.. |Travis| image:: https://api.travis-ci.org/semanticize/st.png?branch=master
.. _Travis: https://travis-ci.org/semanticize/st
Wikipedia dump parser for semanticizest
This program parses Wikipedia database dumps for consumption by semanticizest.
Make sure you have a Go compiler (1.2 or newer) and Git.
On Debian/Ubuntu/Mint, that's::
sudo apt-get install git golang-go
On CentOS::
sudo yum -y install git golang
Set up a Go workspace, if you haven't already. For example::
mkdir /some/where/go
cd /some/where/go
export GOPATH=$(pwd)
Fetch and compile::
go get github.com/semanticize/st
go install github.com/semanticize/st/dumpparser
go install github.com/semanticize/st/semanticizest
You now have a working parser at ``${GOPATH}/bin/dumpparser``. Issue::
${GOPATH}/bin/dumpparser --help
to figure out how to generate a semanticizer model, then use this model from
the REST API::
${GOPATH}/bin/semanticizest --http=:5002 your_model
curl http://localhost:5002/all -d 'Does the entity linking work?'