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Published: Nov 27, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 21 Imported by: 1


XPath Interpreter for YANG


'xpath' and subdirectories contain an XPath parser / interpreter, intended primarily for use with YANG

It is inspired by the HOC (high order calculator) program in The Unix Programming Environment by Kernighan and Pike which implements a parser that creates an intermediate machine, albeit in C.

Reference should also be made to the 'expr' YACC-based calculator in the Go language source distribution which shows how to implement YACC in Go. This provided a useful reference point for getting started with YACC in Go!

Overview of functionality

Processing of YANG statements containing XPATH syntax can be split into the following parts:

  • grammars (EBNF description of valid syntax)
  • lexing (breaking up XPATH statement into tokens)
  • parsing (verifying XPATH statement complies with expected grammar)
  • creation of runnable machine (series of instructions that implement the XPATH statement)
  • running the machine

Lexing and parsing are interlinked as they both stem from the grammar that defines what tokens are expected and what syntax is valid. Separately, parsing and creation of the runnable machine overlap, as the machine is constructed as the XPATH statement is parsed,

Each of these parts is described in the following sections.


Multiple grammars are used for YANG XPATH statements, as each uses a different subset of XPATH. Each one is a representation of the EBNF description from either the XPATH RFC, or the YANG RFC converted to a format compatible with YACC. Specifically, this requires work for repetitive constructs such as '1*' and '+'.

Note on grammar file format
  • Some tokens have been given their own productions (eg '/', '//') so that it is possible to encode them in the sequence they are presented as separate entities to other path components before and after them when included in a group of items matching a production.

  • Actions are obviously not specified in the XPATH spec. They are described in detail in the section on creating machines.

  • While action code doesn't need trailing ';', being Go code, it makes auto-formatting with Emacs Bison-mode work properly if you add them. Similarly, unlike many YACC examples, NO other code is present in any of the '.y' files as you can't (easily) run gofmt on it. Instead all Go code other than the immediate actions to be taken for each production is in separate .go files.

when and must - grammars/expr/xpath.y

This is a rendering of the EBNF grammar in the XPATH 1.0 spec, converted to YACC format. It does not implement variables, and adds an extra current() function to the base functions in XPATH. It is used for 'when' and 'must' statements.

The YACC grammar is as close to the document spec as possible, though the order has been changed so all the Path-related productions come after Expr, which is the sensible starting point.

leafref / path - grammars/leafref/leafref.y

This is the implementation of the 'path-arg' EBNF in section 12 of RFC 6020 that is used by the 'path' statement (a substatement of 'leafref').

It's essentially a very cut-down version of full XPATH that just deals with paths (with or without predicates indicating a key/value pair).

instance-identifier - grammars/instid/instid.y

(Not implemented at time of writing ...)

This is the implementation of the 'instance-identifier' EBNF in section 12 of RFC 6020 that is used by the 'instance-identifier' statement in YANG.

It is a similar subset of XPATH to leafref/path, but predicates may specify either position or a key/value pair.


Lexing functionality is split into the CommonLex(er) object that performs the default lexing of all tokens required by each of the various supported grammars, and specific Lexers for each individual grammar where functionality diverges from the common base.



  • lexer.go
  • xutils/tokens.go
  • grammars/lexertest/lexer_test.go

(These could probably sensibly be moved (first 2) to 'grammars', and possibly this directory could be renamed as lexer.)

This is a pretty straightforward lexer that implements lexing of all the tokens specified in XPATH 1.0 (and associated docs eg for QNames). Specifically it takes care of the disambiguation rules in XPATH 1.0 Section 3.7. Note that token values (if not the direct ASCII value) are defined in tokens.go, and each lexer has mappings to/from its value for each token (these are auto-generated by YACC and so it is not possible to have a commmon set of values).

It is designed with specialisation in mind, and the CommonLex object and XpathLexer interface allow for this.

lexer_test.go provides generic test support functions. Actual testing is farmed out to the specific grammars for 2 reasons:

  • Some tokens / processing is grammar-specific

  • Initial implementation went hand-in-hand with the 'xpath.y' grammar, which covers almost all the functionality anyway, so rather than break up that test, expr_lexer_test.go in the grammars/expr directory covers essentially all the generic testing needed.



  • expr_lexer.go
  • expr_lexer_test.go

As 'expr' is the original implementation, and most complete, subset of XPATH, the tests here cover the generic lexer code as well. The only functionality specific to this lexer is really just the token mapping and wrapper around machine creation.



  • leafref_lexer.go
  • leafref_lexer_test.go

Leafref uses a small subset of the full XPATH grammar, and we need to override a few of the CommonLex functions:

  • LexName as we need to deal with only allowing 'current' as a function (no others supported), and not allowing names to be prefixed with 'XML' (any case).
  • LexNum: no standalone numbers allowed (only as part of names)
  • LexDot: only DOTDOT, not '.'
  • LexPunctuation: restrict punctuation symbols allowed

Parser and Machine Creation

Due to the magic of YACC, there's really very litte explicit parsing code. What we add are the 'action' functions called when a production in the grammar is matched.


  • machine.go
  • symbol[_test].go
  • various parser_tests.go files
  • program[_test].go
  • inst.go
  • path_elem.go
  • datum[_test].go
  • xutils/path_type.go


  • inst
  • stackable interface [datum / path_elem implement this]
  • Machine
  • symbol
  • ProgramBuilder
Parser Actions

All the parser actions create functions that can be run later to implement the XPATH statement. All these functions may only take a Context object as their parameter when run, so they are generated as closures that contain the relevant extra data needed. The functions are all stored in a ProgramBuilder object that contains an Inst object per function.

When run, each function may push data to the stack, pop one or more data elements from the stack, or both. Each element on the stack is of the 'stackable' interface, being either a datum or path_elem concrete type. They take one of two forms in the YACC files.

Either they are a direct function call that typically takes the token value, generates a closure that encapsulates that value, and then call CodeFn with the generated function:


... or they cause a function that operates off stack data alone to be added to the machine in which case we can pass the function directly to CodeFn:

	getProgBldr(leafreflex).LRefEquals, "lrefEquals");

Note the use of the getProgBldr() function. This is used to access the ProgramBuilder object in the lexer in a way that allows the parser to be re-entrant.

The following sections describe each group of functions:

Push data to stack

These are all called directly as they generate closures to push the data element in question onto the stack at the appropriate point in the generated machine's execution:

  • CodeLiteral (strings contained in quotes)
  • CodeNum (numbers)
  • CodePathOper ('/', '.', '..' etc)
  • CodeNameTest (names that are part of paths)
Basic Operations

These are all simple operations that operate off data on the stack:

  • Or / And / Eq / Ne / LT / LE / GE / GT
  • add / sub / mul / div / mod
  • negate
  • union
Built-in Functions

All the core functions in XPATH 1.0 are defined in symbol.go. This file effectively has 2 parts - creation of the symbol table so the parser can identify valid function names, and the function definitions which are used when executing the machine. Additionally there is the 'current()' function which is unique to YANG.

  • built-ins (XPATH core function set)
  • current()
Custom functions

These functions perform more complex data manipulation operations which are required to calculate intermediate or final results. Several make use of various fields in the Context structure to control their behaviour:

  • pathOperPushes: each NameTest and PathElem object pushed to the stack increment this counter
  • stackedNodesets: see description of EvalLocPath() below
Function Description
Store Used to transfer the final result off the stack into the Context structure for later retrieval. Note that it is an error if the stack is not empty following this operation.
EvalLocPath This takes a set of stacked path operations and generates a nodeset that is pushed onto the stack. In the absence of a 'stackedNodeset', the starting point is the context node.
FilterExprEnd Checks that the top of the stack contains a nodeset, and increments so that subsequent path operations know to use the nodeset as a starting point for createNodeset() to work on. Note that this function is only used for compound filter expressions, ie those that form part of a longer sub-expression. Simple filter expressions followed by whitespace or operators should not call this function.
CodePredStart Creates a new 'sub' program in which to construct the machine to implement the predicate
CodePredEnd Takes the sub-program and bundles it up into a closure that is embedded into the parent program (which now becomes the current program under construction again.)
LRefPredStart Maps directly to EvalLocPath, but to aid debugging, it is useful to see it called out as a Leafref predicate start operation.
LRefPredEnd This function evaluates a leafref predicate. When run, the stack will contain (a) Nodeset: set of nodes indicated by path up to '[' at start of predicate, (b) Key: key name to filter nodeset on, (c) Path: set of path operations that should resolve to a single leaf instance to give the value for the key. The function first converts (c) to the value by calling EvalLocPath(), performing various sanity checks, and extracting the value. Next, it calls FilterNodeset() to apply the key/value filter to it. Finally, the result is pushed to the stack and 'stackedNodesets' is incremented. This means that the next EvalLocPath() call will pick up this nodeset as its starting point, so if the predicate is followed by further path operations, those will start with this nodeset, not the current context node. Note that we will always consume the stackedNodeset before we next process a key/value pair (LRefPredStart will do this) and so we are guaranteed that when we evaluate the value, we will be starting from the current context node. This means we don't have to explicitly stack '.' / 'current()'.
LRefEquals Used to reset the pathOperPushes count when we encounter the '=' sign in a LeafRef/Path predicate. This allows the preceding key name to be stacked as a NameTest rather than have special handling to avoid pathOperPushes being incremented. Alternatively you could have special handling for that and avoid this operation, but when debugging it's quite nice to be able to explicitly see the '=' operation called out.

Running the Machine


  • datum[_test].go
  • machine[_test].go
  • parser_test.go
  • symbol[_test].go
  • xpath_node.go
  • xpath[_node]_test.go


  • Inst
  • Context
  • Stackable (datum / pathElem)
  • Machine
  • Result

To run a machine, you need to provide the current 'context' aka location in the config tree. This allows the machine to know at what point in the config tree it is being run, so that relative path operations make sense.

The context provided to the machine.Execute() function must comply with the XPathNode interface which has navigation and value functions. It is stored in an internal context structure which contains a stack (consisting of Stackable objects) for the current invocation of the machine. As each instruction is run, the stack grows and shrinks. It is possible to dump the machine to screen when testing, and also dump the sequence of instructions and current stack at each stage to the configd log when COMMIT_DEBUG is set.

If the machine fails to run, a panic is raised by the context object which is caught by machine.Execute() and converted into an error. This avoids the need for endless cleaning up on error - we can pop straight up to report the error.

If the machine runs to completion, a Result object is returned. This holds the result as a datum object of the type of the result. There are methods on Result to convert this to any of the 4 basic XPATH types, as required.

An aside on XPATH Types and type-checking

XPATH has 4 native types - nodesets, boolean, number and literal (aka string). Each core function may take one or more type, or may take an object indicating it can take any of the 4 types. To avoid a production for every single function, all the core functions have the same prototype which takes a slice of datum objects (datum represents stack items and more generally data items).

A datum object can represent any of the 4 types (and various other data types).

Type-checking is done via various mechanisms, separately for arguments and return types. When symbols are registered, they register argument and return types. When running a machine, there is an option to validate it, which we do in UT only. This means that every time a function is called, we compare registered argument types with those specified in the function definitions. We also verify the return type is as expected. This isn't foolproof as both sets of specifications could be wrong, but at least the arg types are defined within the function body.

Another aside, this time on Nodesets

XPATH expects a specific relationship between YANG nodes when performing operations such as Parent / Child that doesn't match our internal representation. Specifically there are 2 main differences:

  • Lists: XPATH expects an array of list entries (each containing all key values), with children for each element including key / tag nodes. We model this as an array of list entries with the single key we allow, with children only for non-tagnode elements.
  • Leaves/LeafLists: XPATH expects an array of node(s) with values. We model a top level LeafEntry / LeafListEntry, with child(ren) LeafValue nodes.

The XPATH implementation assumes data is presented according to the XPATH model. It is up to the specific implementation of XpathNode to hide any divergence from us!

To test our implementation, xpath_node_test.go implements a representation of the config tree without needing to reference schema etc. Separately, Diff.Node implements the version we need to actually use XPath, and has test code that verifies it behaves as expected.

Building XPATH code

You need to tell go to explicitly run 'go yacc'. You do this by first embedding the instructions into a file (I chose lexer.go): //go:generate -command yacc go tool yacc //go:generate yacc -o xpath.go -p "expr" xpath.y

... and then calling 'go generate '. Hence the go generate call in 'rules'. I also added the new unit tests to the mix.

Debugging XPATH code

Production Code

At a high level, you will get error messages if an XPATH statement cannot be compiled, explaining the problem, whether it is due to as-yet-unsupported functionality or a syntax error, and an '[X]' to mark roughly where in the expression the problem lies.

Assuming therefore that you have got past that stage, debugging is related either to a machine failing to run, or due to an unexpected result.

When a machine fails to run to completion, a panic is generated and the error will be reported. This should be close to impossible to happen as if a statement compiles, then it would be expected to run to completion. However, if it fails, need to clarify how this is reported


If you get an unexpected result, then you need to enable COMMIT_DEBUG and look at the log. You will get a full dump of each instruction and current stack state. This is noisy as right now there is no filtering, so use with caution.

Code under development (internal debug)

If you need to debug code under development, then a different approach is needed. First, you should only run the single test that is failing, using '-run TestName'. This reduces the noise on the console. Secondly, if your test is passing when it should fail, add a t.Fatalf() call as you will only get fmt.Printf() output if a test fails - otherwise it gets suppressed.

You now need to enable debug on the machine when it is running. For now, this takes a bit of hackery as you need to find the test function (eg CheckNodeSetResult) that is executing the machine and change the 'false' param marked as '/* debug */' to 'true'. You will then get a dump of the machine that you can work through to see where the machine operation diverges from what is expected.




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func CheckAllFunctionsWereTested

func CheckAllFunctionsWereTested() error

func GetProgListing

func GetProgListing(prog Prog, level int) string

func GetSubExpr

func GetSubExpr(expr string, preds int) (retStr string)

Extract relevant predicate from expression - 'preds' indicates which '[' is the starting point.

func NewCtxFromCurrent

func NewCtxFromCurrent(goctx gocontext.Context, mach *Machine, current Entry) *context

func NewCtxFromMach

func NewCtxFromMach(mach *Machine, ctxNode xutils.XpathNode) *context

NewCtxFromMach - return new context in which to run instance of machine.

Use for creating context for top-level machine - machines for nested predicates etc need fine-tuning.

func RegisterCustomFunctions

func RegisterCustomFunctions(customFunctionInfoTbl []CustomFunctionInfo)

func SetDebugLogger

func SetDebugLogger(logger *log.Logger)

func TypeIsBool

func TypeIsBool(d Datum) (bool, string)

func TypeIsDatumSlice added in v0.0.8

func TypeIsDatumSlice(d Datum) (bool, string)

func TypeIsLiteral

func TypeIsLiteral(d Datum) (bool, string)

func TypeIsNodeset

func TypeIsNodeset(d Datum) (bool, string)

func TypeIsNumber

func TypeIsNumber(d Datum) (bool, string)

func TypeIsObject

func TypeIsObject(d Datum) (bool, string)

Allow for invalidDatum here hence default case.


type CommonLex

type CommonLex struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func NewCommonLex

func NewCommonLex(
	line []byte,
	progBldr *ProgBuilder,
	mapFn PfxMapFn,
) CommonLex

func (*CommonLex) AllowCustomFns

func (lexer *CommonLex) AllowCustomFns() *CommonLex

func (*CommonLex) ConstructToken

func (x *CommonLex) ConstructToken(
	c rune,
	tokenMatcher tokenMatcherFn,
	tokenName string,
) bytes.Buffer

Given first character in token and function to identify further elements, return full token and set x.peek to the correct character.

func (*CommonLex) CreateProgram

func (lexer *CommonLex) CreateProgram(expr string) (prog []Inst, err error)

func (*CommonLex) Error

func (x *CommonLex) Error(s string)

The parser calls this method on a parse error. It stores the error in the machine for later retrieval.

func (*CommonLex) GetError

func (lexer *CommonLex) GetError() error

func (*CommonLex) GetLine

func (lexer *CommonLex) GetLine() []byte

func (*CommonLex) GetMapFn

func (lexer *CommonLex) GetMapFn() PfxMapFn

func (*CommonLex) GetProgBldr

func (lexer *CommonLex) GetProgBldr() *ProgBuilder

func (*CommonLex) IsNameChar

func (x *CommonLex) IsNameChar(c rune) bool

func (*CommonLex) IsNameStartChar

func (x *CommonLex) IsNameStartChar(c rune) bool

func (*CommonLex) LexAsterisk

func (x *CommonLex) LexAsterisk() (int, TokVal)

func (*CommonLex) LexColon

func (x *CommonLex) LexColon() (int, TokVal)

func (*CommonLex) LexDot

func (x *CommonLex) LexDot(c rune) (int, TokVal)

func (*CommonLex) LexLiteral

func (x *CommonLex) LexLiteral(quote rune) (int, TokVal)

Lex 'literal' string contained in single or double quotes

func (*CommonLex) LexName

func (x *CommonLex) LexName(c rune) (int, TokVal)

Lex a non-literal name (ie something textual that isn't quoted).

Rules for disambiguating:

(a) If there is a preceding token, and said token is none of '@', '::',

'(', '[', ',' or an Operator, then '*' is the MultiplyOperator and
NCName must be recognised as an OperatorName

(b) If the character following an NCName (possibly after intervening

whitespace) is '(', then the token must be recognized as a NodeType
or FunctionName

(c) If an NCName is followed by '::' (possibly with intervening whitespace)

then the NCName must be recognised as an AxisName

(d) In all other cases, the token must NOT be recognised as a Multiply

Operator, OperatorName, NodeType, FunctionName, or AxisName

func (*CommonLex) LexNum

func (x *CommonLex) LexNum(c rune) (int, TokVal)

Lex a number.

func (*CommonLex) LexPunctuation

func (x *CommonLex) LexPunctuation(c rune) (int, TokVal)

Separated out to allow us to override it.

func (*CommonLex) LexRelationalOperator

func (x *CommonLex) LexRelationalOperator(c rune) (int, TokVal)

func (*CommonLex) LexSlash

func (x *CommonLex) LexSlash() (int, TokVal)

func (*CommonLex) Next

func (x *CommonLex) Next() rune

Return the next rune for the lexer. 'peek' may have been set if we needed to look ahead but then didn't consume the character. In other words, what remains to be parsed when we call Next() is:

x.peek (if not EOF) + x.line

func (*CommonLex) NextNonWhitespace

func (x *CommonLex) NextNonWhitespace() rune

func (*CommonLex) NextNonWhitespaceStringIs

func (x *CommonLex) NextNonWhitespaceStringIs(expr string) bool

Won't handle string containing whitespace. For now we only need this to match '(', '::', ':' and '*'. This assumes the passed in string consists of ASCII bytes

func (*CommonLex) Parse

func (lexer *CommonLex) Parse()

func (*CommonLex) SaveTokenType

func (x *CommonLex) SaveTokenType(tokenType int)

Some parsing will produce different tokens depending on what came before so we need to keep track of this.

func (*CommonLex) SetError

func (lexer *CommonLex) SetError(err error)

func (*CommonLex) SetUserFnChecker

func (lexer *CommonLex) SetUserFnChecker(
	userFnChecker UserCustomFunctionCheckerFn,

type CustomFn

type CustomFn func([]Datum) Datum

type CustomFunctionInfo

type CustomFunctionInfo struct {
	// Function name as used in XPATH must statement.  Lower case and hyphen
	// are only allowed characters.
	Name string
	// Implementation of the function.
	FnPtr CustomFn
	// Arguments (type and number) taken by the function
	Args []DatumTypeChecker
	// Return value type
	RetType DatumTypeChecker
	// Default return value, for use if function panics for any reason.
	DefaultRetVal Datum

Plugins need to provide a table, exported as 'RegistrationData', which is a slice of the following structure.

type Datum

type Datum interface {

	// Return datum value as the type requested, if possible.  All 4
	// base types (bool, literal, number, nodeset) may be converted
	// to bool / literal / number.  Only a nodeset datum can take
	// nodeset form - you cannot convert to it.
	// 'context' is a string that is added to the panic error message if
	// the conversion fails for any reason.
	Boolean(context string) bool
	Literal(context string) string
	Nodeset(context string) []xutils.XpathNode
	Number(context string) float64
	DatumSlice(context string) []Datum
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

func NewBoolDatum

func NewBoolDatum(boolVal bool) Datum

func NewDatumSliceDatum added in v0.0.8

func NewDatumSliceDatum(ds []Datum) Datum

func NewInvalidDatum

func NewInvalidDatum() Datum

func NewLiteralDatum

func NewLiteralDatum(lit string) Datum

func NewNodesetDatum

func NewNodesetDatum(nodes []xutils.XpathNode) Datum

func NewNumDatum

func NewNumDatum(val float64) Datum

type DatumTypeChecker

type DatumTypeChecker func(d Datum) (bool, string)

For type checking the likes of return values for built-in functions. string provides a name to identify the type that has or hasn't been matched. Purely for debug

type Entry added in v0.0.6

type Entry interface {
	GetValue() (Datum, error)
	Navigate(path []string) (Entry, error)
	Copy() Entry
	FollowLeafRef() (lrefentry Entry, err error)
	GetPath() []string

type Inst

type Inst struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (Inst) String

func (i Inst) String() string

type Machine

type Machine struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewMachine

func NewMachine(expr string, prog []Inst, name string) *Machine

func NewMachineWithLocation

func NewMachineWithLocation(
	expr, location string,
	prog []Inst,
	name string,
) *Machine

func (*Machine) AllowedValues

func (mach *Machine) AllowedValues(
	ctxNode xutils.XpathNode,
	debug bool,
) ([]string, error)

Wrapper around a machine that will return the set of values. If empty, must return []string{} not nil or TmplGetAllowed will barf with the likes of 'wrong return type for TmplGetAllowed got <nil> expecting []string'.

func (*Machine) GetExpr

func (mach *Machine) GetExpr() string

func (*Machine) GetLocation

func (mach *Machine) GetLocation() string

func (*Machine) PrintMachine

func (mach *Machine) PrintMachine() string

Useful for debugging machines when they don't quite work as expected!

type PathStack added in v0.0.6

type PathStack struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PathStack) NewPathFromActual added in v0.0.8

func (p *PathStack) NewPathFromActual()

func (*PathStack) NewPathFromCurrent added in v0.0.6

func (p *PathStack) NewPathFromCurrent()

func (*PathStack) PeakPath added in v0.0.7

func (p *PathStack) PeakPath() []string

func (*PathStack) PopElem added in v0.0.6

func (p *PathStack) PopElem() string

func (*PathStack) PopPath added in v0.0.6

func (p *PathStack) PopPath() []string

func (*PathStack) PushElem added in v0.0.6

func (p *PathStack) PushElem(s string)

func (*PathStack) PushPath added in v0.0.7

func (p *PathStack) PushPath(path []string)

type PfxMapFn

type PfxMapFn func(prefix string) (namespace string, err error)


Object used to encapsulate execution of an expression. Ideally all functions above would be methods on machine, but until / unless we can get Go's YACC implementation to allow parameters to be passed into exprParse, it's hard and we have to rely on a single machine running at one time then store the results out of the parser into the machine.

type PredicatePathElemStack added in v0.0.8

type PredicatePathElemStack struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PredicatePathElemStack) AddEmptyMap added in v0.0.8

func (p *PredicatePathElemStack) AddEmptyMap()

AddEmptyMap adds a new empty map to the stack

func (*PredicatePathElemStack) PopMap added in v0.0.8

func (p *PredicatePathElemStack) PopMap() map[string]string

PopMap pops the top most path and returns it

func (*PredicatePathElemStack) TopSet added in v0.0.8

func (p *PredicatePathElemStack) TopSet(key string, value string)

TopSet adds the given key: value to the top most map

type Prog

type Prog []Inst

type ProgBuilder

type ProgBuilder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func NewProgBuilder

func NewProgBuilder(refExpr string) *ProgBuilder

func (*ProgBuilder) Add

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) Add(ctx *context)

func (*ProgBuilder) And

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) And(ctx *context)

func (*ProgBuilder) CodeBltin

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) CodeBltin(sym *Symbol, numArgs int)

func (*ProgBuilder) CodeEvalLocPathExists

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) CodeEvalLocPathExists()

func (*ProgBuilder) CodeFn

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) CodeFn(fn instFunc, fnName string)

func (*ProgBuilder) CodeLiteral

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) CodeLiteral(lit string)

func (*ProgBuilder) CodeNameTest

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) CodeNameTest(name xml.Name)

func (*ProgBuilder) CodeNum

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) CodeNum(num float64)

func (*ProgBuilder) CodePathOper

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) CodePathOper(elem int)

func (*ProgBuilder) CodePathSetCurrent added in v0.0.8

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) CodePathSetCurrent()

func (*ProgBuilder) CodePredEnd

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) CodePredEnd()


  • encapsulate current program in 'parent' as EvalSubMachine() function
  • remove this program from stack so next instruction goes on parent machine.


  • EvalSubMachine()

func (*ProgBuilder) CodePredEndIgnore

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) CodePredEndIgnore()

func (*ProgBuilder) CodePredStart

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) CodePredStart()


  • encode EvalLocPath
  • start new (child) program

func (*ProgBuilder) CodePredStartIgnore

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) CodePredStartIgnore()

func (*ProgBuilder) CodeSubMachine

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) CodeSubMachine(
	fn instFunc,
	fnName, subMachine string,

func (*ProgBuilder) Deref added in v0.0.9

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) Deref()

func (*ProgBuilder) Div

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) Div(ctx *context)

func (*ProgBuilder) Eq

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) Eq(ctx *context)

func (*ProgBuilder) EvalLocPath

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) EvalLocPath(ctx *context)

EvalLocPath is put on the stack whenever a path is finally defined, such that the value is to be resolved and put onto the stack for other functions to evaluate.

func (*ProgBuilder) EvalLocPathExists

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) EvalLocPathExists(ctx *context)

func (*ProgBuilder) EvalLocPathInternal added in v0.0.8

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) EvalLocPathInternal(ctx *context)

func (*ProgBuilder) FilterExprEnd

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) FilterExprEnd(ctx *context)

When we reach the end of a filter expression, we need to check that the result pushed to the stack is a nodeset (it's an error according to the XPATH RFC if not). Once checked, we push it back on the stack and increment stackedNodesets so subsequent path construction operations take this nodeset into account.

func (*ProgBuilder) Ge

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) Ge(ctx *context)

func (*ProgBuilder) GetMainProg

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) GetMainProg() (prog Prog, err error)

func (*ProgBuilder) Gt

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) Gt(ctx *context)

func (*ProgBuilder) LRefEquals

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) LRefEquals(ctx *context)

func (*ProgBuilder) LRefPredEnd

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) LRefPredEnd(ctx *context)

func (*ProgBuilder) Le

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) Le(ctx *context)

func (*ProgBuilder) Lt

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) Lt(ctx *context)

func (*ProgBuilder) Mod

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) Mod(ctx *context)

func (*ProgBuilder) Mul

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) Mul(ctx *context)

func (*ProgBuilder) Ne

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) Ne(ctx *context)

func (*ProgBuilder) Negate

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) Negate(ctx *context)

func (*ProgBuilder) NewPathStackFromActual

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) NewPathStackFromActual() instFunc

func (*ProgBuilder) Or

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) Or(ctx *context)

func (*ProgBuilder) PredicatesEnd added in v0.0.8

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) PredicatesEnd()

func (*ProgBuilder) PredicatesStart added in v0.0.8

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) PredicatesStart()

func (*ProgBuilder) PushBool

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) PushBool(b bool)

func (*ProgBuilder) PushNotFound

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) PushNotFound()

func (*ProgBuilder) Store

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) Store(ctx *context)

func (*ProgBuilder) StorePathEval

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) StorePathEval(ctx *context)

Unless we have one or more invalid paths (false on stack) then all is ok.

func (*ProgBuilder) Sub

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) Sub(ctx *context)

func (*ProgBuilder) Text added in v0.0.8

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) Text()

func (*ProgBuilder) Union

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) Union(ctx *context)

func (*ProgBuilder) UnsupportedName

func (progBldr *ProgBuilder) UnsupportedName(tokenType int, token string)

type ProgStack

type ProgStack []Prog

func (ProgStack) Count

func (ps ProgStack) Count() int

func (ProgStack) Peek

func (ps ProgStack) Peek() Prog

func (*ProgStack) Pop

func (ps *ProgStack) Pop() Prog

func (*ProgStack) Push

func (ps *ProgStack) Push(p Prog)

func (*ProgStack) Update

func (ps *ProgStack) Update(i Inst)

type Result

type Result struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


Wrapper around the raw result of the XPath expression, so we can keep it in its native type, but convert on request to other types.

func NewResult

func NewResult() *Result

func (*Result) GetBoolResult

func (res *Result) GetBoolResult() (bool, error)

func (*Result) GetDebugOutput

func (res *Result) GetDebugOutput() string

func (*Result) GetError

func (res *Result) GetError() error

func (*Result) GetLiteralResult

func (res *Result) GetLiteralResult() (string, error)

func (*Result) GetNodeSetResult

func (res *Result) GetNodeSetResult() ([]xutils.XpathNode, error)

func (*Result) GetNonWarnings

func (res *Result) GetNonWarnings() []xutils.Warning

func (*Result) GetNumResult

func (res *Result) GetNumResult() (float64, error)

func (*Result) GetWarnings

func (res *Result) GetWarnings() []xutils.Warning

func (*Result) IsNumber

func (res *Result) IsNumber() bool

func (*Result) PrintResult

func (res *Result) PrintResult() string

type Symbol

type Symbol struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func LookupXpathFunction

func LookupXpathFunction(
	name string,
	customFnsAllowed bool,
	userFnCheckFn UserCustomFunctionCheckerFn,
) (*Symbol, bool)

LookupXpathFunction - return Symbol if 'name' is found in symbol table

Core XPATH functions are in the function table with sym.custom = false. Custom XPATH functions available in the ISO via plugins (with corresponding INI file describing them) are also in the table, with sym.custom = true.

Additionally there are circumstances (eg DRAM) where we wish to temporarily add function names to the table to prevent erroneous compiler errors. This is done via the optional userFnCheckFn which will return a dummy symbol if needed.

func NewCustomFnSym

func NewCustomFnSym(
	name string,
	fn CustomFn,
	argTypeCheckers []DatumTypeChecker,
	retTypeChecker DatumTypeChecker,
) *Symbol

func NewDummyFnSym

func NewDummyFnSym(name string) *Symbol

func NewFnSym

func NewFnSym(
	name string,
	fn bltinFn,
	argTypeCheckers []DatumTypeChecker,
	retTypeChecker DatumTypeChecker,
) *Symbol

func (*Symbol) GetName

func (sym *Symbol) GetName() string

type TokVal

type TokVal interface{}

func LexCommon

func LexCommon(x XpathLexer) (tokType int, tokVal TokVal)

The parser calls this method to get each new token.

We store the token value so it is available as the preceding token value when parsing the next token.

type UserCustomFunctionCheckerFn

type UserCustomFunctionCheckerFn func(name string) (*Symbol, bool)

type XpathLexer

type XpathLexer interface {
	GetError() error
	SetError(err error)
	GetProgBldr() *ProgBuilder
	GetLine() []byte

	Next() rune
	SaveTokenType(tokenType int)
	IsNameChar(c rune) bool
	IsNameStartChar(c rune) bool
	MapTokenValToCommon(tokenType int) int

	LexLiteral(quote rune) (int, TokVal)
	LexDot(c rune) (int, TokVal)
	LexNum(c rune) (int, TokVal)
	LexSlash() (int, TokVal)
	LexColon() (int, TokVal)
	LexAsterisk() (int, TokVal)
	LexRelationalOperator(c rune) (int, TokVal)
	LexName(c rune) (int, TokVal)
	LexPunctuation(c rune) (int, TokVal)

Allow for different grammars to be compiled and run using Machine, sharing common lexing code where possible.

type XpathPlugin

type XpathPlugin interface {
	Lookup(name string) (plugin.Symbol, error)
	Name() string


Path Synopsis

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