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Published: Oct 30, 2023 License: ISC Imports: 18 Imported by: 0



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Package fullblocktests provides a set of full block tests to be used for testing the consensus validation rules. The tests are intended to be flexible enough to allow both unit-style tests directly against the blockchain code as well as integration style tests over the peer-to-peer network. To achieve that goal, each test contains additional information about the expected result, however that information can be ignored when doing comparison tests between two independent versions over the peer-to-peer network.

This package has intentionally been designed so it can be used as a standalone package for any projects needing to test their implementation against a full set of blocks that exercise the consensus validation rules.

Installation and Updating

This package is part of the github.com/sebitt27/dcrd/blockchain/v5 module. Use the standard go tooling for working with modules to incorporate it.


Package fullblocktests is licensed under the copyfree ISC License.



Package fullblocktests provides a set of block consensus validation tests.

All of the generated test instances involve full blocks that are to be used for testing the consensus validation rules. The tests are intended to be flexible enough to allow both unit-style tests directly against the blockchain code as well as integration style tests over the peer-to-peer network. To achieve that goal, each test contains additional information about the expected result, however that information can be ignored when doing comparison tests between two independent versions over the peer-to-peer network.

This package has intentionally been designed so it can be used as a standalone package for any projects needing to test their implementation against a full set of blocks that exercise the consensus validation rules.



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const (
	// ErrDuplicateBlock indicates a block with the same hash already exists.
	ErrDuplicateBlock = ErrorKind("ErrDuplicateBlock")

	// ErrBlockTooBig indicates the serialized block size exceeds the maximum
	// allowed size.
	ErrBlockTooBig = ErrorKind("ErrBlockTooBig")

	// ErrWrongBlockSize indicates that the block size in the header is not the
	// actual serialized size of the block.
	ErrWrongBlockSize = ErrorKind("ErrWrongBlockSize")

	// ErrInvalidTime indicates the time in the passed block has a precision
	// that is more than one second.  The chain consensus rules require
	// timestamps to have a maximum precision of one second.
	ErrInvalidTime = ErrorKind("ErrInvalidTime")

	// ErrTimeTooOld indicates the time is either before the median time of the
	// last several blocks per the chain consensus rules or prior to the most
	// recent checkpoint.
	ErrTimeTooOld = ErrorKind("ErrTimeTooOld")

	// ErrTimeTooNew indicates the time is too far in the future as compared the
	// current time.
	ErrTimeTooNew = ErrorKind("ErrTimeTooNew")

	// ErrUnexpectedDifficulty indicates specified bits do not align with the
	// expected value either because it doesn't match the calculated value based
	// on difficulty regarding the rules or it is out of the valid range.
	ErrUnexpectedDifficulty = ErrorKind("ErrUnexpectedDifficulty")

	// ErrHighHash indicates the block does not hash to a value which is lower
	// than the required target difficultly.
	ErrHighHash = ErrorKind("ErrHighHash")

	// ErrBadMerkleRoot indicates the calculated merkle root does not match the
	// expected value.
	ErrBadMerkleRoot = ErrorKind("ErrBadMerkleRoot")

	// ErrNoTransactions indicates the block does not have at least one
	// transaction.  A valid block must have at least the coinbase transaction.
	ErrNoTransactions = ErrorKind("ErrNoTransactions")

	// ErrNoTxInputs indicates a transaction does not have any inputs.  A valid
	// transaction must have at least one input.
	ErrNoTxInputs = ErrorKind("ErrNoTxInputs")

	// ErrNoTxOutputs indicates a transaction does not have any outputs.  A
	// valid transaction must have at least one output.
	ErrNoTxOutputs = ErrorKind("ErrNoTxOutputs")

	// ErrBadTxOutValue indicates an output value for a transaction is invalid
	// in some way such as being out of range.
	ErrBadTxOutValue = ErrorKind("ErrBadTxOutValue")

	// ErrDuplicateTxInputs indicates a transaction references the same input
	// more than once.
	ErrDuplicateTxInputs = ErrorKind("ErrDuplicateTxInputs")

	// ErrBadTxInput indicates a transaction input is invalid in some way such
	// as referencing a previous transaction outpoint which is out of range or
	// not referencing one at all.
	ErrBadTxInput = ErrorKind("ErrBadTxInput")

	// ErrMissingTxOut indicates a transaction output referenced by an input
	// either does not exist or has already been spent.
	ErrMissingTxOut = ErrorKind("ErrMissingTxOut")

	// ErrUnfinalizedTx indicates a transaction has not been finalized.  A valid
	// block may only contain finalized transactions.
	ErrUnfinalizedTx = ErrorKind("ErrUnfinalizedTx")

	// ErrDuplicateTx indicates a block contains an identical transaction (or at
	// least two transactions which hash to the same value).  A valid block may
	// only contain unique transactions.
	ErrDuplicateTx = ErrorKind("ErrDuplicateTx")

	// ErrImmatureSpend indicates a transaction is attempting to spend a
	// coinbase that has not yet reached the required maturity.
	ErrImmatureSpend = ErrorKind("ErrImmatureSpend")

	// ErrSpendTooHigh indicates a transaction is attempting to spend more value
	// than the sum of all of its inputs.
	ErrSpendTooHigh = ErrorKind("ErrSpendTooHigh")

	// ErrTooManySigOps indicates the total number of signature operations for a
	// transaction or block exceed the maximum allowed limits.
	ErrTooManySigOps = ErrorKind("ErrTooManySigOps")

	// ErrFirstTxNotCoinbase indicates the first transaction in a block is not a
	// coinbase transaction.
	ErrFirstTxNotCoinbase = ErrorKind("ErrFirstTxNotCoinbase")

	// ErrCoinbaseHeight indicates that the encoded height in the coinbase is
	// incorrect.
	ErrCoinbaseHeight = ErrorKind("ErrCoinbaseHeight")

	// ErrMultipleCoinbases indicates a block contains more than one coinbase
	// transaction.
	ErrMultipleCoinbases = ErrorKind("ErrMultipleCoinbases")

	// ErrStakeTxInRegularTree indicates a stake transaction was found in the
	// regular transaction tree.
	ErrStakeTxInRegularTree = ErrorKind("ErrStakeTxInRegularTree")

	// ErrRegTxInStakeTree indicates that a regular transaction was found in the
	// stake transaction tree.
	ErrRegTxInStakeTree = ErrorKind("ErrRegTxInStakeTree")

	// ErrBadCoinbaseScriptLen indicates the length of the signature script for
	// a coinbase transaction is not within the valid range.
	ErrBadCoinbaseScriptLen = ErrorKind("ErrBadCoinbaseScriptLen")

	// ErrBadCoinbaseValue indicates the amount of a coinbase value does not
	// match the expected value of the subsidy plus the sum of all fees.
	ErrBadCoinbaseValue = ErrorKind("ErrBadCoinbaseValue")

	// ErrBadCoinbaseFraudProof indicates that the fraud proof for a coinbase
	// input was non-null.
	ErrBadCoinbaseFraudProof = ErrorKind("ErrBadCoinbaseFraudProof")

	// ErrBadCoinbaseAmountIn indicates that the AmountIn (=subsidy) for a
	// coinbase input was incorrect.
	ErrBadCoinbaseAmountIn = ErrorKind("ErrBadCoinbaseAmountIn")

	// ErrBadStakebaseAmountIn indicates that the AmountIn (=subsidy) for a
	// stakebase input was incorrect.
	ErrBadStakebaseAmountIn = ErrorKind("ErrBadStakebaseAmountIn")

	// ErrBadStakebaseScriptLen indicates the length of the signature script for
	// a stakebase transaction is not within the valid range.
	ErrBadStakebaseScriptLen = ErrorKind("ErrBadStakebaseScriptLen")

	// ErrBadStakebaseScrVal indicates the signature script for a stakebase
	// transaction was not set to the network consensus value.
	ErrBadStakebaseScrVal = ErrorKind("ErrBadStakebaseScrVal")

	// ErrScriptMalformed indicates a transaction script is malformed in some
	// way.  For example, it might be longer than the maximum allowed length or
	// fail to parse.
	ErrScriptMalformed = ErrorKind("ErrScriptMalformed")

	// ErrScriptValidation indicates the result of executing a transaction
	// script failed.  The error covers any failure when executing scripts such
	// as signature verification failures and execution past the end of the
	// stack.
	ErrScriptValidation = ErrorKind("ErrScriptValidation")

	// ErrNotEnoughStake indicates that there was for some SStx in a given
	// block, the given SStx did not have enough stake to meet the network
	// target.
	ErrNotEnoughStake = ErrorKind("ErrNotEnoughStake")

	// ErrStakeBelowMinimum indicates that for some SStx in a given block, the
	// given SStx had an amount of stake below the minimum network target.
	ErrStakeBelowMinimum = ErrorKind("ErrStakeBelowMinimum")

	// ErrNotEnoughVotes indicates that a block contained less than a majority
	// of voters.
	ErrNotEnoughVotes = ErrorKind("ErrNotEnoughVotes")

	// ErrTooManyVotes indicates that a block contained more than the maximum
	// allowable number of votes.
	ErrTooManyVotes = ErrorKind("ErrTooManyVotes")

	// ErrFreshStakeMismatch indicates that a block's header contained a
	// different number of SStx as compared to what was found in the block.
	ErrFreshStakeMismatch = ErrorKind("ErrFreshStakeMismatch")

	// ErrInvalidEarlyStakeTx indicates that a tx type other than SStx was found
	// in the stake tx tree before the period when stake validation begins, or
	// before the stake tx type could possibly be included in the block.
	ErrInvalidEarlyStakeTx = ErrorKind("ErrInvalidEarlyStakeTx")

	// ErrTicketUnavailable indicates that a vote in the block spent a ticket
	// that could not be found.
	ErrTicketUnavailable = ErrorKind("ErrTicketUnavailable")

	// ErrVotesOnWrongBlock indicates that an SSGen voted on a block that is not
	// the block's parent, and so was ineligible for inclusion into that block.
	ErrVotesOnWrongBlock = ErrorKind("ErrVotesOnWrongBlock")

	// ErrVotesMismatch indicates that the number of SSGen in the block was not
	// equivalent to the number of votes provided in the block header.
	ErrVotesMismatch = ErrorKind("ErrVotesMismatch")

	// ErrIncongruentVotebit indicates that the first votebit in votebits was
	// not the same as that determined by the majority of voters in the SSGen tx
	// included in the block.
	ErrIncongruentVotebit = ErrorKind("ErrIncongruentVotebit")

	// ErrInvalidSSRtx indicates than an SSRtx in a block could not be found to
	// have a valid missed sstx input as per the stake ticket database.
	ErrInvalidSSRtx = ErrorKind("ErrInvalidSSRtx")

	// ErrInvalidRevNum indicates that the number of revocations from the header
	// was not the same as the number of SSRtx included in the block.
	ErrRevocationsMismatch = ErrorKind("ErrRevocationsMismatch")

	// ErrTicketCommitment indicates that a ticket commitment contains an amount
	// that does not coincide with the associated ticket input amount.
	ErrTicketCommitment = ErrorKind("ErrTicketCommitment")

	// ErrBadNumPayees indicates that either a vote or revocation transaction
	// does not make the correct number of payments per the associated ticket
	// commitments.
	ErrBadNumPayees = ErrorKind("ErrBadNumPayees")

	// ErrBadPayeeScriptType indicates that either a vote or revocation
	// transaction output that corresponds to a ticket commitment does not pay
	// to the hash required by the commitment.
	ErrMismatchedPayeeHash = ErrorKind("ErrMismatchedPayeeHash")

	// ErrBadPayeeValue indicates that either a vote or revocation transaction
	// output that corresponds to a ticket commitment does not pay the expected
	// amount required by the commitment.
	ErrBadPayeeValue = ErrorKind("ErrBadPayeeValue")

	// ErrTxSStxOutSpend indicates that a non SSGen or SSRtx tx attempted to
	// spend an OP_SSTX tagged output from an SStx.
	ErrTxSStxOutSpend = ErrorKind("ErrTxSStxOutSpend")

	// ErrRegTxCreateStakeOut indicates that a regular tx attempted to create a
	// stake tagged output.
	ErrRegTxCreateStakeOut = ErrorKind("ErrRegTxCreateStakeOut")

	// ErrInvalidFinalState indicates that the final state of the PRNG included
	// in the block differed from the calculated final state.
	ErrInvalidFinalState = ErrorKind("ErrInvalidFinalState")

	// ErrPoolSize indicates an error in the ticket pool size for this block.
	ErrPoolSize = ErrorKind("ErrPoolSize")

	// ErrBadBlockHeight indicates that a block header's embedded block height
	// was different from where it was actually embedded in the block chain.
	ErrBadBlockHeight = ErrorKind("ErrBadBlockHeight")

	// ErrBlockOneOutputs indicates that block height 1 failed to incorporate
	// the ledger addresses correctly into the transaction's outputs.
	ErrBlockOneOutputs = ErrorKind("ErrBlockOneOutputs")

	// ErrNoTreasury indicates that there was no treasury payout present in the
	// coinbase of a block after height 1 and prior to the activation of the
	// decentralized treasury.
	ErrNoTreasury = ErrorKind("ErrNoTreasury")

	// ErrExpiredTx indicates that the transaction is currently expired.
	ErrExpiredTx = ErrorKind("ErrExpiredTx")

	// ErrFraudAmountIn indicates the witness amount given was fraudulent.
	ErrFraudAmountIn = ErrorKind("ErrFraudAmountIn")

	// ErrFraudBlockHeight indicates the witness block height given was
	// fraudulent.
	ErrFraudBlockHeight = ErrorKind("ErrFraudBlockHeight")

	// ErrFraudBlockIndex indicates the witness block index given was
	// fraudulent.
	ErrFraudBlockIndex = ErrorKind("ErrFraudBlockIndex")

	// ErrInvalidEarlyVoteBits indicates that a block before stake validation
	// height had an unallowed vote bits value.
	ErrInvalidEarlyVoteBits = ErrorKind("ErrInvalidEarlyVoteBits")

	// ErrInvalidEarlyFinalState indicates that a block before stake validation
	// height had a non-zero final state.
	ErrInvalidEarlyFinalState = ErrorKind("ErrInvalidEarlyFinalState")

These constants are used to identify a specific ErrorKind.


This section is empty.


func Generate

func Generate(includeLargeReorg bool) (tests [][]TestInstance, err error)

Generate returns a slice of tests that can be used to exercise the consensus validation rules. The tests are intended to be flexible enough to allow both unit-style tests directly against the blockchain code as well as integration-style tests over the peer-to-peer network. To achieve that goal, each test contains additional information about the expected result, however that information can be ignored when doing comparison tests between to independent versions over the peer-to-peer network.


type AcceptedBlock

type AcceptedBlock struct {
	Name        string
	Block       *wire.MsgBlock
	IsMainChain bool
	IsOrphan    bool

AcceptedBlock defines a test instance that expects a block to be accepted to the blockchain either by extending the main chain, on a side chain, or as an orphan.

func (AcceptedBlock) FullBlockTestInstance

func (b AcceptedBlock) FullBlockTestInstance()

FullBlockTestInstance only exists to allow AcceptedBlock to be treated as a TestInstance.

This implements the TestInstance interface.

type ErrorKind

type ErrorKind string

ErrorKind identifies a kind of error. It has full support for errors.Is and errors.As, so the caller can directly check against an error kind when determining the reason for an error.

func (ErrorKind) Error

func (e ErrorKind) Error() string

Error satisfies the error interface and prints human-readable errors.

type ExpectedTip

type ExpectedTip struct {
	Name  string
	Block *wire.MsgBlock

ExpectedTip defines a test instance that expects a block to be the current tip of the main chain.

func (ExpectedTip) FullBlockTestInstance

func (b ExpectedTip) FullBlockTestInstance()

FullBlockTestInstance only exists to allow ExpectedTip to be treated as a TestInstance.

This implements the TestInstance interface.

type OrphanOrRejectedBlock

type OrphanOrRejectedBlock struct {
	Name  string
	Block *wire.MsgBlock

OrphanOrRejectedBlock defines a test instance that expects a block to either be accepted as an orphan or rejected. This is useful since some implementations might optimize the immediate rejection of orphan blocks when their parent was previously rejected, while others might accept it as an orphan that eventually gets flushed (since the parent can never be accepted to ultimately link it).

func (OrphanOrRejectedBlock) FullBlockTestInstance

func (b OrphanOrRejectedBlock) FullBlockTestInstance()

FullBlockTestInstance only exists to allow OrphanOrRejectedBlock to be treated as a TestInstance.

This implements the TestInstance interface.

type RejectedBlock

type RejectedBlock struct {
	Name       string
	Block      *wire.MsgBlock
	RejectKind ErrorKind

RejectedBlock defines a test instance that expects a block to be rejected by the blockchain consensus rules.

func (RejectedBlock) FullBlockTestInstance

func (b RejectedBlock) FullBlockTestInstance()

FullBlockTestInstance only exists to allow RejectedBlock to be treated as a TestInstance.

This implements the TestInstance interface.

type RejectedNonCanonicalBlock

type RejectedNonCanonicalBlock struct {
	Name     string
	RawBlock []byte
	Height   int32

RejectedNonCanonicalBlock defines a test instance that expects a serialized block that is not canonical and therefore should be rejected.

func (RejectedNonCanonicalBlock) FullBlockTestInstance

func (b RejectedNonCanonicalBlock) FullBlockTestInstance()

FullBlockTestInstance only exists to allow RejectedNonCanonicalBlock to be treated as a TestInstance.

This implements the TestInstance interface.

type RuleError

type RuleError struct {
	Err         error
	Description string

RuleError identifies a rule violation. It is used to indicate that processing of a block or transaction failed due to one of the many validation rules. It has full support for errors.Is and errors.As, so the caller can ascertain the specific reason for the rule violation.

func (RuleError) Error

func (e RuleError) Error() string

Error satisfies the error interface and prints human-readable errors.

func (RuleError) Unwrap

func (e RuleError) Unwrap() error

Unwrap returns the underlying wrapped error.

type TestInstance

type TestInstance interface {

TestInstance is an interface that describes a specific test instance returned by the tests generated in this package. It should be type asserted to one of the concrete test instance types in order to test accordingly.

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