Build the forwarder image make -C ../ update-devel-image
Start the test runner make run-e2e
The test runner will run all the tests sequentially and output the results to the console
If one of the test fails, the procedure will stop, test output will be printed
Environment will not be pruned once the error occurred, remember to manually clean it up with make down
or use the containers to run single test and find bugs
Debugging / Manually running the e2e tests
Build the forwarder image make -C ../ update-devel-image
Provide docker-compose.yaml or use the one created by the test runner
Start the environment with make up
Run specific test with RUN=<test> make test
Dump containers logs if needed make dump-logs
Stop the environment with make down
Once the test is complete you may also run curl from the proxy container ex. docker-compose exec proxy curl -vvv --insecure --proxy-insecure --proxy https://localhost:3128 https://httpbin:8080/status/200
You can kill one of the containers with make term ex. SRV=forwarder-e2e-httpbin-1 make term to kill the httpbin container and see how the proxy behaves
If one wants to use different forwarder image use FORWARDER_VERSION env variable ex. FORWARDER_VERSION=1.0.0 make <target>
Add benchmark to bench_test.go or use an existing one
Run the make bench function ex. RUN=BenchmarkRespBody1k make bench it will output the profile path directly to the console
Run pprof with the profile output ex. go tool pprof -http=:8080 /path/to/profiles/cpu