
SingularityNET Daemon
The daemon is the adapter with which an otherwise SingularityNET-unaware service implementation can be exposed to the SingularityNET platform. It is designed to be deployed as a sidecar proxy alongside the service on a given host.
The daemon abstracts the blockchain components away from the clients.
The SNET Daemon interacts with the Multi Party Escrow to facilitate authorization and payment for services and acts as a passthrough for making API calls to the service.The daemon is the endpoint a client will submit requests to, and they are then passed to the service after validation by the daemon.
Channel Claim command
Gets the latest channel state of the Channel updated in ETCD by the daemons of the same group and then increments the nonce of the channel.
It then sends and ON-Chain transaction to claim funds.The daemons continue their work independently without any confirmation from the treasurer on the blockchain.
These instructions are intended to facilitate the development and testing of SingularityNET Daemon. Users interested in
deploying SingularityNET services using SingularityNET Daemon should install the appropriate binary as
$ git clone
$ cd snet-daemon
- Install development/test dependencies
$ ./scripts/install
- Build snet-daemon (on Linux amd64 platform)
$ ./scripts/build linux amd64
- Generate default config file snet-daemon (on Linux amd64 platform)
$ ./build/snetd-linux-amd64 init
**** Please update the registry address in daemon config based on the test network used
Run Deamon
$ ../build/snetd-linux-amd64
Main commands
$ ./snetd-linux-amd64
Claim funds from the channel
Refer to the link below on an end to end Example of MPE
At the moment treasurer server is a part of snet-daemon command line interface.
$ ./snetd-linux-amd64 claim --channel-id 0
- Full list of commands, use --help to get more information.
$ ./build/snetd-linux-amd64 --help
snetd [flags]
snetd [command]
Available Commands:
claim Claim money from payment channel
help Help about any command
init Write default configuration to file
list List channels, claims in progress, etc
serve Is the default option which starts the Daemon.
-c, --config string config file (default "snetd.config.json")
-h, --help help for snetd
Use "snetd [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ ./scripts/test
Precompiled binaries are published with each release.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the
tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the
LICENSE file for details.