Mediamock provides mocking of folders and (image) files.
Current use case: The media/assets folder of an online store or content management system, containing all images, pdf, etc, can have a pretty huge total byte size, up to several GB or even TB. Copying these files to your development environment takes a long time and consumes lots of precious disk space.
Mediamock has two run modes:
- First analyze and store the folder structure on the server.
- Download the stored structure onto your development machine and recreate the folder and files.
Run mode: Analyze
The program will recursively walk through the folders and stores each file including path, image width + height and modification date in a simple CSV file.
Run mode: Mock
The mock mode will read the CSV file from your hard drive or via HTTP and creates all the folders and files including correct modification date for the files. For images it creates an uniform colored image with the correct width and height.
The image contains an uniform color in a random, warm or happy tone.
Supported image formats: png, jpeg and gif.
The mocked images should be as small as possible. All other non-image files are of size 0kb.
Run mode: Server
Same as Mock, but generates the images on-the-fly.
How to use server mode with my Online Store or CMS?
If you want Magento to use the mediamock server you must change in the backend the media URLs.
UPDATE `core_config_data` SET `value` = 'http://localhost:4711/media/'
WHERE `path` LIKE '%media_url%' AND `value` xlike '%media%';
Where localhost:4711
is the URL to the mediamock server.
There is a typo in the above SQL to protect you :-).
Please help
Please help
Please help
Please help
Please help
Command line
$ ./mediamock
mediamock - reads your assets/media directory on your server and
replicates that structure on your development machine.
$ mediamock help analyze|mock|server for more options!
mediamock [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
v0.1.0 by @SchumacherFM
analyze, a Analyze the directory structure on you production server and write into a
csv.gz file.
mock, m Mock reads the csv.gz file and recreates the files and folders. If a file represents
an image, it will be created with a tiny file size and correct width x height.
server, s Server reads the csv.gz file and creates the assets/media structure on the fly
as a HTTP server. Does not write anything to your hard disk. Open URL / on the server
to retrieve a list of all files and folders.
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
-p "happy" Image pattern: happy, warm, rand, happytext, warmtext or HTML hex value
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
If the option p
contains the word text
like happytext
or warmtext
then the image file name
will be printed all over the generate image. This is useful if you need to inspect a zooming
effect on the frontend.
Run analyze
$ ./mediamock help a
analyze - Analyze the directory structure on you production server and write into a
csv.gz file.
command analyze [command options] [arguments...]
-d "." Read this directory recursively and write into -o
-o "/tmp/mediamock.csv.gz" Write to this output file.
The following is an example output:
$ ./mediamock analyze -d ~/Sites/magento19-data/media
Image ~/Sites/magento19-data/media/catalog/product/6/4/64406_66803218048_1831204_n.jpg decoding error: image: unknown format
Image ~/Sites/magento19-data/media/catalog/product/6/4/64406_66803218048_1813204_n_1.jpg decoding error: image: unknown format
Image ~/Sites/magento19-data/media/catalog/product/i/m/IMG_1658_4.png decoding error: image: unknown format
Image ~/Sites/magento19-data/media/catalog/product/i/m/IMG_7445.JPG decoding error: image: unknown format
Image ~/Sites/magento19-data/media/catalog/product/i/m/IMG_7450_1.JPG decoding error: image: unknown format
Image ~/Sites/magento19-data/media/catalog/product/i/m/IMG_7450_2.JPG decoding error: image: unknown format
Image ~/Sites/magento19-data/media/catalog/product/p/h/photo1_4.JPG decoding error: image: unknown format
Wrote to file: /var/folders/bp/b3k4vgcd716fgxqtm_rlvn5m0100gn/T/mediamock.csv.gz
Concerns: You must download the mediamock binary onto your server and execute it from there on the command line.
Run mock
$ ./mediamock help m
mock - Mock reads the csv.gz file and recreates the files and folders. If a file represents
an image, it will be created with a tiny file size and correct width x height.
command mock [command options] [arguments...]
-i Read csv.gz from this input file or input URL.
-d "." Create structure in this directory.
$ ./mediamock m -d pathToMyDevFolder -i -p warm
Directory pathToMyDevFolder created
241 / 9957 [=====>------------------------------------------------------------------] 2.42 % 9m32s
Run server
$ ./mediamock help s
server - Server reads the csv.gz file and creates the assets/media structure on the fly
as a HTTP server. Does not write anything to your hard disk. Open URL / on the server
to retrieve a list of all files and folders.
command server [command options] [arguments...]
--urlPrefix Prefix in the URL path
-i Read csv.gz from this input file or input URL.
--host "localhost:4711" IP address or host name
$ mediamock s -i /tmp/mediamock.csv.gz -urlPrefix media/
Once the server is running and you want some stats about memory usage and garbage collection,
you can navigate to: http://localhost:4711/debug/charts/
You can retrieve a list of all served files by navigating to http://localhost:4711
If an image doesn't exists in the CSV file but is requested from the front end mediamock will try to generated an appropriate image if it can detect width and height information within the URL.
E.g.: http://localhost:4711/media/catalog/product/cache/2/small_image/218x258/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/detail/myImage.jpg
mediamock can detect that this image is 218px x 258px in size because URL mentions 218x258.
Download binaries for windows, linux and darwin in the release section or
go get -u
go install
Copyright (c) 2015 Cyrill (at) Schumacher dot fm. All rights reserved.
Documentation ¶
There is no documentation for this package.