Built to be run natively as a package by Tyk Gateways.
This is coded to be run by Tyk as middleware, NOT custom auth. That code is available in another project.
This will authenticate requests by connecting to DynamoDB and checking the Basic Auth credentials in the request to see if they match what's in the DB. If success, will let the request continue, otherwise will return an auth error.
Setup AWS credentials in the GO Plugin
In here,
sess, err := session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
Region: aws.String("us-east-2"),
Credentials: credentials.NewStaticCredentials("AKID", "SECRET", ""),
Replace AKID and SECRET with your AWS credentials. Leave the third parameter exactly as is, an empty string. Make sure the region is accurate also.
Generate the Binary file
In the root of the "main.go" file, run
go build -o ./middleware/go/main.so -buildmode=plugin ./middleware/go
Put the generated file somewhere Tyk Gateway can access it
Build Tyk to run GOPLUGINS
go build -tags 'coprocess grpc goplugin' -o tyk .
you may only need goplugin in that list above
Then run the compiled Tyk
Setup your API
in API Designer, click on "Raw API Definition"
- Set
"driver": "goplugin"
- Choose somewhere for your middleware to run in the cycle. ie:
"custom_middleware": {
"pre": [
"name": "MyCustomPlugin",
"path": "./middleware/go/helloworld.so"
Pre is the phase in the cycle where it runs.
"name" has to be the name of the GO function
"path" is wherever you put the binary generated in step 1