gh-gr is a GitHub repository management tool based on the project github-repo by Cristian Henzel.
Since the original project used a configuration file containing sensitive information, the issue has been adressed by reinventing the tool as an extension to the github cli (gh).
Prerequisites: github cli (gh)
To install gr:
$ gh extension install
$ gh gr --help
> gr is a gh cli extension allowing management of multiple repositories at once
> Usage:
> gr [flags]
> gr [command]
> Available Commands:
> cleanup Clean up untracked local repositories
> completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
> export Export current configuration to stdout
> help Help about any command
> import Import configuration from stdin or a file
> init Initialize repository mirror
> pull Pull all repositories
> push Push all repositories
> remove Remove current configuration
> status Show status for all repositories
> update Update configuration
> version Display version information
> view Display current configuration
> Flags:
> -c, --concurrency uint Concurrency for concurrent jobs (default 12)
> -h, --help help for gr
> -t, --timeout duration Set timeout for long running jobs (default 10m0s)
> Use "gr [command] --help" for more information about a command.
First, create the configuration:
$ gh gr init -d SOMEDIR -c 10
or, if you are willing to exclude some repositories, you can use regular expressions:
$ gh gr init -c 10 -d SOMEDIR -e ".*repo1" -e "SOMEORG/repo-.*" -s
Run gh gr init --help
or gh gr help init
to retrieve more information about the init command.
After the configuration is created, you can pull all repositories using:
$ gh gr pull
you can view the status of the repositories using:
$ gh gr status
and you can push all repositories using:
$ gh gr push
After creating new repositories on the server or after user data changes, you can update the local configuration using:
$ gh gr update
Path | Synopsis |
gh-gr is a CLI tool to manage GitHub repositories.
gh-gr is a CLI tool to manage GitHub repositories. |
Package commands provides the command line interface for the application.
Package commands provides the command line interface for the application. |
Package configfile provides a simple interface for reading and writing configuration file.
Package configfile provides a simple interface for reading and writing configuration file. |
Package restclient provides a REST client for the GitHub API.
Package restclient provides a REST client for the GitHub API. |
Package util provides utility functions for the application.
Package util provides utility functions for the application. |