The code in this repository is a set of Ginkgo
and Gomega based integration tests that execute commands using the sealer CLI.
Before you run the tests, you'll need a sealer binary in your machine executable path and install docker. Follow the
instructions here to get one.
Run the Tests
To run a single test or set of tests, you'll need the Ginkgo tool installed on your
go install github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo@v1.16.2
To install Sealer and prepare the test environment:
#build sealer source code to binary for local e2e-test in containers
git clone https://github.com/sealerio/sealer.git
cd sealer/ && make build-in-docker
cp _output/bin/sealer/linux_amd64/sealer /usr/local/bin
#prepare test environment
export REGISTRY_URL={your registry}
export REGISTRY_USERNAME={user name}
export REGISTRY_PASSWORD={password}
#default test image name: docker.io/sealerio/kubernetes:v1-22-15-sealerio-2
export IMAGE_NAME={test image name}
To execute the entire test suite:
cd sealer && ginkgo test
You can then use the --focus
option to run subsets of the test suite:
ginkgo --focus="sealer login" test
You can then use the -v
option to print out default reporter as all specs begin:
ginkgo -v test
More ginkgo helpful info see:
ginkgo --help