Swedish Police Feed
Police events service based on Swedish RSS feeds.
Running the server
Install the binary:
go install github.com/sebnyberg/policefeed
The service uses Postgres for persistence. Provide Postgres credentials either as CLI flags, or as Postgres Environment Variables.
For CLI options, run:
policefeed server --help
Example running Postgres on localhost:
policefeed server \
--addr localhost:8080 \
--pgdb dev \
--pgpassword secretpassword \
--pghost localhost \
--pgport 5432 \
--pgsslmode disable \
--pguser myuser
Start the Postgres database with Docker-Compose
docker-compose up -d
Run the server
go run main.go server
Legal considerations
As per the Police website:
Du får använda våra RSS-flöden på din egen webbplats under förutsättning att det tydligt framgår att polisen är källan och att du länkar till artikeln på polisen.se. Det är inte tillåtet att använda polisens logotyp.
Or in English:
You may use our RSS-feeds in your own application given that it is made clear that the police is the source, and that the article at polisen.se is linked to. It is forbidden to use the police logo.
As per the MIT license, I waive any liability in the event that you misuse this software. The default configuration should be conservative enough to avoid undue pressure on the Police's servers.