myst_node_bandwidth |
Internet bandwidth of the node |
id, name |
mbit/s |
myst_node_traffic |
Traffic transferred by the node over the last 30 days |
id, name |
gigabytes |
myst_node_quality |
Quality score assigned to the node |
id, name |
float |
myst_node_service |
whether a service on the node is running |
id, name, service |
boolean |
myst_node_earnings |
Earnings by service of node over the last 30 days |
id, name, service |
myst_node_earnings_lifetime |
Total lifetime earnings by node |
id, name |
myst_node_earnings_settled |
Total settled earnings by node |
id, name |
myst_node_earnings_unsettled |
Unsettled earnings by node |
id, name |
myst_node_sessions |
Number of sessions of the node over the last 30 days |
id, name, service, country |
int |
myst_node_session_earings |
Earnings by node, generated from session log |
id, name, service, country |
myst_node_session_traffic |
Traffic served by node, generated from session log |
id, name, service, country |
gigabyte |
myst_node_session_durations |
Total duration of sessions over the last 30 days |
id, name, service, country |
seconds |
myst_token_price |
Current price of the MYST token |
currency |
myst_node_location |
Location of the node |
id, name, location |
country code |
myst_node_external_ip |
External ip address of the node |
id, name, ip |
ip |
myst_node_local_ip |
Local ip address of the node |
id, name, ip |
ip |
myst_node_isp |
Internet Service Provider of the node |
id, name, isp |
myst_node_os |
Operating system the node is running on |
id, name, os |
os |
myst_node_arch |
System architecture of the node |
id, name, arch |
architecture |
myst_node_version |
Myst version the node is running on |
id, name, version |
version |
myst_node_launcher_version |
Launcher version the node is running on |
id, name, version |
version |
myst_node_vendor |
Vendor of the node |
id, name, vendor |
myst_node_updated_at |
Last time the node was updated |
id, name |
unix time |
myst_node_ip_category |
IP category of the node |
id, name, category |
ip category |
myst_node_malicious |
whether the node is tagged a malicious |
id, name |
boolean |
myst_node_ip_tagged |
whether the node is ip tagged |
id, name |
boolean |
myst_node_online |
whether the node is online |
id, name |
boolean |
myst_node_online_last_at |
Last time the node was online |
id, name |
unix time |
myst_node_monitoring_status |
Monitoring status of the node |
id, name, status |
myst_node_monitoring_failed |
whether monitoring on the node failed |
id, name |
boolean |
myst_node_monitoring_failed_last_at |
Last time monitoring failed on node |
id, name |
unix time |
myst_node_available_at |
Last time the node was available |
id, name |
unix time |
myst_node_status_created_at |
Time the node monitoring record was created |
id, name |
unix time |
myst_node_status_updated_at |
Last time the node status was updated |
id, name |
unix time |
myst_node_created_at |
Time the node was created |
id, name |
unix time |
myst_node_terms_version |
Terms version of the node |
id, name, version |
gauge |
myst_node_terms_accepted_at |
Last time terms were accepted by node |
id, name |
unix time |
myst_node_count |
Total number of nodes |
gauge |
myst_node_user_id |
User ID of user of the node |
id, name, user_id |
myst_node_deleted |
whether the node is deleted |
id, name |
boolean |