make build
bin/cachectl list
bin/cachectl create -n target1
bin/cachectl create -n target2
bin/cachectl list
bin/cachectl create-candidate -n target1 --candidate cl1 --owner me --priority 100
bin/cachectl create-candidate -n target1 --candidate cl2 --owner other --priority 200
bin/cachectl list
bin/cachectl get -n target1
bin/cachectl get -n target2
# read from cache
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 --update a,b,c1:::string:::1 --update a,b,c2:::string:::2
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 --update a,b,c3:::string:::3
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 --update a,b,c4:::string:::4
## read prefix
bin/cachectl read -n target1 -p a,b --format flat
## read single path
bin/cachectl read -n target1 -p a,b,c1 --format flat
bin/cachectl read -n target1 -p a,b,c2 --format flat
bin/cachectl read -n target1 -p a,b,c3 --format flat
bin/cachectl read -n target1 -p a,b,c4 --format flat
## read multiple paths
bin/cachectl read -n target1 -p a,b,c1 -p a,b,c2 -p a,b,c3 -p a,b,c4 --format flat
## read prefix and path (duplicated responses)
bin/cachectl read -n target1 -p a,b -p a,b,c2 -p a,b,c3 -p a,b,c4 --format flat
# write, delete and read from candidate
bin/cachectl modify -n target1/cl1 --update a,b,c2:::string:::42
bin/cachectl read -n target1/cl1 -p a,b,c1 --format flat
bin/cachectl read -n target1/cl1 -p a,b,c2 --format flat
bin/cachectl read -n target1/cl1 -p a,b --format flat
bin/cachectl modify -n target1/cl1 --delete a,b,c1
bin/cachectl read -n target1/cl1 -p a,b
bin/cachectl read -n target1 -p a,b # leaf c1 is still in main
# delete value
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 --delete a,b,c1
bin/cachectl read -n target1 -p a,b --format flat
bin/cachectl read -n target1/cl1 -p a,b --format flat # a,b,c1 is also deleted from candidate
# changes and discard
bin/cachectl get-changes -n target1 --candidate cl1
bin/cachectl discard -n target1 --candidate cl1
# bin/cachectl get-changes -n target1 --candidate cl1
# delete caches
bin/cachectl delete -n target1
bin/cachectl delete -n target2
bin/cachectl list
bin/cachectl list
bin/cachectl create -n target1
bin/cachectl create -n target2
bin/cachectl list
# config
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 --update a,b,c1:::string:::1 --update a,b,c2:::string:::2
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 --update a,b,c3:::string:::3
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 --update a,b,c4:::string:::4
# state
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s state --update a,b,c1:::string:::1 --update a,b,c2:::string:::2
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s state --update a,b,c3:::string:::3
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s state --update a,b,c4:::string:::4
# intended
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s intended --update a,b,c1:::string:::11 --owner me --priority 100
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s intended --update a,b,c2:::string:::21 --owner me --priority 100
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s intended --update a,b,c3:::string:::31 --owner me --priority 100
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s intended --update a,b,c4:::string:::41 --owner me --priority 100
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s intended --update a,b,c1:::string:::11 --owner me1 --priority 100
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s intended --update a,b,c2:::string:::21 --owner me1 --priority 100
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s intended --update a,b,c3:::string:::31 --owner me1 --priority 100
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s intended --update a,b,c4:::string:::41 --owner me1 --priority 100
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s intended --update a,b,c1:::string:::12 --owner me2 --priority 99
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s intended --update a,b,c2:::string:::22 --owner me2 --priority 99
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s intended --update a,b,c3:::string:::32 --owner me2 --priority 99
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s intended --update a,b,c4:::string:::42 --owner me2 --priority 99
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s intended --update a,b,c1:::string:::12 --owner me22 --priority 99
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s intended --update a,b,c2:::string:::22 --owner me22 --priority 99
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s intended --update a,b,c3:::string:::32 --owner me22 --priority 99
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s intended --update a,b,c4:::string:::42 --owner me22 --priority 99
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s intended --update a,b,c1:::string:::13 --owner me3 --priority 98
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s intended --update a,b,c2:::string:::23 --owner me3 --priority 98
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s intended --update a,b,c3:::string:::33 --owner me3 --priority 98
bin/cachectl modify -n target1 -s intended --update a,b,c4:::string:::43 --owner me3 --priority 98
bin/cachectl read -n target1 -s intended -p a,b,c1 --owner me --priority 100 --format flat
bin/cachectl read -n target1 -s intended -p a,b,c2 --owner me --priority 100 --format flat
bin/cachectl read -n target1 -s intended -p a,b,c3 --owner me --priority 100 --format flat
bin/cachectl read -n target1 -s intended -p a,b,c4 --owner me --priority 100 --format flat
bin/cachectl read -n target1 -s intended -p a,b,c1 --format flat #--priority-count 1
bin/cachectl read -n target1 -s intended -p a,b,c1 --format flat --priority-count 2
bin/cachectl read -n target1 -s intended -p a,b,c1 --format flat --priority-count 3
bin/cachectl read -n target1 -s intended -p a,b,c1 --format flat --priority-count 10
benchmark against the lab in labs/single
cpu-set: 0-7
memory: 16Gib
## other fields
buffer-size: -1 # defaults to 100k
write-workers: 16
test results
bin/cachectl bench \
--create \
--periodic \
--concurrency 16 \
--num-cache 16 \
--num-path 2500000 \
-a clab-cache-cache1:50100
caches : 16
concurrency : 16
paths per cache : 2500000
INFO[0000] cache creation:
INFO[0000] min: 15.729681ms
INFO[0000] max: 190.146609ms
INFO[0000] avg: 99.45483ms
INFO[0010] writing...
INFO[0141] values write:
INFO[0141] min: 2m10.239277546s
INFO[0141] max: 2m10.787525438s
INFO[0141] avg: 2m10.570908544s
INFO[0141] waiting 2min before reading
INFO[0261] reading...
INFO[0361] values read:
INFO[0361] min: 1m39.023845491s
INFO[0361] max: 1m39.026122698s
INFO[0361] avg: 1m39.0250051s