
v0.1.6 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 31, 2019 License: MIT




SingularityNET Daemon The daemon is the adapter with which an otherwise SingularityNET-unaware service implementation can be exposed to the SingularityNET platform. It is designed to be deployed as a sidecar proxy alongside the service on a given host. The daemon abstracts the blockchain components away from the clients. The SNET Daemon interacts with the Multi Party Escrow to facilitate authorization and payment for services and acts as a passthrough for making API calls to the service.The daemon is the endpoint a client will submit requests to, and they are then passed to the service after validation by the daemon.

Channel Claim command

Gets the latest channel state of the Channel updated in ETCD by the daemons of the same group and then increments the nonce of the channel. It then sends and ON-Chain transaction to claim funds.The daemons continue their work independently without any confirmation from the treasurer on the blockchain.


These instructions are intended to facilitate the development and testing of SingularityNET Daemon. Users interested in deploying SingularityNET services using SingularityNET Daemon should install the appropriate binary as released.

$ go get -u
  • install [grpc]
$ go get -u
  • install [golint]
$ sudo apt-get install golint
  • Clone the git repository to the following path $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone
$ cd snet-daemon
  • Install development/test dependencies
$ ./scripts/install
  • Build snet-daemon (on Linux amd64 platform)
$ ./scripts/build linux amd64
  • Generate default config file snet-daemon (on Linux amd64 platform)
$ ./build/snetd-linux-amd64 init 

**** Please update the registry address in daemon config based on the test network used

Run Deamon
$ ../build/snetd-linux-amd64
Main commands
  • Start snet-daemon
$ ./snetd-linux-amd64
  • Claim funds from the channel

    Refer to the link below on an end to end Example of MPE

    At the moment treasurer server is a part of snet-daemon command line interface.

$ ./snetd-linux-amd64 claim --channel-id 0

  • Full list of commands, use --help to get more information.
$ ./build/snetd-linux-amd64 --help
  snetd [flags]
  snetd [command]

Available Commands:
  channel     Manage operations on payment channels
  claim       Claim money from payment channel
  help        Help about any command
  init        Write default configuration to file
  list        List channels, claims in progress, etc
  serve       Is the default option which starts the Daemon.

  -c, --config string   config file (default "snetd.config.json")
  -h, --help            help for snetd

Use "snetd [command] --help" for more information about a command.
  • Unit Testing
$ ./scripts/test

Configuration file is a main source of the configuration. Some properties can be set via environment variables or command line parameters see table below. Use --config parameter with any command to set configuration file name. By default daemon use configuration file in JSON format snetd.config.json but other formats are also supported via Viper. Use snet init command to save configuration file with default values. Following configuration properties can be set using configuration file.

Main properties

These properties you should usually change before starting daemon for the first time.

  • daemon_end_point (required;) - Defines the ip and the port on which the daemon listens to. format is :<host>:<port>.

  • ethereum_json_rpc_endpoint (optional, default: "") - endpoint to which daemon sends ethereum JSON-RPC requests; recommend "" for kovan testnet.

  • ipfs_end_point (optional; default "http://localhost:5002/") - endpoint of IPFS instance to get service configuration metadata

  • registry_address_key (required) - Ethereum address of the Registry contract instance.

  • organization_id (required) - Id of the organization to search for service configuration metadata.

  • service_id (required) - Id of the service to search for service configuration metadata.

  • passthrough_enabled (optional; default: false) - when passthrough is disabled, daemon echoes requests back as responses; false reserved mostly for testing purposes.

  • passthrough_endpoint (required iff service_type != executable) - endpoint to which requests should be proxied for handling by service.

  • executable_path (required iff service_type == executable) - path to executable to expose as a service.

Other properties

This options are less frequently needed.

  • auto_ssl_domain (optional; default: "") -
    domain name for which the daemon should automatically acquire SSL certs from Let's Encrypt.

  • auto_ssl_cache_dir (optional; only applies if auto_ssl_domain is set; default: ".certs") - directory in which to cache the SSL certs issued by Let's Encrypt

  • blockchain_enabled (optional; default: true) - enables or disables blockchain features of daemon; false reserved mostly for testing purposes

  • burst_size (optional; default: Infinite) - see rate limiting configuration

  • daemon_group_name (optional ,default: "default_group") - This parameter defines the group the daemon belongs to . The group helps determine the recipient address for payments. service configuration metadata.

  • hdwallet_index (optional; default: 0; only applies if hdwallet_mnemonic is set) - derivation index for key to use within HDWallet specified by mnemonic.

  • hdwallet_mnemonic (optional; default: ""; this or private_key must be set to use claim command) - bip39 mnemonic corresponding to wallet with which daemon transacts on blockchain.

  • private_key (optional; default: ""; this or hdwallet_mnemonic must be set to use claim command) - private key with which daemon transacts on blockchain.

  • log (optional) - see logger configuration

  • monitoring_enabled (optional; default: true) - Enable or Disable monitoring of Requests arrived and response sent back

  • monitoring_svc_end_point (optional;only applies if monitoring_enabled is set to true) - Needs to be a vaild url where the request and response stats are published as part of monitoring

  • ssl_cert (optional; default: "") - path to certificate to use for SSL.

  • ssl_key (optional; only applies if ssl_cert is set; default: "") - path to key to use for SSL.

  • payment_channel_storage_type (optional; default "etcd") - see etcd storage type

  • payment_channel_storage_client (optional) - see etcd client configuration

  • payment_channel_storage_server (optional) - see etcd server configuration

  • rate_limit_per_minute (optional; default: Infinity) - see rate limiting configuration

  • alerts_email (optional; default: "") - It must be a valid email. if it is empty, then it is considered as alerts disabled. see daemon alerts/notifications configuration

  • notification_svc_end_point (optional; default: "") - It must be a valid URL. if it is empty, then it is considered as alerts disabled. see daemon alerts/notifications configuration

  • service_heartbeat_type (optional; default: grpc) - possible type configurations are none | grpc | http. If it is left empty, then it is considered as none type. see daemon heartbeats configuration

  • heartbeat_svc_end_point (optional; default: "") - It must be a valid URL. if it is empty, then service state always assumed as SERVING, and same will be wrapped in Daemon Heartbeat. see daemon heartbeats configuration

  • ipfs_timeout (optional; default: 30) - All IPFS read/writes timeout if the operations doesnt complete in 30 sec or set duration in this config entry.

Environment variables and CLI parameters
config file key environment variable name flag
auto_ssl_domain SNET_AUTO_SSL_DOMAIN --auto-ssl-domain
auto_ssl_cache_dir SNET_AUTO_SSL_CACHE_DIR --auto-ssl-cache
blockchain_enabled SNET_BLOCKCHAIN_ENABLED --blockchain, -b
config_path SNET_CONFIG_PATH --config, -c
ethereum_json_rpc_endpoint SNET_ETHEREUM_JSON_RPC_ENDPOINT --ethereum-endpoint
hdwallet_index SNET_HDWALLET_INDEX --wallet-index
hdwallet_mnemonic SNET_HDWALLET_MNEMONIC --mnemonic
passthrough_enabled SNET_PASSTHROUGH_ENABLED --passthrough
ssl_cert SNET_SSL_CERT --ssl-cert
ssl_key SNET_SSL_KEY --ssl-key


Precompiled binaries are published with each release.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Path Synopsis
package for monitoring and reporting the daemon metrics
package for monitoring and reporting the daemon metrics

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