newrelic_beego is "plug and play" package for monitoring(APM) beego framework with newrelic offical agent
Support http endpoints
Can Get newrelic_beego.NewrelicAgent for custom monitoring(database,external call, func etc..)
Can Get newrelic transaction per request from beego context
txn := ctx.Input.GetData("newrelic_transaction").(newrelic.Transaction)
defer txn.EndDatastore(txn.StartSegment(), datastore.Segment{
// Product is the datastore type.
// See the constants in api/datastore/datastore.go.
Product: datastore.MySQL,
// Collection is the table or group.
Collection: "my_table",
// Operation is the relevant action, e.g. "SELECT" or "GET".
Operation: "SELECT",
go get"
Add _ "" to import in main.go file
- appname = name of app in newrelic
- newrelic_license = newrelic license