Overview ¶
OttO is used to build IoT applications.
The package provides ¶
- MQTT messaging amoung IoT stations and control software
- HTTP REST Server for data gathering and configuration
- Websockets for realtime bidirectional communication with a UI
- High performance Web server built in to serve interactive UI's and modern API's
- Station manager to manage the stations that make up an entire sensor network
- Data Manager for temporary data caching and interfaces to update your favorite timeseries database
- A higher level device interface that is agnostic to the underlying libraries. Use your favorite gpiocdev,, tinygo, gobot, etc.
- Message library for standardized messages built to be communicate events and information between pacakges.
- Messanger (not to be confused with messages) implements a Pub/Sub (MQTT or other) interface between components of your application
- Security Todo
Message Based System ¶
The primary communication model for OttO is a messaging system based on the Pub/Sub model defaulting to MQTT. oTTo is also heavily invested in HTTP to implement user interfaces and REST/Graph APIs.
Messaging and HTTP use paths to specify the subject of interest. These paths can be generically reduced to an ordered collection of strings seperated by slashes '/'. Both MQTT topics, http URI's and UNIX filesystems use this same schema which we use the generalize the identity of the elements we are addressing.
In other words we can generalize the following identities:
For example:
File: /home/rusty/data/hb/temperature HTTP: /api/data/hb/temperature MQTT: ss/hb/temperature
The data within the highest level topic temperature can be represented say by JSON `{ farenhiet: 100.07 }`
### Meta Data (Station Information)
For example when a station comes alive it can provide some information about itself using the topic:
The station will announce itself along with some meta information and it's capabilities. The body of the message might look something like this:
{ "id": "be:ef:ca:fe:02", "ip": "", "sensors": [ "tempc", "humidity", "light" ], "relays": [ "heater", "light" ], }
### Sensor Data
Sensor data takes on the form:
Where the source is the Station ID publishing the respective data. The sensor is the type of data being produced (temp, humidity, lidar, GPS).
The index is optional in situations where they may be more than one similar device or sensor, for example a couple of rotation counters on wheels.
The value published by the sensors is typically going to be floating point, however these values may also be integer or string values, including nema-0183.
### Control Data
This is essentially the same as the sensor except that control commands are used to have a particular device change, for example turning a relay on or off.
Index ¶
Constants ¶
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Variables ¶
var ( Done chan bool StationName string Version string Interactive bool )
global variables and structures
Functions ¶
Types ¶
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