Implementation of N-Body problem in Golang, usage below.
Building & Running
- git clone https://github.com/seifertd/nbody-go.git
- go build
- ./nbody-go random
- Simulate large central body and 50 bodies in circular orbits:
$ ./nbody-go random -n 50 -p 0.0 -r 1.0 -d 768x768
The initial circular orbits can be perturbed from perfectly circular by
specifying a non zero -p flag. The bodies can be clustered closer to the central
body by specifying a -r < 1.0. -r values greater than 1 just spread the distribution
of the bodies out more.
Simulate large central body with planetoids with moonlets all in circular orbits. Use -n
to control the total number of bodies and -m to dictate how many moonlets per body.
The sim will create enough planetoids to ensure the total number of planetoids and
moonlets created is less than the value of the -n flag.
This will create 5 planetoids, each with 2 moonlets for 15 bodies total:
$ ./nbody-go moons -n 15 -m 2 -r 1.2 -d 768x768
The -r flag can be used to stretch out the distance from center of the bodies.
- Simulate the inner solar system
$ ./nbody-go solar
This mode does not take any other flags.
While Sim is Running
A info display of total number of bodies in the simulation, elapsed world time, zoom and seconds per
tick is shown in the upper right of the window.
- Press Space to pause and unpause the simulation
- Press the
key to speed up the simulation (increases seconds of world time per UI tick)
- Press the
key to slow the simulation down (decreases seconds of world time per UI tick)
- Press the
key repeatedly to cycle through the bodies and center them on the screen
- Press the
key to re-center the display
- Use scroll wheel or 2-finger swipe to zoom in and out.
- Press the left mouse button to select a body and show the following:
- The body's name, velocity and acceleration in the info display
- A green velocity direction vector.
- A red acceleration direction vector
- Press the right mouse button to turn off the closest body display
nbody-go [-hPC -d<dimensions> -s=<spt> -p=<pf> -r=<df> -M=<magFact> -n=<numBodies> -m=<numMoons] MODE
Run N-Body simulation in mode MODE
MODE mode of the simulation, one of random, moons, solar
-h --help
-d=<dimensions>, --dimensions=<dimensions> dimensions of screen in pixels [default: 1024x1024]
-P Start paused
-C Use plain white circle as planet graphic instead of random ones in moons and random MODE
-s=<spt> Seconds of world time to calculate per UI tick
-p=<pf> Perturbation factor for random world generation [default: 0.2]
-r=<df> Distance factor for random world generation [default: 1.0]
-M=<magFact> For high DPI screens, scale up window by this amount [default: 1.0]
-n=<numBodies>, --number=<numBodies> Number of bodies to start [default: 60]
-m=<numMoons>, --moons=<numMoons> Number of moons per body [default: 3]