An implementation of the SHA-256d hash for the Go programming language.
Copyright (C) 2013 Jochen Voss
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
The homepage of this package is at .
Please send any comments or bug reports to the program's author,
Jochen Voss <> .
This package provides an implementation of the SHA-256d hash algorithm
(also known as "double SHA-256") for the Go programming language.
SHA-256d is a cryptographic hash, first proposed by Ferguson and
Schneier in the book "Practical Cryptography". The SHA-256d hash is
used in the Bitcoin protocol and in the Fortuna random number
The SHA-256d hash is obtained by applying the SHA-256 hash twice,
i.e. by first applying SHA-256 to the data and then again to the
resulting hash.
go get
The sha256d package implements the standard hash.Hash interface.
hash := sha256d.New()
n, _ := hash.Write([]byte("hello"))
hashVal := hash.Sum(nil)
Package sha256d implements the SHA-256d hash algorithm. This
algorithm, obtained by applying SHA-256 to the data and then again
to the resulting hash, was first proposed by Ferguson and Schneier
in the book "Practical Cryptography". It is used in the Bitcoin
protocol and in the Fortuna random number generator.