
make down
Debug it with VS Code
Debugging configurations provided in launch.json for hitting both MongoDB and PostgreSQL containers. Just select the desired one in the VS Code´s build-in debugger and run it.
Then open http://localhost:{port}/swagger/index.html
, where {port}
is the value specified in launch.json for the selected configuration.
- The target database container needs to be up and running (run
make up
Run it with command line
go run cmd/main.go --ver={version} --env={environment} --port={port} --db={database} --dsn={dsn}
go build cmd/main.go
./main --ver={version} --env={environment} --port={port} --db={database} --dsn={dsn}
Provide the desired values to {version}
, {environment}
, {port}
, {database}
, {dsn}
Then open http://localhost:{port}/swagger/index.html
Run unit tests with code coverage
make test-unit
View coverage report
make cover
Run integration tests
make test-integration
- Docker is required for running integration tests.
(Re)Generate Swagger documentation
make swagger
(Re)Generate Mockery mocks
make mocks
Database commands for Postgres
Create new migration
make goose
Write the file name without ".sql" suffix and press enter.
Then edit the newly created file to define the behavior of the migration.
Connect to database
psql "{dsn}"
Create new database
Drop database (Azure Postgres Flexible Server)
az login
az postgres flexible-server db delete -g {resource_group} -s {resource_name} --database-name {db_name}
Dump database schema
pg_dump -h {host} -U {username} {db_name} --schema-only > dump.sql
Live AKS environments (turned off)
Sergi Canet Vela
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.