Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func GetClient() *http.Client
- func GetCookies(url string) ([]*http.Cookie, error)
- func GetTLSClientConfig() *tls.Config
- func SetDefaultClient(c *Client)
- type Client
- func AddCommonQueryParam(key, value string) *Client
- func AddCommonQueryParams(key string, values ...string) *Client
- func AddCommonRetryCondition(condition RetryConditionFunc) *Client
- func AddCommonRetryHook(hook RetryHookFunc) *Client
- func C() *Client
- func ClearCookies() *Client
- func DefaultClient() *Client
- func DevMode() *Client
- func DisableAllowGetMethodPayload() *Client
- func DisableAutoDecode() *Client
- func DisableAutoReadResponse() *Client
- func DisableCompression() *Client
- func DisableDebugLog() *Client
- func DisableDumpAll() *Client
- func DisableForceHttpVersion() *Client
- func DisableH2C() *Client
- func DisableInsecureSkipVerify() *Client
- func DisableKeepAlives() *Client
- func DisableTraceAll() *Client
- func EnableAllowGetMethodPayload() *Client
- func EnableAutoDecode() *Client
- func EnableAutoReadResponse() *Client
- func EnableCompression() *Client
- func EnableDebugLog() *Client
- func EnableDumpAll() *Client
- func EnableDumpAllAsync() *Client
- func EnableDumpAllTo(output io.Writer) *Client
- func EnableDumpAllToFile(filename string) *Client
- func EnableDumpAllWithoutBody() *Client
- func EnableDumpAllWithoutHeader() *Client
- func EnableDumpAllWithoutRequest() *Client
- func EnableDumpAllWithoutRequestBody() *Client
- func EnableDumpAllWithoutResponse() *Client
- func EnableDumpAllWithoutResponseBody() *Client
- func EnableDumpEachRequest() *Client
- func EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutBody() *Client
- func EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutHeader() *Client
- func EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutRequest() *Client
- func EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutRequestBody() *Client
- func EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutResponse() *Client
- func EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutResponseBody() *Client
- func EnableForceHTTP1() *Client
- func EnableForceHTTP2() *Client
- func EnableForceHTTP3() *Client
- func EnableH2C() *Client
- func EnableHTTP3() *Client
- func EnableInsecureSkipVerify() *Client
- func EnableKeepAlives() *Client
- func EnableTraceAll() *Client
- func ImpersonateChrome() *Client
- func ImpersonateFirefox() *Client
- func ImpersonateSafari() *Client
- func NewClient() *Client
- func OnAfterResponse(m ResponseMiddleware) *Client
- func OnBeforeRequest(m RequestMiddleware) *Client
- func SetAutoDecodeAllContentType() *Client
- func SetAutoDecodeContentType(contentTypes ...string) *Client
- func SetAutoDecodeContentTypeFunc(fn func(contentType string) bool) *Client
- func SetBaseURL(u string) *Client
- func SetCertFromFile(certFile, keyFile string) *Client
- func SetCerts(certs ...tls.Certificate) *Client
- func SetCommonBasicAuth(username, password string) *Client
- func SetCommonBearerAuthToken(token string) *Client
- func SetCommonContentType(ct string) *Client
- func SetCommonCookies(cookies ...*http.Cookie) *Client
- func SetCommonDigestAuth(username, password string) *Client
- func SetCommonDumpOptions(opt *DumpOptions) *Client
- func SetCommonError(err interface{}) *Clientdeprecated
- func SetCommonErrorResult(err interface{}) *Client
- func SetCommonFormData(data map[string]string) *Client
- func SetCommonFormDataFromValues(data url.Values) *Client
- func SetCommonHeader(key, value string) *Client
- func SetCommonHeaderOrder(keys ...string) *Client
- func SetCommonHeaders(hdrs map[string]string) *Client
- func SetCommonPathParam(key, value string) *Client
- func SetCommonPathParams(pathParams map[string]string) *Client
- func SetCommonPseudoHeaderOder(keys ...string) *Client
- func SetCommonQueryParam(key, value string) *Client
- func SetCommonQueryParams(params map[string]string) *Client
- func SetCommonQueryString(query string) *Client
- func SetCommonRetryBackoffInterval(min, max time.Duration) *Client
- func SetCommonRetryCondition(condition RetryConditionFunc) *Client
- func SetCommonRetryCount(count int) *Client
- func SetCommonRetryFixedInterval(interval time.Duration) *Client
- func SetCommonRetryHook(hook RetryHookFunc) *Client
- func SetCommonRetryInterval(getRetryIntervalFunc GetRetryIntervalFunc) *Client
- func SetCookieJar(jar http.CookieJar) *Client
- func SetDial(fn func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)) *Client
- func SetDialTLS(fn func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)) *Client
- func SetHTTP2ConnectionFlow(flow uint32) *Client
- func SetHTTP2HeaderPriority(priority http2.PriorityParam) *Client
- func SetHTTP2MaxHeaderListSize(max uint32) *Client
- func SetHTTP2PingTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Client
- func SetHTTP2PriorityFrames(frames ...http2.PriorityFrame) *Client
- func SetHTTP2ReadIdleTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Client
- func SetHTTP2SettingsFrame(settings ...http2.Setting) *Client
- func SetHTTP2StrictMaxConcurrentStreams(strict bool) *Client
- func SetHTTP2WriteByteTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Client
- func SetJsonMarshal(fn func(v interface{}) ([]byte, error)) *Client
- func SetJsonUnmarshal(fn func(data []byte, v interface{}) error) *Client
- func SetLogger(log Logger) *Client
- func SetMultipartBoundaryFunc(fn func() string) *Client
- func SetOutputDirectory(dir string) *Client
- func SetProxy(proxy func(*http.Request) (*url.URL, error)) *Client
- func SetProxyURL(proxyUrl string) *Client
- func SetRedirectPolicy(policies ...RedirectPolicy) *Client
- func SetResponseBodyTransformer(...) *Client
- func SetResultStateCheckFunc(fn func(resp *Response) ResultState) *Client
- func SetRootCertFromString(pemContent string) *Client
- func SetRootCertsFromFile(pemFiles ...string) *Client
- func SetScheme(scheme string) *Client
- func SetTLSClientConfig(conf *tls.Config) *Client
- func SetTLSFingerprint(clientHelloID utls.ClientHelloID) *Client
- func SetTLSFingerprint360() *Client
- func SetTLSFingerprintAndroid() *Client
- func SetTLSFingerprintChrome() *Client
- func SetTLSFingerprintEdge() *Client
- func SetTLSFingerprintFirefox() *Client
- func SetTLSFingerprintIOS() *Client
- func SetTLSFingerprintQQ() *Client
- func SetTLSFingerprintRandomized() *Client
- func SetTLSFingerprintSafari() *Client
- func SetTLSHandshakeTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Client
- func SetTimeout(d time.Duration) *Client
- func SetUnixSocket(file string) *Client
- func SetUserAgent(userAgent string) *Client
- func SetXmlMarshal(fn func(v interface{}) ([]byte, error)) *Client
- func SetXmlUnmarshal(fn func(data []byte, v interface{}) error) *Client
- func WrapRoundTrip(wrappers ...RoundTripWrapper) *Client
- func WrapRoundTripFunc(funcs ...RoundTripWrapperFunc) *Client
- func (c *Client) AddCommonQueryParam(key, value string) *Client
- func (c *Client) AddCommonQueryParams(key string, values ...string) *Client
- func (c *Client) AddCommonRetryCondition(condition RetryConditionFunc) *Client
- func (c *Client) AddCommonRetryHook(hook RetryHookFunc) *Client
- func (c *Client) ClearCookies() *Client
- func (c *Client) Clone() *Client
- func (c *Client) Delete(url ...string) *Request
- func (c *Client) DevMode() *Client
- func (c *Client) DisableAllowGetMethodPayload() *Client
- func (c *Client) DisableAutoDecode() *Client
- func (c *Client) DisableAutoDecompress() *Client
- func (c *Client) DisableAutoReadResponse() *Client
- func (c *Client) DisableCompression() *Client
- func (c *Client) DisableDebugLog() *Client
- func (c *Client) DisableDumpAll() *Client
- func (c *Client) DisableForceHttpVersion() *Client
- func (c *Client) DisableH2C() *Client
- func (c *Client) DisableHTTP3() *Client
- func (c *Client) DisableInsecureSkipVerify() *Client
- func (c *Client) DisableKeepAlives() *Client
- func (c *Client) DisableTraceAll() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableAllowGetMethodPayload() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableAutoDecode() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableAutoDecompress() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableAutoReadResponse() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableCompression() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableDebugLog() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableDumpAll() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableDumpAllAsync() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableDumpAllTo(output io.Writer) *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableDumpAllToFile(filename string) *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableDumpAllWithoutBody() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableDumpAllWithoutHeader() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableDumpAllWithoutRequest() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableDumpAllWithoutRequestBody() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableDumpAllWithoutResponse() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableDumpAllWithoutResponseBody() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableDumpEachRequest() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutBody() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutHeader() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutRequest() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutRequestBody() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutResponse() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutResponseBody() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableForceHTTP1() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableForceHTTP2() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableForceHTTP3() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableH2C() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableHTTP3() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableInsecureSkipVerify() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableKeepAlives() *Client
- func (c *Client) EnableTraceAll() *Client
- func (c *Client) Get(url ...string) *Request
- func (c *Client) GetClient() *http.Client
- func (c *Client) GetCookies(url string) ([]*http.Cookie, error)
- func (c *Client) GetLogger() Logger
- func (c *Client) GetTLSClientConfig() *tls.Config
- func (c *Client) GetTransport() *Transport
- func (c *Client) Head(url ...string) *Request
- func (c *Client) ImpersonateChrome() *Client
- func (c *Client) ImpersonateFirefox() *Client
- func (c *Client) ImpersonateSafari() *Client
- func (c *Client) NewParallelDownload(url string) *ParallelDownload
- func (c *Client) NewRequest() *Request
- func (c *Client) OnAfterResponse(m ResponseMiddleware) *Client
- func (c *Client) OnBeforeRequest(m RequestMiddleware) *Client
- func (c *Client) OnError(hook ErrorHook) *Client
- func (c *Client) Options(url ...string) *Request
- func (c *Client) Patch(url ...string) *Request
- func (c *Client) Post(url ...string) *Request
- func (c *Client) Put(url ...string) *Request
- func (c *Client) R() *Request
- func (c *Client) SetAutoDecodeAllContentType() *Client
- func (c *Client) SetAutoDecodeContentType(contentTypes ...string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetAutoDecodeContentTypeFunc(fn func(contentType string) bool) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetBaseURL(u string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCertFromFile(certFile, keyFile string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCerts(certs ...tls.Certificate) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonBasicAuth(username, password string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonBearerAuthToken(token string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonContentType(ct string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonCookies(cookies ...*http.Cookie) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonDigestAuth(username, password string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonDumpOptions(opt *DumpOptions) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonError(err interface{}) *Clientdeprecated
- func (c *Client) SetCommonErrorResult(err interface{}) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonFormData(data map[string]string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonFormDataFromValues(data urlpkg.Values) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonHeader(key, value string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonHeaderNonCanonical(key, value string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonHeaderOrder(keys ...string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonHeaders(hdrs map[string]string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonHeadersNonCanonical(hdrs map[string]string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonPathParam(key, value string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonPathParams(pathParams map[string]string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonPseudoHeaderOder(keys ...string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonQueryParam(key, value string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonQueryParams(params map[string]string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonQueryString(query string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonRetryBackoffInterval(min, max time.Duration) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonRetryCondition(condition RetryConditionFunc) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonRetryCount(count int) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonRetryFixedInterval(interval time.Duration) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonRetryHook(hook RetryHookFunc) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCommonRetryInterval(getRetryIntervalFunc GetRetryIntervalFunc) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCookieJar(jar http.CookieJar) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCookieJarFactory(factory func() *cookiejar.Jar) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetDial(fn func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetDialTLS(fn func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetHTTP2ConnectionFlow(flow uint32) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetHTTP2HeaderPriority(priority http2.PriorityParam) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetHTTP2MaxHeaderListSize(max uint32) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetHTTP2PingTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetHTTP2PriorityFrames(frames ...http2.PriorityFrame) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetHTTP2ReadIdleTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetHTTP2SettingsFrame(settings ...http2.Setting) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetHTTP2StrictMaxConcurrentStreams(strict bool) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetHTTP2WriteByteTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetJsonMarshal(fn func(v interface{}) ([]byte, error)) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetJsonUnmarshal(fn func(data []byte, v interface{}) error) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetLogger(log Logger) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetMultipartBoundaryFunc(fn func() string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetOutputDirectory(dir string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetProxy(proxy func(*http.Request) (*urlpkg.URL, error)) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetProxyURL(proxyUrl string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetRedirectPolicy(policies ...RedirectPolicy) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetResponseBodyTransformer(...) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetResultStateCheckFunc(fn func(resp *Response) ResultState) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetRootCertFromString(pemContent string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetRootCertsFromFile(pemFiles ...string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetScheme(scheme string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetTLSClientConfig(conf *tls.Config) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetTLSFingerprint(clientHelloID utls.ClientHelloID) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetTLSFingerprint360() *Client
- func (c *Client) SetTLSFingerprintAndroid() *Client
- func (c *Client) SetTLSFingerprintChrome() *Client
- func (c *Client) SetTLSFingerprintEdge() *Client
- func (c *Client) SetTLSFingerprintFirefox() *Client
- func (c *Client) SetTLSFingerprintIOS() *Client
- func (c *Client) SetTLSFingerprintQQ() *Client
- func (c *Client) SetTLSFingerprintRandomized() *Client
- func (c *Client) SetTLSFingerprintSafari() *Client
- func (c *Client) SetTLSHandshake(...) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetTLSHandshakeTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetTimeout(d time.Duration) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetUnixSocket(file string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetUserAgent(userAgent string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetXmlMarshal(fn func(v interface{}) ([]byte, error)) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetXmlUnmarshal(fn func(data []byte, v interface{}) error) *Client
- func (c *Client) WrapRoundTrip(wrappers ...RoundTripWrapper) *Client
- func (c *Client) WrapRoundTripFunc(funcs ...RoundTripWrapperFunc) *Client
- type ContentDisposition
- type DownloadCallback
- type DownloadInfo
- type DumpOptions
- type ErrorHook
- type FileUpload
- type GetContentFunc
- type GetRetryIntervalFunc
- type HttpRoundTripFunc
- type HttpRoundTripWrapper
- type HttpRoundTripWrapperFunc
- type Logger
- type ParallelDownload
- func (pd *ParallelDownload) Do(ctx ...context.Context) error
- func (pd *ParallelDownload) SetConcurrency(concurrency int) *ParallelDownload
- func (pd *ParallelDownload) SetFileMode(perm os.FileMode) *ParallelDownload
- func (pd *ParallelDownload) SetOutput(output io.Writer) *ParallelDownload
- func (pd *ParallelDownload) SetOutputFile(filename string) *ParallelDownload
- func (pd *ParallelDownload) SetSegmentSize(segmentSize int64) *ParallelDownload
- func (pd *ParallelDownload) SetTempRootDir(tempRootDir string) *ParallelDownload
- type RedirectPolicy
- func AllowedDomainRedirectPolicy(hosts ...string) RedirectPolicy
- func AllowedHostRedirectPolicy(hosts ...string) RedirectPolicy
- func AlwaysCopyHeaderRedirectPolicy(headers ...string) RedirectPolicy
- func DefaultRedirectPolicy() RedirectPolicy
- func MaxRedirectPolicy(noOfRedirect int) RedirectPolicy
- func NoRedirectPolicy() RedirectPolicy
- func SameDomainRedirectPolicy() RedirectPolicy
- func SameHostRedirectPolicy() RedirectPolicy
- type Request
- func AddQueryParam(key, value string) *Request
- func AddQueryParams(key string, values ...string) *Request
- func AddRetryCondition(condition RetryConditionFunc) *Request
- func AddRetryHook(hook RetryHookFunc) *Request
- func DisableForceChunkedEncoding() *Request
- func DisableForceMultipart() *Request
- func DisableTrace() *Request
- func EnableCloseConnection() *Request
- func EnableDump() *Request
- func EnableDumpTo(output io.Writer) *Request
- func EnableDumpToFile(filename string) *Request
- func EnableDumpWithoutBody() *Request
- func EnableDumpWithoutHeader() *Request
- func EnableDumpWithoutRequest() *Request
- func EnableDumpWithoutRequestBody() *Request
- func EnableDumpWithoutResponse() *Request
- func EnableDumpWithoutResponseBody() *Request
- func EnableForceChunkedEncoding() *Request
- func EnableForceMultipart() *Request
- func EnableTrace() *Request
- func NewRequest() *Request
- func R() *Request
- func SetBasicAuth(username, password string) *Request
- func SetBearerAuthToken(token string) *Request
- func SetBody(body interface{}) *Request
- func SetBodyBytes(body []byte) *Request
- func SetBodyJsonBytes(body []byte) *Request
- func SetBodyJsonMarshal(v interface{}) *Request
- func SetBodyJsonString(body string) *Request
- func SetBodyString(body string) *Request
- func SetBodyXmlBytes(body []byte) *Request
- func SetBodyXmlMarshal(v interface{}) *Request
- func SetBodyXmlString(body string) *Request
- func SetContentType(contentType string) *Request
- func SetContext(ctx context.Context) *Request
- func SetCookies(cookies ...*http.Cookie) *Request
- func SetDigestAuth(username, password string) *Request
- func SetDownloadCallback(callback DownloadCallback) *Request
- func SetDownloadCallbackWithInterval(callback DownloadCallback, minInterval time.Duration) *Request
- func SetDumpOptions(opt *DumpOptions) *Request
- func SetError(error interface{}) *Requestdeprecated
- func SetErrorResult(error interface{}) *Request
- func SetFile(paramName, filePath string) *Request
- func SetFileBytes(paramName, filename string, content []byte) *Request
- func SetFileReader(paramName, filePath string, reader io.Reader) *Request
- func SetFileUpload(f ...FileUpload) *Request
- func SetFiles(files map[string]string) *Request
- func SetFormData(data map[string]string) *Request
- func SetFormDataAnyType(data map[string]interface{}) *Request
- func SetFormDataFromValues(data url.Values) *Request
- func SetHeader(key, value string) *Request
- func SetHeaderOrder(keys ...string) *Request
- func SetHeaders(hdrs map[string]string) *Request
- func SetOrderedFormData(kvs ...string) *Request
- func SetOutput(output io.Writer) *Request
- func SetOutputFile(file string) *Request
- func SetPathParam(key, value string) *Request
- func SetPathParams(params map[string]string) *Request
- func SetPseudoHeaderOrder(keys ...string) *Request
- func SetQueryParam(key, value string) *Request
- func SetQueryParams(params map[string]string) *Request
- func SetQueryParamsAnyType(params map[string]interface{}) *Request
- func SetQueryString(query string) *Request
- func SetResult(result interface{}) *Requestdeprecated
- func SetRetryBackoffInterval(min, max time.Duration) *Request
- func SetRetryCondition(condition RetryConditionFunc) *Request
- func SetRetryCount(count int) *Request
- func SetRetryFixedInterval(interval time.Duration) *Request
- func SetRetryHook(hook RetryHookFunc) *Request
- func SetRetryInterval(getRetryIntervalFunc GetRetryIntervalFunc) *Request
- func SetSuccessResult(result interface{}) *Request
- func SetURL(url string) *Request
- func SetUploadCallback(callback UploadCallback) *Request
- func SetUploadCallbackWithInterval(callback UploadCallback, minInterval time.Duration) *Request
- func (r *Request) AddQueryParam(key, value string) *Request
- func (r *Request) AddQueryParams(key string, values ...string) *Request
- func (r *Request) AddRetryCondition(condition RetryConditionFunc) *Request
- func (r *Request) AddRetryHook(hook RetryHookFunc) *Request
- func (r *Request) Context() context.Context
- func (r *Request) Delete(url string) (*Response, error)
- func (r *Request) DisableAutoReadResponse() *Request
- func (r *Request) DisableForceChunkedEncoding() *Request
- func (r *Request) DisableForceMultipart() *Request
- func (r *Request) DisableTrace() *Request
- func (r *Request) Do(ctx ...context.Context) *Response
- func (r *Request) EnableAutoReadResponse() *Request
- func (r *Request) EnableCloseConnection() *Request
- func (r *Request) EnableDump() *Request
- func (r *Request) EnableDumpTo(output io.Writer) *Request
- func (r *Request) EnableDumpToFile(filename string) *Request
- func (r *Request) EnableDumpWithoutBody() *Request
- func (r *Request) EnableDumpWithoutHeader() *Request
- func (r *Request) EnableDumpWithoutRequest() *Request
- func (r *Request) EnableDumpWithoutRequestBody() *Request
- func (r *Request) EnableDumpWithoutResponse() *Request
- func (r *Request) EnableDumpWithoutResponseBody() *Request
- func (r *Request) EnableForceChunkedEncoding() *Request
- func (r *Request) EnableForceMultipart() *Request
- func (r *Request) EnableTrace() *Request
- func (r *Request) Get(url string) (*Response, error)
- func (r *Request) GetClient() *Client
- func (r *Request) GetContextData(key any) any
- func (r *Request) Head(url string) (*Response, error)
- func (r *Request) HeaderToString() string
- func (r *Request) MustDelete(url string) *Response
- func (r *Request) MustGet(url string) *Response
- func (r *Request) MustHead(url string) *Response
- func (r *Request) MustOptions(url string) *Response
- func (r *Request) MustPatch(url string) *Response
- func (r *Request) MustPost(url string) *Response
- func (r *Request) MustPut(url string) *Response
- func (r *Request) OnAfterResponse(m ResponseMiddleware) *Request
- func (r *Request) Options(url string) (*Response, error)
- func (r *Request) Patch(url string) (*Response, error)
- func (r *Request) Post(url string) (*Response, error)
- func (r *Request) Put(url string) (*Response, error)
- func (r *Request) Send(method, url string) (*Response, error)
- func (r *Request) SetBasicAuth(username, password string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetBearerAuthToken(token string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetBody(body interface{}) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetBodyBytes(body []byte) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetBodyJsonBytes(body []byte) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetBodyJsonMarshal(v interface{}) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetBodyJsonString(body string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetBodyString(body string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetBodyXmlBytes(body []byte) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetBodyXmlMarshal(v interface{}) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetBodyXmlString(body string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetClient(client *Client) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetContentType(contentType string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetContext(ctx context.Context) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetContextData(key, val any) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetCookies(cookies ...*http.Cookie) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetDigestAuth(username, password string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetDownloadCallback(callback DownloadCallback) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetDownloadCallbackWithInterval(callback DownloadCallback, minInterval time.Duration) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetDumpOptions(opt *DumpOptions) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetError(err interface{}) *Requestdeprecated
- func (r *Request) SetErrorResult(err interface{}) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetFile(paramName, filePath string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetFileBytes(paramName, filename string, content []byte) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetFileReader(paramName, filename string, reader io.Reader) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetFileUpload(uploads ...FileUpload) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetFiles(files map[string]string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetFormData(data map[string]string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetFormDataAnyType(data map[string]interface{}) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetFormDataFromValues(data urlpkg.Values) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetHeader(key, value string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetHeaderNonCanonical(key, value string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetHeaderOrder(keys ...string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetHeaders(hdrs map[string]string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetHeadersNonCanonical(hdrs map[string]string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetOrderedFormData(kvs ...string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetOutput(output io.Writer) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetOutputFile(file string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetPathParam(key, value string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetPathParams(params map[string]string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetPseudoHeaderOrder(keys ...string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetQueryParam(key, value string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetQueryParams(params map[string]string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetQueryParamsAnyType(params map[string]interface{}) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetQueryString(query string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetResult(result interface{}) *Requestdeprecated
- func (r *Request) SetRetryBackoffInterval(min, max time.Duration) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetRetryCondition(condition RetryConditionFunc) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetRetryCount(count int) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetRetryFixedInterval(interval time.Duration) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetRetryHook(hook RetryHookFunc) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetRetryInterval(getRetryIntervalFunc GetRetryIntervalFunc) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetSuccessResult(result interface{}) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetURL(url string) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetUploadCallback(callback UploadCallback) *Request
- func (r *Request) SetUploadCallbackWithInterval(callback UploadCallback, minInterval time.Duration) *Request
- func (r *Request) TraceInfo() TraceInfo
- type RequestMiddleware
- type Response
- func Delete(url string) (*Response, error)
- func Get(url string) (*Response, error)
- func Head(url string) (*Response, error)
- func MustDelete(url string) *Response
- func MustGet(url string) *Response
- func MustHead(url string) *Response
- func MustOptions(url string) *Response
- func MustPatch(url string) *Response
- func MustPost(url string) *Response
- func MustPut(url string) *Response
- func Options(url string) (*Response, error)
- func Patch(url string) (*Response, error)
- func Post(url string) (*Response, error)
- func Put(url string) (*Response, error)
- func (r *Response) Bytes() []byte
- func (r *Response) Dump() string
- func (r *Response) Error() interface{}deprecated
- func (r *Response) ErrorResult() interface{}
- func (r *Response) GetContentType() string
- func (r *Response) GetHeader(key string) string
- func (r *Response) GetHeaderValues(key string) []string
- func (r *Response) GetStatus() string
- func (r *Response) GetStatusCode() int
- func (r *Response) HeaderToString() string
- func (r *Response) Into(v interface{}) error
- func (r *Response) IsError() booldeprecated
- func (r *Response) IsErrorState() bool
- func (r *Response) IsSuccess() booldeprecated
- func (r *Response) IsSuccessState() bool
- func (r *Response) ReceivedAt() time.Time
- func (r *Response) Result() interface{}deprecated
- func (r *Response) ResultState() ResultState
- func (r *Response) SetBody(body []byte)
- func (r *Response) SetBodyString(body string)
- func (r *Response) String() string
- func (r *Response) SuccessResult() interface{}
- func (r *Response) ToBytes() (body []byte, err error)
- func (r *Response) ToString() (string, error)
- func (r *Response) TotalTime() time.Duration
- func (r *Response) TraceInfo() TraceInfo
- func (r *Response) Unmarshal(v interface{}) error
- func (r *Response) UnmarshalJson(v interface{}) error
- func (r *Response) UnmarshalXml(v interface{}) error
- type ResponseMiddleware
- type ResultState
- type RetryConditionFunc
- type RetryHookFunc
- type RoundTripFunc
- type RoundTripWrapper
- type RoundTripWrapperFunc
- type RoundTripper
- type TraceInfo
- type Transport
- func (t *Transport) CancelRequest(req *http.Request)deprecated
- func (t *Transport) Clone() *Transport
- func (t *Transport) CloseIdleConnections()
- func (t *Transport) DisableAutoDecode() *Transport
- func (t *Transport) DisableDump()
- func (t *Transport) DisableForceHttpVersion() *Transport
- func (t *Transport) DisableH2C() *Transport
- func (t *Transport) DisableHTTP3()
- func (t *Transport) EnableAutoDecode() *Transport
- func (t *Transport) EnableDump(opt *DumpOptions)
- func (t *Transport) EnableForceHTTP1() *Transport
- func (t *Transport) EnableForceHTTP2() *Transport
- func (t *Transport) EnableForceHTTP3() *Transport
- func (t *Transport) EnableH2C() *Transport
- func (t *Transport) EnableHTTP3()
- func (t *Transport) GetMaxIdleConns() int
- func (t *Transport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (resp *http.Response, err error)
- func (t *Transport) SetAutoDecodeAllContentType() *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetAutoDecodeContentType(contentTypes ...string)
- func (t *Transport) SetAutoDecodeContentTypeFunc(fn func(contentType string) bool) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetDebug(debugf func(format string, v ...interface{})) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetDial(fn func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetDialTLS(fn func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetExpectContinueTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetGetProxyConnectHeader(...) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetHTTP2ConnectionFlow(flow uint32) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetHTTP2HeaderPriority(priority http2.PriorityParam) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetHTTP2MaxHeaderListSize(max uint32) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetHTTP2PingTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetHTTP2PriorityFrames(frames ...http2.PriorityFrame) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetHTTP2ReadIdleTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetHTTP2SettingsFrame(settings ...http2.Setting) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetHTTP2StrictMaxConcurrentStreams(strict bool) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetHTTP2WriteByteTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetIdleConnTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetMaxConnsPerHost(max int) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetMaxIdleConns(max int) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetMaxResponseHeaderBytes(max int64) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetProxy(proxy func(*http.Request) (*url.URL, error)) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetProxyConnectHeader(header http.Header) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetReadBufferSize(size int) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetResponseHeaderTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetTLSClientConfig(cfg *tls.Config) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetTLSHandshake(...) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetTLSHandshakeTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) SetWriteBufferSize(size int) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) WrapRoundTrip(wrappers ...HttpRoundTripWrapper) *Transport
- func (t *Transport) WrapRoundTripFunc(funcs ...HttpRoundTripWrapperFunc) *Transport
- type UploadCallback
- type UploadInfo
Constants ¶
const ( // HeaderOderKey is the key of header order, which specifies the order // of the http header. HeaderOderKey = "__header_order__" // PseudoHeaderOderKey is the key of pseudo header order, which specifies // the order of the http2 and http3 pseudo header. PseudoHeaderOderKey = "__pseudo_header_order__" )
Variables ¶
var NoBody = noBody{}
NoBody is an io.ReadCloser with no bytes. Read always returns EOF and Close always returns nil. It can be used in an outgoing client request to explicitly signal that a request has zero bytes. An alternative, however, is to simply set Request.Body to nil.
Functions ¶
func GetClient ¶
GetClient is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.GetClient.
func GetCookies ¶ added in v3.50.0
GetCookies is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.GetCookies.
func GetTLSClientConfig ¶
GetTLSClientConfig is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.GetTLSClientConfig.
func SetDefaultClient ¶
func SetDefaultClient(c *Client)
SetDefaultClient override the global default Client.
Types ¶
type Client ¶
type Client struct { BaseURL string PathParams map[string]string QueryParams urlpkg.Values FormData urlpkg.Values DebugLog bool AllowGetMethodPayload bool *Transport // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Client is the req's http client.
func AddCommonQueryParam ¶
AddCommonQueryParam is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.AddCommonQueryParam.
func AddCommonQueryParams ¶
AddCommonQueryParams is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.AddCommonQueryParams.
func AddCommonRetryCondition ¶
func AddCommonRetryCondition(condition RetryConditionFunc) *Client
AddCommonRetryCondition is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.AddCommonRetryCondition.
func AddCommonRetryHook ¶
func AddCommonRetryHook(hook RetryHookFunc) *Client
AddCommonRetryHook is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.AddCommonRetryHook.
func ClearCookies ¶
func ClearCookies() *Client
ClearCookies is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.ClearCookies.
func DevMode ¶
func DevMode() *Client
DevMode is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.DevMode.
func DisableAllowGetMethodPayload ¶
func DisableAllowGetMethodPayload() *Client
DisableAllowGetMethodPayload is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.DisableAllowGetMethodPayload.
func DisableAutoDecode ¶
func DisableAutoDecode() *Client
DisableAutoDecode is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.DisableAutoDecode.
func DisableAutoReadResponse ¶
func DisableAutoReadResponse() *Client
DisableAutoReadResponse is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.DisableAutoReadResponse.
func DisableCompression ¶
func DisableCompression() *Client
DisableCompression is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.DisableCompression.
func DisableDebugLog ¶
func DisableDebugLog() *Client
DisableDebugLog is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.DisableDebugLog.
func DisableDumpAll ¶
func DisableDumpAll() *Client
DisableDumpAll is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.DisableDumpAll.
func DisableForceHttpVersion ¶
func DisableForceHttpVersion() *Client
DisableForceHttpVersion is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.DisableForceHttpVersion.
func DisableH2C ¶
func DisableH2C() *Client
DisableH2C is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.DisableH2C.
func DisableInsecureSkipVerify ¶
func DisableInsecureSkipVerify() *Client
DisableInsecureSkipVerify is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.DisableInsecureSkipVerify.
func DisableKeepAlives ¶
func DisableKeepAlives() *Client
DisableKeepAlives is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.DisableKeepAlives.
func DisableTraceAll ¶
func DisableTraceAll() *Client
DisableTraceAll is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.DisableTraceAll.
func EnableAllowGetMethodPayload ¶
func EnableAllowGetMethodPayload() *Client
EnableAllowGetMethodPayload is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableAllowGetMethodPayload.
func EnableAutoDecode ¶
func EnableAutoDecode() *Client
EnableAutoDecode is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableAutoDecode.
func EnableAutoReadResponse ¶
func EnableAutoReadResponse() *Client
EnableAutoReadResponse is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableAutoReadResponse.
func EnableCompression ¶
func EnableCompression() *Client
EnableCompression is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableCompression.
func EnableDebugLog ¶
func EnableDebugLog() *Client
EnableDebugLog is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableDebugLog.
func EnableDumpAll ¶
func EnableDumpAll() *Client
EnableDumpAll is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableDumpAll.
func EnableDumpAllAsync ¶
func EnableDumpAllAsync() *Client
EnableDumpAllAsync is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableDumpAllAsync.
func EnableDumpAllTo ¶
EnableDumpAllTo is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableDumpAllTo.
func EnableDumpAllToFile ¶
EnableDumpAllToFile is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableDumpAllToFile.
func EnableDumpAllWithoutBody ¶
func EnableDumpAllWithoutBody() *Client
EnableDumpAllWithoutBody is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableDumpAllWithoutBody.
func EnableDumpAllWithoutHeader ¶
func EnableDumpAllWithoutHeader() *Client
EnableDumpAllWithoutHeader is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableDumpAllWithoutHeader.
func EnableDumpAllWithoutRequest ¶
func EnableDumpAllWithoutRequest() *Client
EnableDumpAllWithoutRequest is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableDumpAllWithoutRequest.
func EnableDumpAllWithoutRequestBody ¶
func EnableDumpAllWithoutRequestBody() *Client
EnableDumpAllWithoutRequestBody is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableDumpAllWithoutRequestBody.
func EnableDumpAllWithoutResponse ¶
func EnableDumpAllWithoutResponse() *Client
EnableDumpAllWithoutResponse is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableDumpAllWithoutResponse.
func EnableDumpAllWithoutResponseBody ¶
func EnableDumpAllWithoutResponseBody() *Client
EnableDumpAllWithoutResponseBody is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableDumpAllWithoutResponseBody.
func EnableDumpEachRequest ¶
func EnableDumpEachRequest() *Client
EnableDumpEachRequest is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableDumpEachRequest.
func EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutBody ¶
func EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutBody() *Client
EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutBody is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutBody.
func EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutHeader ¶
func EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutHeader() *Client
EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutHeader is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutHeader.
func EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutRequest ¶
func EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutRequest() *Client
EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutRequest is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutRequest.
func EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutRequestBody ¶
func EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutRequestBody() *Client
EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutRequestBody is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutRequestBody.
func EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutResponse ¶
func EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutResponse() *Client
EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutResponse is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutResponse.
func EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutResponseBody ¶
func EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutResponseBody() *Client
EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutResponseBody is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutResponseBody.
func EnableForceHTTP1 ¶
func EnableForceHTTP1() *Client
EnableForceHTTP1 is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableForceHTTP1.
func EnableForceHTTP2 ¶
func EnableForceHTTP2() *Client
EnableForceHTTP2 is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableForceHTTP2.
func EnableForceHTTP3 ¶
func EnableForceHTTP3() *Client
EnableForceHTTP3 is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableForceHTTP3.
func EnableH2C ¶
func EnableH2C() *Client
EnableH2C is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableH2C.
func EnableHTTP3 ¶
func EnableHTTP3() *Client
EnableHTTP3 is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableHTTP3.
func EnableInsecureSkipVerify ¶
func EnableInsecureSkipVerify() *Client
EnableInsecureSkipVerify is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableInsecureSkipVerify.
func EnableKeepAlives ¶
func EnableKeepAlives() *Client
EnableKeepAlives is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableKeepAlives.
func EnableTraceAll ¶
func EnableTraceAll() *Client
EnableTraceAll is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.EnableTraceAll.
func ImpersonateChrome ¶ added in v3.50.0
func ImpersonateChrome() *Client
ImpersonateChrome is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.ImpersonateChrome.
func ImpersonateFirefox ¶ added in v3.50.0
func ImpersonateFirefox() *Client
ImpersonateChrome is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.ImpersonateChrome.
func ImpersonateSafari ¶ added in v3.50.0
func ImpersonateSafari() *Client
ImpersonateChrome is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.ImpersonateChrome.
func OnAfterResponse ¶
func OnAfterResponse(m ResponseMiddleware) *Client
OnAfterResponse is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.OnAfterResponse.
func OnBeforeRequest ¶
func OnBeforeRequest(m RequestMiddleware) *Client
OnBeforeRequest is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.OnBeforeRequest.
func SetAutoDecodeAllContentType ¶
func SetAutoDecodeAllContentType() *Client
SetAutoDecodeAllContentType is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetAutoDecodeAllContentType.
func SetAutoDecodeContentType ¶
SetAutoDecodeContentType is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetAutoDecodeContentType.
func SetAutoDecodeContentTypeFunc ¶
SetAutoDecodeContentTypeFunc is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetAutoDecodeAllTypeFunc.
func SetBaseURL ¶
SetBaseURL is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetBaseURL.
func SetCertFromFile ¶
SetCertFromFile is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCertFromFile.
func SetCerts ¶
func SetCerts(certs ...tls.Certificate) *Client
SetCerts is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCerts.
func SetCommonBasicAuth ¶
SetCommonBasicAuth is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonBasicAuth.
func SetCommonBearerAuthToken ¶
SetCommonBearerAuthToken is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonBearerAuthToken.
func SetCommonContentType ¶
SetCommonContentType is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonContentType.
func SetCommonCookies ¶
SetCommonCookies is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonCookies.
func SetCommonDigestAuth ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetCommonDigestAuth is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonDigestAuth.
func SetCommonDumpOptions ¶
func SetCommonDumpOptions(opt *DumpOptions) *Client
SetCommonDumpOptions is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonDumpOptions.
func SetCommonError
func SetCommonError(err interface{}) *Client
SetCommonError is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonErrorResult.
Deprecated: Use SetCommonErrorResult instead.
func SetCommonErrorResult ¶
func SetCommonErrorResult(err interface{}) *Client
SetCommonErrorResult is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonError.
func SetCommonFormData ¶
SetCommonFormData is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonFormData.
func SetCommonFormDataFromValues ¶
SetCommonFormDataFromValues is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonFormDataFromValues.
func SetCommonHeader ¶
SetCommonHeader is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonHeader.
func SetCommonHeaderOrder ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetCommonHeaderOrder is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonHeaderOrder.
func SetCommonHeaders ¶
SetCommonHeaders is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonHeaders.
func SetCommonPathParam ¶
SetCommonPathParam is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonPathParam.
func SetCommonPathParams ¶
SetCommonPathParams is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonPathParams.
func SetCommonPseudoHeaderOder ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetCommonPseudoHeaderOder is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonPseudoHeaderOder.
func SetCommonQueryParam ¶
SetCommonQueryParam is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonQueryParam.
func SetCommonQueryParams ¶
SetCommonQueryParams is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonQueryParams.
func SetCommonQueryString ¶
SetCommonQueryString is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonQueryString.
func SetCommonRetryBackoffInterval ¶
SetCommonRetryBackoffInterval is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonRetryBackoffInterval.
func SetCommonRetryCondition ¶
func SetCommonRetryCondition(condition RetryConditionFunc) *Client
SetCommonRetryCondition is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonRetryCondition.
func SetCommonRetryCount ¶
SetCommonRetryCount is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonRetryCount.
func SetCommonRetryFixedInterval ¶
SetCommonRetryFixedInterval is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonRetryFixedInterval.
func SetCommonRetryHook ¶
func SetCommonRetryHook(hook RetryHookFunc) *Client
SetCommonRetryHook is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonRetryHook.
func SetCommonRetryInterval ¶
func SetCommonRetryInterval(getRetryIntervalFunc GetRetryIntervalFunc) *Client
SetCommonRetryInterval is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonRetryInterval.
func SetCookieJar ¶
SetCookieJar is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCookieJar.
func SetDial ¶
SetDial is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetDial.
func SetDialTLS ¶
SetDialTLS is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetDialTLS.
func SetHTTP2ConnectionFlow ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetHTTP2ConnectionFlow is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetHTTP2ConnectionFlow.
func SetHTTP2HeaderPriority ¶ added in v3.50.0
func SetHTTP2HeaderPriority(priority http2.PriorityParam) *Client
SetHTTP2HeaderPriority is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetHTTP2HeaderPriority.
func SetHTTP2MaxHeaderListSize ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetHTTP2MaxHeaderListSize is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetHTTP2MaxHeaderListSize.
func SetHTTP2PingTimeout ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetHTTP2PingTimeout is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetHTTP2PingTimeout.
func SetHTTP2PriorityFrames ¶ added in v3.50.0
func SetHTTP2PriorityFrames(frames ...http2.PriorityFrame) *Client
SetHTTP2PriorityFrames is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetHTTP2PriorityFrames.
func SetHTTP2ReadIdleTimeout ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetHTTP2ReadIdleTimeout is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetHTTP2ReadIdleTimeout.
func SetHTTP2SettingsFrame ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetHTTP2SettingsFrame is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetHTTP2SettingsFrame.
func SetHTTP2StrictMaxConcurrentStreams ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetHTTP2StrictMaxConcurrentStreams is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetHTTP2StrictMaxConcurrentStreams.
func SetHTTP2WriteByteTimeout ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetHTTP2WriteByteTimeout is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetHTTP2WriteByteTimeout.
func SetJsonMarshal ¶
SetJsonMarshal is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetJsonMarshal.
func SetJsonUnmarshal ¶
SetJsonUnmarshal is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetJsonUnmarshal.
func SetLogger ¶
SetLogger is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetLogger.
func SetMultipartBoundaryFunc ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetMultipartBoundaryFunc is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetMultipartBoundaryFunc.
func SetOutputDirectory ¶
SetOutputDirectory is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetOutputDirectory.
func SetProxy ¶
SetProxy is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetProxy.
func SetProxyURL ¶
SetProxyURL is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetProxyURL.
func SetRedirectPolicy ¶
func SetRedirectPolicy(policies ...RedirectPolicy) *Client
SetRedirectPolicy is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetRedirectPolicy.
func SetResponseBodyTransformer ¶
func SetResponseBodyTransformer(fn func(rawBody []byte, req *Request, resp *Response) (transformedBody []byte, err error)) *Client
SetResponseBodyTransformer is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetResponseBodyTransformer.
func SetResultStateCheckFunc ¶
func SetResultStateCheckFunc(fn func(resp *Response) ResultState) *Client
SetResultStateCheckFunc is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetCommonResultStateCheckFunc.
func SetRootCertFromString ¶
SetRootCertFromString is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetRootCertFromString.
func SetRootCertsFromFile ¶
SetRootCertsFromFile is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetRootCertsFromFile.
func SetScheme ¶
SetScheme is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetScheme.
func SetTLSClientConfig ¶
SetTLSClientConfig is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetTLSClientConfig.
func SetTLSFingerprint ¶ added in v3.50.0
func SetTLSFingerprint(clientHelloID utls.ClientHelloID) *Client
SetTLSFingerprint is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetTLSFingerprint.
func SetTLSFingerprint360 ¶ added in v3.50.0
func SetTLSFingerprint360() *Client
SetTLSFingerprint360 is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetTLSFingerprint360.
func SetTLSFingerprintAndroid ¶ added in v3.50.0
func SetTLSFingerprintAndroid() *Client
SetTLSFingerprintAndroid is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetTLSFingerprintAndroid.
func SetTLSFingerprintChrome ¶ added in v3.50.0
func SetTLSFingerprintChrome() *Client
SetTLSFingerprintChrome is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetTLSFingerprintChrome.
func SetTLSFingerprintEdge ¶ added in v3.50.0
func SetTLSFingerprintEdge() *Client
SetTLSFingerprintEdge is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetTLSFingerprintEdge.
func SetTLSFingerprintFirefox ¶ added in v3.50.0
func SetTLSFingerprintFirefox() *Client
SetTLSFingerprintFirefox is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetTLSFingerprintFirefox.
func SetTLSFingerprintIOS ¶ added in v3.50.0
func SetTLSFingerprintIOS() *Client
SetTLSFingerprintIOS is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetTLSFingerprintIOS.
func SetTLSFingerprintQQ ¶ added in v3.50.0
func SetTLSFingerprintQQ() *Client
SetTLSFingerprintQQ is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetTLSFingerprintQQ.
func SetTLSFingerprintRandomized ¶ added in v3.50.0
func SetTLSFingerprintRandomized() *Client
SetTLSFingerprintRandomized is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetTLSFingerprintRandomized.
func SetTLSFingerprintSafari ¶ added in v3.50.0
func SetTLSFingerprintSafari() *Client
SetTLSFingerprintSafari is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetTLSFingerprintSafari.
func SetTLSHandshakeTimeout ¶
SetTLSHandshakeTimeout is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetTLSHandshakeTimeout.
func SetTimeout ¶
SetTimeout is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetTimeout.
func SetUnixSocket ¶
SetUnixSocket is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetUnixSocket.
func SetUserAgent ¶
SetUserAgent is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetUserAgent.
func SetXmlMarshal ¶
SetXmlMarshal is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetXmlMarshal.
func SetXmlUnmarshal ¶
SetXmlUnmarshal is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.SetXmlUnmarshal.
func WrapRoundTrip ¶
func WrapRoundTrip(wrappers ...RoundTripWrapper) *Client
WrapRoundTrip is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.WrapRoundTrip.
func WrapRoundTripFunc ¶
func WrapRoundTripFunc(funcs ...RoundTripWrapperFunc) *Client
WrapRoundTripFunc is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.WrapRoundTripFunc.
func (*Client) AddCommonQueryParam ¶
AddCommonQueryParam add a URL query parameter with a key-value pair for requests fired from the client.
func (*Client) AddCommonQueryParams ¶
AddCommonQueryParams add one or more values of specified URL query parameter for requests fired from the client.
func (*Client) AddCommonRetryCondition ¶
func (c *Client) AddCommonRetryCondition(condition RetryConditionFunc) *Client
AddCommonRetryCondition adds a retry condition, which determines whether the request should retry.
func (*Client) AddCommonRetryHook ¶
func (c *Client) AddCommonRetryHook(hook RetryHookFunc) *Client
AddCommonRetryHook adds a retry hook for requests fired from the client, which will be executed before a retry.
func (*Client) ClearCookies ¶
ClearCookies clears all cookies if cookie is enabled, including cookies from cookie jar and cookies set by SetCommonCookies. Note: The cookie jar will not be cleared if you called SetCookieJar instead of SetCookieJarFactory.
func (*Client) DevMode ¶
DevMode enables: 1. Dump content of all requests and responses to see details. 2. Output debug level log for deeper insights. 3. Trace all requests, so you can get trace info to analyze performance.
func (*Client) DisableAllowGetMethodPayload ¶
DisableAllowGetMethodPayload disable sending GET method requests with body.
func (*Client) DisableAutoDecode ¶
DisableAutoDecode disable auto-detect charset and decode to utf-8 (enabled by default).
func (*Client) DisableAutoDecompress ¶ added in v3.50.0
DisableAutoDecompress disables the automatic decompression (disabled by default).
func (*Client) DisableAutoReadResponse ¶
DisableAutoReadResponse disable read response body automatically (enabled by default).
func (*Client) DisableCompression ¶
DisableCompression disables the compression (enabled by default), which prevents the Transport from requesting compression with an "Accept-Encoding: gzip" request header when the Request contains no existing Accept-Encoding value. If the Transport requests gzip on its own and gets a gzipped response, it's transparently decoded in the Response.Body. However, if the user explicitly requested gzip it is not automatically uncompressed.
func (*Client) DisableDebugLog ¶
DisableDebugLog disable debug level log (disabled by default).
func (*Client) DisableDumpAll ¶
DisableDumpAll disable dump for requests fired from the client.
func (*Client) DisableForceHttpVersion ¶
DisableForceHttpVersion disable force using specified http version (disabled by default).
func (*Client) DisableH2C ¶
DisableH2C disables HTTP/2 over TCP without TLS.
func (*Client) DisableHTTP3 ¶
DisableHTTP3 disables the http3 protocol.
func (*Client) DisableInsecureSkipVerify ¶
DisableInsecureSkipVerify disable send https without verifing the server's certificates (disabled by default).
func (*Client) DisableKeepAlives ¶
DisableKeepAlives disable the HTTP keep-alives (enabled by default) and will only use the connection to the server for a single HTTP request.
This is unrelated to the similarly named TCP keep-alives.
func (*Client) DisableTraceAll ¶
DisableTraceAll disable trace for requests fired from the client.
func (*Client) EnableAllowGetMethodPayload ¶
EnableAllowGetMethodPayload allows sending GET method requests with body.
func (*Client) EnableAutoDecode ¶
EnableAutoDecode enable auto-detect charset and decode to utf-8 (enabled by default).
func (*Client) EnableAutoDecompress ¶ added in v3.50.0
EnableAutoDecompress enables the automatic decompression (disabled by default).
func (*Client) EnableAutoReadResponse ¶
EnableAutoReadResponse enable read response body automatically (enabled by default).
func (*Client) EnableCompression ¶
EnableCompression enables the compression (enabled by default).
func (*Client) EnableDebugLog ¶
EnableDebugLog enable debug level log (disabled by default).
func (*Client) EnableDumpAll ¶
EnableDumpAll enable dump for requests fired from the client, including all content for the request and response by default.
func (*Client) EnableDumpAllAsync ¶
EnableDumpAllAsync enable dump for requests fired from the client and output asynchronously, can be used for debugging in production environment without affecting performance.
func (*Client) EnableDumpAllTo ¶
EnableDumpAllTo enable dump for requests fired from the client and output to the specified io.Writer.
func (*Client) EnableDumpAllToFile ¶
EnableDumpAllToFile enable dump for requests fired from the client and output to the specified file.
func (*Client) EnableDumpAllWithoutBody ¶
EnableDumpAllWithoutBody enable dump for requests fired from the client without body, can be used if you only care about the header.
func (*Client) EnableDumpAllWithoutHeader ¶
EnableDumpAllWithoutHeader enable dump for requests fired from the client without header, can be used if you only care about the body.
func (*Client) EnableDumpAllWithoutRequest ¶
EnableDumpAllWithoutRequest enables dump for requests fired from the client without request, can be used if you only care about the response.
func (*Client) EnableDumpAllWithoutRequestBody ¶
EnableDumpAllWithoutRequestBody enable dump for requests fired from the client without request body, can be used in the upload request to avoid dumping the unreadable binary content.
func (*Client) EnableDumpAllWithoutResponse ¶
EnableDumpAllWithoutResponse enable dump for requests fired from the client without response, can be used if you only care about the request.
func (*Client) EnableDumpAllWithoutResponseBody ¶
EnableDumpAllWithoutResponseBody enable dump for requests fired from the client without response body, can be used in the download request to avoid dumping the unreadable binary content.
func (*Client) EnableDumpEachRequest ¶
EnableDumpEachRequest enable dump at the request-level for each request, and only temporarily stores the dump content in memory, call Response.Dump() to get the dump content when needed.
func (*Client) EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutBody ¶
EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutBody enable dump without body at the request-level for each request, and only temporarily stores the dump content in memory, call Response.Dump() to get the dump content when needed.
func (*Client) EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutHeader ¶
EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutHeader enable dump without header at the request-level for each request, and only temporarily stores the dump content in memory, call Response.Dump() to get the dump content when needed.
func (*Client) EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutRequest ¶
EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutRequest enable dump without request at the request-level for each request, and only temporarily stores the dump content in memory, call Response.Dump() to get the dump content when needed.
func (*Client) EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutRequestBody ¶
EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutRequestBody enable dump without request body at the request-level for each request, and only temporarily stores the dump content in memory, call Response.Dump() to get the dump content when needed.
func (*Client) EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutResponse ¶
EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutResponse enable dump without response at the request-level for each request, and only temporarily stores the dump content in memory, call Response.Dump() to get the dump content when needed.
func (*Client) EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutResponseBody ¶
EnableDumpEachRequestWithoutResponseBody enable dump without response body at the request-level for each request, and only temporarily stores the dump content in memory, call Response.Dump() to get the dump content when needed.
func (*Client) EnableForceHTTP1 ¶
EnableForceHTTP1 enable force using HTTP1 (disabled by default).
Attention: This method should not be called when ImpersonateXXX, SetTLSFingerPrint or SetTLSHandshake and other methods that will customize the tls handshake are called.
func (*Client) EnableForceHTTP2 ¶
EnableForceHTTP2 enable force using HTTP2 for https requests (disabled by default).
Attention: This method should not be called when ImpersonateXXX, SetTLSFingerPrint or SetTLSHandshake and other methods that will customize the tls handshake are called.
func (*Client) EnableForceHTTP3 ¶
EnableForceHTTP3 enable force using HTTP3 for https requests (disabled by default).
Attention: This method should not be called when ImpersonateXXX, SetTLSFingerPrint or SetTLSHandshake and other methods that will customize the tls handshake are called.
func (*Client) EnableHTTP3 ¶
EnableHTTP3 enables the http3 protocol.
func (*Client) EnableInsecureSkipVerify ¶
EnableInsecureSkipVerify enable send https without verifing the server's certificates (disabled by default).
func (*Client) EnableKeepAlives ¶
EnableKeepAlives enables HTTP keep-alives (enabled by default).
func (*Client) EnableTraceAll ¶
EnableTraceAll enable trace for requests fired from the client (http3 currently does not support trace).
func (*Client) GetCookies ¶ added in v3.50.0
GetCookies get cookies from the underlying `http.Client`'s `CookieJar`.
func (*Client) GetTLSClientConfig ¶
GetTLSClientConfig return the underlying tls.Config.
func (*Client) GetTransport ¶
GetTransport return the underlying transport.
func (*Client) ImpersonateChrome ¶ added in v3.50.0
ImpersonateChrome impersonates Chrome browser (version 120).
func (*Client) ImpersonateFirefox ¶ added in v3.50.0
ImpersonateFirefox impersonates Firefox browser (version 120).
func (*Client) ImpersonateSafari ¶ added in v3.50.0
ImpersonateSafari impersonates Safari browser (version 16.6).
func (*Client) NewParallelDownload ¶
func (c *Client) NewParallelDownload(url string) *ParallelDownload
func (*Client) OnAfterResponse ¶
func (c *Client) OnAfterResponse(m ResponseMiddleware) *Client
OnAfterResponse add a response middleware which hooks after response received.
func (*Client) OnBeforeRequest ¶
func (c *Client) OnBeforeRequest(m RequestMiddleware) *Client
OnBeforeRequest add a request middleware which hooks before request sent.
func (*Client) OnError ¶ added in v3.50.0
OnError set the error hook which will be executed if any error returned, even if the occurs before request is sent (e.g. invalid URL).
func (*Client) SetAutoDecodeAllContentType ¶
SetAutoDecodeAllContentType enable try auto-detect charset and decode all content type to utf-8.
func (*Client) SetAutoDecodeContentType ¶
SetAutoDecodeContentType set the content types that will be auto-detected and decode to utf-8 (e.g. "json", "xml", "html", "text").
func (*Client) SetAutoDecodeContentTypeFunc ¶
SetAutoDecodeContentTypeFunc set the function that determines whether the specified `Content-Type` should be auto-detected and decode to utf-8.
func (*Client) SetBaseURL ¶
SetBaseURL set the default base URL, will be used if request URL is a relative URL.
func (*Client) SetCertFromFile ¶
SetCertFromFile helps to set client certificates from cert and key file.
func (*Client) SetCerts ¶
func (c *Client) SetCerts(certs ...tls.Certificate) *Client
SetCerts set client certificates.
func (*Client) SetCommonBasicAuth ¶
SetCommonBasicAuth set the basic auth for requests fired from the client.
func (*Client) SetCommonBearerAuthToken ¶
SetCommonBearerAuthToken set the bearer auth token for requests fired from the client.
func (*Client) SetCommonContentType ¶
SetCommonContentType set the `Content-Type` header for requests fired from the client.
func (*Client) SetCommonCookies ¶
SetCommonCookies set HTTP cookies for requests fired from the client.
func (*Client) SetCommonDigestAuth ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetCommonDigestAuth sets the Digest Access auth scheme for requests fired from the client. If a server responds with 401 and sends a Digest challenge in the WWW-Authenticate Header, requests will be resent with the appropriate Authorization Header.
For Example: To set the Digest scheme with user "roc" and password "123456"
client.SetCommonDigestAuth("roc", "123456")
Information about Digest Access Authentication can be found in RFC7616:
See `Request.SetDigestAuth`
func (*Client) SetCommonDumpOptions ¶
func (c *Client) SetCommonDumpOptions(opt *DumpOptions) *Client
SetCommonDumpOptions configures the underlying Transport's DumpOptions for requests fired from the client.
func (*Client) SetCommonError
SetCommonError set the common result that response body will be unmarshalled to if no error occurs but Response.ResultState returns ErrorState, by default it is HTTP status `code >= 400`, you can also use SetCommonResultStateChecker to customize the result state check logic.
Deprecated: Use SetCommonErrorResult instead.
func (*Client) SetCommonErrorResult ¶
SetCommonErrorResult set the common result that response body will be unmarshalled to if no error occurs but Response.ResultState returns ErrorState, by default it is HTTP status `code >= 400`, you can also use SetCommonResultStateChecker to customize the result state check logic.
func (*Client) SetCommonFormData ¶
SetCommonFormData set the form data from map for requests fired from the client which request method allows payload.
func (*Client) SetCommonFormDataFromValues ¶
SetCommonFormDataFromValues set the form data from url.Values for requests fired from the client which request method allows payload.
func (*Client) SetCommonHeader ¶
SetCommonHeader set a header for requests fired from the client.
func (*Client) SetCommonHeaderNonCanonical ¶
SetCommonHeaderNonCanonical set a header for requests fired from the client which key is a non-canonical key (keep case unchanged), only valid for HTTP/1.1.
func (*Client) SetCommonHeaderOrder ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetCommonHeaderOrder set the order of the http header requests fired from the client (case-insensitive). For example:
client.R().SetCommonHeaderOrder( "custom-header", "cookie", "user-agent", "accept-encoding", ).Get(url
func (*Client) SetCommonHeaders ¶
SetCommonHeaders set headers for requests fired from the client.
func (*Client) SetCommonHeadersNonCanonical ¶
SetCommonHeadersNonCanonical set headers for requests fired from the client which key is a non-canonical key (keep case unchanged), only valid for HTTP/1.1.
func (*Client) SetCommonPathParam ¶
SetCommonPathParam set a path parameter for requests fired from the client.
func (*Client) SetCommonPathParams ¶
SetCommonPathParams set path parameters for requests fired from the client.
func (*Client) SetCommonPseudoHeaderOder ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetCommonPseudoHeaderOder set the order of the pseudo http header requests fired from the client (case-insensitive). Note this is only valid for http2 and http3. For example:
client.SetCommonPseudoHeaderOder( ":scheme", ":authority", ":path", ":method", )
func (*Client) SetCommonQueryParam ¶
SetCommonQueryParam set a URL query parameter with a key-value pair for requests fired from the client.
func (*Client) SetCommonQueryParams ¶
SetCommonQueryParams set URL query parameters with a map for requests fired from the client.
func (*Client) SetCommonQueryString ¶
SetCommonQueryString set URL query parameters with a raw query string for requests fired from the client.
func (*Client) SetCommonRetryBackoffInterval ¶
SetCommonRetryBackoffInterval set retry to use a capped exponential backoff with jitter for requests fired from the client.
func (*Client) SetCommonRetryCondition ¶
func (c *Client) SetCommonRetryCondition(condition RetryConditionFunc) *Client
SetCommonRetryCondition sets the retry condition, which determines whether the request should retry. It will override other retry conditions if any been added before.
func (*Client) SetCommonRetryCount ¶
SetCommonRetryCount enables retry and set the maximum retry count for requests fired from the client. It will retry infinitely if count is negative.
func (*Client) SetCommonRetryFixedInterval ¶
SetCommonRetryFixedInterval set retry to use a fixed interval for requests fired from the client.
func (*Client) SetCommonRetryHook ¶
func (c *Client) SetCommonRetryHook(hook RetryHookFunc) *Client
SetCommonRetryHook set the retry hook which will be executed before a retry. It will override other retry hooks if any been added before.
func (*Client) SetCommonRetryInterval ¶
func (c *Client) SetCommonRetryInterval(getRetryIntervalFunc GetRetryIntervalFunc) *Client
SetCommonRetryInterval sets the custom GetRetryIntervalFunc for requests fired from the client, you can use this to implement your own backoff retry algorithm. For example:
req.SetCommonRetryInterval(func(resp *req.Response, attempt int) time.Duration { sleep := 0.01 * math.Exp2(float64(attempt)) return time.Duration(math.Min(2, sleep)) * time.Second })
func (*Client) SetCookieJar ¶
SetCookieJar set the cookie jar to the underlying `http.Client`, set to nil if you want to disable cookies. Note: If you use Client.Clone to clone a new Client, the new client will share the same cookie jar as the old Client after cloning. Use SetCookieJarFactory instead if you want to create a new CookieJar automatically when cloning a client.
func (*Client) SetCookieJarFactory ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetCookieJarFactory set the functional factory of cookie jar, which creates cookie jar that store cookies for underlying `http.Client`. After client clone, the cookie jar of the new client will also be regenerated using this factory function.
func (*Client) SetDial ¶
func (c *Client) SetDial(fn func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)) *Client
SetDial set the customized `DialContext` function to Transport.
func (*Client) SetDialTLS ¶
func (c *Client) SetDialTLS(fn func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)) *Client
SetDialTLS set the customized `DialTLSContext` function to Transport. Make sure the returned `conn` implements pkg/tls.Conn if you want your customized `conn` supports HTTP2.
func (*Client) SetHTTP2ConnectionFlow ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetHTTP2ConnectionFlow set the default http2 connection flow, which is the increment value of initial WINDOW_UPDATE frame.
func (*Client) SetHTTP2HeaderPriority ¶ added in v3.50.0
func (c *Client) SetHTTP2HeaderPriority(priority http2.PriorityParam) *Client
SetHTTP2HeaderPriority set the header priority param.
func (*Client) SetHTTP2MaxHeaderListSize ¶
SetHTTP2MaxHeaderListSize set the http2 MaxHeaderListSize, which is the http2 SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE to send in the initial settings frame. It is how many bytes of response headers are allowed. Unlike the http2 spec, zero here means to use a default limit (currently 10MB). If you actually want to advertise an unlimited value to the peer, Transport interprets the highest possible value here (0xffffffff or 1<<32-1) to mean no limit.
func (*Client) SetHTTP2PingTimeout ¶
SetHTTP2PingTimeout set the http2 PingTimeout, which is the timeout after which the connection will be closed if a response to Ping is not received. Defaults to 15s
func (*Client) SetHTTP2PriorityFrames ¶ added in v3.50.0
func (c *Client) SetHTTP2PriorityFrames(frames ...http2.PriorityFrame) *Client
SetHTTP2PriorityFrames set the ordered http2 priority frames.
func (*Client) SetHTTP2ReadIdleTimeout ¶
SetHTTP2ReadIdleTimeout set the http2 ReadIdleTimeout, which is the timeout after which a health check using ping frame will be carried out if no frame is received on the connection. Note that a ping response will is considered a received frame, so if there is no other traffic on the connection, the health check will be performed every ReadIdleTimeout interval. If zero, no health check is performed.
func (*Client) SetHTTP2SettingsFrame ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetHTTP2SettingsFrame set the ordered http2 settings frame.
func (*Client) SetHTTP2StrictMaxConcurrentStreams ¶
SetHTTP2StrictMaxConcurrentStreams set the http2 StrictMaxConcurrentStreams, which controls whether the server's SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS should be respected globally. If false, new TCP connections are created to the server as needed to keep each under the per-connection SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS limit. If true, the server's SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS is interpreted as a global limit and callers of RoundTrip block when needed, waiting for their turn.
func (*Client) SetHTTP2WriteByteTimeout ¶
SetHTTP2WriteByteTimeout set the http2 WriteByteTimeout, which is the timeout after which the connection will be closed no data can be written to it. The timeout begins when data is available to write, and is extended whenever any bytes are written.
func (*Client) SetJsonMarshal ¶
SetJsonMarshal set the JSON marshal function which will be used to marshal request body.
func (*Client) SetJsonUnmarshal ¶
SetJsonUnmarshal set the JSON unmarshal function which will be used to unmarshal response body.
func (*Client) SetLogger ¶
SetLogger set the customized logger for client, will disable log if set to nil.
func (*Client) SetMultipartBoundaryFunc ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetMultipartBoundaryFunc overrides the default function used to generate boundary delimiters for "multipart/form-data" requests with a customized one, which returns a boundary delimiter (without the two leading hyphens).
Boundary delimiter may only contain certain ASCII characters, and must be non-empty and at most 70 bytes long (see RFC 2046, Section 5.1.1).
func (*Client) SetOutputDirectory ¶
SetOutputDirectory set output directory that response will be downloaded to.
func (*Client) SetProxyURL ¶
SetProxyURL set proxy from the proxy URL.
func (*Client) SetRedirectPolicy ¶
func (c *Client) SetRedirectPolicy(policies ...RedirectPolicy) *Client
SetRedirectPolicy set the RedirectPolicy which controls the behavior of receiving redirect responses (usually responses with 301 and 302 status code), see the predefined AllowedDomainRedirectPolicy, AllowedHostRedirectPolicy, DefaultRedirectPolicy, MaxRedirectPolicy, NoRedirectPolicy, SameDomainRedirectPolicy and SameHostRedirectPolicy.
func (*Client) SetResponseBodyTransformer ¶
func (c *Client) SetResponseBodyTransformer(fn func(rawBody []byte, req *Request, resp *Response) (transformedBody []byte, err error)) *Client
SetResponseBodyTransformer set the response body transformer, which can modify the response body before unmarshalled if auto-read response body is not disabled.
func (*Client) SetResultStateCheckFunc ¶
func (c *Client) SetResultStateCheckFunc(fn func(resp *Response) ResultState) *Client
SetResultStateCheckFunc overrides the default result state checker with customized one, which returns SuccessState when HTTP status `code >= 200 and <= 299`, and returns ErrorState when HTTP status `code >= 400`, otherwise returns UnknownState.
func (*Client) SetRootCertFromString ¶
SetRootCertFromString set root certificates from string.
func (*Client) SetRootCertsFromFile ¶
SetRootCertsFromFile set root certificates from files.
func (*Client) SetScheme ¶
SetScheme set the default scheme for client, will be used when there is no scheme in the request URL (e.g. "").
func (*Client) SetTLSClientConfig ¶
SetTLSClientConfig set the TLS client config. Be careful! Usually you don't need this, you can directly set the tls configuration with methods like EnableInsecureSkipVerify, SetCerts etc. Or you can call GetTLSClientConfig to get the current tls configuration to avoid overwriting some important configurations, such as not setting NextProtos will not use http2 by default.
func (*Client) SetTLSFingerprint ¶ added in v3.50.0
func (c *Client) SetTLSFingerprint(clientHelloID utls.ClientHelloID) *Client
SetTLSFingerprint set the tls fingerprint for tls handshake, will use utls ( to perform the tls handshake, which uses the specified clientHelloID to simulate the tls fingerprint. Note this is valid for HTTP1 and HTTP2, not HTTP3.
func (*Client) SetTLSFingerprint360 ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetTLSFingerprint360 uses tls fingerprint of 360 browser.
func (*Client) SetTLSFingerprintAndroid ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetTLSFingerprintAndroid uses tls fingerprint of Android.
func (*Client) SetTLSFingerprintChrome ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetTLSFingerprintChrome uses tls fingerprint of Chrome browser.
func (*Client) SetTLSFingerprintEdge ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetTLSFingerprintEdge uses tls fingerprint of Edge browser.
func (*Client) SetTLSFingerprintFirefox ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetTLSFingerprintFirefox uses tls fingerprint of Firefox browser.
func (*Client) SetTLSFingerprintIOS ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetTLSFingerprintIOS uses tls fingerprint of IOS.
func (*Client) SetTLSFingerprintQQ ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetTLSFingerprintQQ uses tls fingerprint of QQ browser.
func (*Client) SetTLSFingerprintRandomized ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetTLSFingerprintRandomized uses randomized tls fingerprint.
func (*Client) SetTLSFingerprintSafari ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetTLSFingerprintSafari uses tls fingerprint of Safari browser.
func (*Client) SetTLSHandshake ¶ added in v3.50.0
func (c *Client) SetTLSHandshake(fn func(ctx context.Context, addr string, plainConn net.Conn) (conn net.Conn, tlsState *tls.ConnectionState, err error)) *Client
SetTLSHandshake set the custom tls handshake function, only valid for HTTP1 and HTTP2, not HTTP3, it specifies an optional dial function for tls handshake, it works even if a proxy is set, can be used to customize the tls fingerprint.
func (*Client) SetTLSHandshakeTimeout ¶
SetTLSHandshakeTimeout set the TLS handshake timeout.
func (*Client) SetTimeout ¶
SetTimeout set timeout for requests fired from the client.
func (*Client) SetUnixSocket ¶
SetUnixSocket set client to dial connection use unix socket. For example:
func (*Client) SetUserAgent ¶
SetUserAgent set the "User-Agent" header for requests fired from the client.
func (*Client) SetXmlMarshal ¶
SetXmlMarshal set the XML marshal function which will be used to marshal request body.
func (*Client) SetXmlUnmarshal ¶
SetXmlUnmarshal set the XML unmarshal function which will be used to unmarshal response body.
func (*Client) WrapRoundTrip ¶
func (c *Client) WrapRoundTrip(wrappers ...RoundTripWrapper) *Client
WrapRoundTrip adds a client middleware function that will give the caller an opportunity to wrap the underlying http.RoundTripper.
func (*Client) WrapRoundTripFunc ¶
func (c *Client) WrapRoundTripFunc(funcs ...RoundTripWrapperFunc) *Client
WrapRoundTripFunc adds a client middleware function that will give the caller an opportunity to wrap the underlying http.RoundTripper.
type ContentDisposition ¶
type ContentDisposition struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ContentDisposition represents parameters in `Content-Disposition` MIME header of multipart request.
func (*ContentDisposition) Add ¶
func (c *ContentDisposition) Add(key, value string) *ContentDisposition
Add adds a new key-value pair of Content-Disposition
type DownloadCallback ¶
type DownloadCallback func(info DownloadInfo)
DownloadCallback is the callback which will be invoked during response body download.
type DownloadInfo ¶
type DownloadInfo struct { // Response is the corresponding Response during download. Response *Response // downloaded body length in bytes. DownloadedSize int64 }
DownloadInfo is the information for each DownloadCallback call.
type DumpOptions ¶
type DumpOptions struct { Output io.Writer RequestOutput io.Writer ResponseOutput io.Writer RequestHeaderOutput io.Writer RequestBodyOutput io.Writer ResponseHeaderOutput io.Writer ResponseBodyOutput io.Writer RequestHeader bool RequestBody bool ResponseHeader bool ResponseBody bool Async bool }
DumpOptions controls the dump behavior.
func (*DumpOptions) Clone ¶
func (do *DumpOptions) Clone() *DumpOptions
Clone return a copy of DumpOptions
type FileUpload ¶
type FileUpload struct { // "name" parameter in `Content-Disposition` ParamName string // "filename" parameter in `Content-Disposition` FileName string // The file to be uploaded. GetFileContent GetContentFunc // Optional file length in bytes. FileSize int64 // Optional Content-Type ContentType string // Optional extra ContentDisposition parameters. // According to the HTTP specification, this should be nil, // but some servers may not follow the specification and // requires `Content-Disposition` parameters more than just // "name" and "filename". ExtraContentDisposition *ContentDisposition }
FileUpload represents a "form-data" multipart
type GetContentFunc ¶
type GetContentFunc func() (io.ReadCloser, error)
type GetRetryIntervalFunc ¶
GetRetryIntervalFunc is a function that determines how long should sleep between retry attempts.
type HttpRoundTripFunc ¶
HttpRoundTripFunc is a http.RoundTripper implementation, which is a simple function.
type HttpRoundTripWrapper ¶
type HttpRoundTripWrapper func(rt http.RoundTripper) http.RoundTripper
HttpRoundTripWrapper is transport middleware function.
type HttpRoundTripWrapperFunc ¶
type HttpRoundTripWrapperFunc func(rt http.RoundTripper) HttpRoundTripFunc
HttpRoundTripWrapperFunc is transport middleware function, more convenient than HttpRoundTripWrapper.
type Logger ¶
type Logger interface { Errorf(format string, v ...interface{}) Warnf(format string, v ...interface{}) Debugf(format string, v ...interface{}) }
Logger is the abstract logging interface, gives control to the Req users, choice of the logger.
func NewLoggerFromStandardLogger ¶ added in v3.50.0
type ParallelDownload ¶
type ParallelDownload struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ParallelDownload) SetConcurrency ¶
func (pd *ParallelDownload) SetConcurrency(concurrency int) *ParallelDownload
func (*ParallelDownload) SetFileMode ¶
func (pd *ParallelDownload) SetFileMode(perm os.FileMode) *ParallelDownload
func (*ParallelDownload) SetOutput ¶
func (pd *ParallelDownload) SetOutput(output io.Writer) *ParallelDownload
func (*ParallelDownload) SetOutputFile ¶
func (pd *ParallelDownload) SetOutputFile(filename string) *ParallelDownload
func (*ParallelDownload) SetSegmentSize ¶
func (pd *ParallelDownload) SetSegmentSize(segmentSize int64) *ParallelDownload
func (*ParallelDownload) SetTempRootDir ¶
func (pd *ParallelDownload) SetTempRootDir(tempRootDir string) *ParallelDownload
type RedirectPolicy ¶
RedirectPolicy represents the redirect policy for Client.
func AllowedDomainRedirectPolicy ¶
func AllowedDomainRedirectPolicy(hosts ...string) RedirectPolicy
AllowedDomainRedirectPolicy allows redirect only if the redirected domain match one of the domain that specified.
func AllowedHostRedirectPolicy ¶
func AllowedHostRedirectPolicy(hosts ...string) RedirectPolicy
AllowedHostRedirectPolicy allows redirect only if the redirected host match one of the host that specified.
func AlwaysCopyHeaderRedirectPolicy ¶
func AlwaysCopyHeaderRedirectPolicy(headers ...string) RedirectPolicy
AlwaysCopyHeaderRedirectPolicy ensures that the given sensitive headers will always be copied on redirect. By default, golang will copy all of the original request's headers on redirect, unless they're sensitive, like "Authorization" or "Www-Authenticate". Only send sensitive ones to the same origin, or subdomains thereof ( Check discussion: For example:
func DefaultRedirectPolicy ¶ added in v3.50.0
func DefaultRedirectPolicy() RedirectPolicy
DefaultRedirectPolicy allows up to 10 redirects
func MaxRedirectPolicy ¶
func MaxRedirectPolicy(noOfRedirect int) RedirectPolicy
MaxRedirectPolicy specifies the max number of redirect
func NoRedirectPolicy ¶
func NoRedirectPolicy() RedirectPolicy
NoRedirectPolicy disable redirect behaviour
func SameDomainRedirectPolicy ¶
func SameDomainRedirectPolicy() RedirectPolicy
SameDomainRedirectPolicy allows redirect only if the redirected domain is the same as original domain, e.g. redirect to "" from "" is allowed, but redirect to "" is not allowed.
func SameHostRedirectPolicy ¶
func SameHostRedirectPolicy() RedirectPolicy
SameHostRedirectPolicy allows redirect only if the redirected host is the same as original host, e.g. redirect to "" from "" is not the allowed.
type Request ¶
type Request struct { PathParams map[string]string QueryParams urlpkg.Values FormData urlpkg.Values OrderedFormData []string Headers http.Header Cookies []*http.Cookie Result interface{} Error interface{} RawRequest *http.Request StartTime time.Time RetryAttempt int RawURL string // read only Method string Body []byte GetBody GetContentFunc // URL is an auto-generated field, and is nil in request middleware (OnBeforeRequest), // consider using RawURL if you want, it's not nil in client middleware (WrapRoundTripFunc) URL *urlpkg.URL // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Request struct is used to compose and fire individual request from req client. Request provides lots of chainable settings which can override client level settings.
func AddQueryParam ¶
AddQueryParam is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and AddQueryParam for request.
func AddQueryParams ¶
AddQueryParams is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and AddQueryParams for request.
func AddRetryCondition ¶
func AddRetryCondition(condition RetryConditionFunc) *Request
AddRetryCondition is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and AddRetryCondition for request.
func AddRetryHook ¶
func AddRetryHook(hook RetryHookFunc) *Request
AddRetryHook is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and AddRetryHook for request.
func DisableForceChunkedEncoding ¶
func DisableForceChunkedEncoding() *Request
DisableForceChunkedEncoding is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and DisableForceChunkedEncoding for request.
func DisableForceMultipart ¶
func DisableForceMultipart() *Request
DisableForceMultipart is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and DisableForceMultipart for request.
func DisableTrace ¶
func DisableTrace() *Request
DisableTrace is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and DisableTrace for request.
func EnableCloseConnection ¶
func EnableCloseConnection() *Request
EnableCloseConnection is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and EnableCloseConnection for request.
func EnableDump ¶
func EnableDump() *Request
EnableDump is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and EnableDump for request.
func EnableDumpTo ¶
EnableDumpTo is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and EnableDumpTo for request.
func EnableDumpToFile ¶
EnableDumpToFile is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and EnableDumpToFile for request.
func EnableDumpWithoutBody ¶
func EnableDumpWithoutBody() *Request
EnableDumpWithoutBody is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and EnableDumpWithoutBody for request.
func EnableDumpWithoutHeader ¶
func EnableDumpWithoutHeader() *Request
EnableDumpWithoutHeader is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and EnableDumpWithoutHeader for request.
func EnableDumpWithoutRequest ¶
func EnableDumpWithoutRequest() *Request
EnableDumpWithoutRequest is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and EnableDumpWithoutRequest for request.
func EnableDumpWithoutRequestBody ¶
func EnableDumpWithoutRequestBody() *Request
EnableDumpWithoutRequestBody is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and EnableDumpWithoutRequestBody for request.
func EnableDumpWithoutResponse ¶
func EnableDumpWithoutResponse() *Request
EnableDumpWithoutResponse is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and EnableDumpWithoutResponse for request.
func EnableDumpWithoutResponseBody ¶
func EnableDumpWithoutResponseBody() *Request
EnableDumpWithoutResponseBody is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and EnableDumpWithoutResponseBody for request.
func EnableForceChunkedEncoding ¶
func EnableForceChunkedEncoding() *Request
EnableForceChunkedEncoding is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and EnableForceChunkedEncoding for request.
func EnableForceMultipart ¶
func EnableForceMultipart() *Request
EnableForceMultipart is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and EnableForceMultipart for request.
func EnableTrace ¶
func EnableTrace() *Request
EnableTrace is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and EnableTrace for request.
func NewRequest ¶
func NewRequest() *Request
NewRequest is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.NewRequest.
func R ¶
func R() *Request
R is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client's Client.R().
func SetBasicAuth ¶
SetBasicAuth is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetBasicAuth for request.
func SetBearerAuthToken ¶
SetBearerAuthToken is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetBearerAuthToken for request.
func SetBody ¶
func SetBody(body interface{}) *Request
SetBody is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetBody for request.
func SetBodyBytes ¶
SetBodyBytes is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetBodyBytes for request.
func SetBodyJsonBytes ¶
SetBodyJsonBytes is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetBodyJsonBytes for request.
func SetBodyJsonMarshal ¶
func SetBodyJsonMarshal(v interface{}) *Request
SetBodyJsonMarshal is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetBodyJsonMarshal for request.
func SetBodyJsonString ¶
SetBodyJsonString is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetBodyJsonString for request.
func SetBodyString ¶
SetBodyString is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetBodyString for request.
func SetBodyXmlBytes ¶
SetBodyXmlBytes is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetBodyXmlBytes for request.
func SetBodyXmlMarshal ¶
func SetBodyXmlMarshal(v interface{}) *Request
SetBodyXmlMarshal is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetBodyXmlMarshal for request.
func SetBodyXmlString ¶
SetBodyXmlString is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetBodyXmlString for request.
func SetContentType ¶
SetContentType is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetContentType for request.
func SetContext ¶
SetContext is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetContext for request.
func SetCookies ¶
SetCookies is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetCookies for request.
func SetDigestAuth ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetDigestAuth is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetDigestAuth for request.
func SetDownloadCallback ¶
func SetDownloadCallback(callback DownloadCallback) *Request
SetDownloadCallback is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetDownloadCallback for request.
func SetDownloadCallbackWithInterval ¶
func SetDownloadCallbackWithInterval(callback DownloadCallback, minInterval time.Duration) *Request
SetDownloadCallbackWithInterval is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetDownloadCallbackWithInterval for request.
func SetDumpOptions ¶
func SetDumpOptions(opt *DumpOptions) *Request
SetDumpOptions is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetDumpOptions for request.
func SetErrorResult ¶
func SetErrorResult(error interface{}) *Request
SetErrorResult is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetErrorResult for request.
func SetFile ¶
SetFile is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetFile for request.
func SetFileBytes ¶
SetFileBytes is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetFileBytes for request.
func SetFileReader ¶
SetFileReader is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetFileReader for request.
func SetFileUpload ¶
func SetFileUpload(f ...FileUpload) *Request
SetFileUpload is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetFileUpload for request.
func SetFiles ¶
SetFiles is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetFiles for request.
func SetFormData ¶
SetFormData is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetFormData for request.
func SetFormDataAnyType ¶
SetFormDataAnyType is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetFormDataAnyType for request.
func SetFormDataFromValues ¶
SetFormDataFromValues is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetFormDataFromValues for request.
func SetHeader ¶
SetHeader is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetHeader for request.
func SetHeaderOrder ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetHeaderOrder is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetHeaderOrder for request.
func SetHeaders ¶
SetHeaders is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetHeaders for request.
func SetOrderedFormData ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetOrderedFormData is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetOrderedFormData for request.
func SetOutput ¶
SetOutput is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetOutput for request.
func SetOutputFile ¶
SetOutputFile is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetOutputFile for request.
func SetPathParam ¶
SetPathParam is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetPathParam for request.
func SetPathParams ¶
SetPathParams is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetPathParams for request.
func SetPseudoHeaderOrder ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetPseudoHeaderOrder is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetPseudoHeaderOrder for request.
func SetQueryParam ¶
SetQueryParam is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetQueryParam for request.
func SetQueryParams ¶
SetQueryParams is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetQueryParams for request.
func SetQueryParamsAnyType ¶
SetQueryParamsAnyType is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetQueryParamsAnyType for request.
func SetQueryString ¶
SetQueryString is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetQueryString for request.
func SetRetryBackoffInterval ¶
SetRetryBackoffInterval is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetRetryBackoffInterval for request.
func SetRetryCondition ¶
func SetRetryCondition(condition RetryConditionFunc) *Request
SetRetryCondition is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetRetryCondition for request.
func SetRetryCount ¶
SetRetryCount is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetRetryCount for request.
func SetRetryFixedInterval ¶
SetRetryFixedInterval is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetRetryFixedInterval for request.
func SetRetryHook ¶
func SetRetryHook(hook RetryHookFunc) *Request
SetRetryHook is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetRetryHook for request.
func SetRetryInterval ¶
func SetRetryInterval(getRetryIntervalFunc GetRetryIntervalFunc) *Request
SetRetryInterval is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetRetryInterval for request.
func SetSuccessResult ¶
func SetSuccessResult(result interface{}) *Request
SetSuccessResult is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetSuccessResult for request.
func SetURL ¶
SetURL is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetURL for request.
func SetUploadCallback ¶
func SetUploadCallback(callback UploadCallback) *Request
SetUploadCallback is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetUploadCallback for request.
func SetUploadCallbackWithInterval ¶
func SetUploadCallbackWithInterval(callback UploadCallback, minInterval time.Duration) *Request
SetUploadCallbackWithInterval is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and SetUploadCallbackWithInterval for request.
func (*Request) AddQueryParam ¶
AddQueryParam add a URL query parameter for the request.
func (*Request) AddQueryParams ¶
AddQueryParams add one or more values of specified URL query parameter for the request.
func (*Request) AddRetryCondition ¶
func (r *Request) AddRetryCondition(condition RetryConditionFunc) *Request
AddRetryCondition adds a retry condition, which determines whether the request should retry.
func (*Request) AddRetryHook ¶
func (r *Request) AddRetryHook(hook RetryHookFunc) *Request
AddRetryHook adds a retry hook which will be executed before a retry.
func (*Request) Context ¶
Context method returns the Context if its already set in request otherwise it creates new one using `context.Background()`.
func (*Request) DisableAutoReadResponse ¶
DisableAutoReadResponse disable read response body automatically (enabled by default).
func (*Request) DisableForceChunkedEncoding ¶
DisableForceChunkedEncoding disables force using chunked encoding when uploading.
func (*Request) DisableForceMultipart ¶
DisableForceMultipart disables force using multipart to upload form data.
func (*Request) DisableTrace ¶
DisableTrace disables trace.
func (*Request) Do ¶
Do fires http request, 0 or 1 context is allowed, and returns the *Response which is always not nil, and Response.Err is not nil if error occurs.
func (*Request) EnableAutoReadResponse ¶
EnableAutoReadResponse enable read response body automatically (enabled by default).
func (*Request) EnableCloseConnection ¶
EnableCloseConnection closes the connection after sending this request and reading its response if set to true in HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2.
Setting this field prevents re-use of TCP connections between requests to the same hosts event if EnableKeepAlives() were called.
func (*Request) EnableDump ¶
EnableDump enables dump, including all content for the request and response by default.
func (*Request) EnableDumpTo ¶
EnableDumpTo enables dump and save to the specified io.Writer.
func (*Request) EnableDumpToFile ¶
EnableDumpToFile enables dump and save to the specified filename.
func (*Request) EnableDumpWithoutBody ¶
EnableDumpWithoutBody enables dump only header for the request and response.
func (*Request) EnableDumpWithoutHeader ¶
EnableDumpWithoutHeader enables dump only Body for the request and response.
func (*Request) EnableDumpWithoutRequest ¶
EnableDumpWithoutRequest enables dump only response.
func (*Request) EnableDumpWithoutRequestBody ¶
EnableDumpWithoutRequestBody enables dump with request Body excluded, can be used in upload request to avoid dump the unreadable binary content.
func (*Request) EnableDumpWithoutResponse ¶
EnableDumpWithoutResponse enables dump only request.
func (*Request) EnableDumpWithoutResponseBody ¶
EnableDumpWithoutResponseBody enables dump with response Body excluded, can be used in download request to avoid dump the unreadable binary content.
func (*Request) EnableForceChunkedEncoding ¶
EnableForceChunkedEncoding enables force using chunked encoding when uploading.
func (*Request) EnableForceMultipart ¶
EnableForceMultipart enables force using multipart to upload form data.
func (*Request) EnableTrace ¶
EnableTrace enables trace (http3 currently does not support trace).
func (*Request) GetContextData ¶ added in v3.50.0
GetContextData returns the context data of specified key, which set by SetContextData.
func (*Request) HeaderToString ¶
HeaderToString get all header as string.
func (*Request) MustDelete ¶
MustDelete like Delete, panic if error happens, should only be used to test without error handling.
func (*Request) MustGet ¶
MustGet like Get, panic if error happens, should only be used to test without error handling.
func (*Request) MustHead ¶
MustHead like Head, panic if error happens, should only be used to test without error handling.
func (*Request) MustOptions ¶
MustOptions like Options, panic if error happens, should only be used to test without error handling.
func (*Request) MustPatch ¶
MustPatch like Patch, panic if error happens, should only be used to test without error handling.
func (*Request) MustPost ¶
MustPost like Post, panic if error happens. should only be used to test without error handling.
func (*Request) MustPut ¶
MustPut like Put, panic if error happens, should only be used to test without error handling.
func (*Request) OnAfterResponse ¶ added in v3.50.0
func (r *Request) OnAfterResponse(m ResponseMiddleware) *Request
OnAfterResponse add a response middleware which hooks after response received.
func (*Request) Send ¶
Send fires http request with specified method and url, returns the *Response which is always not nil, and the error is not nil if error occurs.
func (*Request) SetBasicAuth ¶
SetBasicAuth set basic auth for the request.
func (*Request) SetBearerAuthToken ¶
SetBearerAuthToken set bearer auth token for the request.
func (*Request) SetBody ¶
SetBody set the request Body, accepts string, []byte, io.Reader, map and struct.
func (*Request) SetBodyBytes ¶
SetBodyBytes set the request Body as []byte.
func (*Request) SetBodyJsonBytes ¶
SetBodyJsonBytes set the request Body as []byte and set Content-Type header as "application/json; charset=utf-8"
func (*Request) SetBodyJsonMarshal ¶
SetBodyJsonMarshal set the request Body that marshaled from object, and set Content-Type header as "application/json; charset=utf-8"
func (*Request) SetBodyJsonString ¶
SetBodyJsonString set the request Body as string and set Content-Type header as "application/json; charset=utf-8"
func (*Request) SetBodyString ¶
SetBodyString set the request Body as string.
func (*Request) SetBodyXmlBytes ¶
SetBodyXmlBytes set the request Body as []byte and set Content-Type header as "text/xml; charset=utf-8"
func (*Request) SetBodyXmlMarshal ¶
SetBodyXmlMarshal set the request Body that marshaled from object, and set Content-Type header as "text/xml; charset=utf-8"
func (*Request) SetBodyXmlString ¶
SetBodyXmlString set the request Body as string and set Content-Type header as "text/xml; charset=utf-8"
func (*Request) SetContentType ¶
SetContentType set the `Content-Type` for the request.
func (*Request) SetContext ¶
SetContext method sets the context.Context for current Request. It allows to interrupt the request execution if ctx.Done() channel is closed. See article and the "context" package documentation.
Attention: make sure call SetContext before EnableDumpXXX if you want to dump at the request level.
func (*Request) SetContextData ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetContextData sets the key-value pair data for current Request, so you can access some extra context info for current Request in hook or middleware.
func (*Request) SetCookies ¶
SetCookies set http cookies for the request.
func (*Request) SetDigestAuth ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetDigestAuth sets the Digest Access auth scheme for the HTTP request. If a server responds with 401 and sends a Digest challenge in the WWW-Authenticate Header, the request will be resent with the appropriate Authorization Header.
For Example: To set the Digest scheme with username "roc" and password "123456"
client.R().SetDigestAuth("roc", "123456")
Information about Digest Access Authentication can be found in RFC7616:
This method overrides the username and password set by method `Client.SetCommonDigestAuth`.
func (*Request) SetDownloadCallback ¶
func (r *Request) SetDownloadCallback(callback DownloadCallback) *Request
SetDownloadCallback set the DownloadCallback which will be invoked at least every 200ms during file upload, usually used to show download progress.
func (*Request) SetDownloadCallbackWithInterval ¶
func (r *Request) SetDownloadCallbackWithInterval(callback DownloadCallback, minInterval time.Duration) *Request
SetDownloadCallbackWithInterval set the DownloadCallback which will be invoked at least every `minInterval` during file upload, usually used to show download progress.
func (*Request) SetDumpOptions ¶
func (r *Request) SetDumpOptions(opt *DumpOptions) *Request
SetDumpOptions sets DumpOptions at request level.
func (*Request) SetError
SetError set the result that response body will be unmarshalled to if no error occurs and Response.ResultState() returns ErrorState, by default it requires HTTP status `code >= 400`, you can also use Request.SetResultStateCheckFunc or Client.SetResultStateCheckFunc to customize the result state check logic.
Deprecated: Use SetErrorResult result.
func (*Request) SetErrorResult ¶
SetErrorResult set the result that response body will be unmarshalled to if no error occurs and Response.ResultState() returns ErrorState, by default it requires HTTP status `code >= 400`, you can also use Request.SetResultStateCheckFunc or Client.SetResultStateCheckFunc to customize the result state check logic.
func (*Request) SetFile ¶
SetFile set up a multipart form from file path to upload, which read file from filePath automatically to upload.
func (*Request) SetFileBytes ¶
SetFileBytes set up a multipart form with given []byte to upload.
func (*Request) SetFileReader ¶
SetFileReader set up a multipart form with a reader to upload file.
func (*Request) SetFileUpload ¶
func (r *Request) SetFileUpload(uploads ...FileUpload) *Request
SetFileUpload set the fully custimized multipart file upload options.
func (*Request) SetFiles ¶
SetFiles set up a multipart form from a map to upload, which key is the parameter name, and value is the file path.
func (*Request) SetFormData ¶
SetFormData set the form data from a map, will not been used if request method does not allow payload.
func (*Request) SetFormDataAnyType ¶
SetFormDataAnyType set the form data from a map, which value could be any type, will convert to string automatically. It will not been used if request method does not allow payload.
func (*Request) SetFormDataFromValues ¶
SetFormDataFromValues set the form data from url.Values, will not been used if request method does not allow payload.
func (*Request) SetHeaderNonCanonical ¶
SetHeaderNonCanonical set a header for the request which key is a non-canonical key (keep case unchanged), only valid for HTTP/1.1.
func (*Request) SetHeaderOrder ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetHeaderOrder set the order of the http header (case-insensitive). For example:
client.R().SetHeaderOrder( "custom-header", "cookie", "user-agent", "accept-encoding", )
func (*Request) SetHeaders ¶
SetHeaders set headers from a map for the request.
func (*Request) SetHeadersNonCanonical ¶
SetHeadersNonCanonical set headers from a map for the request which key is a non-canonical key (keep case unchanged), only valid for HTTP/1.1.
func (*Request) SetOrderedFormData ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetOrderedFormData set the ordered form data from key-values pairs.
func (*Request) SetOutputFile ¶
SetOutputFile set the file that response Body will be downloaded to.
func (*Request) SetPathParam ¶
SetPathParam set a URL path parameter for the request.
func (*Request) SetPathParams ¶
SetPathParams set URL path parameters from a map for the request.
func (*Request) SetPseudoHeaderOrder ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetPseudoHeaderOrder set the order of the pseudo http header (case-insensitive). Note this is only valid for http2 and http3. For example:
client.R().SetPseudoHeaderOrder( ":scheme", ":authority", ":path", ":method", )
func (*Request) SetQueryParam ¶
SetQueryParam set an URL query parameter for the request.
func (*Request) SetQueryParams ¶
SetQueryParams set URL query parameters from a map for the request.
func (*Request) SetQueryParamsAnyType ¶
SetQueryParamsAnyType set URL query parameters from a map for the request. The value of map is any type, will be convert to string automatically.
func (*Request) SetQueryString ¶
SetQueryString set URL query parameters for the request using raw query string.
func (*Request) SetResult
SetResult set the result that response Body will be unmarshalled to if no error occurs and Response.ResultState() returns SuccessState, by default it requires HTTP status `code >= 200 && code <= 299`, you can also use Request.SetResultStateCheckFunc or Client.SetResultStateCheckFunc to customize the result state check logic.
Deprecated: Use SetSuccessResult instead.
func (*Request) SetRetryBackoffInterval ¶
SetRetryBackoffInterval set retry to use a capped exponential backoff with jitter.
func (*Request) SetRetryCondition ¶
func (r *Request) SetRetryCondition(condition RetryConditionFunc) *Request
SetRetryCondition sets the retry condition, which determines whether the request should retry. It will override other retry conditions if any been added before (including client-level retry conditions).
func (*Request) SetRetryCount ¶
SetRetryCount enables retry and set the maximum retry count. It will retry infinitely if count is negative.
func (*Request) SetRetryFixedInterval ¶
SetRetryFixedInterval set retry to use a fixed interval.
func (*Request) SetRetryHook ¶
func (r *Request) SetRetryHook(hook RetryHookFunc) *Request
SetRetryHook set the retry hook which will be executed before a retry. It will override other retry hooks if any been added before (including client-level retry hooks).
func (*Request) SetRetryInterval ¶
func (r *Request) SetRetryInterval(getRetryIntervalFunc GetRetryIntervalFunc) *Request
SetRetryInterval sets the custom GetRetryIntervalFunc, you can use this to implement your own backoff retry algorithm. For example:
req.SetRetryInterval(func(resp *req.Response, attempt int) time.Duration { sleep := 0.01 * math.Exp2(float64(attempt)) return time.Duration(math.Min(2, sleep)) * time.Second })
func (*Request) SetSuccessResult ¶
SetSuccessResult set the result that response Body will be unmarshalled to if no error occurs and Response.ResultState() returns SuccessState, by default it requires HTTP status `code >= 200 && code <= 299`, you can also use Request.SetResultStateCheckFunc or Client.SetResultStateCheckFunc to customize the result state check logic.
func (*Request) SetUploadCallback ¶
func (r *Request) SetUploadCallback(callback UploadCallback) *Request
SetUploadCallback set the UploadCallback which will be invoked at least every 200ms during file upload, usually used to show upload progress.
func (*Request) SetUploadCallbackWithInterval ¶
func (r *Request) SetUploadCallbackWithInterval(callback UploadCallback, minInterval time.Duration) *Request
SetUploadCallbackWithInterval set the UploadCallback which will be invoked at least every `minInterval` during file upload, usually used to show upload progress.
type RequestMiddleware ¶
RequestMiddleware type is for request middleware, called before a request is sent
type Response ¶
type Response struct { // The underlying http.Response is embed into Response. *http.Response // Err is the underlying error, not nil if some error occurs. // Usually used in the ResponseMiddleware, you can skip logic in // ResponseMiddleware that doesn't need to be executed when err occurs. Err error // Request is the Response's related Request. Request *Request // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Response is the http response.
func Delete ¶
Delete is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and Delete for request.
func Get ¶
Get is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and Get for request.
func Head ¶
Head is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and Head for request.
func MustDelete ¶
MustDelete is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and MustDelete for request.
func MustGet ¶
MustGet is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and MustGet for request.
func MustHead ¶
MustHead is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and MustHead for request.
func MustOptions ¶
MustOptions is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and MustOptions for request.
func MustPatch ¶
MustPatch is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and MustPatch for request.
func MustPost ¶
MustPost is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and Get for request.
func MustPut ¶
MustPut is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and MustPut for request.
func Options ¶
Options is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and Options for request.
func Patch ¶
Patch is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and Patch for request.
func Post ¶
Post is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and Post for request.
func Put ¶
Put is a global wrapper methods which delegated to the default client, create a request and Put for request.
func (*Response) Bytes ¶
Bytes return the response body as []bytes that have already been read, could be nil if not read, the following cases are already read:
- `Request.SetResult` or `Request.SetError` is called.
- `Client.DisableAutoReadResponse` and `Request.DisableAutoReadResponse` is not called, and also `Request.SetOutput` and `Request.SetOutputFile` is not called.
func (*Response) Dump ¶
Dump return the string content that have been dumped for the request. `Request.Dump` or `Request.DumpXXX` MUST have been called.
func (*Response) ErrorResult ¶
func (r *Response) ErrorResult() interface{}
ErrorResult returns the automatically unmarshalled object when Request.SetErrorResult or Client.SetCommonErrorResult is called, and ResultState returns ErrorState. Otherwise, return nil.
func (*Response) GetContentType ¶
GetContentType return the `Content-Type` header value.
func (*Response) GetHeaderValues ¶
GetHeaderValues returns the response header values by key.
func (*Response) GetStatusCode ¶
GetStatusCode returns the response status code.
func (*Response) HeaderToString ¶
HeaderToString get all header as string.
func (*Response) Into ¶
Into unmarshalls response body into the specified object according to response `Content-Type`.
func (*Response) IsErrorState ¶
IsErrorState method returns true if no error occurs and HTTP status `code >= 400` by default, you can also use Request.SetResultStateCheckFunc to customize the result state check logic.
func (*Response) IsSuccess
func (*Response) IsSuccessState ¶
IsSuccessState method returns true if no error occurs and HTTP status `code >= 200 and <= 299` by default, you can also use Request.SetResultStateCheckFunc to customize the result state check logic.
func (*Response) ReceivedAt ¶
ReceivedAt returns the timestamp that response we received.
func (*Response) ResultState ¶
func (r *Response) ResultState() ResultState
ResultState returns the result state. By default, it returns SuccessState if HTTP status `code >= 400`, and returns ErrorState if HTTP status `code >= 400`, otherwise returns UnknownState. You can also use Request.SetResultStateCheckFunc or Client.SetResultStateCheckFunc to customize the result state check logic.
func (*Response) SetBodyString ¶ added in v3.50.0
Set response body with string content
func (*Response) String ¶
String returns the response body as string that have already been read, could be nil if not read, the following cases are already read:
- `Request.SetResult` or `Request.SetError` is called.
- `Client.DisableAutoReadResponse` and `Request.DisableAutoReadResponse` is not called, and also `Request.SetOutput` and `Request.SetOutputFile` is not called.
func (*Response) SuccessResult ¶
func (r *Response) SuccessResult() interface{}
SuccessResult returns the automatically unmarshalled object if Request.SetSuccessResult is called and ResultState returns SuccessState. Otherwise, return nil.
func (*Response) ToBytes ¶
ToBytes returns the response body as []byte, read body if not have been read.
func (*Response) ToString ¶
ToString returns the response body as string, read body if not have been read.
func (*Response) TotalTime ¶
TotalTime returns the total time of the request, from request we sent to response we received.
func (*Response) Unmarshal ¶
Unmarshal unmarshalls response body into the specified object according to response `Content-Type`.
func (*Response) UnmarshalJson ¶
UnmarshalJson unmarshalls JSON response body into the specified object.
func (*Response) UnmarshalXml ¶
UnmarshalXml unmarshalls XML response body into the specified object.
type ResponseMiddleware ¶
ResponseMiddleware type is for response middleware, called after a response has been received
type ResultState ¶
type ResultState int
ResultState represents the state of the result.
const ( // SuccessState indicates the response is in success state, // and result will be unmarshalled if Request.SetSuccessResult // is called. SuccessState ResultState = iota // ErrorState indicates the response is in error state, // and result will be unmarshalled if Request.SetErrorResult // or Client.SetCommonErrorResult is called. ErrorState // UnknownState indicates the response is in unknown state, // and handler will be invoked if Request.SetUnknownResultHandlerFunc // or Client.SetCommonUnknownResultHandlerFunc is called. UnknownState )
type RetryConditionFunc ¶
RetryConditionFunc is a retry condition, which determines whether the request should retry.
type RetryHookFunc ¶
RetryHookFunc is a retry hook which will be executed before a retry.
type RoundTripFunc ¶
RoundTripFunc is a RoundTripper implementation, which is a simple function.
type RoundTripWrapper ¶
type RoundTripWrapper func(rt RoundTripper) RoundTripper
RoundTripWrapper is client middleware function.
type RoundTripWrapperFunc ¶
type RoundTripWrapperFunc func(rt RoundTripper) RoundTripFunc
RoundTripWrapperFunc is client middleware function, more convenient than RoundTripWrapper.
type RoundTripper ¶
RoundTripper is the interface of req's Client.
type TraceInfo ¶
type TraceInfo struct { // DNSLookupTime is a duration that transport took to perform // DNS lookup. DNSLookupTime time.Duration // ConnectTime is a duration that took to obtain a successful connection. ConnectTime time.Duration // TCPConnectTime is a duration that took to obtain the TCP connection. TCPConnectTime time.Duration // TLSHandshakeTime is a duration that TLS handshake took place. TLSHandshakeTime time.Duration // FirstResponseTime is a duration that server took to respond first byte since // connection ready (after tls handshake if it's tls and not a reused connection). FirstResponseTime time.Duration // ResponseTime is a duration since first response byte from server to // request completion. ResponseTime time.Duration // TotalTime is a duration that total request took end-to-end. TotalTime time.Duration // IsConnReused is whether this connection has been previously // used for another HTTP request. IsConnReused bool // IsConnWasIdle is whether this connection was obtained from an // idle pool. IsConnWasIdle bool // ConnIdleTime is a duration how long the connection was previously // idle, if IsConnWasIdle is true. ConnIdleTime time.Duration // RemoteAddr returns the remote network address. RemoteAddr net.Addr }
TraceInfo represents the trace information.
type Transport ¶
type Transport struct { Headers http.Header Cookies []*http.Cookie transport.Options // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Transport is an implementation of http.RoundTripper that supports HTTP, HTTPS, and HTTP proxies (for either HTTP or HTTPS with CONNECT).
By default, Transport caches connections for future re-use. This may leave many open connections when accessing many hosts. This behavior can be managed using Transport's CloseIdleConnections method and the MaxIdleConnsPerHost and DisableKeepAlives fields.
Transports should be reused instead of created as needed. Transports are safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
A Transport is a low-level primitive for making HTTP and HTTPS requests. For high-level functionality, such as cookies and redirects, see Client.
Transport uses HTTP/1.1 for HTTP URLs and either HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2 for HTTPS URLs, depending on whether the server supports HTTP/2, and how the Transport is configured. The DefaultTransport supports HTTP/2. To explicitly enable HTTP/2 on a transport, use and call ConfigureTransport. See the package docs for more about HTTP/2.
Responses with status codes in the 1xx range are either handled automatically (100 expect-continue) or ignored. The one exception is HTTP status code 101 (Switching Protocols), which is considered a terminal status and returned by RoundTrip. To see the ignored 1xx responses, use the httptrace trace package's ClientTrace.Got1xxResponse.
Transport only retries a request upon encountering a network error if the request is idempotent and either has no body or has its Request.GetBody defined. HTTP requests are considered idempotent if they have HTTP methods GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, or TRACE; or if their Header map contains an "Idempotency-Key" or "X-Idempotency-Key" entry. If the idempotency key value is a zero-length slice, the request is treated as idempotent but the header is not sent on the wire.
func (*Transport) CancelRequest
CancelRequest cancels an in-flight request by closing its connection. CancelRequest should only be called after Transport.RoundTrip has returned.
Deprecated: Use [Request.WithContext] to create a request with a cancelable context instead. CancelRequest cannot cancel HTTP/2 requests. This may become a no-op in a future release of Go.
func (*Transport) CloseIdleConnections ¶
func (t *Transport) CloseIdleConnections()
CloseIdleConnections closes any connections which were previously connected from previous requests but are now sitting idle in a "keep-alive" state. It does not interrupt any connections currently in use.
func (*Transport) DisableAutoDecode ¶
DisableAutoDecode disable auto-detect charset and decode to utf-8 (enabled by default).
func (*Transport) DisableForceHttpVersion ¶
DisableForceHttpVersion disable force using specified http version (disabled by default).
func (*Transport) DisableH2C ¶
DisableH2C disables HTTP2 over TCP without TLS.
func (*Transport) DisableHTTP3 ¶
func (t *Transport) DisableHTTP3()
func (*Transport) EnableAutoDecode ¶
EnableAutoDecode enable auto-detect charset and decode to utf-8 (enabled by default).
func (*Transport) EnableDump ¶
func (t *Transport) EnableDump(opt *DumpOptions)
EnableDump enables the dump for all requests with specified dump options.
func (*Transport) EnableForceHTTP1 ¶
EnableForceHTTP1 enable force using HTTP1 (disabled by default).
func (*Transport) EnableForceHTTP2 ¶
EnableForceHTTP2 enable force using HTTP2 for https requests (disabled by default).
func (*Transport) EnableForceHTTP3 ¶
EnableForceHTTP3 enable force using HTTP3 for https requests (disabled by default).
func (*Transport) EnableHTTP3 ¶
func (t *Transport) EnableHTTP3()
func (*Transport) GetMaxIdleConns ¶
GetMaxIdleConns returns MaxIdleConns.
func (*Transport) RoundTrip ¶
RoundTrip implements the RoundTripper interface.
For higher-level HTTP client support (such as handling of cookies and redirects), see Get, Post, and the Client type.
Like the RoundTripper interface, the error types returned by RoundTrip are unspecified.
func (*Transport) SetAutoDecodeAllContentType ¶
SetAutoDecodeAllContentType enable try auto-detect charset and decode all content type to utf-8.
func (*Transport) SetAutoDecodeContentType ¶
SetAutoDecodeContentType set the content types that will be auto-detected and decode to utf-8 (e.g. "json", "xml", "html", "text").
func (*Transport) SetAutoDecodeContentTypeFunc ¶
SetAutoDecodeContentTypeFunc set the function that determines whether the specified `Content-Type` should be auto-detected and decode to utf-8.
func (*Transport) SetDial ¶
func (t *Transport) SetDial(fn func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)) *Transport
SetDial set the custom DialContext function, only valid for HTTP1 and HTTP2, which specifies the dial function for creating unencrypted TCP connections. If it is nil, then the transport dials using package net.
The dial function runs concurrently with calls to RoundTrip. A RoundTrip call that initiates a dial may end up using a connection dialed previously when the earlier connection becomes idle before the later dial function completes.
func (*Transport) SetDialTLS ¶
func (t *Transport) SetDialTLS(fn func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)) *Transport
SetDialTLS set the custom DialTLSContext function, only valid for HTTP1 and HTTP2, which specifies an optional dial function for creating TLS connections for non-proxied HTTPS requests (proxy will not work if set).
If it is nil, DialContext and TLSClientConfig are used.
If it is set, the function that set in SetDial is not used for HTTPS requests and the TLSClientConfig and TLSHandshakeTimeout are ignored. The returned net.Conn is assumed to already be past the TLS handshake.
func (*Transport) SetExpectContinueTimeout ¶
SetExpectContinueTimeout set the ExpectContinueTimeout, if non-zero, specifies the amount of time to wait for a server's first response headers after fully writing the request headers if the request has an "Expect: 100-continue" header. Zero means no timeout and causes the body to be sent immediately, without waiting for the server to approve. This time does not include the time to send the request header.
func (*Transport) SetGetProxyConnectHeader ¶
func (t *Transport) SetGetProxyConnectHeader(fn func(ctx context.Context, proxyURL *url.URL, target string) (http.Header, error)) *Transport
SetGetProxyConnectHeader set the GetProxyConnectHeader, which optionally specifies a func to return headers to send to proxyURL during a CONNECT request to the ip:port target. If it returns an error, the Transport's RoundTrip fails with that error. It can return (nil, nil) to not add headers. If GetProxyConnectHeader is non-nil, ProxyConnectHeader is ignored.
func (*Transport) SetHTTP2ConnectionFlow ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetHTTP2ConnectionFlow set the default http2 connection flow, which is the increment value of initial WINDOW_UPDATE frame.
func (*Transport) SetHTTP2HeaderPriority ¶ added in v3.50.0
func (t *Transport) SetHTTP2HeaderPriority(priority http2.PriorityParam) *Transport
SetHTTP2HeaderPriority set the header priority param.
func (*Transport) SetHTTP2MaxHeaderListSize ¶
SetHTTP2MaxHeaderListSize set the http2 MaxHeaderListSize, which is the http2 SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE to send in the initial settings frame. It is how many bytes of response headers are allowed. Unlike the http2 spec, zero here means to use a default limit (currently 10MB). If you actually want to advertise an unlimited value to the peer, Transport interprets the highest possible value here (0xffffffff or 1<<32-1) to mean no limit.
func (*Transport) SetHTTP2PingTimeout ¶
SetHTTP2PingTimeout set the http2 PingTimeout, which is the timeout after which the connection will be closed if a response to Ping is not received. Defaults to 15s
func (*Transport) SetHTTP2PriorityFrames ¶ added in v3.50.0
func (t *Transport) SetHTTP2PriorityFrames(frames ...http2.PriorityFrame) *Transport
SetHTTP2PriorityFrames set the ordered http2 priority frames.
func (*Transport) SetHTTP2ReadIdleTimeout ¶
SetHTTP2ReadIdleTimeout set the http2 ReadIdleTimeout, which is the timeout after which a health check using ping frame will be carried out if no frame is received on the connection. Note that a ping response will is considered a received frame, so if there is no other traffic on the connection, the health check will be performed every ReadIdleTimeout interval. If zero, no health check is performed.
func (*Transport) SetHTTP2SettingsFrame ¶ added in v3.50.0
SetHTTP2SettingsFrame set the ordered http2 settings frame.
func (*Transport) SetHTTP2StrictMaxConcurrentStreams ¶
SetHTTP2StrictMaxConcurrentStreams set the http2 StrictMaxConcurrentStreams, which controls whether the server's SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS should be respected globally. If false, new TCP connections are created to the server as needed to keep each under the per-connection SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS limit. If true, the server's SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS is interpreted as a global limit and callers of RoundTrip block when needed, waiting for their turn.
func (*Transport) SetHTTP2WriteByteTimeout ¶
SetHTTP2WriteByteTimeout set the http2 WriteByteTimeout, which is the timeout after which the connection will be closed no data can be written to it. The timeout begins when data is available to write, and is extended whenever any bytes are written.
func (*Transport) SetIdleConnTimeout ¶
SetIdleConnTimeout set the IdleConnTimeout, which is the maximum amount of time an idle (keep-alive) connection will remain idle before closing itself.
Zero means no limit.
func (*Transport) SetMaxConnsPerHost ¶
SetMaxConnsPerHost set the MaxConnsPerHost, optionally limits the total number of connections per host, including connections in the dialing, active, and idle states. On limit violation, dials will block.
Zero means no limit.
func (*Transport) SetMaxIdleConns ¶
SetMaxIdleConns set the MaxIdleConns, which controls the maximum number of idle (keep-alive) connections across all hosts. Zero means no limit.
func (*Transport) SetMaxResponseHeaderBytes ¶
SetMaxResponseHeaderBytes set the MaxResponseHeaderBytes, which specifies a limit on how many response bytes are allowed in the server's response header.
Zero means to use a default limit.
func (*Transport) SetProxy ¶
SetProxy set the http proxy, only valid for HTTP1 and HTTP2, which specifies a function to return a proxy for a given Request. If the function returns a non-nil error, the request is aborted with the provided error.
The proxy type is determined by the URL scheme. "http", "https", and "socks5" are supported. If the scheme is empty, "http" is assumed.
If Proxy is nil or returns a nil *URL, no proxy is used.
func (*Transport) SetProxyConnectHeader ¶
SetProxyConnectHeader set the ProxyConnectHeader, which optionally specifies headers to send to proxies during CONNECT requests. To set the header dynamically, see SetGetProxyConnectHeader.
func (*Transport) SetReadBufferSize ¶
SetReadBufferSize set the ReadBufferSize, which specifies the size of the read buffer used when reading from the transport. If zero, a default (currently 4KB) is used.
func (*Transport) SetResponseHeaderTimeout ¶
SetResponseHeaderTimeout set the ResponseHeaderTimeout, if non-zero, specifies the amount of time to wait for a server's response headers after fully writing the request (including its body, if any). This time does not include the time to read the response body.
func (*Transport) SetTLSClientConfig ¶
SetTLSClientConfig set the custom TLSClientConfig, which specifies the TLS configuration to use with tls.Client. If nil, the default configuration is used. If non-nil, HTTP/2 support may not be enabled by default.
func (*Transport) SetTLSHandshake ¶ added in v3.50.0
func (t *Transport) SetTLSHandshake(fn func(ctx context.Context, addr string, plainConn net.Conn) (conn net.Conn, tlsState *tls.ConnectionState, err error)) *Transport
SetTLSHandshake set the custom tls handshake function, only valid for HTTP1 and HTTP2, not HTTP3, it specifies an optional dial function for tls handshake, it works even if a proxy is set, can be used to customize the tls fingerprint.
func (*Transport) SetTLSHandshakeTimeout ¶
SetTLSHandshakeTimeout set the TLSHandshakeTimeout, which specifies the maximum amount of time waiting to wait for a TLS handshake.
Zero means no timeout.
func (*Transport) SetWriteBufferSize ¶
SetWriteBufferSize set the WriteBufferSize, which specifies the size of the write buffer used when writing to the transport. If zero, a default (currently 4KB) is used.
func (*Transport) WrapRoundTrip ¶
func (t *Transport) WrapRoundTrip(wrappers ...HttpRoundTripWrapper) *Transport
WrapRoundTrip adds a transport middleware function that will give the caller an opportunity to wrap the underlying http.RoundTripper.
func (*Transport) WrapRoundTripFunc ¶
func (t *Transport) WrapRoundTripFunc(funcs ...HttpRoundTripWrapperFunc) *Transport
WrapRoundTripFunc adds a transport middleware function that will give the caller an opportunity to wrap the underlying http.RoundTripper.
type UploadCallback ¶
type UploadCallback func(info UploadInfo)
UploadCallback is the callback which will be invoked during multipart upload.
type UploadInfo ¶
type UploadInfo struct { // parameter name in multipart upload ParamName string // filename in multipart upload FileName string // total file length in bytes. FileSize int64 // uploaded file length in bytes. UploadedSize int64 }
UploadInfo is the information for each UploadCallback call.
Source Files
- client.go
- client_impersonate.go
- client_wrapper.go
- decode.go
- digest.go
- dump.go
- header.go
- http.go
- http_request.go
- logger.go
- middleware.go
- parallel_download.go
- redirect.go
- req.go
- request.go
- request_wrapper.go
- response.go
- retry.go
- roundtrip.go
- server.go
- textproto_reader.go
- trace.go
- transfer.go
- transport.go
- transport_default_other.go
Path | Synopsis |
Package internal contains HTTP internals shared by net/http and net/http/httputil.
Package internal contains HTTP internals shared by net/http and net/http/httputil. |
Package bisect can be used by compilers and other programs to serve as a target for the bisect debugging tool.
Package bisect can be used by compilers and other programs to serve as a target for the bisect debugging tool. |
Package godebug makes the settings in the $GODEBUG environment variable available to other packages.
Package godebug makes the settings in the $GODEBUG environment variable available to other packages. |
Package godebugs provides a table of known GODEBUG settings, for use by a variety of other packages, including internal/godebug, runtime, runtime/metrics, and cmd/go/internal/load.
Package godebugs provides a table of known GODEBUG settings, for use by a variety of other packages, including internal/godebug, runtime, runtime/metrics, and cmd/go/internal/load. |
Package socks provides a SOCKS version 5 client implementation.
Package socks provides a SOCKS version 5 client implementation. |
Package testcert contains a test-only localhost certificate.
Package testcert contains a test-only localhost certificate. |