Terraform Advanced Patcher, aka. TAP, is a tool to patch Terraform file.
This tool is maintained by Seal.
In some cases, consuming native Terraform Override
can complete some additional expansion, like overriding a nested block or changing a predefined attribute, but the
capabilities are limited. For example, it is not possible to conditionally make changes to top-level blocks of the same
resource/data type, delete certain (nested) blocks or attributes.
TAP is designed to satisfy the above features.
As we all know, the HCL used
by Terraform supports JSON syntax. Therefore, TAP can be
implemented using JSON patching.
The patching mode of Terraform Override looks
like JSON Merge Patch, RFC 7386, but TAP is working
as JSON Patch, RFC 6902.
For a comparison of JSON patch and JSON merge patch,
see JSON Patch and JSON Merge Patch.
Although TAP and Terraform Override path in different ways, they have one thing in same, that is, top-level
blocks cannot be deleted. The core reason is that top-level blocks can
configure Meta-Argument or participate in the
configuration of Meta-Argument. Directly
deleting a top-level block will cause many problems.
TAP is not a complete JSON patch
for Terraform JSON Configuration SyntaxThe original
JSON path needs its operation to have exactly one "path" member, which values with
a JSON Pointer, but TAP implements limited
operations: add
, remove
, and replace
, and also introduces a new operation: set
# tap.hcl
tap {
path_syntax = "json_pointer"
resource "kubernetes_deployment" {
type_alias = ["kubernetes_deployment_v1"]
add {
path = "/metadata/0/labels/new-label"
value = "new-label-value"
remove {
path = "/metadata/0/labels/old-label"
replace {
path = "/spec/0/template/0/spec/0/replicas"
value = "2"
set {
path = "/spec/0/selector/0"
value {
match_labels = local.selectors
TAP recognizes the path syntax according to the path_syntax
attribute in the tap
block, in which the default
value is json_pointer
. We are going to support more path syntax in the future.
TAP, at present, only supports patching resource
and data
blocks, and filters out the target blocks by type_alias
or name_match
# tap.hcl
tap {
path_syntax = "json_pointer"
resource "kubernetes_deployment" {
type_alias = ["kubernetes_deployment_v1"]
name_match = ["nginx"]
# ... operations
data "kubernetes_config_map" {
type_alias = ["kubernetes_config_map_v1"]
name_match = ["nginx"]
# ... operations
TAP also allows ignoring error if patching fails, and it can be configured by the continue_on_error
attribute in the tap
# tap.hcl
tap {
continue_on_error = true # global
path_syntax = "json_pointer"
resource "kubernetes_deployment" {
continue_on_error = false # local
type_alias = ["kubernetes_deployment_v1"]
# ... operations
TAP is a wrapper to Terraform or OpenTofu, you can simplify
alias TAP as tf
, and use it as a drop-in replacement for Terraform or OpenTofu.
TAP is not a fork of Terraform or OpenTofu, so you still need to install the CLI
of Terraform
or OpenTofu
at first.
$ go install github.com/seal-io/tap/cmd/tap@latest
$ mv "${GOPATH}"/bin/tap "${GOPATH}"/bin/tf
$ tf --version
Put the tap.hcl
file in the same directory as the main.tf
file, and then execute tf plan
or tf apply
to see the effect.
Example YouTube Overview

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